Science of an intelligent universe
Greetings Mr Martinez, My work on is religion and science based and is a convincing argument for the existence of an Intelligent designer. My comparisons of the cosmic web to the human neurons and other objects in the universe are all related to the microcosm and the macrocosm. The cosmic web and its relation to the human neurons is astounding. According to the European Southern Observatory (ESO), "All recent computer-simulations of the early universe have one prediction in common: the first large-scale structures to form in the young universe are long filaments connected at their ends in 'nodes'. The models typically look like a three-dimensional spider's web, and resemble the neural structure of a brain." Now, astronomers have actually detected a "universal web" - vast filaments of hot gas tracing the web have been "seen" in the current universe. Astronomers using NASA's X-ray satellite observatory, Chandra, "viewed" the filaments stretching for millions of light years through space, with one passing through our own galaxy. Astronomers say that the filamentary structures are so hot that it would generally be invisible to optical, infrared, and radio telescopes. These invisible filaments are detected only because higher density ordinary matter tends to accumulate and condense in them - generating radiation which can be measured by scientists to confirm their existence in intergalactic space. The visible galaxies in the universe are not isolated and disconnected but are interwoven by a filamentary web-like structure - which is the invisible dark matter scaffolding of the universe. The web-like structure is both a signature feature of invisible dark matter and magnetic plasma. The appearance of this web bears an uncanny resemblance to a cross-section of the brain. (Refer: Brain vs Universe) But it is not only the morphology (i.e. structural aspects) of the large scale structure of the universe which is similar to the human brain but also the physiology (i.e. the functions). These filaments carry currents of charged particles (ions) over large distances that generate magnetic fields - similar to a nerve fiber. And they form circuits, just like the neural circuits in the brain. The high degree of connectivity is what sets the brain apart from an ordinary computer. Connectivity is also apparent in the cosmic web. Galaxies are formed when filaments pinch or cross each other. A nexus of filaments (including thousands of tiny filamentary currents) will provide the connectivity for the transfer of not only energy but information from one galactic nucleus to another. This web-like structure of filaments and vortexes is also similar to the acupuncture meridian system - which includes vortexes called "chakras". According to Dr David Tansely, "The seven major chakras are formed at points where standing lines of light (or meridians) cross each other 21 times. The 21 minor chakras are located at points where the energy strands cross 14 times." These meridians are supported by probably thousands of other smaller filamentary currents. This provides a significant amount of connectivity in our subtle bodies. Similar filamentary currents in the large-scale structure of the universe also provide a high degree of connectivity in the "cosmic brain". Over time, tiny filamentary currents grow into large filaments as the amount of current flowing through them increases; in others the current decreases according to plasma dynamics. These filaments form networks that reflect the state of the universe at a point in time. The filamentary currents therefore appear to be able to generate the same mechanics that occurs in a brain - enabling memories to be encoded. Magnetic fields are generated across vast regions of space and have been detected by astrophysicists. Electrical currents in the brain also generate magnetic fields which can be observed by measuring the magnetic fields they generate outside the skull in a technique called magneto-encephalography, or MEG. Cosmic and planetary consciousness can have a valid scientific basis once we realize that the filaments and galaxies in space, and the web-like structure of filaments and vortexes on Earth, can encode information. Surely, if we can accept an electro-chemical basis for the encoding of memories, why not an electromagnetic one in space and interpenetrating the Earth (as in computers using neural networking technology)? These vortexes are also seen on the back of each human head which display the spiral of torsion fields and spiral galaxies. This and much more is present in my work and I would appreciate a review of this material by anyone who would like to offer feedback to my work. I was recently asked by a neurologist Dr Joseph Rhawn to submit a scholarly article to the Journal Of concerning these ideas. Dr. Rhawn's response to my ideas were as follows: Greetings Larry Thomas, Thank you for the interesting note. Back in the 1970s, when I was measuring neurons under a powerful microscope, the gestalt was such that it was as if I was staring into deep space at a beard of stars and galaxies. The human hippocampus resembles some galaxies... I am interested in the websites you refer to. It just so happens that the December and January editions of the Journal of Cosmology will be devoted to quantum physics, the cosmos and consciousness (December) and the Multiverse (January), and I was planning an article... and then I receive your very interesting note.... an anonymous note (naughty naughty). RJ Greetings Larry Thomas, Thank you for all the info. Again, the timing is perfect as I am preparing to write a paper on quantum physics and consciousness. However, I won't begin that task for at least another 5 weeks as I am totally overwhelmed with so many tasks and responsibilities that I require 3 of me and a 72 hour day to get everything done. In fact, I have a co-authored paper which I'm working on which has a November deadline, and I've agree to coauthor a book with Chandra Wickramasinghe and he is asking me if I've started reviewing the material he sent! One step leads to the next (in my temporal sequential universe), and therefore, I will not begin seriously reviewing and thinking about the material you've sent for several more weeks, when I shift my focus to the quantum physics and consciousness paper which has a December deadline. Thank you again for sending me this material and the links--the timing was perfect! Synchronicity!!! RJ Greetings Larry Thomas: Thanks again for the interesting, thought-provoking email of two days past. The executive editors at the Journal of Cosmology, have an editorial policy which encourages speculation and theory, but they also have a strict rule requiring authors to have a Ph.D. and a professional affiliation with a university or research institute. When I read your note, I thought of the forthcoming December and January editions whose themes include the multiverse, quantum physics, the cosmos and consciousness. If you were interested in preparing a scholarly article, and have a Ph.D. and a professional affiliation, I would be pleased to pass on your name and email address, and my recommendation, to the managing editor. If you meet their professional criteria, they would probably send you an invitation to submit a scholarly article. Thank you for sending me the links and your provocative note. The timing was perfect. Truly, R. Joseph, Ph.D. Greetings Larry Thomas, Thanks for the info. My paper is appearing in this December's edition of the Journal of Cosmology. If you believe you can construct a scholarly, scientific paper, similar in quality to those in the December edition, then contact Emily Lu, the Managing Editor at the Journal of Cosmology. Send her the abstract of your paper, and indicate I suggested she might consider it. R. Joseph, Ph.D. I would appreciate a review of this material by you or any of your associate who can debunk its validity. Feel free to contact me with favorable or argumentative feedback to these ideas. If there are any debates on the material please view the video references which may clear up any skeptical thoughts that you may have about the work. You can also download the Microsoft word version of the site which has more diagrams than the website and is the updated version of Ascension Q. Greetings Jayendra, My work on is religion and science based and is a convincing argument for the existence of an Intelligent designer. My comparisons of the cosmic web to the human neurons and other objects in the universe are all related to the microcosm and the macrocosm. The cosmic web and its relation to the human neurons is astounding. According to the European Southern Observatory (ESO), "All recent computer-simulations of the early universe have one prediction in common: the first large-scale structures to form in the young universe are long filaments connected at their ends in 'nodes'. The models typically look like a three-dimensional spider's web, and resemble the neural structure of a brain." Now, astronomers have actually detected a "universal web" - vast filaments of hot gas tracing the web have been "seen" in the current universe. Astronomers using NASA's X-ray satellite observatory, Chandra, "viewed" the filaments stretching for millions of light years through space, with one passing through our own galaxy. Astronomers say that the filamentary structures are so hot that it would generally be invisible to optical, infrared, and radio telescopes. These invisible filaments are detected only because higher density ordinary matter tends to accumulate and condense in them - generating radiation which can be measured by scientists to confirm their existence in intergalactic space. The visible galaxies in the universe are not isolated and disconnected but are interwoven by a filamentary web-like structure - which is the invisible dark matter scaffolding of the universe. The web-like structure is both a signature feature of invisible dark matter and magnetic plasma. The appearance of this web bears an uncanny resemblance to a cross-section of the brain. (Refer: Brain vs Universe) But it is not only the morphology (i.e. structural aspects) of the large scale structure of the universe which is similar to the human brain but also the physiology (i.e. the functions). These filaments carry currents of charged particles (ions) over large distances that generate magnetic fields - similar to a nerve fiber. And they form circuits, just like the neural circuits in the brain. The high degree of connectivity is what sets the brain apart from an ordinary computer. Connectivity is also apparent in the cosmic web. Galaxies are formed when filaments pinch or cross each other. A nexus of filaments (including thousands of tiny filamentary currents) will provide the connectivity for the transfer of not only energy but information from one galactic nucleus to another. This web-like structure of filaments and vortexes is also similar to the acupuncture meridian system - which includes vortexes called "chakras". According to Dr David Tansely, "The seven major chakras are formed at points where standing lines of light (or meridians) cross each other 21 times. The 21 minor chakras are located at points where the energy strands cross 14 times." These meridians are supported by probably thousands of other smaller filamentary currents. This provides a significant amount of connectivity in our subtle bodies. Similar filamentary currents in the large-scale structure of the universe also provide a high degree of connectivity in the "cosmic brain". Over time, tiny filamentary currents grow into large filaments as the amount of current flowing through them increases; in others the current decreases according to plasma dynamics. These filaments form networks that reflect the state of the universe at a point in time. The filamentary currents therefore appear to be able to generate the same mechanics that occurs in a brain - enabling memories to be encoded. Magnetic fields are generated across vast regions of space and have been detected by astrophysicists. Electrical currents in the brain also generate magnetic fields which can be observed by measuring the magnetic fields they generate outside the skull in a technique called magneto-encephalography, or MEG. Cosmic and planetary consciousness can have a valid scientific basis once we realize that the filaments and galaxies in space, and the web-like structure of filaments and vortexes on Earth, can encode information. Surely, if we can accept an electro-chemical basis for the encoding of memories, why not an electromagnetic one in space and interpenetrating the Earth (as in computers using neural networking technology)? These vortexes are also seen on the back of each human head which display the spiral of torsion fields and spiral galaxies. This and much more is present in my work and I would appreciate a review of this material by anyone who would like to offer feedback to my work. I was recently asked by a neurologist Dr Joseph Rhawn to submit a scholarly article to the Journal Of concerning these ideas. Dr. Rhawn's response to my ideas were as follows: Greetings Larry Thomas, Thank you for the interesting note. Back in the 1970s, when I was measuring neurons under a powerful microscope, the gestalt was such that it was as if I was staring into deep space at a beard of stars and galaxies. The human hippocampus resembles some galaxies... I am interested in the websites you refer to. It just so happens that the December and January editions of the Journal of Cosmology will be devoted to quantum physics, the cosmos and consciousness (December) and the Multiverse (January), and I was planning an article... and then I receive your very interesting note.... an anonymous note (naughty naughty). RJ Greetings Larry Thomas, Thank you for all the info. Again, the timing is perfect as I am preparing to write a paper on quantum physics and consciousness. However, I won't begin that task for at least another 5 weeks as I am totally overwhelmed with so many tasks and responsibilities that I require 3 of me and a 72 hour day to get everything done. In fact, I have a co-authored paper which I'm working on which has a November deadline, and I've agree to coauthor a book with Chandra Wickramasinghe and he is asking me if I've started reviewing the material he sent! One step leads to the next (in my temporal sequential universe), and therefore, I will not begin seriously reviewing and thinking about the material you've sent for several more weeks, when I shift my focus to the quantum physics and consciousness paper which has a December deadline. Thank you again for sending me this material and the links--the timing was perfect! Synchronicity!!! RJ Greetings Larry Thomas: Thanks again for the interesting, thought-provoking email of two days past. The executive editors at the Journal of Cosmology, have an editorial policy which encourages speculation and theory, but they also have a strict rule requiring authors to have a Ph.D. and a professional affiliation with a university or research institute. When I read your note, I thought of the forthcoming December and January editions whose themes include the multiverse, quantum physics, the cosmos and consciousness. If you were interested in preparing a scholarly article, and have a Ph.D. and a professional affiliation, I would be pleased to pass on your name and email address, and my recommendation, to the managing editor. If you meet their professional criteria, they would probably send you an invitation to submit a scholarly article. Thank you for sending me the links and your provocative note. The timing was perfect. Truly, R. Joseph, Ph.D. Greetings Larry Thomas, Thanks for the info. My paper is appearing in this December's edition of the Journal of Cosmology. If you believe you can construct a scholarly, scientific paper, similar in quality to those in the December edition, then contact Emily Lu, the Managing Editor at the Journal of Cosmology. Send her the abstract of your paper, and indicate I suggested she might consider it. R. Joseph, Ph.D. I would appreciate a review of this material by you or any of your associate who can debunk its validity. Feel free to contact me with favorable or argumentative feedback to these ideas. If there are any debates on the material please view the video references which may clear up any skeptical thoughts that you may have about the work. You can also download the Microsoft word version of the site which has more diagrams than the website and is the updated version of Ascension Q. Greetings Mr Whiting, My work on is religion and science based and is a convincing argument for the existence of an Intelligent designer. My comparisons of the cosmic web to the human neurons and other objects in the universe are all related to the microcosm and the macrocosm. The cosmic web and its relation to the human neurons is astounding. According to the European Southern Observatory (ESO), "All recent computer-simulations of the early universe have one prediction in common: the first large-scale structures to form in the young universe are long filaments connected at their ends in 'nodes'. The models typically look like a three-dimensional spider's web, and resemble the neural structure of a brain." Now, astronomers have actually detected a "universal web" - vast filaments of hot gas tracing the web have been "seen" in the current universe. Astronomers using NASA's X-ray satellite observatory, Chandra, "viewed" the filaments stretching for millions of light years through space, with one passing through our own galaxy. Astronomers say that the filamentary structures are so hot that it would generally be invisible to optical, infrared, and radio telescopes. These invisible filaments are detected only because higher density ordinary matter tends to accumulate and condense in them - generating radiation which can be measured by scientists to confirm their existence in intergalactic space. The visible galaxies in the universe are not isolated and disconnected but are interwoven by a filamentary web-like structure - which is the invisible dark matter scaffolding of the universe. The web-like structure is both a signature feature of invisible dark matter and magnetic plasma. The appearance of this web bears an uncanny resemblance to a cross-section of the brain. (Refer: Brain vs Universe) But it is not only the morphology (i.e. structural aspects) of the large scale structure of the universe which is similar to the human brain but also the physiology (i.e. the functions). These filaments carry currents of charged particles (ions) over large distances that generate magnetic fields - similar to a nerve fiber. And they form circuits, just like the neural circuits in the brain. The high degree of connectivity is what sets the brain apart from an ordinary computer. Connectivity is also apparent in the cosmic web. Galaxies are formed when filaments pinch or cross each other. A nexus of filaments (including thousands of tiny filamentary currents) will provide the connectivity for the transfer of not only energy but information from one galactic nucleus to another. This web-like structure of filaments and vortexes is also similar to the acupuncture meridian system - which includes vortexes called "chakras". According to Dr David Tansely, "The seven major chakras are formed at points where standing lines of light (or meridians) cross each other 21 times. The 21 minor chakras are located at points where the energy strands cross 14 times." These meridians are supported by probably thousands of other smaller filamentary currents. This provides a significant amount of connectivity in our subtle bodies. Similar filamentary currents in the large-scale structure of the universe also provide a high degree of connectivity in the "cosmic brain". Over time, tiny filamentary currents grow into large filaments as the amount of current flowing through them increases; in others the current decreases according to plasma dynamics. These filaments form networks that reflect the state of the universe at a point in time. The filamentary currents therefore appear to be able to generate the same mechanics that occurs in a brain - enabling memories to be encoded. Magnetic fields are generated across vast regions of space and have been detected by astrophysicists. Electrical currents in the brain also generate magnetic fields which can be observed by measuring the magnetic fields they generate outside the skull in a technique called magneto-encephalography, or MEG. Cosmic and planetary consciousness can have a valid scientific basis once we realize that the filaments and galaxies in space, and the web-like structure of filaments and vortexes on Earth, can encode information. Surely, if we can accept an electro-chemical basis for the encoding of memories, why not an electromagnetic one in space and interpenetrating the Earth (as in computers using neural networking technology)? These vortexes are also seen on the back of each human head which display the spiral of torsion fields and spiral galaxies. This and much more is present in my work and I would appreciate a review of this material by anyone who would like to offer feedback to my work. I was recently asked by a neurologist Dr Joseph Rhawn to submit a scholarly article to the Journal Of concerning these ideas. Dr. Rhawn's response to my ideas were as follows: Greetings Larry Thomas, Thank you for the interesting note. Back in the 1970s, when I was measuring neurons under a powerful microscope, the gestalt was such that it was as if I was staring into deep space at a beard of stars and galaxies. The human hippocampus resembles some galaxies... I am interested in the websites you refer to. It just so happens that the December and January editions of the Journal of Cosmology will be devoted to quantum physics, the cosmos and consciousness (December) and the Multiverse (January), and I was planning an article... and then I receive your very interesting note.... an anonymous note (naughty naughty). RJ Greetings Larry Thomas, Thank you for all the info. Again, the timing is perfect as I am preparing to write a paper on quantum physics and consciousness. However, I won't begin that task for at least another 5 weeks as I am totally overwhelmed with so many tasks and responsibilities that I require 3 of me and a 72 hour day to get everything done. In fact, I have a co-authored paper which I'm working on which has a November deadline, and I've agree to coauthor a book with Chandra Wickramasinghe and he is asking me if I've started reviewing the material he sent! One step leads to the next (in my temporal sequential universe), and therefore, I will not begin seriously reviewing and thinking about the material you've sent for several more weeks, when I shift my focus to the quantum physics and consciousness paper which has a December deadline. Thank you again for sending me this material and the links--the timing was perfect! Synchronicity!!! RJ Greetings Larry Thomas: Thanks again for the interesting, thought-provoking email of two days past. The executive editors at the Journal of Cosmology, have an editorial policy which encourages speculation and theory, but they also have a strict rule requiring authors to have a Ph.D. and a professional affiliation with a university or research institute. When I read your note, I thought of the forthcoming December and January editions whose themes include the multiverse, quantum physics, the cosmos and consciousness. If you were interested in preparing a scholarly article, and have a Ph.D. and a professional affiliation, I would be pleased to pass on your name and email address, and my recommendation, to the managing editor. If you meet their professional criteria, they would probably send you an invitation to submit a scholarly article. Thank you for sending me the links and your provocative note. The timing was perfect. Truly, R. Joseph, Ph.D. Greetings Larry Thomas, Thanks for the info. My paper is appearing in this December's edition of the Journal of Cosmology. If you believe you can construct a scholarly, scientific paper, similar in quality to those in the December edition, then contact Emily Lu, the Managing Editor at the Journal of Cosmology. Send her the abstract of your paper, and indicate I suggested she might consider it. R. Joseph, Ph.D. I would appreciate a review of this material by you or any of your associate who can debunk its validity. Feel free to contact me with favorable or argumentative feedback to these ideas. If there are any debates on the material please view the video references which may clear up any skeptical thoughts that you may have about the work. You can also download the Microsoft word version of the site which has more diagrams than the website and is the updated version of Ascension Q.
What a lengthy question. It did not require as many quotes as you included, but they can be helpful. I cannot respond to this question with one all inclusive answer. I will start by addressing the nature of our universe. Not anything can be known for sure since we are just observers. I once attended a lecture by John Wheeler in the 1970's at the University of Texas at Austin. One point he made about the structure of the Universe was that it was like the letter U. He drew a U and drew a line across the U to explain how the concept of time depended on where in the U you were observing from. I am sure you can imagine this. Depending on where you were in the curve of the letter, your ability to see forward and backward in time was affected. The idea was that only "U" (you) as an observer determines what the universe is like and only by what we can understand. The distant galaxies and any other objects out there only exist because we see them at any one particular time. Anyone seeing the same occurrence from another time period or location would not see the same thing. (The infinite number of universes theory). Yes, I think that this theory of strings throughout the universe that mirror the things you mention, like brain cross sections, and the magnetic fields they may generate and other patterns has some merit (fractal theory). This theory has been around since I can remember and it does evoke the image of us just being a part of another system much more expansive than us. But not just that. It is also something beyond our current comprehension. And then, that other system is part of something larger and even more unimaginable. Is there an intelligent designer behind all this? I do not know. Could it be the fact that we perceive ourselves is the only cause for our existence as Wheeler implied? Let us start here. We should get back to each other with our thoughts in a day or two. I would like to mention that researching other answers on certain subjects, like your references in this question, is something I am not capable of doing in my limited time. I do like the task, but the time is lacking. I hope I said that politely. So can we just stick to one on one thought exchanges. It would be appreciated. Thanks for the question Ha! Sorry, my web access is severly limited as I am working away frm home in Infosys Pune. I already knew half way thru that the PHD barrier would be thrown at you. Not that I blame them. Had that barrier not been there, the likes of me would have swamped them with a zillion pet theories. The days when a mere clerk in a patents office in Vienna could shake the world are sadly over. Now it is all about billion dollar machines and the collaborative effort. The world will not produce any more Einsteins, in th near future, and I assure you i am not one at least. Your article will need time for me to go thru it. Be patient, and I will get back. regards Jayen FOLLOW UP: In addition, if one has to 'drop down' to the use of volunteer astronomers on the website, for an opinion/review on what you consider a REAL "scientific paper" opposed to an actual peer review from the truly professional astronomy community... well then, that action in itself....should tell you something about the article/paper, right there. Clear Skies, Tom Visit the source
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