How can I make instrumetnal heard in my video?
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I wanted to make a halo 3 video to post on to YouTube and i heard you can use AOF studios to enhance the quality of the video. So how do you use it and what is it EXACTLY?
How do I make a Youtube video on a Wii game with good quality I heard you hook a machine up to the Wii but I'm not sure?
How do Apple Macs make better use of video ram? I heard that the other day, and was curious as to why? I saw this video, and this guy was talking about Apple versus PC. Anyway, suddenly he says that "Macs do make better use of video ram?"
I heard a rumor that they werdm going to make a cfl video game?
Yahoo! Answers
In this Make A Wish Ride video with Dale Jr, you can heard the starter sounds funny. What kind of starters do?
Yahoo! Answers