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Should we continue to use fluoride?

  • Fluoride exposure disrupts the synthesis of collagen and leads to the breakdown of collagen in bone, tendon, muscle, skin, cartilage, lungs, kidney and trachea. Fluoride stimulates granule formation and oxygen consumption in white blood cells, but inhibits these processes when the white blood cell is challenged by a foreign agent in the blood. Fluoride depletes the energy reserves and the ability of white blood cells to properly destroy foreign agents by the process of phagocytosis. As little as 0.2 ppm fluoride stimulates superoxide production in resting white blood cells, virtually abolishing phagocytosis. Even micro-molar amounts of fluoride, below 1 ppm, may seriously depress the ability of white blood cells to destroy pathogenic agents. Fluoride confuses the immune system and causes it to attack the body's own tissues, and increases the tumor growth rate in cancer prone individuals. Fluoride inhibits antibody formation in the blood. Fluoride depresses thyroid activity. Fluorides have a disruptive effect on various tissues in the body. Fluoride promotes development of bone cancer. Fluorides cause premature aging of the human body. Fluoride ingestion from mouth rinses and dentifrices in children is extremely hazardous to biological development, life span and general health. The contents of a family size tube of fluoridated toothpaste is enough to kill a 25 pound child. Fluorides have been used to modify behavior and mood of human beings. Fluorides are medically categorized as protoplasmic poisons, which is why they are used to kill rodents. Fluoride consumption by human beings increases the general cancer death rate. Chronological Timeline of Fluoride Information from 1943 to 1993: The following timeline is compiled from researching the internet, for sake of space the sources are not included, feel free to search the internet for anything that you might be curious about and conduct your own research. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1943 The Journal of the American Medical Association on September 18, 1943, states, “fluorides are general protoplasmic poisons, changing the permeability of the cell membrane by inhibiting certain enzymes. The exact mechanism of such actions are obscure. The sources of fluorine intoxication are drinking water containing 1ppm or more of fluorine, fluorine compounds used as insecticidal sprays for fruits and vegatables (cryolite and barium fluoro- silicate) and the mining and conversion of phosphate rock to superphosphate, which is used as a fertilizer. That process alone releases approximately 25,000 tons of pure fluorine into the atmosphere annually. Other sources of fluorine intoxication is from the fluorides used in the smelting of many metals, such as steel and aluminum, and in the production of glass, enamel and brick.” 1944 The Journal of the American Dental Association on October 1, 1944 warned that “We do know that the use of drinking water containing as little as 1.2 to 3.0 ppm of fluorine will cause such developmental disturbances in bones as osteoporosis, and we cannot run the risk of producing such systemic disturbances in applying what at present is a doubtful procedure intended to prevent development of dental disfigurement in children. In the light of our present knowledge or lack of knowledge of the chemistry of the subject, the potentialities for harm far outweigh those for good.” 1945 Newburgh, New York has their water supply fluoridated. Subsequent exams of the children by x-ray reveal that almost 14% have cortical defects in bone, compared to the nearby unfluoridated town of Kingston, where 7.5% have bone defects. 1945 As a result of government propaganda on fluorides, the ten year Michigan study was termined after 1 year. The fluoride-free control city, Muskegon, was then fluoridated to conceal any differential between the two cities. 1948 Study done in England where bone defects in three groups of school boys were studied. Two groups were from districts where the water supply was practically free of fluorine. The third group was from the town of Launton, where the natural water supply contains 1ppm of fluorine (the same as the level deemed “safe” by the U.S. Public Health Service). X-ray examination revealed that 20 percent of the first two groups had mild non-specific spinal irregularities. In the third group, the one consuming 1ppm fluoride in their water, 64% were found to have spinal defects, and lesions were more severe. 1951 The U.S. Public Health Service, with the cooperation of the American Dental Association, holds a meeting of state dental directors at which the methods for promotion of fluoridation were outlined. Thus the USPHS formed an alliance with medical trade unions and industry to promote the addition of toxic fluorides to the public water supplies. A concentration of 1.2 ppm was suggested, and state dental directors were instructed to lie to the public about the toxic effects of sodium fluoride, deliberately misinform the public by relating the presence of “high-fluoride areas” to “less cancer and less polio” - an entire public relations campaign meant to convince the public to allow themselves to be medicated - just like the inmates in Soviet and German prisons and camps. Their technique was not to refute the thing but to show that the opposite was true, even if the opposite was not true. 1952 The American Dental Association publishes an issue of its Journal instructing its dentists not to discuss their personal opinions about fluoride. 1952 From 1952 to 1956, the cities on the “fluoridation list” began to fluoridate their water supplies. As the process of water fluoridation continued, the cancer death rate of the fluoridated cities began to far exceed the rate of the unfluoridated cities. 1954 Nicholas Leone, et al., " Medical Aspects of Excessive Fluoride in a Water Supply," Public Health Reports, Vol. 69, pp. 925-936 (1954) 1959 Fluorides were used as an enzyme inhibitor in a study by J.D. Ebert that was published in 1959 on the metabolic pathways by which organs in an embryo are formed. In low concentrations, he found that sodium fluoride blocked almost completely the regions destined to form muscle, primarily affecting the heart muscle. In higher concentrations, it caused the entire embryo to disintegrate in a clear-cut pattern, starting with the heart-forming region. 1958 Pierre Galleti and Gustave Joyet, " Effect of Fluorine on Thyroid Iodine Metabolism and Hyperthyroidism," Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Vol. 18, pp. 1102-1110 (1958) 1959 As early as 1959, the knowledge existed that the presence of fluoride in human bodies hastens the absorption of radioactive substances present in the environment. In a report to the Atomic Energy Commission´s Division of Biology and Medicine entitled “The Metabolism of Alkaline Earth Metals by Bone” by F.W. Lengemann, professor of chemistry at the University of Tennessee on March 23, 1959, it was scientifically shown that the presence of fluorine and other environmental substances such as lead and cyanide in the human body increased the ratio of strontium 90 to calcium in bone. 1959 In 1959, the Ontario Minister of Health, Dr. Dymond, announced that no further fluoridation would be permitted there, because “no one knows for sure what the effect is to persons given fluoride throughout a lifetime.” 1959 In research conducted on the incidence of Mongolism in cities in Wisconsin, Illinois and the Dakotas published in 1959 in the official publication of the French Academy of Medicine, it was found that as the percentage of fluorides in the water rose, there was a parallel rise in the incidence of Mongoloid births the age of the mothers giving birth to Mongoloid babies also declined with rising fluoride levels. It is interesting that. in the first three years of fluoridation, New Britain, Connecticut experienced a 150% rise in still births. 1959 Y. Yoshisa, " Experimental Studies on Chronic Fluorine Poisoning," Japanese Journal of Industrial Health, Vol. 1, pp. 683-690 (1959) 1960 In 1960, the American Dental Association issued a pamphlet for public consumption called Fluoridation Facts: Answers to Criticisms of Fluoridation. In defense of the use of toxic fluoride compounds in public water supplies (meaning mandated involuntary public medication), they used the logic that “people have been known to live to a ripe old age” in areas where the water supply is fluoridated. Unfortunately, they neglected to mention that the addition of fluoride to the water supply correlated directly with the number of still births, mongoloid children, brittle teeth and enlarged dental root structures, adverse spinal conditions, osteomalacia (softening of the bones) and osteoporosis (abnormally porous and spaced structure inside bone) in the medicated population as opposed to control populations that were unmedicated. 1960 V. Stole and J. Podoba, " Effect of Fluoride on the Biogenesis of Thyroid Hormones," Nature, Vol. 188, No. 4753, pp. 855-856 (1960) 1962 T. Takamorim " The Heart Changes in Growing Albino Rats Fed on Varied Contents of Fluorine," The Toxicology of Fluorine Symposium, Bern, Switzerland, Oct 1962, pp. 125-129 1963 American Academy of Sciences study shows low fluoride levels increase tumors. 1963 Viktor Gorlitzer Von Mundy, " Influence of Fluorine and Iodine on the Metabolism, Particularly on the Thyroid Gland," Muenchener Medicische Wochenschrift, Vol. 105, pp. 182-186 (1963); Irwin Herskowitz and Isabel Norton, " Increased Incidence of Melanotic Tumors Following Treatment with Sodium Fluoride," Genetics Vol. 48, pp. 307-310 (1963) 1965 Alfred Taylor and Nell C. Taylor, " Effect of Sodium Fluoride on Tumor Growth," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, Vol. 119, p. 252 (1965); A. Benagiano, "The Effect of Sodium Fluoride on Thyroid Enzymes and Basal Metabolism in the Rat," Annali Di Stomatologia, Vol. 14, pp. 601-619 (1965) 1969 By 1969, the fluoridated cities had an average cancer death rate of 225 per 100,000 people, while non-fluoridated cities had an average cancer death rate of 195 per 100,000. The data indicates a fluoride-linked increase of cancer of 10% in only 13-17 years. These figures were checked and confirmed in 1979 by the United States National Cancer Institute. The increase in cancer death observed in fluoridated cities occurred primarily in people ages 45 and over; this fact is explainable because both the immune system and the normal DNA repair process (the two major defense systems against cancer) decline with age. 1969 Yngve Ericsson and Britta Forsman, " Fluoride Retained From Mouth Rinses and Dentifrices In Preschool Children," Caries Research, Vol. 3, pp. 290-299 (1969) 1975 In 1975 Dr. John Yiamouyiannis published a preliminary survey which showed that people in fluoridated areas have a higher cancer death rate than those in non-fluoridated areas. The National Cancer Institute attempted to refute the studies. Later in 1975 Yiamouyiannis joined with Dr. Dean Burk, chief chemist of the National Cancer Institute (1939-1974) in performing other studies which were then included in the Congressional Record by Congressman Delaney, who was the original author of the Delaney Amendment, which prohibited the addition of cancer-causing substances to food used for human consumption. 1976 Dr. D.W.Allman, M. Benac, and co-workers from Indiana University School of Medicine feed animals 1part-per-million (ppm) fluoride and notice the urinary levels and tissue levels of a substance called cyclic AMP (adenosine monophosphate) increased by more than 100%. They also found that in the presence of aluminum in a concentration as small as 20 parts per billion, fluoride is able to cause an even larger increase in cyclic AMP levels. Cyclic AMP inhibits the migration rate of white blood cells, as well as the ability of the white blood cell to destroy pathogenic organisms. Ref: Journal of Dental Research, Vol 55, Sup B, p523, 1976, “Effect of Inorganic Fluoride Salts on Urine and Tissue Cyclic AMP Concentration in Vivo”. (Note: Is it no small accident that toothpaste tubes containing fluoride are often made of aluminum or is it an accident that aluminum cookware and fluoride use were injected into the population virtually simultaneously?) 1977 Congressional representative L.H. Fountain, chairman of the 1977 Sub- Committee Hearings on Fluoride, states that “the carcinogenic nature of fluoride remains unanswered” and orders the U.S. Public Health Service “to conduct animal studies to see if fluoride causes cancer”. Dr. Herman Kraybill, from the National Cancer Institute (who in 1972 had been chosen by NCI to write a memo saying that fluorides do not cause cancer) was placed in charge of these studies. Kraybill boldly states, “this will be the final study to confirm negativity of fluoride ions in carcinogenesis.” He cites 13 studies having nothing to do with the subject of fluorides and cancer in order to support his claim that “no link between fluorides and cancer existed.” (NCI Director Dr. Arthur Upton later admitted the 13 studies had nothing to do with the subject of the study). 1977 D. J. Newell, " Fluoridation of Water Supplies and Cancer - An Association?," Applied Statistics, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 125-135 (1977) 1978 Consumer Reports publishes a two part article in July and August 1978 which includes the claim “the simple truth is that there is no ´scientific controversy´ over the safety of fluoridation.” Later in 1990, the Technical Director for Consumer Reports disputes the claim, saying “the proponents of fluoridation insist that there are no grounds for controversy at all, and with that I totally disagree. The point is that this is a legitimate scientific controversy.” The technical director in 1990 is Dr.Edward Groth III. 1978 J. David Erikson, " Mortality of Selected Cities with Fluoridated and Non-Fluoridated Water Supplies," New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 298, pp. 1112-1116 (1978); The Village Where People Are Old Before Their Time," Stern Magazine, Vol. 30, pp. 107-108, 111-112 (1978) 1979 John Curnette, et al, " Fluoride-mediated Activation of the Respiratory Burst in Human Neutrophils," Journal of Clinical Investigation, Vol. 63, pp. 637-647 (1979); W. L. Gabler and P. A. Leong, ., " Fluoride Inhibition of Polymorphonumclear Leukocytes," Journal of Dental Research, Vol. 48, No. 9, pp. 1933-1939 (1979); Donald Hillman, et al., " Hypothyroidism and Anemia Related to Fluoride in Dairy Cattle," Journal of Dairy Science, Vol. 62, No.3, pp. .416-423 (1979) 1980 Charles Wax, " Field Investigation Report," State of Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, March 19, 1980, 67 pages 1981 Drs. Susheela, D. Mukerjee and Sharma and co-workers from the India Institute of Medical Sciences find that fluoride exposure disrupts the synthesis of collagen in the body and leads to the breakdown of collagen in bone, tendon, muscle, skin cartilage,lung, kidney and trachea. It appears that fluoride disruption of collagen synthesis in cells responsible for laying down collagen leads these cells to try and compensate for their inability to put out intact collagen by producing larger quantities of imperfect collagen and/or non-collagenous protein. Ref: “Fluoride poisoning and the Effects of Collagen Biosynthesis of Osseous and Non-osseous Tissue”, Toxicological European Research, Vol 3, No.2, pp99-104, 1981. 1981 Dr.John Emsley and co-workers at King´s College in London find that fluoride reacts strongly with the bonds which maintain the normal shapes of proteins in the body. The work is subsequently confirmed by Dr. Steven Edwards and co-workers from the University of California in San Diego, and by Drs. Froede and Wilson from the University of Colorado at Boulder. By distorting the configuration of the body´s own protein, the immune system attacks its own protein , resulting in an autoimmune or allergic response. Fluroides contribute to the development of an Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, which is covered up by the media and medical community, which maintains a public focus on a viral cause for the problem, promoting the harmless HIV virus as the “cause” for “AIDS”, covering up the pharmo-chemical sensitization of the population which has complex legal ramifications. 1981 Larez does a study that shows that fluorides are teratogenic (cancer-causing) in rats. 1981 Dr.Robert A. Clark from the Boston University Medical Center shows that fluorides (as in fluoridated water supplies, toothpaste,etc) stimulate granule formation and oxygen consumption in white blood cells when they were not challenged with a foreign agent, but inhibited these processes when the white blood cell needed them to fight off foreign agents. Ref: “Neutrophil Iodination Reaction Induced by Fluoride: Implications for Degranulation and Metabolic Activation” Blood, Vol 57, pp913-921, 1981. 1981  A.K. Susheela and Mohan Jha, " Effects of Fluoride on Cortical and  Cancellous Bone Composition," IRCS Medical Sciences: Library Compendium,  Vol. 9, No.11, pp. 1021-1022 (1981); George Waldbott, " Mass  Intoxication from Over-Fluoridation in Drinking Water," Clinical  Toxicology, Vol. 18, No.5, pp. 531-541 (1981) 1982 The U.S. Public Health Service conducts its first group of studies on animal cancer and fluorides, mandated by the 1977 Congressional Hearings. The study lasts until 1984, and then is scrapped because of flaws in design and progress. 1982 Y. D. Sharma, " Effect of Sodium Fluoride on Collagen Cross-Link Precursors," Toxicological Letters, Vol. 10, pp. 97-100 (1982); Y.D. Sharma, " Variations in the Metabolism and Maturation of Collagen after Fluoride Ingestion," Biochemica et Biophysica Acta, Vol. 715, pp. 137-141 (1982) 1982 Peter Wilkinson at the University of Glascow testifies before the Scottish High Court in Edinburgh in the Case of McColl vs. Strathclyde Regional Council, pp. 17723-18150, 19328-19492, and Exhibit 636, (1982) in a legal case entitled “Inhibition of the Immune System with Low levels of Fluoride” which revealed that fluoride decreases the migration rate of human white blood cells. At a concentration of .2ppm (which is .8ppm below the “approved” level of 1 ppm), relative white cell migration rate is reduced 8%. A concentration of 1ppm would produce a physiological decline of around 10%. Fluoride added to water supplies, tooth paste, school dental washes, supplement pills and dentists visits are increased and promoted, contributing to a further co-factor in the decline of the immune capability of the population. 1982 In Science magazine, Vol 217 p26-32, Dr. Dennis Leverett of the University of Rochester states, “if there are increasing concentrations of fluoride in the food chain, particularly food for infants, then we should expect fluorosis to be increasing in the population as well. The widespread use of fluorides might have created a situation in which we are approaching a critical mass of fluoride in the environment. There needs to extensive research done.” Later in 1983 he would contradict himself at the University of Michigan symposium. 1983 Zhang and Zhang publish a study which shows that fluorides cause birth defects in fish. 1983 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency deputy assistant administrator Rebecca Hammer points out that fluoride-polluting industries can get paid for using public drinking waters as a sewer for their toxic waste products when she says “this agency regards the use of fluosilic acid as a source of fluorides for water fluoridation an ideal environmental solution to a long standing problem of contamination of the water and air from fertilizer manufacturing.” 1983 A symposium takes place at the University of Michigan after years of planning between the US Dept of Health and Human Services, the USPHS Michigan state health plans, the Kellogg Foundation, and Medical Products Labs to “discuss the status of organized opposition to fluoridation, to analyze probable motives influencing the anti-fluoride movement, to develop political and legal strategies for the defense and promotion of fluoridation, and to access the need for a national fluoridation strategy.” Dr. Dennis Leverett of the University of Rochester reported that his commitee felt that fluoridation was a “political issue and not a scientific situation”. 1983 Dr.John R. Farley and co-workers from Loma Linda University show that treatment of bone cells with less than 1ppm fluoride increases collagen formation by 50 percent . “Fluoride Directly Stimulates Proliferation and Alkaline Phosphatase Activity of Bone Forming Cells”, Science, Volume 222, pp330-332, 1983. 1984 Researchers in Japan were achieving some degree of understanding about fluorides consumption and human cancer. Dr. Takeki Tsutsui of the Nippon Dental College showed in 1984 that “fluoride caused not only genetic damage but was also capable of transforming normal human cells into cancer cells.” In Dr.Tsutsui´s study, the level of fluoride used was the same level that the United States National Cancer Institute suggested should be used in a study to determine whether fluoridation of public water supplies causes cancer. The level of fluoride deemed “safe” by the United States in 1 ppm. The researchers in Japan found that cells treated with fluoride produced cancer. 1984 Marian Drozdz et al., " Studies on the Influence of Fluoride Compounds upon Connective Tissue Metabolism in Growing Rats" and "Effect of Sodium Fluoride With and Without Simultaneous Exposure to Hydrogen Fluoride on Collagen Metabolism," Journal of Toxicological Medicine, Vol. 4, pp. 151-157 (1984). 1985 W. L. Gabler, et al., " Effect of Fluoride on the Kinetics of Superoxide Generation by Fluoride," Journal of Dental Research, Vol. 64, p. 281 (1985); S. Jaouni and D. W. Allman, " Effect of Sodium Fluoride and Aluminum on Adenylate Cyclase and Phosphodiesterase Activity," Journal of Dental Research, Vol. 64, p. 201 (1985); Proctor and Gamble " Carcinogenicity Studies with Sodium Fluoride in Rats" National Institute of Environmenrtal Health Sciences Presentation, July 27, 1985 1987 A. S. Kozlyuk, et al., " Immune Status of Children in Chemically Contaminated Environments," Zdravookhranenie, Issue 3, pp. 6-9 (1987);  S. K. Jain and A. K. Susheela, " Effect of Sodium Fluoride on Antibody Formation in Rabbits," Environmental Research, Vol. 44, pp. 117-125 (1987) 1988 Battelle Memorial Institute releases its studies on fluorides and animal cancer for the USPHS which, ironically, report highly specific fluoride-related cancers. The data is turned over to the National Toxicology Program (NTP), who gives the data to the Experimental Pathology Labs, who reclassify and delete items damaging to the pro-fluoridation faction. The altered data is then submitted to the “pathology working group” on December 6, 1989, after a year of reworking. All this with the full knowledge of EPA and USPHS. 1988 Dr.Joel Boriskin, chairman of the ADA national fluoridation advisory committee, in an address before the Calgary Health Department, claims that “1500 mg of fluoride per day is prescribed to older people that have progressive hearing loss”. (Note: 1500 mg/day is a lethal dose). 1989 On March 30, 1989, the California Department of Health Services reported that Niagara brand bottled water was found to contain 450ppm fluoride. The state health director, Kenneth Kizer, warned residents that consumption could be fatal. 1989 In 1989 Dr.Yiamouyiannis used the Freedom of Information Act to obtain carcinogenicity studies conducted by Proctor and Gamble (one of the makers of fluoridated toothpaste) that were submitted to (and covered up by) the United States Public Health Service. These studies showed dose dependent cell abnormalities caused by fluoride. These results were reported in the February 22, 1990 issue of the Medical Tribune. Additional studies by Proctor and Gamble scientists confirmed the link between oral precancerous growth and fluoride, as well as an increase in osteomas (bone tumors) and osteosarcomas (bone cancer). In fact, the National Cancer Institute found in 1991 that the incidence of bone cancer was 50% higher in men ages 0-19 years of age exposed to fluoridated water compared to those who were not. 1989 On February 23, 1989, Battelle released the results of its study of fluorides on mice. A most curious result of the study, from the USPHS point of view, was that fluoride induced the occurrence of an extremely rare form of liver cancer, called hepatocholangio carcinoma, in fluoride-treated male and female mice. Two months later in April of 1989, Battelle released the results of its study of fluorides and rats. The study showed a dose-dependent relationship between the incidence of oral cancerous tumors and fluorides. It is interesting to note that mice and rats yielded different results with fluoride - different types of cancer. As a response to the Battelle study, the National Cancer Institute examined the incidence of oral cancer in fluoridated and non-fluoridated countries over the period from 1973 to 1987. The National Cancer Institute study found that as exposure to fluoridation increases, so does the incidence of oral cancer; sometimes as much as a 50% increase in oral cancer rates occur in fluoridated areas - this translates to 8,000 new cases of oral and pharyngeal cancer per year, needless pain and suffering and a financial windfall to the medical and pharmaceutical factions that concern themselves with treatment. 1990 The National Toxicology Program in February 1990 releases its pathological data tables with a cover letter which, in a turnabout, claims “there has not been any evidence that shows a relationship between fluoridation and cancer or any other diseases in humans”, and “water fluoridation has proven highly effective in improving the nation´s dental health by markedly reducing tooth decay”. The NTP final report, issued in March, omitted all studies which showed genetic damage from fluorides, and important studies showing that fluorides induce tumors and cancers were ignored. Kraybill, head of the NTP study, becomes a consultant to the American Council of Science and Health (ACSH), who threatens to sue the EPA if it “tries to undermine public confidence in fluoride.” 1990 The American Dental Associations ADA News reports that Proctor and Gamble (who make fluoride-based toothpaste) has “unpublished findings” which “refute the carcinogenicity of fluoride”. Proctor and Gamble in March 1990 publish their paper on fluoride and bone cancer (rats) and leave out their data on mice. The rat studies confirm an earlier study that proved that fluorides in food resulted in precancerous growth in the mouth. In contradiction to their own results, P&G declares that fluoride “does not cause precancerous or cancerous changes. 1990 Dr. John Colquhoun in New Zealand is forced into early requirement in New Zealand after he conducts a study on 60,000 school children and finds no difference in tooth decay between fluoridated and unfluoridated areas. He additionally finds that a substantial number of children in fluoridated areas suffered from dental fluorosis. He makes the study public. 1990 Vilber A. O. Bello and Hillel J. Gitelman, " High Fluoride Exposure in Hemodialysis Patients," American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol. 15, pp. 320-324 (1990); J.K. Mauer, et al., " Two-Year Cacinogenicity Study Of Sodium Fluoride In Rats," Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 82, pp. 1118-1126 (1990); S. E. Hrudley et al., " Drinking Water Fluoridation and Osteosarcoma," Canadian Journal of Public Health, Vol. 81, pp. 415-416 (1990); J. A. Disney, et al., " A Case Study in Testing the Conventional Wisdom: School Based Fluoride Mouth Rinse Programs in the USA," Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, Vol. 18, pp. 46-56 (1990) 1991 In 1991, the Akron (Ohio) Regional Poison Center reported that "death has been reported following ingestion of 16mg/kg of fluoride. Only 1/10 of an ounce of fluoride could kill a 100 pound adult. According to the Center, "fluoride toothpaste contains up to 1mg/gram of fluoride." Even Proctor and Gamble, the makers of Crest, acknowledge that a family-sized tube "theoretically contains enough fluoride to kill a small child." 1991 M. C. Mahoney et al., " Bone Cancer Incidence Rates in New York," American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 81, pp. 81, 475 (1991); W. L. Augenstein, et al., " Fluoride Ingestion In Children: A Review Of 87 Cases," Pediatrics, Vol. 88, pp. 907-912, (1991) 1992 Michael Perrone, a legislative assistant in New Jersey, contacts the FDA requesting all information regarding the safety and effectiveness of fluoride tablets and drops. After 6 months of stalling, the FDA admitted they had no data to show that fluoride tablets or drops were either safe or effective. They informed Perrone that they will "probably have to pull the tablets and drops off the market." 1992 The EPA is ordered to reinstate a senior scientist, William Marcus, and pay him $50,000 for emotional distress, after firing him because he publically questioned and opposed EPA policy on the use of fluorides in water supplies. 1992 Shiela Gibson, " Effects of Fluoride on Immune System Function," Complementary Medical Research, Vol. 6, pp. 111-113 (1992); P. D. Cohn, " A Brief Report on the Association of Drinking Water Fluoridation and Incidence of Osteosarcoma in Young Males," New Jersey Department of Health, Trenton, New Jersey, Nov. 1992 1993 Associated Press releases article on August 18, 1993 claiming "no health risk for fluoridated water", as stated by the National Research Council and Dr.Bernard M. Wagner from the New York University School of Medicine. A statement that "132 million Americans drink water with .7ppm fluoride". Additional Reading: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fluoride compounds were added to the drinking water of prisoners to keep them docile and inhibit questioning of authority, both in Nazi prison camps in World War II and in the Soviet gulags in Siberia.  American soldiers who entered Germany at the end of World War II made the liberating of POW camps a priority. At camp after camp, they found stockpiles of fluoride stored near the water supply. When they asked what the fluoride was used for, they were told that the Germans used the substance as an additive to the prisoners water, to make them docile. This is the first known incidence of intentionally fluoridating drinking water.

  • Answer:

    An excellent elucidation of the dangers of fluoride, for which I thank you. The answer to your question is obviously "No, we should not continue to use fluoride", but this stance is going to be met with opposition from the crowd who thinks that all these dangers pale to insignificance when compared to having a "nice smile".  Since so few people know what the actual cause of dental caries is and are either unable, or too lazy, to discover it for themselves, authorities have taken over and forced the issue of adding toxins to water supplies and dentifrices with the misleading excuse that it makes you look nice.

Keith Taylor at Quora Visit the source

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Some people claim that using water fluoridating would not be better to use just because it can be turn into cancer when the amount of fluoride will be greater.Doctors generally say that if you are not adolescence then you can use fluoride added paste which will be great for tooth decay but what I feel is will not prove safe.

Simon Turner

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