What is the most common organic tea in the market?

Green Tea market in Australia

  • I am looking for information on the size, structure and composition of the Green Tea market, in each state and territory in Australia, from 1998 until today. I also want to know who are the major manufacturers, importers, distributors and retailers, together with a list of their most successful products and the market share each company and each product has controlled over the past 5 years.

  • Answer:

    <Overview of the global green tea market. A report funded by the RIRDC examines the potential for value added products made from green tea. There is an increasing market for the use of green tea in world wide in the use of green tea in beverages, cosmetics, nutriceuticals, medicinals and as flavours and fragrances. The medical research industry is increasing its focus on potential disease cures and preventatives. Green tea has a number of cosmetic uses – as an antioxidant, prevention of sun damage to the skin and as an antiwrinkling product. The cosmetics industry uses it in sunscreens, moisturisers, foundations, toothpaste and haircare products. Green tea is also a natural preservative that can be used in products in place of synthetic preservatives. In Japan, green tea is used as a flavouring for cakes, sweets and biscuits. There is increasing production of the ready to drink beverages (RTD). The RTD market contains green tea either as a single flavoured drink or as an ingredient in a mixture of flavours, which are aimed at the health market. These products can be packaged in a variety of containers including cans, bottles and tetrapacs they are also either carbonated or still. The health care market (both neutriceutical and medicinal) is increasing its use of green tea in tablets, capsules and health drinks. The tea used in the nutritional supplements is either in an extract form or as a powdered leaf. The benefits of green tea include the bacterial and viral infections and the treatment of certain types of cancer. http://www.rirdc.gov.au/reports/NPP/00-169.pdf World supply and demand for green tea is dominated by China and Japan. They produce 65 per cent and 20 per cent of the world's crop and 85 per cent and 5 per cent of the world's exports respectively. Green tea is also grown in Indonesia, Taiwan and other eastern Asian countries. With the increasing interest in green tea for health benefits, countries in Western Europe, the USA, Canada and Australia are all increasing their consumption of green tea. http://www.agric.wa.gov.au/agency/pubns/bulletin/bull4499.htm#markets An overview of the Australian market for green tea. There are a number of green tea products sold in Australia which are blends of imported teas or Australian grown tea. The major brands of tea are sold through supermarket chains. This includes products under the brands of Lipton, Tetley, Twinings and Dilmah. Green tea is classified as herbal or speciality tea. In 1995 retail sales of herbal tea through supermarkets were worth $15.8 million and speciality tea were worth $23.1 million. Several market opportunities have been recognised within Tasmania and the other states. For example, there are specialty shops dealing in different types of tea and tea extract products. Less well known brands tend to be sold in health food and speciality stores. Businesses operating in Tasmania and other states including Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria, use green tea as an ingredient for value added products, such as soaps, skin care products, herbal products, medicinals and food flavouring. Although there appears to be a significant demand in Australia for green tea and green tea extracts, Australian producers are unable to meet the market’s demand necessitating ongoing imports from various sources world-wide including China, Malaysia and Japan. http://www.rirdc.gov.au/reports/NPP/00-59.pdf Trends. According to Euromonitor, the Australian hot drinks market is expected to grow to A$1.3 million by 2006. It predicts that volume growth will be restricted to some extent by the mature nature of the market, nevertheless it will continue to increase as continued strong marketing in all three product areas brings an increasing number of consumers into the market. Its full report on the market for hot drinks in Australia costs $1000. It provides data on the latest sales, distribution, product and market share trends and developments. Covering coffee, tea and other hot drinks, http://worldofinformation.safeshopper.com/55/1091.htm?160> According to AP Food the extracted beverage industry is increasing with demand for convenient and exciting new products. The popularity of tea is still growing with the innovation of ready to drink products. The liquid green tea market in Japan grew by 46 percent per annum between 1990 and 1999. Singapore has also experienced a year on year growth of 30 percent. http://www.apfoodonline.com/magazines/2001/september/art03.htm Tea growing in Australia. The Japanese green tea processor, Ito En, has contracts with 27 growers in Australia who cultivate on average 1000ha each. http://www.lookjapan.com/LBecobiz/O1AprTB.htm. The company is planning to set up extra production facilities in Victoria's Alexandra-Eildon region. The additional plant is needed as the company had reached acreage capacity at its Mount Beauty plant. By spring this year, the company in conjunction with local farmers will have established 130 hectares of planted tea in Victoria. Its target is to produce 50,000 tonnes of tea a year by 2015 using the additional production facilities. Ito En has been in Victoria since 1994. The company produces and distributes a variety of green tea products, including an innovative canned, green tea beverage known as Ooi Ocha. http://www.lookjapan.com/LBecobiz/O1AprTB.htm Green tea was planted in Tasmania in 1993. There are trials in the northeast with a further site to be planted in the south of the state. http://tea.hypermart.net/countries/australiafacts.html Gordon Brown grows green tea at Allens Rivulet, south of Hobart in Tasmania. The Tea industry forum provides a lot of information about the tea industry. http://www.tea.org.au/forum/sub3.html There is currently 1,500 tonnes of processed black tea produced from 700ha of plantations in Australia. http://www.rirdc.gov.au/pub/compendium/1995/pr-025.html A study shows that 30 percent of consumers prefer the ‘made in Australia’ feature on the packaging. Twinings predicts significant growth in the demand for green tea. Green tea is found to have cholesterol reducing benefits. Tea consumption in Australia. The current consumption of green tea in Australia is about 2,000 tonnes per year. In contrast 17,000 tonnes of black tea is consumed. Most tea drunk is Australia is imported, the country grows around 2000 tonnes of black tea and has recently begun production of green tea which is mostly exported to Japan. Tasmanians drink the most tea. Tea consumption is influenced by age and ethnic background. According to a national nutrition survey, adults aged 25 and over were more likely to drink tea. Adults born in the United Kingdom, Ireland and New Zealand had the highest mean intake of tea. More coffee than tea was consumed by adults aged 19-44. Adults over 45 consumed more tea than coffee. http://www.abs.gov.au/Ausstats/[email protected]/e8ae5488b598839cca25682000131612/9a125034802f94ceca2568a9001393ce A full copy of this survey can be purchased from the Australian Bureau of Statistics at a cost of $32, alternatively the publication can be downloaded for free at some libraries. http://www.abs.gov.au/Ausstats/[email protected]/Lookup/E6EFC36BF13206EBCA256888001CD460 Tasmanians drink the most tea http://ink.news.com.au/mercury/mathguys/articles/1999/990129a2.htm Australia produces 1,600 tonnes of tea each year. 83 percent of households use tea-bags. Each household uses 600 bags per year. Daily consumption of tea is 22 million cups or 44 tonnes per day and 16,060 each year. Tea accounts for 18% of all drinks. http://www.tea.org.au/cuppa/sub5.html Manufacturers The Major manufacturers are Unilever, Tetley, Twinings and Dilmah. Unilever with its Lipton brand is the market leader in the Australian tea market. Tetley has the number two position. However newcomer Dilmah which entered the market 12 years ago is now vying for second place. Unilever Unilever is the worlds largest tea company. In Australia its brands include Lipton, Bushells and Lanchoo tea. Unilever Australia also sells ready to drink ice tea under the Lipton brand. Lipton is Australia's number one Tea Brand. Unilever has a 24 percent share of the Australian tea market. Lipton Tea Bags Jasmine Green are sold through Woolworths supermarkets. Unilever Australia Cambridge Street Epping NSW 2121 Contact: Garry West Ph 02 9869 6100 Fax 02 9869 6300 Email [email protected] http://www.unilever.com Tetley Australia Pty. Ltd. Tetley is the second largest tea-bag brand worldwide, with brand leadership in the UK and Canada. In Australia it is the "number two" tea packer and marketer. Tetley has been marketing its products in Australia since 1963. Its products are now manufactured in India. Although the Tetley brand has been selling in Australia since 1963, it was in July 1988 that the company Tetley Australia was formed. It has introduced new brands like Big Cuppa and relaunched Billy Tea. A recent study by A C Nielsen has shown that Tetley is one of the fastest growing tea brands in Australia http://www.etfoodprocessing.com/oct-nov2002/news7.html Tetley’s market share in Australia is 18 percent, up from 14 percent. It is currently ranked number 2 after Unilever which has a 24 percent share. Australia account for 4 percent of Tetley’s world sales. The company predicts a rise in sales to 2005 http://www.myiris.com/shares/research/investsmart/TATTEA_20030310.pdf In 1996, Tetley launched Emperor’s Garden Green Tea in Australia which was aimed at the health conscious consumer. It is sold in packs of 10, 50 and 100. It is stocked by Coles supermarket. http://www.britannia.com/panorama/teabiz.html Tetley Australia Pty. Ltd. 12 Yarra Street South Yarra Vic 3141 Ph 03 9825 3300 Fax 03 9827 3282 Web www.tetley.com Email [email protected] The company has started production of organic green tea. http://in.biz.yahoo.com/p/t/ttte.bo.html Twinings Twinings is one of the oldest tea companies and brand names in the world. It leads the market in speciality teas. With the benefit of nearly 300 years experience, a wide range of high quality blends in tins, cartons and tea-bags are distributed and enjoyed in more than 90 countries throughout the world. Twinings markets three green teas in Australia – Early Grey Green, Jasmine Green Tea and Java Green Tea. The teas were launched in 2000. Manassen Foods PO Box 2446 Rowville Vic 3178 Ph 03 9763 3044 Fax 03 9763 3054 Email [email protected] Web www.twinings.com Dilmah Products - Green Tea Jasmine 50’s Dilmah has an 8.6 percent market share of Australia’s speciality tea market. http://www.dilmahtea.com.sg/teacomp.html Dilmah brand accounts for a 12 percent market share of the Australian market. http://www.dilmahtea.com/press/Press_August2001/value_added_reuters.htm Dilmah is currently competing for second place in the Australian market. The tea is one of the most expensive brands on the Australian market. The company entered the Australian market 12 years ago. It achieved its market share through promotion on radio, TV and the print media http://www.dilmahtea.com/index.html Onno Behrends A German based manufacturer who markets their herbal teas in Australia. OTG is the largest tea producer in Germany with a market share of 43 %. In the sectors of herbal and fruit tea bags - its largest segment of the tea market – it achieved an increase in turnover of 26 %. http://www.lsh-ag.de/index.php3 Distributor Sandra Kapp Abel Lemon Distribution PTY LTD PO BOX 292 Concord NSW 2137 Products – A variety of herbal teas including Onno Behrends Lemon Green Tea. A traditional China green tea with a subtle lemon flavour. Sold in health food stores and in major retail outlets like Woolworths and Coles. http://www.abellemon.com.au/onno/onno.htm Funxion Enterprises Pty Ltd Level 6, 38 York Street SYDNEY, NSW, 2000 Australia Telephone +61 2 9290 2700 Mr Richard Sexton, Director Email: [email protected] Products Iced green tea with herbal infusions of Siberian Ginseng and Gingko Biloba. All natural ingredients. Funxion Background - Founded in 2001 to exploit the underdeveloped market for herbal-enhanced non-carbonated functional drinks in Australia. The first flavour (lemon) was produced in November 2001, and has enjoyed considerable success. Based on the success of overseas iced tea manufacturers, a mango flavour will be produced in June 2002. Target market - young and busy 18-40 year olds who have a desire for "easy health" and need a little extra out of their drinks, but don't want an energy drink or fizzy soft drink. http://www.funxion.com.au/ http://www2.austrade.gov.au/AOD/Page59124.asp The Kombucha House Pty Ltd 30 Climax Court Canungra Queensland 4275 A family run business selling beverage products domestically and to the European, Asian and U.S. market. Products – Veronica’s Green Tea Kombucha – a beverage based on green tea. http://www.kombucha-house.com/index.html Madura Tea Estates Madura Tea Estates, established in 1978, is a 25 hectare tea plantation near Murwillumbah, NSW, where tea is grown in near-perfect subtropical conditions. Madura Tea Estates PO Box 702 Murwillumbah NSW 2484 Ph 02 6677 7215 Fax 02 6677 7451 Email [email protected] Tea brands http://www.tea.org.au/forum/sub4.html Nerada Tea Company Nerada Tea, established in 1959, is situated in the Nerada Valley on the foothills of the Atherton Tablelands in Far North Queensland. It is the largest supplier of Australian grown teas to the domestic market. Nerada Tea Pty Ltd PO Box 1420 Sunnybank Hills QLD 4109 Contact : Andrew Weavers / Peter Jeffery Ph 07 3272 0444 Fax 07 3272 0243 Email [email protected] Products - Nerada tea bags organic green, sold in Woolworths http://www.ourbrisbane.com/business/businessonline/stories/nerada.htm Christie Tea Pty Ltd Christie Tea is a specialist Australian manufacturer of tea bags for supermarkets with their own brands and for other participants in the tea industry. Christie Tea selects and blends teas from producing countries. Christie Tea Pty Ltd Unit 1A 938 South Road PO Box 235 Edwardstown SA 5039 Ph 08 8371 5311 Fax 08 8371 5322 Email [email protected] George Payne & Co. (Ceylon) Ltd Markets its brand of Alwazah Tea in Australia. Stassen Group Products include Stassen Jasmine Green Tea Specialises in contract blending and packing teas to meet customer requirements. Includes green tea products. Chunmee and Gun Powder are the main grades produced by Stassen, and the entire production is exported worldwide in bulk, in packets or as tea bags. http://www.stassen.com.au/index.html Importers of tea http://dir.indiamart.com/foreignimporters/ag_tea.html Nepal Organic Tea Buyers of organic tea. Address: 28/3, Barton Road, Artarmon, Sydney - 2064, Australia Phone: +(61)-(2)-94116494 Fax: +(61)-(2)-94391671 Products Nepal Organic Green Tea. Nepal Organci Green Leaf Tea. Packs of 25 and 100 tea bags and packets of 100 gram leaf tea, sold in health food and organic stores across Australia. http://www.teaandcoffee.net/news/messages/3272.html http://www.organickte.com/production-qualitycontrol.htm Oz Oriental Organisation Importers of various types of tea. Address: Unit 2, 20-22 Bridge Road, Sydney - 2145, Australia Phone: +(61)-(2)-96353587 Fax: +(61)-(2)-96353543 Global Infinity International Importers of tea and coffee. Address: 6/41, Memorial Av, Merrylands - 2160, Australia Phone: +(61)-(2)-96374310 Fax: +(61)-(2)-96374310 Maxbal Pty Importers of Heart Guardian A – Herbal Tea and Beiqishen Herbal Tea Tetley – green tea products 8 Mittabah Rd, Hornsby, NSW 2077 Australia +61 2 9987-1882 +61 2 9987-1886 Email [email protected] http://equitiesi.rediff.com/html/pickofweek.html Distributors Eco-Farms Pty Ltd - Cnr Park & Bedford, Homebush, NSW 2129 Ph: (02) 9764 2833 Horizon Foods - Unit 3, 1 Tasman Way, Byron Bay Industrial Estate, Byron Bay NSW 2481 Ph: (02) 6685 8977 Melrose Health Supplies - 4 Redland Drive, Micham, VIC 3132 Ph: (03) 9874 7800 Pagle Pty Ltd - 30B Hilly Street, Mortlake NSW 2137 Ph: (02) 9736 1800 http://www.stassen.com.au/tea_sta_1.htm Bio Distributors - PO Box 12, SHEFFIELD, Tasmania 7306 AUSTRALIA http://www.biodistributors.com.au/index.htm Formosan Green Tea - http://www.rojinatea.com/aboutus.html Trade Winds Tea & Coffee Pty Ltd- http://www.tradewinds.org.au/ - Distributes organically grown products from small producers. New Green Tea Products. Teazo Iced Tea http://www.freezoccino.com/2.html Rojina Green Tea http://www.rojinatea.com/aboutus.html MajorAustralian supermarkets. Coles http://www.coles.com.au/ Operates 460 stores throughout Australia. Stocks 118 tea products, three are types of green tea: Madura Green Tea Bags $3.69 50 pack Twinings Java Green Tea Bags $1.44 20g packet Tetley Emporer’s Garden Green Tea $3.51 50 pack Woolworths http://www.woolworths.com.au/ Operates over 1400 stores throughout Australia. Stocks 136 tea products, 8 are green tea products. Dilmah Green Tea Bags $3.39 50 pack Dilmah Tea Leaf $4.18 200g Lipton Tea Bags Jasmine Green $2.40 25 pack Madura Tea Bags Green $3.72 50 pack Madura Tea Leaf Green $3.39 125g pack Nerada Tea Bags Organic Green $1.46 25 pack Tea – Leaf – Fair Trade – Universal Village – Organic Green Ceylon Cha Tea $4.99 100g pack Twinings Tea Bags Java Green $1.45 10 pack Spar http://www.foodretailers.com.au/spar/ Operates 40 stores in Australia. Specialist retailers. Gray & Seddon Premium Tea Merchants Shop: 173 Centre Road Bentleigh 3204 POSTAL ADDRESS: Box 12040 A'Beckett Street Post Office Melbourne 3000 Australia. +61 3 9557 1906 A wide choice of green teas. http://gray-seddon-tea.com/coprofile.shtml Taka Tea Garden 320 New South Head Road Double Bay Sydney NSW 2028 Taka Tea Garden has the exclusive distribution rights of green tea products made by a Japanese green tea company called Chikumedio in Australia and New Zealand. http://www.takateagarden.com.au/profile.htm City Health Foods http://www.cityhealth.com.au/shop/default.asp Shop and online store. Shop 2, 111 Hunter St, Newcastle NSW 2300 Australia Stocks Formosan Tea products Formosan Tea - Green Tea 250g RRP $6.00 $4.20 Formosan Tea - Green Tea Powder 30g RRP $7.20 $5.04 Formosan Tea - Green Tea Bags 25 RRP $3.50 $2.51 Formosan Tea - Jasmine Green Tea Bags RRP $2.64 $1.65 Formosan Tea – Oolong Teabags 10 RRP 2.64 $1.85 Other products containing green tea. Cha For Tea 389 Victoria Ave. Chatswood N.S.W. 2067 Phone: 002-61-2-9410-0617 Tea house aimed at young people. http://obiah.tripod.com/chafortea/news.html http://taipeitimes.com/News/biz/archives/2002/04/13/131733 Directory of health food shops in Sydney http://sydney.citysearch.com.au/search?type=grid&flavor_id=26&sort=rank-desc&cw1=11&neighborhoods=&x=17&y=12 Japanese green teas sold in Australia. The average price of retail green tea including packaging is $71.76 per kg. Sencha $85 per kg Genmaicha $55-77 per kg Bancha $64 per kg http://www.nre.vic.gov.au/web/root/domino/cm_da/NRECTI.nsf/TOC/4A25676D0027D8684A25693E0007D493 Other uses of green tea. Green Tea is also used in other health and cosmetics products. The following are links to manufacturers. Green tea powder http://www.bjharris.com.au/vegetables.html Cosmetics http://www.nuskin.com/au/whats_new/newProducts/dual_active.shtml Face mask http://www.janssen-australia.com.au/dermafleece.html Health products http://allonhealth.com/health-products/proanc2000.htm Diet products http://www.a-healthy-diet.com.au/usa_herbalife/Herbalife_quick_weight_loss.htm Cosmetics http://www.auscos.net.au/ Further reading Cadman, R. (2000). Report on the Prospects for Japanese Green Tea Production in North East Victoria: An overview of a farmer study tour of Japan, NRE Report. O’Brien, K., Morgan, M., Clarke, R. (2000) Production and marketing of green tea. NRE Report. http://www.agric.wa.gov.au/agency/pubns/bulletin/bull4499.htm#markets <Additional links:> <The world market for tea> <http://www.tea.org.au/world/sub1.html> <Green tea sales rise dramatically in the U.S.> <http://exchange.healthwell.com/nfm-online/nfm_backs/Jan_00/greentea.cfm> <The green tea project in the Murrindindi Shire in Victoria> <http://www.nre.vic.gov.au/trade/asiaveg/nlaf-03b.htm> <Murrindindi green tea project> <http://www.affa.gov.au/ministers/troeth/releases/98/98_13t.html> <Tasmanian production> <http://www.rirdc.gov.au/pub/compendium/93-94/pr-046.html> <Green tea to be grown in Tasmania> <http://www.rirdc.gov.au/pub/media_releases/31jan94.html> <ITOEN – a major Japanese manufacturer of green tea products with plantations in Australia.> <http://www.itoen.co.jp/eng/investor/200204/apr/Apr02.pdf> <The New Zealand green tea market> <http://www.grocersreview.co.nz/archives/mar02_5.htm> <Search strategy:> <australian bureau of statistics> <://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=australian+bureau+of+statistics> <"tea market" Australia> <://www.google.com/search?q=%22tea+market%22+australia&hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1> <"green tea sales" Australia> <://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22green+tea+sales%22+australia> < "sales of green tea"> <://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22sales+of+green+tea%22> <"tea consumption" Australians> <://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22tea+consumption%22+&as_q=australians> <australia "tea growers"> <://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=+australia+%22tea+growers%22> <Hope this helps.>

charles2004-ga at Google Answers Visit the source

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