The Biome, Species, General Body Structure&Functions of Genus Dendrolagus
* Please provide the "directly source page" of the answer and the front page of the website if the answers are the links. Thanks! Under the genus Dendrolagus 1. common name of the genus and the species (10 species with similar biome and body structure and function). The comman characteristics of the phylum. 2. the biome, source of food, enemies (at least 3), and environment (detail) of 2 choosed species (from genus Dendrolagus). 3. The body plan (how they look like) for the 2 species (same as above question) and the organisms' life cycle (from birth to death based on biology). 4. List the taxonomic level (from domain to species) and list the different classification levels in order from largest (most diverse) to smallest (least diverse). Describe what type of organisms are in each taxonomic level (describe the representative sample of the different types of organisms in each taxon and general properties in each taxon). 5. The skeleton system, how they respire, feeding adaptations, and how they move for the 2 choosed species.
OVERVIEW The taxonomic and phylogenetic status of the genus is fluid. There seems to be some disagreement among the classifiers about the number of species and subspecies. The six species upon which all the authorities agree are: Dendrolagus inustus, GRIZZLED TREE KANGAROO; Dendrolagus lumholtzi, LUMHOLTZ'S TREE KANGAROO; Dendrolagus bennettianus, BENNETT'S TREE KANGAROO; Dendrolagus ursinus, BLACK TREE KANGAROO; Dendrolagus matschiei, MATSCHIE'S TREE KANGAROO; Dendrolagus dorianus, DORIA'S TREE KANGAROO. More recently recognized species, not yet universally catalogued are: Dendrolagus goodfellowi, GOODFELLOW'S TREE KANGAROO Dendrolagus mbaiso, DINGISO TREE KANGAROO Dendrolagus scottae, SCOTT'S TREE KANAGAROO Dendrolagus spadix, LOWLAND TREE KANGAROO To illustrate the situation regarding classification with one example, Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo is classified as a subspecies of D. matschiei by Graves, but as a separate species by others. (Evidently, the principal distinction is the bright yellow dorsal striping of the back and tail.) To confuse matters even more, some experts recognize two (or three*) subspecies of Goodfellow's, Dendrolagus goodfellowi shawmayeri and Dendrolagus goodfellowi buergersi, but buergersi is sometimes given as a synonym for goodfellowi. Thus, depending upon the classification system, goodfellowi could be referred to as: Dendrolagus goodfellowi Dendrolagus matschiei goodfellowi Dendrolagus buergersi while buergersi could be listed either as the species name for goodfellowi itself or as a subspecies of goodfellowi. Bear in mind that this is the state of affairs regarding a fairly well documented animal. Things become even less clear with the recently discovered and classified animals. There is very little information about the more recently recognized species, due to the fact that they inhabit geographically remote and extremely small areas of Papua New Guinea that have been inadequately surveyed by zoologists. In some cases, the species have been known to science for only a decade or less. In addition, the populations of some species are so small (100) as to be threatened with extinction, thus making observation difficult. Their rarity combined with their remoteness produce scarce data. Generally then, dendrolagus is classified thus: Kingdom ANIMALIA Phylum CHORDATA Class MAMMALIA Order DIPROTODONTIA (formerly in MARSUPIALIA) Family MACROPODIDAE GENUS DENDROLAGUS (from the Greek, dendro - tree, lagus - hare) All of the wild species are under pressure from human encroachment of their habitats. The least numerous species is in Papua New Guinea, where deforestation and hunting have depleted the numbers to dangerous levels. By 1999, for instance, the range of Scott's Tree Kangaroo (D. scottae, or Tenkile in the local language) had been confined to the south side of Mt. Sumoro in the Torricelli Mountains of northern Papua New Guinea, an area of about 20-30 square kilometers, and the total number of animals was thought to be perhaps as few as 100, a reduction of perhaps 75% since the discovery of the species in 1989. All the species are rare, however. * Dendrolagus goodfellowi pulcherrimus, eradicated in some areas and nearly extinct. SOURCES: MARSUPIALIA; MACROPODIDAE; DENDROLAGUS (Most conservative source.) C o n c e r n i n g C o n s e r v a t i o n Vol 1 Issue 2, November 1999 Halting the Decline of the Tenkile [IUCN Red List of Threatened Species - Dendrolagus spadix] DESCRIPTIONS All Tree Kangaroo species, however classified, share some descriptors in common. All inhabit similar ecological niches, the tropical rain forest of lowlands or mountains of less than 3500 meters altitude. All are, as the name implies, arboreal. All are herbivores (plant eaters, mainly leaves), although they supplement their diets with the occasional insect, bird egg or even hatchling, have body masses in the range of 6-14 kilograms, body lengths 55-75 centimeters and tails of 55-84 cm. Males are typically larger than females (sexual dimorphism). All are nocturnal or crepuscular (emerging at night or in the near darkness of dusk or dawn). Like other kangaroos, Tree Kangaroos have longer rear legs than forelegs, although the legs of the Tree Kangaroos are more evenly proportioned, with the forelegs longer and the rear legs shorter than in the terrestrial kangaroos. None of the species occupies a very diverse ecological niche, although D. matschiei and its close relative D. goodfellowi do cover a range of altitudes where a diversity of tree species can be found, varying with elevation. (This is true of other species, however. D. dorianus: 600-3300 m for example.) D. dorianus has the largest geographical distribution, extending from western to southeastern New Guinea. Generally speaking, the Australian species are contained in very restricted areas -- sanctuaries, parks, and other protected areas. D. scottae on New Guinea certainly has the least dispersion of any of the species (see above). Typical of the New Guinea ecology is this description. "The vegetation of this ecoregion is generally tropical montane rai forest. Although they are subject to variable climates and topography, montane forests are smaller-crowned and have even more canopies than lowland hill forest. Tree densities can be high, and the shrub density is also high. Predominant canopy trees include Nothofagus, Lauraceae, Cunoniaceae, Elaeocarpaceae, Lithocarpus, Castanopsis, Syzygium, Illex, and southern conifers. Nothofagus and Araucaria may grow in pure, dense stands. The levels of Myrtaceae, Elaeocarpaceae, and conifers increase with altitude. The conifers generally found above 2,000 m include Dacrycarpus, Podocarpus, Phyllocladus, and Papuacedrus in the canopy and emergent layer (Paijmans 1975)." World Wildlife Fund Terrestrial Ecoregions Northern New Guinea montane rain forests (AA0116) Dendrolagus matschiei and D.goodfellowi D. matschiei is confined in nature to the tropical, riparian (river), and montane (mountain) forests of eastern Papua New Guinea, more particularly to the Huon Peninsula and the island of Umboi (across the strait in New Britain). The trees in the habitats can vary from hardwoods at the lower altitudes to conifers at the higher. There are sizable captive populations of Matschiei, but the natural population has declined by more than 50% in a decade and is listed as seriously endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). "Goodfellow's tree kangaroos are found in Papua New Guinea. They are located in the tropical rainforests and tropical deciduous forests of the Foya Mountains in Northern Irian Jaya and of the Owen Stanley Ranges. They live at heights of 2267-9550 ft (680-2865 m) above sea level." [Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo] This extends the range of Goodfellow's westward on New Guinea. Silkwood leaves are the preferred food of D. matschiei in the wild, but they follow the pattern of other Tree Kangaroos which eat a variety foods as available, including small animals and birds. Captive populations are fed leaves, fruit, and vegetables, with some protein in the form of chicks and eggs. The natural tannin source that keeps the brilliant coloration of the pelage in the wild is substituted by tea leaves in captivity. The only serious threat of predation comes from human beings, who hunt the animal for food. There is a lack of large arboreal predators on the island of New Guinea, which allows Matschiei to live unmolested in the canopy, where its agility is its greatest protection. The dwindling forest from clear cutting is, therefore, the most grave threat to the survival of the species in the wild. In captivity, the animal is at risk from mycobacterial tuberculosis that seems to be acquired from avian contact. Matschiei and its related species D. goodfellowi are the smallest, most compact, and most highly colored animals of the genus. Adult males reach a maximum body mass of 7.5 kg, while females are slightly smaller on average. The body length of the adult males is approximately 78 cm maximum, while females reach a body length of about 58 cm maximum. Both males and females have tails that exceed the length of their bodies. Tails of the males can be as long as 84 cm, and those of females 68 cm. The tail is used for balance, and typically is elevated when walking, which is usually accomplished on four legs rather than two, as with terrestrial kangaroos, although the gait of Tree Kangaroos has a pronounced hop. The forelegs are strong and about of equal length with the hind limbs. They have long, curved claws on the hands and feet. "They have a diastema between their third incisor and canine of 2.95 +- 0.8 mm. The interparietal bone is large with an acute apex." [Dendrolagus matschiei Matschie's Tree Kangaroo, Huon Tree Kangaroo] Matschiei are territorial and solitary except when mating. (This is in contrast to the females of D. dorianus, which have been observed to form friendly, cooperative groups.) The females occupy small territories of a few acres, while males have larger territories that overlap those of several females, allowing for polygynous mating (more than one mate). Males are fiercely competitive for territory and the best food resources, and for females within their territories. There is no defined breeding season, as the females are fertile throughout the year (polyestrous). Sexual maturity is reached at two years, and the average female reasonably can be expected to bear six live young during her lifetime, which can be as long as fourteen years in captivity. "Estrous occurs every 51-79 days. Delayed implantation does not occur in D. matschiei (but has been recorded in other Dendrolagus species) nor is there any embryonic diapause. Gestation lasts 39-45 days, the longest recorded gestation period for any marsupial." [Dendrolagus matschiei Matschie's Tree Kangaroo, Huon Tree Kangaroo] (Other sources give 32 days.) The joey (infant kangaroo) is less than an inch at birth and minimally developed. It crawls to the pouch unassisted and attaches itself to a teat, to which it remains attached for up to 100 days. Development in the pouch is protracted, lasting up to 300 days. The joey emerges at that stage, returning to the pouch regularly to suckle for approximately 2 more months, after which it becomes self-sustaining outside the pouch. SOURCES FOR D. MATSCHIEI and D. GOODFELLOWI Sources are listed in order probable authenticity of data, as refelected by the number of reliable references cited in support. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Dendrolagus matschiei Matschie's Tree Kangaroo, Huon Tree Kangaroo Dendrolagus goodfellowi Tree Kangaroo Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo MATSCHIE'S TREE KANGAROO (Use with caution, as it contains some errors. Compare to the two U Michigan sites.) Dendrolagus bennettianus In contrast to the small New Guinea species D. matschiei, Dendrolagus bennettianus is the largest of the Australian arboreal mammals. As with the other species, males of the Bennett's are larger than the females, with the males weighing between 12 and 14 kg, and the females between 8 and 11 kg. Also as with other species, body length is shorter than tail length in both sexes. Male Bennett's are about 75 cm long in the body with with 84 cm tails, and females have a body length of about 70 cm with a tail length of about 80 cm. Fur is mostly dark brown, with lighter ventral parts (chin, throat, belly), again in contrast with the brightly colored Matschiei. Bennett's is found in the area of Queensland (northeastern Australia) bounded by Daintree River, Mt. Amos and Mt. Windsor, a total of less than 4000 sq. km. It is primarily a lowland animal (450-760 m). Like the males of other species of the genus, Bennett's males are territorial, defending areas of up to 25 hectares. Female territories are smaller and several are subsumed within that of a single male. Both males and females are typically solitary. "Dendrolagus bennettianus exhibits mostly folivory, particularly favoring trees such as /Ganophyllum/, /Aidia/, and /Schefflera/, the vine /Pisonia/, and the fern /Platycerium/ (Martin and Johnson, 1995). Fruit is also taken, when available (Martin and Johnson, 1995), both arboreally and terrestrially (Grzimek, 1990)." [Dendrolagus bennettianus Bennett's Tree-Kangaroo] Bennett's, unlike Matschiei which has a fairly large captive breeding population and the habits of which have been the subject of close scrutiny, is a wild and elusive species, and its breeding habits are less precisely understood. Much information, consequently, appears to be inferential, based upon the general knowledge of the habits of other species in the genus. As a result, Bennett's is said to be an "opportunistic" breeder, rather than a seasonal one, based upon its tropical habitat that is largely devoid of seasonality and the fact that other species exhibit no seasonal estrous. The joey typically remains in the pouch until it has reached a body mass of 5 kg at about nine months after birth. They will remain with the mother up until sexual maturity at two years. Bennett's suffers from human predation, although to a lesser extent than species in New Guinea, dwelling in controlled and protected areas where hunting is now prohibited. However, deforestation and fragmentation of habitat have placed the species under pressure. It does suffer some predation from dingoes and the python, although these seem to be relatively minor perils. BENNETT"S RESOURCES University of Michigan Dendrolagus bennettianus Bennett's Tree-Kangaroo OTHER RESOURCES Diprotodonti Lists nine species. "Dendrolagus bennettianus, Dendrolagus dorianus, Dendrolagus goodfellowi, Dendrolagus inustus, Dendrolagus lumholtzi, Dendrolagus matschiei, Dendrolagus scottae, Dendrolagus spadix, Dendrolagus ursinus." Les kangourous arboricoles (in French) Lists ten species. "Dendrolague-ours (Vogelkop Tree Kangaroo) Dendrolagus ursinus Dendrolague de Matschie (Matschie's Tree Kangaroo) Dendrolagus matschiei Dendrolague de Lumholtz Dendrolagus lumholtzi Dendrolague de Benett Dendrolagus bennettianus Dendrolague de Goodfellow (Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo) Dendrolagus goodfellowi Dendrolague grisonnant (Grizzled or dusky Tree Kangaroo) Dendrolagus inustus Dendrolague unicolore (Doria's Tree Kangaroo) Dendrolagus dorianus Dendrolague de Papousie Nouvelle-Guinée (Scott's Tree-kangaroo) Dendrolagus scottae (Lowland Tree-kangaroo) Dendrolagus spadix (Dingiso Tree Kangaroo) Dendrolagus mbaiso" MARSUPIALIA Macropodidae (DIPROTODONTIA) Remarks "42 Not listed in Wilson and Reeder (1993), see Flannery (1995a)" Lumholtz's Tree Kangaroo (Boongarry) "There are ten species of tree kangaroos, 2 in Queensland and 8 in New Guinea. Of the 8 in New Guinea, they are further divided into 17 subspecies." [Unfortunately not listed.] Family Macropodidae Given the contradictory nature of some of the information and the scarcity of actual field observational data, it is difficult to compile a complete summary of the genus from the Internet. hlabadie-ga
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