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hospitality equipment shops

  • need to find all major wholesalers and retailers of hospitality equipment wordlwide that sell stainless steel milk jugs used for frothing milk for coffee machines. i need atleast 30 main countries with this information. what i am asking is for you to find out hospitality wholesalers and retailers of hospitality equipment. most hospitality shops would sell a standard milk jug. the information i would like should come in this form u.s.a= 15,000 hospitality equipment suppliers major ones eg "hospitality essentials" 400 shops eg "hospitality supplies" 250 shops australia= 5,000 hospitality equipment suppliers major ones eg "everything hospitality" 180 shops eg "cafe supplies" 100 shops italy= 150,000 hospitality equipment suppliers major ones eg "bella hospitality" 500 shops eg "sweet hospitality" 900 shops i think i have clarified the question enough for you but if you would like anymore info dont hesitate to ask

  • Answer:

    Hello, Porsche1-ga, Let me begin with the corresponding apologies. First of all, I couldn’t finish *before* the expiration date. Actually, I’m beginning by posting part of the information, and will complete it during the day in the clarification area. This is not a regular procedure, but I have a good reason: the question is about to expire and I accidentally lost most of the compiled information last night. A good researcher does not fall into desperation… for too long, and fortunately I had handwritten most of the resources from which I had picked up the information, so I’m close to a complete retrieval of the lost data. I still have a few hours to the expiration time, but honestly I do not wish to face the hazard of another energetic breakdown in the last moment. Anyway, it’s quite likely that by the time you see the answer, all of the information had been posted. A second point is that there’s a difference between the way you preferred the information to be presented, and what has been possible for me. In most cases it is impossible to determine whether a company in the industry is a wholesaler or a retailer, directories would not classify by that criteria. Similarly, I couldn’t tell which ones are the leading companies in the market. The hardest part of the task was compiling and classifying the information, rather than finding it. Third aspect to clarify is that some directories include in one same category different suppliers of utensils for restaurants or bar kitchens, as well as, say, air conditioning equipment. I eliminated the obvious cases, but others are impossible to distinguish, considering that the number of cases would not allow a case-by-case research. That said, I’ll begin with the listings classified by country. I hope this answer meets your needs in a reasonably satisfactory way. Please feel free to ask for any clarifications you may need. Thank you very much for this challenging task. Guillermo Mexico Directory: Sección Amarilla http://www.seccionamarilla.com.mx Category: Artículos para hoteles y restaurantes (Items for hotels and restaurants). http://www.seccionamarilla.com.mx/ListadosNational.asp?QueryText=154203%3CIN%3ECategorias%3CAND%3E%3CSTEM%3ERESTAURANTE%3CIN%3ENombreCategoria&catname=Art%EDculos+para+Hoteles+y+Restaurantes States selected: Distrito Federal and Jalisco CAVIMEX S.A. DE C.V. REVILLAGIGEDO, No. 61, Col. CENTRO DE LA CIUDAD DE MEXICO AREA 7 C.P. 06070, CUAUHTEMOC, DISTRITO FEDERAL Tel.(55)5521-4200, (55)5521-4201, Fax(55)5510-2791 CENTRAL DE LOZA S.A. CALZ DE TALPAN, No. 1259, Col. San Simon Ticumac C.P. 03660, BENITO JUAREZ, DISTRITO FEDERAL Tel.(55)5532-4231 CRISTALERIA MONACO S.A. DE C.V. MEXICO TACUBA No. 152 Col. ANAHUAC C.P. 11320, CUAUHTEMOC, DISTRITO FEDERAL Tel.(55)5396-9777 GASTROTEK TEXCOCO No. 324 S/N Col. CUCHILLA DEL TESORO C.P. 07900, GUSTAVO A MADERO, DISTRITO FEDERAL Tel.(55)5440-1283, (55)5766-9767 LA PROVEDORA DEL HOGAR JOSE MA MARROQUI No. 28 Col. CENTRO C.P. 06050, CUAUHTEMOC, DISTRITO FEDERAL Tel.(55)5512-1112, (55)5651-7653, Fax(55)5440-3164 ONEIDA, S.A. DE C.V. AV. 1O DE MAYO No. 81 Col. TLATILCO C.P. 53470, NAUCALPAN, ESTADO DE MEXICO Tel.(55)5359-5094, (55)5358-0566, Fax(55)5359-4295 Añadir a mi directorio RAK ALVARO OBREGON No. 93 Col. SANTA ANITA C.P. 08300, IZTACALCO, DISTRITO FEDERAL Tel.(55)5538-0102, (55)5519-6121 TODO PARA MICOCINA.COM.MX PALMA No. 33 Col. CENTRO C.P. 06000, CUAUHTEMOC, DISTRITO FEDERAL Tel.(55)5512-4972 BLANCOS SAN PEDRO SA DE CV CHIHUAHUA 26 Col. OMA C.P. 06700, CIUDAD DE MEXICO, DISTRITO FEDERAL Tel.5555840528 DISTRIBUIDORA COMPOSTELA SA DE CV LAGO ZIRAHUEN 267 Col. ANAHUAC C.P. 11320, CIUDAD DE MEXICO, DISTRITO FEDERAL Tel.5555315928, 5555316594 GRUPO CHAPOY COLORADO 60 Col. NAPOLES C.P. 03810, CIUDAD DE MEXICO, DISTRITO FEDERAL Tel.5556827644 GRUPO ISLAS CANARIAS SA DE CV LOPEZ COTILLA/835/ Col. DEL VALLE C.P. 03100, CIUDAD DE MEXICO, DISTRITO FEDERAL Tel.5556694090 GUTIERREZ ELE ESTHER LA CUCARACHA 309 Col. BENITO JUAREZ C.P. 57000, CIUDAD DE MEXICO, DISTRITO FEDERAL Tel.5557369976 IMPORTADORA INERCONTINENTAL SA ARTICULO 123 12 Col. CENTRO C.P. 01000, CIUDAD DE MEXICO, DISTRITO FEDERAL Tel.5555123929 IMPORTED INTERCONTINENT S A ARTICULO 123 12 Col. CENTRO C.P. 01000, CIUDAD DE MEXICO, DISTRITO FEDERAL Tel.5555216771 LAPPSA DE QUERETARO SA DE CV HISTORIADORES 44 Col. CIUDAD SATELITE C.P. 53100, CIUDAD DE MEXICO, DISTRITO FEDERAL Tel.5553937494 MICROMEX SA DE CV LAGO PO 18 Col. TORREBLANCA C.P. 11280, CIUDAD DE MEXICO, DISTRITO FEDERAL Tel.5555273222 MONTIEL CARMEN GOMEZ DE FERNANDO DE ALVA IXT 131 Col. OBRERA C.P. 06800, CIUDAD DE MEXICO, DISTRITO FEDERAL Tel.5555780839 ONEIDA, S.A. DE C.V. AV, 1º DE MAYO # 81 Col. PARQUE INDUSTRIAL TLATILCO C.P. 53470, ESTADO DE MEXICO Tel.(55)5358-0566, Fax(55)5359-4295, (55)5359-5094 POLAD SPADONI BORBA FARINHA FRANCOIS CAFETAL 235 Col. GRANJAS MEXICO C.P. 08400, CIUDAD DE MEXICO, DISTRITO FEDERAL Tel.5556480662 TODO PARA MICOCINA.COM.MX Tel.(55)5512-4972, (01)8008744972 ASYA LISBOA No. 115 No. A Col. VERSALLES C.P. 48310, PUERTO VALLARTA, JALISCO Tel.(322)224-1015, (322)224-9646, Fax(322)224-9646 COMALES TROQUELADOS DE OCCIDENTE PROF CARRILLO DIAZ No. 94 S/N Col. SAN JOSE DEL QUINCE C.P. 45696, EL SALTO, JALISCO Tel.(33)3695-0644, (33)3695-0642 CRISTALERIA DEL PACIFICO LUCERNA No. 133 Col. VERSALLES C.P. 48310, PUERTO VALLARTA, JALISCO Tel.(322)224-0807 DISTRIBUIDORA RAM LA PAZ No. 940 Col. SECTOR JUAREZ C.P. 44180, GUADALAJARA, JALISCO Tel.(33)3614-1222 GRUPO REYCO DE LA PAZ No. 919 Col. GUADALAJARA CENTRO C.P. 44100, GUADALAJARA, JALISCO Tel.(33)3658-0213, (33)3613-7895, Fax(33)3613-8650 INOXIDABLES SAN JUAN DE DIOS JAVIER MINA No. 114 S/N Col. SAN JUAN DE DIOS C.P. 00000, GUADALAJARA, JALISCO Tel.(333)617-9245, (333)617-7193 MAQ INOX INDUSTRIAL, S.A. DE C.V. 8 DE JULIO No. 1620 Col. MORELOS C.P. 44910, GUADALAJARA, JALISCO Tel.(33)3810-0342 SAN SON LA PAZ No 944 946 Col. GUADALAJARA CENTRO C.P. 44100, GUADALAJARA, JALISCO Tel.(33)3614-9531, (33)3658-4131 UNISOURCE CALLEJON NACOA No. 110 Col. GUADALUPE VICTORIA C.P. 48317, PUERTO VALLARTA, JALISCO Tel.(322)209-0753, (322)209-0755, Fax(322)209-0756 ASYA LISBOA # 113 Col. VERSALLES C.P. 48310, PUERTO VALLARTA, JALISCO Tel.(322)224-1015, (322)224-9646, Fax(322)225-0224 CRISTALERIA DEL PACIFICO LUCERNA 133 Col. VERSALLES C.P. 48310, PUERTO VALLARTA, JALISCO Tel.3222240807 CRISTALERIA MONACO AV LÁZARO CÁRDENAS # 3483 C.P. 45050 Tel.(33)3647-5941 GRUPO WIN SA DE CV INDEPENDENCIA 127-1 Col. EL PITILLAL C.P. 48380, PUERTO VALLARTA, JALISCO Tel.3222250617 MAQ INOX INDUSTRIAL SA DE CV AV. 8 DE JULIO # 1620 C.P. 44910, GUADALAJARA, JALISCO Tel.(33)3810-0342, (33)3812-7137, Fax(33)3812-8924 MAQ INOX INDUSTRIAL SA DE CV CALZ. LAZARO CARDENAS # 730 Tel.(33)3670-0401, (33)3670-2193 MAQ-INOX INDUSTRIAL SA DE CV PERU # 1115 Col. 5 DE DICIEMBRE PUERTO VALLARTA, JALISCO Tel.(322)223-3087, (322)223-3756 MAQ-INOX INDUSTRIAL SA DE CV ALLENDE PTE # 494 TEPIC, NAYARIT Tel.(311)212-1771, (311)216-2222 MICRO HERROS DE OCCIDENTE SA DE CV JUAN PALOMAR Y ARIAS # 83 C.P. 45020 Tel.(33)3629-5044, (33)3629-5405, Fax(33)3673-2943 PROESA TECNOGAS DR R MICHEL S.R. # 200 Tel.(33)3619-3076, (33)3619-4583 PROESA TECNOGAS FEDERACION S.L. # 700 Tel.(33)3618-1050, (33)3618-9998 PROESA TECNOGAS AV. LA PAZ S.J. # 921 Tel.(33)3614-2587 PROESA TECNOGAS AV LA PAZ S.J. # 76 Tel.(33)3613-6800, (33)3614-1172, Fax(33)3614-1282 PROESA TECNOGAS JUAN ALVAREZ S.H. # 1585 Tel.(33)3825-8487, (33)3825-8697 PROESA TECNOGAS NANCE S.J. # 1560 Tel.(33)3671-2079, (33)3671-2108 PROESA TECNOGAS AV REVOLUCION # 80 Tel.(33)3657-1404, (33)3657-1405 PROESA TECNOGAS OXNARD # 389 JALISCO Tel.(33)3825-1178, (392)925-1818 PROESA TECNOGAS INDUSTRIA S.L. # 1678 Tel.(33)3644-0313, (33)3644-0595 REMICO PERIFERICO SUR # 7007 Col. SAN SEBASTIANITO JALISCO Tel.(33)3601-0013, (33)3601-0017 REMICO AV. LAZARO CARDENAS # 1354 Col. FRACC. ALAMO INDUSTRIAL GUADALAJARA, JALISCO Tel.(33)3666-1432, Fax(33)3666-1453, (33)3666-1528 RENO EQUIPO EN ACERO INOXIDABLE FEDERALISIMO NTE. # 215 JALISCO Fax.(33)3660-3169, (33)3660-5411 RPUPO WIN SA DE CV BALBINO DAVALOS # 465 Col. EL RETIRO GUADALAJARA, JALISCO Tel.(33)3613-1141, (33)3614-9694 RPUPO WIN SA DE CV INDEPENDENCIA # 127 Col. EL PITILLAL PUERTO VALLARTA, JALISCO Tel.(322)225-0617 SAN SON AVENIDA DE LA PAZ # 944 GUADALAJARA, JALISCO Tel.(33)3614-9531, Fax(33)3658-4131 SAN-SON PERU 1121 Col. 5 DE DIC C.P. 48350, PUERTO VALLARTA, JALISCO Tel.3222230224 Austria Directory: Europages http://www.europages.net/ Category: Hotels, bars, cafés and restaurants - machinery and equipment ALEXANDER SCHARF & SOHNE GMBH Dr. Alexander Schärf Str. 2 2700 Wiener Neustadt - AUSTRIA - Tel: +43 (2622) 242 10 - Fax: +43 (2622) 242 10 18 - email Type of Activity: Manufacturers Workforce: 51 - 100 Turnover: 11 - 50 (in millions of euro) Hotels, bars, cafés and restaurants - machinery and equipment ASM SAUTNER HANDELS - GMBH Karl-Plentzner-Str. 16 B 4810 Gmunden - AUSTRIA - Tel: +43 (7612) 746 17 - Fax: +43 (7612) 74 61 75 Type of Activity: Distributors Workforce: 11 - 50 Hotels, bars, cafés and restaurants - machinery and equipment DRINKOMAT ARTMANN HANDELS GMBH & CO KG Missindorfstr. 21 1140 Wien - AUSTRIA - Tel: +43 (1) 982 61 17 - Fax: +43 (1) 98 26 11 78 - email Type of Activity: Manufacturers Workforce: 1 - 10 Turnover: 1 - 2.5 (in millions of euro) Hotels, bars, cafés and restaurants - machinery and equipment EIDENBERGER LUFTTECHNIK GMBH & CO KG Böhmdorf 18 4193 Reichenthal - AUSTRIA - Tel: +43 (7214) 41 22 - Fax: +43 (7214) 41 22 20 Type of Activity: Manufacturers Workforce: > 500 Turnover: 0 - 1 (in millions of euro) Hotels, bars, cafés and restaurants - machinery and equipment ELECTROLUX PROFESSIONAL GES.MBH Liesinger-Flur-Gasse 15 1230 Wien - AUSTRIA - Tel: +43 (1) 86 66 80 - Fax: +43 (1) 86 66 83 00 Type of Activity: Distributors Workforce: 101 - 200 Hotels, bars, cafés and restaurants - machinery and equipment FERDINAND PAAR Herrgottwiesgasse 128 8020 Graz - AUSTRIA - Tel: +43 (316) 27 13 40 - Fax: +43 (316) 27 13 40 20 Type of Activity: Distributors Workforce: 11 - 50 Turnover: 2.5 - 5 (in millions of euro) Weighing and dosing equipment FRANZ BLÜMEL GESMBH MolkereIstr.5 2700 Wiener Neustadt - AUSTRIA - Tel: +43 (2622) 226 13 - Fax: +43 (2622) 226 13 10 - email Type of Activity: Manufacturers Workforce: 11 - 50 Turnover: 1 - 2.5 (in millions of euro) Hotels, bars, cafés and restaurants - machinery and equipment GABRIELE WEISSER St.Veiter Str. 56 9020 Klagenfurt - AUSTRIA - Tel: +43 (463) 576 53 - Fax: +43 (463) 51 53 98 Type of Activity: Distributors Workforce: 11 - 50 Turnover: 1 - 2.5 (in millions of euro) Hotels, bars, cafés and restaurants - machinery and equipment GASTRONOMIESYSTEME U -ZUBEHÖR ROIDER RICHARD Die Wimmerstr. 10 A 5201 Seekirchen - AUSTRIA - Tel: +43 (6212) 301 00 - Fax: +43 (6212) 301 00 73 Type of Activity: Services Workforce: 11 - 50 Hotels, bars, cafés and restaurants - machinery and equipment GASTROTECHNIK HORAK Bahnhofstr. 33 6710 Nenzing - AUSTRIA - Tel: +43 (5525) 625 90 - Fax: +43 (5525) 62 59 02 Type of Activity: Manufacturers Workforce: 11 - 50 Turnover: 1 - 2.5 (in millions of euro) Hotels, bars, cafés and restaurants - machinery and equipment GEBR. FESTERER GMBH KG Alte Landesstr. 3-5 5700 Zell Am See - AUSTRIA - Tel: +43 (6542) 570 13 - Fax: +43 (6542) 560 33 Type of Activity: Manufacturers Workforce: 11 - 50 Turnover: 2.5 - 5 (in millions of euro) Hotels, bars, cafés and restaurants - machinery and equipment IME-AUSTRIA Samergasse 28b 5020 Salzburg - AUSTRIA - Tel: +43 (662) 88 00 70 - Fax: +43 (662) 880 07 08 - email Type of Activity: Manufacturers Workforce: 11 - 50 Turnover: 2.5 - 5 (in millions of euro) Hotels, bars, cafés and restaurants - machinery and equipment ING HANS LOSCH Viaduktbogen 131 6020 Innsbruck - AUSTRIA - Tel: +43 (512) 57 53 23 - Fax: +43 (512) 57 06 11 - email Type of Activity: Distributors Workforce: 11 - 50 Turnover: 1 - 2.5 (in millions of euro) Cold rooms LASSACHER GMBH Kärntner Str. 165 8053 Graz-Neuhart - AUSTRIA - Tel: +43 (316) 271 17 10 - Fax: +43 (316) 27 11 71 31 Type of Activity: Distributors Workforce: 11 - 50 Turnover: 2.5 - 5 (in millions of euro) Catering - machinery and equipment MIGES MASCHINENHANDELS GES. MBH Florianigasse 4 3500 Krems An Der Donau - AUSTRIA - Tel: +43 (2732) 842 67 - Fax: +43 (2732) 842 67 19 Type of Activity: Distributors Workforce: 11 - 50 Turnover: 1 - 2.5 (in millions of euro) Hotels, bars, cafés and restaurants - machinery and equipment MÖBEL TEAM GMBH Leopoldshofstatt 38 4906 Eberschwang - AUSTRIA - Tel: +43 (7753) 27 82 - Fax: +43 (7753) 27 63 - email Type of Activity: Manufacturers Workforce: 11 - 50 Turnover: 0 - 1 (in millions of euro) Hotels, bars, cafés and restaurants - machinery and equipment RUDOLF HOLZMANN OHG Kräutlerweg 42 5020 Salzburg - AUSTRIA - Tel: +43 (662) 824 96 30 - Fax: +43 (662) 824 96 37 Type of Activity: Distributors Workforce: 11 - 50 Turnover: 1 - 2.5 (in millions of euro) Restaurant equipment SCHORKMAYR GESMBH Nr. 207 8960 Öblarn - AUSTRIA - Tel: +43 (3684) 28 36 - Fax: +43 (3684) 28 36 10 Type of Activity: Manufacturers Workforce: 11 - 50 Turnover: 2.5 - 5 (in millions of euro) Hotels, bars, cafés and restaurants - machinery and equipment SOTAL SPEISEEISMASCHINEN HANDEL GESMBH Gorskistr. 9 1230 Wien - AUSTRIA - Tel: +43 (1) 616 52 21 - Fax: +43 (1) 616 26 97 TEXON ÖSTERREICH GESMBH Lützöwgasse 12 1140 Wien - AUSTRIA - Tel: +43 (1) 419 61 90 - Fax: +43 (1) 419 61 90 40 Type of Activity: Distributors Workforce: 11 - 50 Hotels, bars, cafés and restaurants - machinery and equipment THEODOR R. RIST GMBH Triester Str. 203 1232 Wien - AUSTRIA - Tel: +43 (1) 66 79 77 10 - Fax: +43 (1) 667 97 71 17 - email Type of Activity: Distributors Workforce: 11 - 50 Turnover: 5 - 10 (in millions of euro) Hotels, bars, cafés and restaurants - machinery and equipment TURBO PROFESSIONAL EQIPMENT GMBH Reith 61 5120 St.Pantaleon - AUSTRIA - Tel: +43 (6277) 768 10 - Fax: +43 (6277) 76 80 Type of Activity: Distributors Workforce: 11 - 50 Turnover: 2.5 - 5 (in millions of euro) Catering - machinery and equipment VOLTA-EDELSTAHL GMBH Dammstr. 14 6923 Lauterach - AUSTRIA - Tel: +43 (5574) 72 05 40 - Fax: +43 (5574) 773 39

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