How much is a Package from Germany to Spain?

Minimally invasive spine surgeons in Germany, Italy and Spain

  • Minimally invasive spine surgeons in Germany, Italy and Spain I need to locate five spine surgeons, either Neurosurgeons or Orthopedic surgeons in each of Germany, Italy and Spain. The types of procedures that these physicians perform is kyphoplasty, vertebroplasty, or minimally invasive spinal fixation. I need the first and last name of each physician, their institution and contact information. I will be willing to pay $60 for all 15 names, or $20 for the five names in each country. It is important not just to select any spine surgeon, but one who has expertise in minimally invasive techniques. The is for my Dad who is a music profession living in Europe and needs a procedure. We have family in each of these countries who can support him.

  • Answer:

    Hello Crystal4290-ga: It was a pleasure to answer your question. After an extensive research, I am providing you the names and addresses of the surgeons you are looking for. Please be advised that I will list the neurosurgeons first and than list orthopedic surgeons who specialize in Spinal procedures. I have compiled a list of neurosurgeons that are very well known all over the world so that you can contact them and seek their advice. I am also listing a number of orthopedic surgeons and their affiliations and specialty but they might or might not be specialist with minimal invasive techniques. The only reason I am providing you their names is that all of them are very well known in their country and have extensive experience in the field of spinal surgery. You can call them and consult with them. Who knows they might be the type of surgeons you are looking for. Again, the only reason to provide you with two lists is that to make it easy for you to consult various doctors and seek guidance in the right direction. Following is the list: ************************************************************************ GERMANY- NUEROSURGEONS ************************************************************************ (1) Dr. Thomas Hoogland Biography & Contact Info: ________________________________________________________________________ (2) Dr. Horst Dekkers Biography & Contact Info: ________________________________________________________________________ (3) Dr. Walker Urban Biography & Contact Info: TRANSLATED IN ENGLISG BY ALTAVISTA BABLEFISH: Dr. Volker Urban is active as a specialist for neurosurgery in the special range of the operational spinal column treatments in the Emma hospital blessed city. The medicine study and the specialist training as neurosurgeons completed he at the University of Mainz. Its work and main points of research are the development of medical Endoskopiesysteme as well as the medical Robotic. Since August 2000 Dr. Urban works as an established neurosurgeon in the Emma hospital blessed city. Main points of work: minimal invasive procedures, Endoskopie, Spinalkanalstenose operational supply of volume disk incidents of the neck and Lendenwirbelsaeule Languages: German, English ________________________________________________________________________ (4) Dr. Walter Bini Neurosurgery Neurochirurgie-Global Spine Unit EMMA Klinik Frankfurterstr. 51 63500 Seligenstadt-Germany Telephone: 49 6182 960 300 Fax: 49 6182 960 301 Email: [email protected] Web site: Biography & Contact Info: TRANSLATED IN ENGLISG BY ALTAVISTA BABLEFISH: Dr. Dr. h.c. walter Bini is active as a specialist for neurosurgery in the special range of the operational spinal column treatments in the Emma hospital blessed city. Its main points of work are those minimal invasiven procedures as well as those micro restabilisierenden procedures of the Lendenwirbelsaeule. After conclusion of the medicine study at the university in Saragossa (Spain) it completed the specialist training as neurosurgeons in the north city hospital the Hanover. Afterwards it worked several years as a neurosurgeon in Switzerland, the USA and Spain. Since February 2003 Dr. Bini is active as a neurosurgeon in the Emma hospital blessed city. Main points of work: minimal invasive operations, percutane procedures, operational supply of volume disk incidents of the neck and Lendenwirbelsaeule Languages: German, English, Italian, Spanish, French ________________________________________________________________________ (5) Dr. Werner Hassler Director & Founder of Neurosurgical Clinic Duisburg, Germany Biography & Contact Info: ************************************************************************ GERMANY – ORTHOPEDIC SURGEONS ************************************************************************ (1)Thomas Hoogland MD Dr. Hoogland Spine Center at the Alpha-Klinik Effnerstr. 38 Munich Germany 81825 Orthopedic Surgeon Tel: 0049 89 204000200 Orthopaedic practice and clinic for operative, endoscopic, minimal-invasive treatment of the lumbar and cervical spine. inpatient and out-patient treatment Endoscopic Nucleotomy, endoscopic decompression, endoscopic treatment of one-sided stenosis, endoscopic abrasion. Endoscopic removal of hernias in the lumbar and cervical spine, microscopic nucleotomy, artificial disc-replacement Associations North American Spine Society Specialties Degenerative Spine Endoscopic spine-surgery ________________________________________________________________________ (2) Dimitrios Kafritsas MD NC Klinik am Forum Stuttgarter Str. 30 Ludwigsburg Baden-Wuerttemberg D-71638 Tel: +49-7141-9379- Specialties Degenerative Spine Spinal Deformity Tumor-Infection Special Pain Treatment, Neuroradiology Hospital NC Klinik am Forum ________________________________________________________________________ (3) Nenad Kostovic MD Gemeinschaftspraxis für Radiologie Kasernenstr. 15 Solingen Germany 42651 Primary Care Tel: 0049 - 212-204085 muscleskeletal and pain diagnostic neuroaxis diagnostic orthopaedic diagnostic feet& ankle disorders diagnostic hand disorders radiographic diagnotic sport related injuries computer assisted pain treatment of the spine. Specialties Degenerative Spine Radiologist ________________________________________________________________________ (4) Johann Obermueller MD Tagesklinik Muenchen Nord Ingolstaedter Str.166 Muenchen Germany 80939 Neurosurgeon Tel: 089 316 1016 Nucleoplasty, Endoscopic and Micro surgical procedures, Endoscopic peripheral nerves. Specialties Degenerative Spine Micro Endo Spine Surgery Hospital Paracelsus Hospital ________________________________________________________________________ ************************************************************************ ITALY NUEROSURGONS ************************************************************************ (1) Francesco M. Salpietro, M.D. Clinica Neurochirurgica, Policlinico Universitario "G.Martino" Via Consolare Valeria, 1 98122 Messina, Italy Phone: +39 (90) 221-2871, 293-7963 Fax: +39 (90) 693714 ________________________________________________________________________ (2) Dino Ferrari ALS Clinic Institute of Neurology University of Milan Medical School IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Via F. Sforza 35 I-20122 Milan - Italy 39-2-5503-3855 Fax: 39-2-55190392 [email protected] ________________________________________________________________________ (3) Vincenzo Silani, M.D Dr. Vincenzo Silani Università degli Studi di Pisa Department of Neurosciences Section of Neurology Via Roma 67 56126 Pisa (I) 39-50-992443 Fax: 39-50-554808 [email protected] ________________________________________________________________________ (4) Luigi Murri M.D. Prof. Francesco Tomasello Clinica Neurochirurgica Università di Messina Tel. 090/2212862 Fax 090/693.714 E-mail: [email protected] ________________________________________________________________________ (5) Prof. Nicola de Lorenzo Clinica Neurochirurgica Università degli Studi Dr. Giovanni Gazerri 06 3306 2354 Fax: 06 3306 2503 [email protected] ________________________________________________________________________ (6) Dr. Riccardo Soffietti President Italian Association of Neuro-Oncology University of Turin Dept. of Neurology Via Cherasco 15 10126 TORINO I - 10126 TORINO Fax: +39-11-6963487 [email protected] ************************************************************************ ITALY – ORTHOPEDIC SURGEONS ************************************************************************ (1) Roberto Assietti MD Divisione di Neurochirurgia Ospedale Fatebenefratelli & Oftalmico Corso di Porta Nuova 23-20123 Milano Neurosurgeon Tel: 02.55185430 Specialties Degenerative Spine Trauma Tumor-Infection Associations American Association of Neurological Surgeons ________________________________________________________________________ (2) Giovanni Barbanti Bròdano MD Ospedale Maggiore "CA Pizzardi" Largo Nigrisoli 2 Bologna Italy 40133 Orthopedic Surgeon Tel: +39-051-6478286 Expert in treating fractures, tumors and degerative conditions of the spine. Specialties Degenerative Spine Trauma Tumor-Infection Hand ________________________________________________________________________ (3) Fabio Barone MD Fabio Barone, MD Via Milano 6 Catania NA 95128 Neurosurgeon Tel: +39/095/372866 Specialties Degenerative Spine Trauma Hospital Neurosurgical Unit - Villa Azzurra Clinic – SR University Institute of Neurosurgery - University of Catania – Italy ________________________________________________________________________ (4) Sergio Brambilla MD ISTITUTO ORTOPEDICO PIAZZA CARDINAL FERRARI , 1 MILANO NA 20122 Orthopedic Surgeon Tel: 039258304643 Specialties Degenerative Spine Trauma Tumor-Infection cervical spine ________________________________________________________________________ (5) Giovanni Broggi MD Department of Neurosurgery-1st Naz. Neurologico Celoria 11 Milano NA 20129 Neurosurgeon Tel: ++39-02-76075559 Associations American Association of Neurological Surgeons Specialties Degenerative Spine ________________________________________________________________________ (6) Gennaro D'Onofrio MD gennaro via paganini, 34 pomigliano d arco na 80038 Orthopedic Surgeon Tel: +39-0818847360 Specialties Spinal Deformity ________________________________________________________________________ (7) Daniele A Fabris Monterumici MD Spine Surgery Unit - Padova General Hospital Via Giustiniani, 1 Padova Italy 35100 Orthopedic Surgeon Tel: +390498213367 Treatment of adult deformities, lumbosacral spondylolisthesis, cervical and thoracolumbar injuries, degenerative conditions of cervical and lumbosacral spine, tumors of the spine Associations Scoliosis Research Society Specialties Degenerative Spine Spinal Deformity Trauma Tumor-Infection Hospital Padova University General Hospital ________________________________________________________________________ (8) Michele Naddeo MD ua Turetti 29 Turin Neurosurgeon Tel: 390118933352 Dr. Naddeo is a member of the Italian Neurosurgeons Society. Specialties Degenerative Spine Trauma Tumor-Infection Hospital CTO Hospital ________________________________________________________________________ (9) Luca L. Serra MD Neurosurgery Piazza Vittoria, 10 Napoli Neurosurgeon Tel: 0337.941030 Specialties Degenerative Spine Hospital University Hospital Naples Universita Federico ________________________________________________________________________ (10) Nicola N. Specchia MD Spine Surgeon Garibaldi 101 Ancona NA Orthopedic Surgeon Tel: ++39-071-201866 Associations Cervical Spine Research Society Scoliosis Research Society Specialties Degenerative Spine Spinal Deformity Trauma Tumor-Infection University University of Ancona Italy - Department of Orthopaedics ************************************************************************ SPAIN – NUEROSURGEONS ************************************************************************ (1) Dr. Miguel Manrique Director of Neurosurgery & President of Association of the Surgery of the Epilepsy Bio: Contact Info: Univerisy Hospital University of Navarra Clínica Universitaria Avda. Pío XII, 36 31008 Pamplona Spain Phone +34 948 255 400 Fax +34 948 296 500 ________________________________________________________________________ (2) Dr. Óscar Fernández y Fernández ________________________________________________________________________ (3) Dr. Gonzalo Bravo Clinica Ruber Tel. 914-026-100 Tel. 914-027-100 Clínica ICE San Bernardo, 68; 28015 Madrid; Spain Phone: +34 91 - 532 6641 Fax: +34 91 - 334 5150 E-Mail: [email protected] ************************************************************************ SPAIN – ORTHOPEADIC SURGONS ************************************************************************ (1) Enrique Ferrer PhD Neurociencias Avda. Mare de Deu de la Salut 87 Barcelona Cataluña 08017 Neurosurgeon Tel: +34934167035 Public and Privat practice Microsugery Endoscopic surgery Associations American Association of Neurological Surgeons Specialties Degenerative Spine Hospital Hospital CLINIC University of Barcelona ________________________________________________________________________ (2) Josep M Prim MD Hospital General de Catalunya Calle Gomera s/n Sant Cugat (Barcelona) Catalunya 08190 Neurosurgeon Tel: 34935656000 minimally invasive surgery cervical spine lumbar spine Associations American Association of Neurological Surgeons Specialties Degenerative Spine Hospital hospital general de catalunya centro medico teknon hospital de Barcelona ________________________________________________________________________ (3) Vicente C. Maldonado MD Avda. de las Torres, 93, 6, F Zaragoza Neurosurgeon Tel: 976.27.12.52 Hospital Hospital Clinicio Universita Fachiliad de Mediciza ________________________________________________________________________ (4) Hani H Mhaildli MD Dr. Hani Mhaidli Nestor de la Torre, 22 1-izq Las Palmas de Gran Canaria NA 35004 Orthopedic Surgeon Tel: 34-928 241825 Head of spine unit. 4000 patients per year and the hospital perform more than 170 major spine surgeries per year. Associate professor of orthopaedics at the University. Associations American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons North American Spine Society Specialties Degenerative Spine Spinal Deformity Trauma Tumor-Infection Hospital Hospital Universitario Dr. Negrin Clinica San Roque ________________________________________________________________________ (5) Franck F Chiappinelli MD Chiappinelli Ali Bei 27 Atico Barcelona Spain 08010 Primary Care Tel: 932444467 Specialties Degenerative Spine ________________________________________________________________________ (6) Juan A. Toribio MD Hospital Son Llatzer Carretera Manacor Km 4 Palma de Mallorca Baleares 07014 Orthopedic Surgeon Tel: 34871202137 Specialties Degenerative Spine Trauma ________________________________________________________________________ (7) Mariano Ginoves MD Neurocirugia Estanque Dorado Nava y Grimon, 56 La Laguna Canary Islands 38201 Neurosurgeon Tel: (34)922631142 General Neurosurgery Spine surgery Specialties Degenerative Spine Trauma Tumor-Infection Hospital Hospital Universitario de Canarias ******************************************************************************* I hope this answer will help you. Please clarify, if you are not satisfied. Thanks for using Google Answers and I wish you very good luck in the future. Sincerely, Leader-ga

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