buddypress: how do I make the group description excerpt shorter?

Arabs and Jews -- for a Shared Humanity

  • I am interested in compiling 100 deep links to pages in which an Arab or a Jew speaks favorably about the other's people, culture, heritage, ideas, values, history, or contributions to civilization. I would be particularly interested in personal stories about meaningful friendships between Arab and Jew that "changed their lives forever," or accounts about the Middle East that would exemplify the concept that "man's humanity to man is greater than his inhumanity." The links must be to the actual texts themselves, not descriptions of the text (such as book descriptions). Examples of qualifying links would be a link to a personal story posted in a group, the transcript of an interview, an op-ed piece, a full-text book excerpt that tells an entire story, a scholarly paper posted at a university, a student essay, a feature story that liberally quotes the person making the observations, commentary on survey or poll results, a speech or other presentation, the script of a motion picture. Other examples will I'm sure make themselves apparent. If you find that there will be many hundreds of qualifying links, please let me know and proceed with your own methods of selecting the best so that the final selection represents a broad range of interesting and unique (and sometimes surprising) perspectives. Successful completion of the assignment will result in a follow-up request for your analysis and evaluation of your own results and of the feedback of other readers (if any). Thank you for your time in considering this request. ------------ Please use the following template in providing your results. I use brackets [] here to indicate that I do not want the name of the field used. The only 3 fields that are to be titled in the final list are "Quote," "Link," and "Keywords." Secondary links, if you have any, should be distinguished by type -- for example, "Printer-friendly" or "RealAudio." [Link Number -- from 1-100] [Source -- Name of author, speaker, eyewitness; include interviewer or reporter if one is involved] [Description of Source -- a sentence explaining who the sources are, their cultural identity, and the context of their document] [Document or Narrative -- give it a name] [Type of Document or Narrative -- include date of the document or narrative; indicate if available in streaming audio or video] [Description of Document or Narrative -- 2 or 3 sentences about the document and its strengths] Quote: [Cut-and-paste a direct quote that gives the flavor of the document; feel free to use more than one.] Link: [Link -- direct link to the document or narrative itself; a link, if possible, to a printer-friendly version or a streaming audio/video version; and, if available, a final link to a page with contact information about the source] Keywords: [country or countries, cultures, disciplines, etc.]

  • Answer:

    Hello jsimmons-ga: Below is the initial list of 100 links, for your consideration. The format for each entry is not always 100% consistent with your template, but the information is there. Copying and pasting so much material is very time consuming. All the links provide evidence of personal experiences and activities directly related to peaceful collaboration between Arabs and Jews. Some of the websites have many links to more evidence of the same kind. I have marked "(*)" those that seem to be most appealing (eg, written by children) and rich in content. Note: Most of the descriptions are copied from the websites. ---- 1. Givat Haviva Education Center (*) Givat Haviva, M.P. Menashe 37850, Israel E-mail: [email protected] Description: Givat Haviva is an education, research and documentation center, founded in 1949 by HA’KIBBUTZ HA’ARZI Federation, in memory of Haviva Reik . The campus is located in the northern Sharon Valley (east of Hadera), Israel. The mission of Givat Haviva today is to cope with the major issues that are on the agenda of Israeli society, and to foster educational initiatives, research and community work in the fields of peace, democracy, coexistence, tolerance and social solidarity. Over 50,000 children, youth and adults from Israel and abroad participate annually in the seminars, workshops, courses, conferences and other projects offered by Givat Haviva in a range of educational, academic and professional fields. The campus facilities include classrooms, auditoriums for conferences and events, guestrooms for hosting VIPs, a computer lab, a language lab, a very rich research library, 112 dormitory rooms (480 beds), a swimming pool, sports fields and spacious lawns. ---- 2. Letter to Dr. Rachel Aharoni, Executive Director of Givat Haviva, from Johannes Rau, President, Federal Republic of Germany Letter: Dear Dr. Aharoni, Thank you for your letter of July 9th. To all those who are still convinced that peace and cooperation in the Middle East are possible, the valuable work of Givat Haviva, especially at this time, is an encouraging sign. The book of poems, Children Write for Peace, written by Jewish and Arab children together and published by Givat Haviva, is a sign of hope for a future without violence and hatred. With greetings of peace, Yours, Johannes Rau President, Federal Republic of Germany ---- 3. Arabs and Jews together in joy and sadness (*) Manal Kana'an, Age 12, Tur’aan Poem: Arabs and Jews together play melodies for peace Arabs and Jews warmly welcome the angel of peace Arabs and Jews plant flowers in our gardens Arab and Jews together cry with loud voice Arabs and Jews together cry out for peace We want peace, we want to live, that's our human right. ---- 4. A Summary of War and Peace (*) Bat Chen Shachak, Age 15, Tel Mond Poem: There is not much left to say, We’re in a sort of halfway spot. There’s no real peace in the Middle East, Nor is there real war. And for us, we're marching forward towards peace, Ready to understand the others, Prepared to make changes, With one clear goal: To be rid of the hatred Buried deep inside us for so long, And with the understanding That it's easy to make enemies, But that the wise thing is find friends. We come as people who know a lot about war, But very little about peace. From now on we'll begin to change that. Behind the fine words are years and years Of suffering, pain,anxiety and fear. Now to all these words A new word, Hope, is added, A little strange, a little different, perhaps. In fact it was with us all along, ( Even in war ) And because of it we never remained alone in the struggle. Yet, if we talk about peace, we cannot conclude Without the song that became the hymn of peace Together with the hope in our hearts That remained with us all our lives… “ Those whose light went out and who are buried in the earth."* ---- 5. Prayer (*) Ma’moon Muneer Adawee, Age 12, Tur’aan Prayer-Poem: Like dawn emerging out of the night Out of the heart of darkness Like the sun sending out its rays Melting bad dreams Such, my beloved ones, Is the light of peace. Like children's smiles Like the reviving breath that sends forth hope Like a mother whose eyes Send out love for future generations Such, my beloved ones Is the spring of peace. From our tortured holy land From our land seeped in pure prophethood From our land, land of purity and faith We pray O Lord, give us the peace that you possess Give hope and joy to the children of peace O Lord of peace! ---- 6. The Children of Two Sides (*) Shira Prat, Age 12, Kfar Hess Poem: Sometimes I wonder, what if I was someone else Not born in Israel, but in Palestine? After all, it’s the same place, so why two different names? And if I was born on the other side of the Green Line*? Is my world here so different, so far? Perhaps, perhaps there is a girl there like me, naive, Who asks: What would it be like if I were different? I’m sure she plays hopscotch and ball, just like me, And hates it when her father goes to the reserves “Just so we can be ready …in case…” She, too, must be sick of things as they are… In a few years, when I am a soldier, What will I tell that girl then? If only there would be real peace! I bet she wants it as much as I do! Sure, we have some agreements and signatures But also attacks and bombs And daily news of those wounded or killed They also cry over their dead… So, for my sake and her sake, and all of the children, Let us make peace between the two sides! Let us behave like human beings, And make an end to tears and blood!!! ---- 7. Letter sent to Dr. Sarah Ozacky-Lazar, Co-Director, Jewish-Arab Center for Peace, Givat Haviva, M.P. Menashe 37850, Israel E-mail: [email protected] The following letter was sent to Dr. Sarah Ozacky-Lazar, Co-Director, Jewish-Arab Center for Peace, following the appearance of an article she wrote in the Japanese magazine ABD. Dear Sarah Ozacky-Lazar, Greetings from the University of the South Pacific. Congratulations for the work that you are doing and have done for reconciliation in your part of the world. We do see via BBC news the troubles and violence that you encounter daily and we can only pray for peace. However what a better way of working on reconciliation than Crossing Borders! You really deserve the UNESCO Peace award. Congratulations again. I am Fellow in Literacy Education here at the University of the South Pacific and I really do believe in using books and writing as a tool of developing literacy and its skills – which encompass understanding, respect, tolerance and peace ultimately. We do have our kind of violence and troubles but we do need to make people literate – to make them think critically and analytically. I was enthralled with your work. Congratulations again and I hope to be able to get a copy of your publication. Kindest regards. S.L. Fellow in Literacy Education Institute of Education The University of the South Pacific Suva, Fiji Islands Tuesday, August 20, 2002 ---- 8. The Jewish-Arab Center for Peace (*) GIVAT HAVIVA - M.P. Menashe, 37850, ISRAEL http://www.inter.net.il/~givat_h/givat/arabcent.htm Description: Established in 1963, the Jewish-Arab Center for Peace is one of the oldest and most prominent institutions in its field. The common bond of the dozens of projects conducted in the Center is the struggle for better relations between Arabs and Jews, better understanding of the essence of democracy and citizens' rights in Israel, and building bridges with our Arab neighbors. ---- 9. The Arts Center GIVAT HAVIVA - M.P. Menashe, 37850, ISRAEL http://www.inter.net.il/~givat_h/givat/g_art.htm Description: The Arts Center at Givat Haviva conducts creative art programs for children, teenagers, and adults. Its projects include art studio workshops, courses for teachers, an art gallery and an alternative arts high school. Through the medium of art, the Center promotes cooperation and a better understanding among the various sections of Israeli society: new immigrants and veterans, religious and non-religious, Jews and Arabs. ---- 10. Crossing Borders http://www.crossingborder.org/ Description: Crossing Borders a project initiated by the International Peoples College in Elsinore Denmark with a grant from DANIDA in order to encourage dialogue between youth in the Middle East. ---- 11. The Peres Center fpr Peace (*) http://www.peres-center.org/ Description: Nobel Laureate Shimon Peres founded The Peres Center for Peace in 1996 with the express aim of realizing his vision of a "New Middle East", in which people of the region work together to build peace through socio-economic cooperation and people-to-people relations. Our strategy remains constant and focused, although our tools and methodologies adapt to reflect the dynamic realities of the Middle East. As a non-partisan, non-governmental organization, The Peres Center for Peace works in parallel to, but independently from, the political process towards peace. It is this unique mandate that allows us to continue with our cooperative activities between Israel and her Arab neighbors despite the breakdown of political negotiations and upsurge of violence. ---- 12. Adalah Address: PO Box 510, Shfaram 20200 Israel Tel: 04-950-1610 Fax: 04-950-3140 Email: [email protected] Web: http://www.adalah.org Fax: 04-950-3140 Key personnel and Title: Hassan Jabareen, General Director Description: Adalah is the first non-profit, non-sectarian Palestinian Arab-run legal center in Israel. Established in November 1996, Adalah serves the Palestinian community, close to 20% of Israel's population. The main goal of Adalah is to achieve equal rights and national minority rights for Palestinian citizens of Israel. ---- 13. The Adam Institute for Democracy and Peace in Memory of Emil Greenzweig P.O.B. 3353 Jerusalem Forest, Jerusalem Tel: 02-6752933/4/5 Fax: 02-6752932 Administrative Director: Leah Tobias Educational Director: Uki Maroshek-Klarman The Adam Institute - http://www.adaminstitute.org.il Description: Following the murder of Emil Greenzweig in a peaceful demonstration against the war in Lebanon, the founders of the Adam Institute, educators and public figures from across the Israeli political spectrum, were determined to prevent the recurrence of such incidents and in 1986 they founded the Adam Institute for Democracy and Peace in memory Emil Greenzweig. Established as an independent, non-profit organization to promote education for democracy and peace, the Adam Institute teaches the principles of democracy, focusing on breaking down stereotypes and teaching non-violent methods of conflict resolution. The Adam Institute reaches over 16,000 participants including teachers and students, Arabs and Jews and international participants, immigrants and native-born, religious and secular, from all walks of life and all economic groups throughout the country. Trainers from varied backgrounds teach members of their respective communities the innovative curriculum of games and exercises using the Adam Institute's unique methodology. Programs range in duration from one day to a full year. ---- 14. A Different Future PO Box 6307 Hamden, CT Telephone: 203-974-7339 [email protected] www.adifferentfuture.org Co-Chairs: Ambassador Andrew Young and Dr. Bruce Wexler A Different Future is an interfaith, international NGO of religious leaders, scholars, communications experts, artists and philanthropists. We aim to use our collective expertise to strengthen the voice of Palestinians and Israelis whose actions demonstrate that it is possible for their peoples to live and work side by side. ---- 15. Adva Center (*) 105A Yehudah HaLevy Street, P.O.B. 36529 Tel Aviv 61364 Tel: 03-5608871 Fax: 03-5607108 Email: [email protected] Web: www.adva.org Chairperson: Dr. Yossi Dahan Director: Barbara Swirski Established in 1991 to promote greater equality between social groups in Israel, the Center's activities include research and publication, advocacy and public education. Adva Center initiates policy analysis and undertakes policy studies for voluntary organizations and local governments and brings theresults of its research to policy-makers via The Israel Equality Monitor. The Israel Equality Monitor is published in Hebrew, Arabic and English and presents up-to-date information on education, health services, welfare and housing and with respect to these services compares women and men, Arabs and Jews, and the members of different Jewish ethnic groups. The Israel Equality Monitor provides grassroots organizations which lack the time, resources and research capacity to produce hard figures with the information they need to promote their causes. ---- 16. Alternative Information Center (AIC) (*) P.O.B. 31417, 6 Koresh St., Jerusalem, Tel: 02-6241159 Fax: 02-6253151 E-mail: [email protected] In Bethlehem: Tel: 02-740585 E-mail: [email protected] Web: http://www.alternativenews.org Co-Directors: Michael Warschawski, Adel Samara AIC is a joint Palestinian/Israeli organization that combines information, research, and critical analysis with political activism. The Centre publishes regular and special reports and magazines on political, social, economic and cultural issues and currents in Israeli and Palestinian society. The Centre's publications and activities provide for discussion of the political realities which have been created by the Oslo Accords and their implementation, information and analysis on main trends and currents in Israeli and Palestinian societies. Special attention is given to the radical democratic and feminist struggles in both societies. The Centre also provides critical perspectives on the Jewish-Zionist nature of the State of Israel and the authoritarian features emerging in the Palestinian Authority, as well as an examination of politics through economic, social and cultural analyses with an emphasis on the relationships between the national, class, race and gender oppression within the context of the Jewish-Zionest state and the new world order. ---- 17. Al Liqa' Center for Religious and Heritage Studies in the Holy Land Hebron Road, Bethlehem P.O.B. 11328 Jerusalem Tel/Fax: 02-6741639 Director: Dr. Geries Khoury Al-Liqa, a Palestinian center for religious and heritage studies in the Holy Land, was founded in Jerusalem in 1983 by a group of Christian and Muslim Palestinian Arabs. The Center has created a lively dialogue and fostered understanding between the peoples of these two religions. In addition, since 1986 the Center has helped to define the role of the local church and to formulate a contextualized Palestinian theology. Starting in 1989, members of Al-Liqa' have been involved in local meetings and international conferences fostering a tri-lineal dialogue for Jews, Christians and Muslims. ---- 18. Association for Civil Rights in Israel P.O.B. 35401 Jerusalem, Israel 91352 Israel Tel: 972-2 652-1218 Fax: 972-2 652-1219 Email: [email protected] Web: http://www.acri.org.il/english-acri/engine/index.asp Sammi Michael, Chariman; Vered Livne - Executive Director The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) was established in 1972 to bolster Israel's commitment to civil liberties and human rights through legal action, education and public outreach. ACRI is a strictly nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that protects the rights of all individuals in Israel and in the occupied territories, regardless of religion, nationality or political beliefs. ---- 19. Bat Shalom Emek Refaim 43 Jerusalem, 91080 02-563222 02-5617983 email: [email protected] http://www.batshalom.org Terry Geenblatt, Director Bat Shalom, located in West Jerusalem, together with the Jerusalem Center for Women, in East Jerusalem form the Jerusalem Link, a joint effort of Israeli and Palestinian women to bring about a comprehensive, just and lasting peace. ---- 20. Bereaved Families' Circle Director: Yitzhak Frankenthal -- [email protected] Pnina Nitzan -- [email protected] http://www.mideastweb.org/Bereaved_Families_Forum.htm Home/Office: 972 8 9285628 Fax: 972 8 9285060 Cell: 972 52 602369 The Bereaved Families' Forum ("Bereaved Parents Circle") was founded by Israeli businessman Yitzhak Frankenthal, whose son was killed by Palestinians while serving in the Israeli army. Members are Palestinians and Israelis who have lost loved ones in the conflict. They have held numerous dialogs and taken joint action for peace, and continue to do so, even in the midst of the turmoil now gripping Israel and Palestine. Recently, Families' Forum members Roni and Mira Hirshenson lost a second son to the conflict, after losing one son in the Beit Lid bombing of 1995. Their son El'ad committed suicide after his best friend was killed while serving in the IDF at the infamous Netzarim junction outpost, which protects the Netzarim settlement in Gaza. ---- 21. Brit Tzedek v'Shalom, the Jewish Alliance for Justice & Peace PO Box 180175 Chicago, IL 60618-0175 Telephone: 773-583-5747 Fax: 773-583-5772 Emailaddress: [email protected] Web: www.btvshalom.org Personnel: Aliza Becker, Acting Director Brit Tzedek v'Shalom, the Jewish Alliance for Justice and Peace, is a national organization of American Jews deeply committed to Israel's well-being through the achievement of a negotiated settlement to the long-standing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. ---- 22. Bustan Address: Phone:+972-53-711-800 Web site: www.bustanshalom.org Email: [email protected] Personnel: Devorah Brous, Coordinator BUSTAN, in Arabic and Hebrew, is a fruit-yielding orchard of trees. BUSTAN L'SHALOM aims to promote tolerance and pluralism through creative workshops in schools, and by co-organizing weekly interfaith peace vigils to stand in solidarity with all victims of political violence. Since the start of the al Aqsa Intifada secular and religious Jews, Christians, and Muslims from Israel and Palestine meet to pray for an end to the brutal cycle of violence. ---- 23. Coalition of Women for a Just Peace Address: POB 8083, Jerusalem 91080, Israel Tel: (+972-2) 672-5293 Fax: (+972-2) 672-5293 email: [email protected] The Coalition of Women for a Just Peace is a mix of Jewish and Palestinian women (all citizens of Israel) who call upon Israel to end the occupation and negotiate a just solution. ---- 24. Compassionate Listening Project P.O. Box 17, Indianola, Washington, 98342, USA tel: 360-297-2280 fax: 360-297-6563 email: [email protected] web = www.mideastdiplomacy.org Staff: Leah Green, Director; Carol Hwoschinsky, Trainer/facilitator; Andrea Cohen-Kiener, Delegation Leader An invitation to be of service... The Compassionate Listening project provides an opportunity to advance Jewish-Palestinian reconciliation, to learn a powerful technique for conflict resolution, and to help build the international constituency for Israeli-Palestinian peace-building endeavors. ---- 25. Friends of the Earth Middle East Address: 85 Nahalat Benyamin St., Tel-Aviv Telephone: 03-5605383 Fax: 03-5604693 Email: [email protected] Web: www.foeme.org Personnel: Gidon Bromberg- Israeli Director, Munqeth Mehyar, Jordanian Director, Nader Khateeeb, Palestinian Director Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME), is a unique umbrella organization representing leading Middle East environmental non-governmental organizations.Our primary objective is the promotion of cooperative efforts to protect our shared environmental heritage.In so doing, we hope to help achieveboth sustainable regional development and the creation of necessary conditions for lasting peace in our region. ---- 26. Friendship Village Mailing Address: P.O.Box 36686 Tel-Aviv, 61366 Israel Tel: 972-9-8982694 Fax: 972-9-8941158 E-mail address: [email protected] Web address: http://friendshipvillage.homestead.com/home.html Key person: Jonatan Peled - General Director Friendship Village is an international center to education for multicultural society, peace & democracy. A building facility in the Galilean Arab town of Shefa Amer (Shefaram) is still in stage of planning. Since 1998 the Organization run Israeli - Palestinian and Israeli Jewish-Arab educational projects. Among the educational projects are: Talk Peace - Make Peace 2001: one year long seminar for young Israeli and Palestinian political leaders, in order to learn about each other and to build bridges. The Way for Coexistence includes a series of workshops for Israeli Jewish and Arab teenagers, tomeet each other, to brake barriers and to build trust. Let's know each other is an interfaith project for teenagers too. Since the last Palestinian uprising joint educational activities stopped, however contact between leadership of the two sides is keeping on. ---- 27. The Israeli Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace (ICIPP) P.O.B 2542 Holon125 Tel/Fax: 03-5565804 President: Adv. Aharon Pinchasi Secretary: Adam Keller http://www.ariga.com/humanrights/council.shtml The ICIPP is an Israeli organization supporting a peaceful solution to the Israeli- Palestinian conflict, to be achieved through the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the territories occupied in 1967 and the creation of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. East Jerusalem should become the capital of Palestine while West Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel. The city of Jerusalem would retain a municipal unity through a joint town council, with each religion's holy sites being administered by its own religious authorities. The Israeli government should make Palestinians who remain within the borders of Israel equal citizens by abolishing all discriminatory laws and practices. Israeli settlers who choose to remain as law-abiding citizens or residents of the Palestinian state should be assured equality under the law. ---- 27. Israel-Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI) (*) Co-directors: Dr. Gershon Baskin -- [email protected] Dr. Zakaria 'Zakki' al Qaq -- [email protected] Web: http://www.ipcri.org P.O. Box 9321, Jerusalem 91092 972-(0)2-277-6054 or 972-(0)52-381-715 Office Address: Laham Building, Palestine Street, El-Doha, Bethlehem,Palestine Telephone: 972-2-277-6054 Fax: 972-2-277-6057 IPCRI, founded in Jerusalem in 1988, is the only joint Palestinian-Israeli public policy think-tank in the world. It is devoted to developing practical solutions for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. ---- 28. Ittijah: Union of Arab Community Based Associations PO Box 9577, Haifa 31095, Israel +972 (0) 4 862 1713 +972 (0) 4 864 2557 [email protected] http://www.ittijah.org Ameer Makhoul, director Ittijah: The Union of Arab Community Based Associations was founded in 1995 as an umbrella organization for Arab non-governmental organizations working inside of Israel. Ittijah received Amuta, not-for-profit status in 1997. Ittijah’s overall mission is to coordinate, foster and present the common strategies of its member organizations, working to end the political, legal, social, economic and cultural discrimination against Palestinians in Israel. In pursuit of equal status, Ittijah provides a variety of services to its membership. These include promoting greater efficiency through professional capacity-building; networking and strategic planning among member organizations; monitoring Israeli laws and regulations; monitoring and transmitting international developments relevant to the NGO movement; domestic and international advocacy; information sharing; providing links between NGOs and the international development community; and increasing public awareness in regard to activities of the NGO sector and its influence in the development of the Arab minority in Israel. ---- 29. A Jewish Voice for Peace City: San Francisco, California Email: [email protected] Web: http://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org A Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) is a San Francisco Bay Area grassroots organization dedicated to the human, civil and economic rights of Jews, Palestinians, and all peoples in the Middle East. ---- 30. Middle East Region Professional Training Program Address: 6300 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 1010 Los Angeles CA 9048 Tel: 323-653-4514 Fax: 323-651-5938 Email: [email protected] Web: http://www.ariga.com/humanrights/merptraining.shtml Fax: 323-651-5938 Key personnel and Title: David B Gardner,President Description: Middle East Region Professional Training Program is an independent non profit organization(501 C 3) which facilitates short term business and progessional training for all nationals of the Middle East Region, including Israelis,Palestinians,Jordnains and Egyptians.The program provides educational programs combined with an on the job practical training experinece with U.S companies.There are special cross cultural and conflict resolution programs as well as business networking opportunities designed to foster economic development and regional cooperation.The program is non poltical and does not advocate any positon in the current confict except the promotion of economic opportunities to all parties. ---- 31. NISPED - Negev Institute for Strategies of Peace and Development (*) Address: Paradise Negev - Mall Hakshatot POB 32 Beersheva 84894 Tel: 972-8-6405432 Fax: 972-8-6405451 Email: [email protected] Web: http://www.nisped.org.il Fax: 972-8-6405451 Key personnel and Title: Dr. Yehudah Paz - Chairman; Vivian Silver - Executive Director NISPED was established in 1998 with a view to promote peace and development focused on the centrality of the civil society: the voluntary, people-centered, non-governmental groups and organizations who seek to work with each other on the issues of conflict-resolution and the advance of sustainable human development. It is clear that without the advance in satisfaction of people's basic human needs, there can be no durable peace. Situated less than fifteen minutes from the Gaza Strip, NISPED's immediate concern is with our own region while we do work with third-world countries as well. It is clear that for democracy to flourish in Israel, it is imperative that all citizens enjoy full and equal rights. To this end, NISPED established AJEEC - the Arab-Jewish Center for Equality, Empowerment and Cooperation. The goals of AJEEC are three-fold: striving for equality in all aspects of life; empowerment of the Palestinian-Israeli community; cooperation between the Jewish and Arab populations. AJEEC is developing programs in the fields of education, leadership and employment. ---- 32. Neve Shalom - Wahat el Salam School for Peace Neve Shalom, Israel Telephone: 02 9915621 Fax: 02 9911072 Email: [email protected] Web: http://nswas.com Personnel: Secretary-General: Anwar Dawod Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam (pronounced nevey shalom/wahat as-salaam) is a cooperative village of Jews and Palestinian Arabs of Israeli citizenship. Situated equidistant from Jerusalem and Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam was founded in 1972 on 100 acres of land leased from the adjacent Latrun Monastery. In 1977 the first family came to reside here. Now, in the year 2001, 40 families are settled in the village, and another 10 families are in the process of building their homes. The members of Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam are demonstrating the possibility of coexistence between Jews and Palestinians by developing a community based on mutual acceptance, respect and cooperation. Democratically governed and owned by its members, the community is not affiliated with any political party or movement. Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam gives practical expression to its vision through its various branches. ---- 33. Nisan Young Women Leaders (*) PO Box 3185 Nazareth 16130 04-6561604 04-6081131 [email protected] www.nisan.org Sanaa Zreik-Saleh Executive Director Pamela Butter-Development Coordinator Nisan Young Women Leaders is the only non-profit organization in Israel, which is exclusively dedicated to the advancement of young Jewish and Arab women in Israel. Nisan’s innovative programs develop the leadership potential of Jewish and Arab Israeli young women, support their initiatives and foster communication, cooperation and co-existence among the participants. Nisan’s purpose is the empowerment of young high school age women, in a society that discriminates and fails to provide equal opportunities for young women, both Jewish and Arab. ---- 34. Not in My Name Address: PMB 206, 2859 Central Street City: Evanston, IL Telephone: 312/409-4845 Emailaddress: [email protected] Web: www.notinmyname.org Not In My Name is a Jewish peace group that was formed in November 2000 to work for a just and lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians. We believe that the first step toward attaining peace must be for Israel to end its occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem. ---- 35. OPEN HOUSE in Ramle, Israel Contact: Yehezkel and Dalia Landau -- [email protected] Home: 972-2-6423952 Fax: 972-2-6436490 http://www.openhouse.org.il/Co-directors: Yehezkel Landau Michail Fanous, Palestinian Christian and on Ramle City Council OPEN HOUSE is a home in Ramle, Israel, that was owned by a Palestinian family before 1948. It is now occupied by Dalia and Yehezkel Landau. This exceptional couple has devoted it (1) to provide educational and social opportunities to Arab children and their families, and (2) to be a center where Jews and Palestinians can meet one another, have joint activities, and forge friendships. ---- 36. European Palestine Israel Centre Tel: +44-20-8809 2494 [email protected] htt://www.peacequest.org CEO: David Solomon; Israel Director: Noa Karavan; Editor: Ditas Amry Peacequest is a non-partisan, multi-perspective website on the Middle East. Our aim is to promote dialogue. We publish a unique collection of personal testimonies and stories from Palestinians and Israelis, Palestinian, Arab and Israeli fiction and poetry, music, photography, as well as many journalistic and academic articles and radio transcripts (BBC, Palestine-Israel Journal, Jerusalem Report, Index on Censorship) about the Middle East conflict. ---- 37. Peace Watch 8 Hama'alot Street, Jerusalem Tel: 02-6233004 Fax: 02-6256030 Associate Director.: Bob Lang http://www.ariga.com/humanrights/peacewatch.shtml Peace Watch is a watchdog group established to monitor compliance with peace agreements between Israel and her Arab neighbors, with the goal of preventing violations. Peace Watch seeks to draw international public attention to the commitments that the parties have made and to their subsequent actions with regard to these commitments. In this way, Peace Watch hopes to deter violations, encourage compliance, and so contribute to an atmosphere of mutual trust necessary for bringing about a genuine peace. ---- 38. Sikkuy -- The Association for the Advancement of Equal Opportunity 13 Ramban Street, Jerusalem 92432 Tel: 02-5665663 Fax: 02-5639185 Co-directors: As'ad Ghanem and Alouph Hareven http://www.ariga.com/humanrights/sikkuy.shtml Sikkuy was established in 1991 with the aims of enhancing civic equality for the Arab Citizens of Israel as well as the development of citizen identity as one shared by all Israeli citizens. ---- 39. Ta'ayush Arab Jewish partnership (*) The Ta'ayuPhone: 03-6914437 [from other countries: 972-3-6914437]. http://www.taayush.org/ Arab-Jewish solidarity initiatives -- initiatives, activities, news, statements of collaboration by people on both sides, etc, etc, etc (many links). ---- 40. The Center for Jewish-Arab Economic Development Address: 16 Galgalei Hapladah, POB 12017 Tel: 09-954-1378 Fax: 09-954-0136 Email: [email protected] Web: www.cjaed.org.il Fax: 09-954-0136 Key personnel and Title: Sarah Kreimer, Co-Director The Center for Jewish-Arab Economic Development (CJAED) is an Israeli non-governmental organization (NGO) that promotes regional economic development through cooperative projects among people in the Middle East. CJAED also aims to close the gaps between the Jewish and Arab sectors in Israel, thus building the foundation for sustainable economic development and peace. CJAED aims to provide Israeli Arabs with the necessary skills and advantages to capitalize on opportunities for development. In addition, the full integration of the Palestinian citizens of Israel into the national and regional economy is crucial to the health of Israeli society. In addition, economic cooperation - on the basis of mutual benefit and respect - among Israelis and Middle Eastern business people serves vital interests for the future of the region. Therefore, CJAED fosters contact, information and the analysis of competitive advantages among Israelis, Palestinians, Jordanians and Egyptian enterprises and entrepreneurs. ---- 41. Windows-Channels For Communication P.O.Box 56096, Tel-Aviv-Yaffo 61560 Tel = 03-5251929 Fax = 03-5282373 email = [email protected] Shadi Haj. Co-director After several years of progressive work as an Israeli organization, dealing with the Palestinian-Israeli shared reality, we have come to the conclusion that the best way to dael with such issues is by turning Windows into a joint Palestinian-Israeli organization. Together we are able to touch deeper the most sensitive points and even cope better with each other's feelings and convictions. By exposing ourselves to the reality of the other, we hope to reach better acquaintance and understanding. ---- 42. The Abraham Fund Address: 477 Madison Avenue City: New York City Tel: 212-303-9421 Fax: 212-935-1834 Email: [email protected] Web: www.abrahamfund.org Personnel: Staci Light, Director of Development The Abraham Fund is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting coexistence between the Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel. Through advocacy and awareness campaigns, and by sponsoring coexistence projects, The Abraham Fund fosters increased dialogue, tolerance and understanding between Arabs and Jews. A pioneer in this work, The Abraham Fund serves as a central resource for coexistence professionals worldwide. ---- 43. Interfaith Encounter Association Address: 9 Habanay Street, Jerusalem 96264 Tel: 02-6535719 Fax: 02-6535719 Email: [email protected] Web: www.israel-interfaith.org.il Fax: 02-6535719 Key personnel and Title: Yehuda Stolov, Director Description: A group of concerned longtime interfaith activists has formed the Interfaith Encounter Association (IEA) in August 2001. Our vision is a society in which the otherness of the other is not only accepted, but truly understood and respected.... The IEA is dedicated to promoting coexistence in the Middle East through cross-cultural study and inter-religious dialogue. We believe that, rather than being the cause of the problem, religion can and should be a source of solution for the conflicts that exist in the region and beyond. We do not believe in the blending of all traditions into one undifferentiated group, but in providing a table where all can come and sit in safety and ease, while being fully who they are in their respective religions. ---- 44. Seeds of Peace (*) 370 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Tel: 212-573-8040 Fax: 212-573-8047 Contact: John Wallach President and Founder Lindsay Miller Vice President Seeds of Peace 1321 Wisconsin Avenue, NW 20007-3311 Tel: 202-337-5530 Fax: 202-337-5646 Contact: Bobbie Gottschalk Executive Vice President JERUSALEM: Tel: 972-2-582-0222 Fax: 972-2-582-2221 [email protected] http://www.seedsofpeace.org/ Seeds of Peace 2000: An Overview SEEDS OF PEACE promotes mutual understanding and peace by bringing together teenagers from conflict areas of the world to an educational summer program in Maine. The program enables future leaders to get to know one another as people and to learn about each other's experiences and perspectives. Returning to their homelands, the teenagers are encouraged to continue their relationships across borders, supported by professional staff in their region. THE MAINE PROGRAM Set in the supportive, relaxed environment of a summer camp in Maine, Seeds of Peace immerses Arab, Israeli and Cypriot teenagers in a month of interaction, leadership training, dialogue, and recreation. The participants are selected on the basis of their motivation, leadership, and facility with English, the camp's universal language. The program combines recreational activities including sports, drama, and arts, as well as daily conflict-resolution sessions led by professional facilitators. Through these workshops, participants develop listening and negotiating skills, empathy, respect, and trust -- the key elements of peaceful coexistence. Our program concludes with a visit to Washington, DC. SEEDS OF PEACE OUTREACH AND REGIONAL ACTIVITIES It is vitally important for the Seeds of Peace graduates to continue to build upon the relationships they establish at camp and to strengthen their skills in conflict resolution. In 1999 Seeds of Peace established a Center for Coexistence in Jerusalem to help Seeds graduates sustain their involvement through year round programs including: coexistence workshops, peer dialogue sessions at schools, cultural exchanges, field trips, and publication of The Olive Branch, a newspaper written and edited by alumni. The Seeds of Peace Web site provides a constant link between all participants, regardless of political borders. ---- 45. Palestinian Dialogue: Try Again! PEACE MAGAZINE Oct-Dec 2001 by Zeina Awad http://www.peacemagazine.org/0110/dialogue.htm Interesting article on the obstacles to Arab-Jewish dialogue and collaboration. There are both Arab obstacles and Jewish obstacles that must be overcome. Zeina Awad is a Canadian peace activist (of Palestinian origin?), but she tries hard to be fair to both sides. ---- 46. Letters to the Editor, Jewish Bulletin of Northern California http://www.jewishsf.com/bk010831/letters.shtml Viewpoints on obstacles to peaceful collaboration between Arabs and Jews. ---- 47. Jewish Alliance for Justice and Peace http://www.btvshalom.org/ Brit Tzedek v'Shalom, the Jewish Alliance for Justice and Peace, is a national organization of American Jews deeply committed to Israel's well-being through the achievement of a negotiated settlement to the long-standing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Click on "President's Perspectives" to read articles by Marcia Freedman. ---- 48. The Tikkum Community (te.kun = To mend, repair, and transform the world) http://www.tikkun.org/ Activism from the Heart For many of us, activism seems like something somebody else does. In this issue, we've gathered together activists of all kinds to trace their own roots and share their vision for the future. We start with the most basic question, "how does activism begin?" with thoughts from Tikkun editors Deborah Kory and Jo Ellen Green Kaiser, followed by the personal voices of well-established activists, including Diane Mintz on education and Ana Villa-Lobos on spiritual politics. (click on names to read articles) ---- 49. Jewish Unity for a Just Peace RIGHT TO A HOME . . . AND A HOMELAND GLOBAL CAMPAIGN TO REBUILD PALESTINIAN HOMES USA contact telephone +1-415-820-3204 Israel contact telephone: +972-(0)56-875-893 Palestine contact telephone: +972-(0)2-627-5335/6 Editorial: Given the tragic destruction and violence of the past few months, it is extremely important that we the Israeli, Palestinian and international peace forces respond with a resounding "NO!" to the continuing Occupation and policies of repression..... Donna Baranski-Walker, Global Campaign Coordinator (Phone: +1-415-820-3204 ; E-mail: [email protected]). ---- 50. Arab/Jewish Student Dialogue at Brandeis University http://www.brandeis.edu/ethics/partnerships_and_projects/arab_jewish/ STUDENTS FOCUS ON DIALOGUE AND PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT IN RETREAT ON MIDDLE EAST From February 20-23, 2001, eight Brandeis students and three recent Brandeis alumni spent four days on retreat in western Massachusetts exploring the contemporary situation in the Middle East and planning on how they can act publicly to work towards peace and coexistence. The participants were principally Arab and Jewish students from Israel and Jordan, many of whom are at Brandeis on Slifka "coexistence" scholarships. The retreat, funded by Morton H. Meyerson Family Tzedakah Funds and organized as part of the Brandeis Initiative on Intercommunal Coexistence, exemplifies the ways that Brandeis students are combining personal experience, intellectual engagement, and reflective dialogue to make a public impact on issues of international importance. ---- 51. Arab/Jewish Dialogue of New Mexico http://www.junity.org/orgs/ajdnm.html Albuquerque, NM 505-243-4780 (Lori Rudolph) Point of contact: Bob Levine email: [email protected] ---- 52. Students improve relations at Arab-Jewish dialogue By Shruti Talwar Herald Staff Writer The Brown Daily Herald, Thursday, March 9, 2000 http://www.browndailyherald.com/stories.cfm?ID=1727 Although the Arab-Israeli conflict in the Middle East has been complicated and fraught with tension for decades, this anxiety is considerably less amongst Brown students from that region of the world. In fact, some of these students meet weekly in an informal discussion group — called the Arab-Jewish Dialogue — to improve relations between the two groups on campus by discussing specific issues relating to the conflict. ---- 53. Arab-Jewish dialogue, San Diego http://www.jewishsightseeing.com/usa/california/san_diego/cong_beth_el/sd06-08-01arab_jewish_dialogue.htm Cease fire likely to fail, Palestinian scientist tells Jewish audience San Diego Jewish Press-Heritage, June 8, 2001 See article by Gerald Greber ---- 54. AN ARAB/JEWISH DIALOGUE GROUP -- Los Angeles Al-Bushra Archives http://www.cin.org/archives/al-bushra/200012/0025.html LOS ANGELES---You are invited to join Palestinians, Israelis, Jews, Arabs and others next Wednesday, Dec. 20, 8 pm sharp, at The Complex, Flight Theater, 6472 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood, as we discuss the latest developments in Israel/Palestine and what we can do to help alleviate the crisis from our end. [Holiday presents for refugees will be distributed by the IRC and we need you to play Santa Claus! That's to start with...] ---- 55. The MidEast Web Middle East Dialog Resource http://www.mideastweb.org/dialog.htm These pages are dedicated to dialog. All of the peoples of the Middle East, and our friends and relatives abroad should all be talking to each other and learning from each other and about each other, and we should all be helping to build a better future for the Middle East. You may be surprised how many of us already are: Arabs and Jews, Moslems and Christians, Palestinians and Israelis, Sunis and Shiites, Druze and Bahai and Orthodox Jews and Reconstructionists and freethinkers. Dialog is the beginning of recognition that the other side is human - and a declaration that you are human and want to help your neighbor. Dialog is a learning experience and a teaching experience, for your heart and for your mind. Note: Streaming Video Dialog Presentations - Seeing is believing ---- 56. Yakar Center for Tradition and Creativity -- Jerusalem based group devoted to dialog both within Jewish society and between Arabs and Jews. http://www.yakar.org/ Recorded 15 May 2001: Does Religion Promote or Thwart Peaceful Relations Between Jews and Arabs? with Dr. Said Zidani Professor of Philosophy, Al-Quds University Yehezkel Landau Director, "Open House" in Ramla Audio -- to download an audio file to your home computer, click on the icon below the subject desired. ---- 57. The MidEast Web Dialog Directory (*) http://www.mideastweb.org/dialogdir.htm Many links to groups engaged in dialogue on the Middle East, including email discussion groups. ---- 58. Letter of friendship http://www.mideastweb.org/zamirl1.htm This letter from a Palestinian to an Israeli was the start of a long standing friendship by mail: Mr. Y. Zamir. Dear Sir, Shalom: A short time ago, I was listening to Israel Radio, Reshet A to a programme called "Face to Face" in which you were a guest of honour and the subject of which was your son Yaron wpe14F.jpg (839 bytes) who fell in the Lebanon ten years ago. Let me tell you sir that I sympathized a lot with you and shared with you the tragedy that befell you. Please do accept my consolation, condolences and heartfelt emotions on this occasion. In spite of being an Arab, I felt that calamities know no limits. I am a father and do acknowledge that the loss of a son is the greatest of all sacrifices. The loss of a dear son surpasses the borders of nationalities and consolidates us all in the face of further calamities. It is once quoted that "We are in this world two halves: the first has already suffered; the second is waiting to do so." Please do remember me Mr. Zamir as a new friend of yours, from outside your close surroundings. I am a principal of a secondary school in Nablus, aged 54 and a father of four. I do kindly request you to send me your book on your son Yaron wpe14F.jpg (839 bytes) to show it to my students in the school library. Any further books in English and Hebrew sent as a donation on his soul will be greatly appreciated. With best wishes and sincere compliments. Yours truly, H. ---- 59. Bereaved Parents' Group http://www.mideastweb.org/parent1.htm A very special kind of dialog has been established between families of those who have fallen in the conflict. Palestinian and Israeli Parents share Grief and Hope: A VISIT TO GAZA Dozens of Israeli and Palestinian families whose children and relatives have fallen in the conflict met in Gaza on October 17. The meeting was sponsored by the "Bereaved Parents' Circle" established by Yitzhak Frankenthal whose son, Arik, was abducted and murdered by Hamas terrorists. .... One of the participating parents said: "We have paid the highest possible price, we want to prevent others from experiencing the same pain." Yehuda Waxman whose son, Nahshon, was abducted and murdered by terrorists, met Ahmad Jadla, brother of Jadla Jadla, who murdered his son. Ahmad and Yehuda share the view that terror will lead nowhere and that the establishment of peace is the only realistic option in the prevailing situation. The message sent to extremists during the meeting was loud and clear: "Terror will not win. This is not the way." ---- 60. Jewish and Arab Americans Seek Peace - One Dinner At A Time Global Village News and Resources http://www.n2012.com/gvnr/33/33.1.htm USA - It looks like an ordinary party - guests are arriving and greeting one another with hugs; many of them are carrying dishes of food. There is general joking, teasing, and catching up on what has happened the past few weeks. People help carry food out to the table in the living room, where a TV screen flickering in the corner adds to the casual, informal mood. But a closer look reveals that the TV is tuned to an Arabic station - a first hint that this is not your usual neighborhood gathering. The real tip-off, though, is Jamal Kanj's guest list: Of the 10 or so people coming to his San Diego home this night, about half are Arab and half are Jewish. .... ---- 61. Mid - East Peace and Dialog Resources Directory of Dialog Groups and Initiatives http://www.ariga.com/peacewatch/dialogs.htm This one is specially interesting: http://www.yudel.com/salam-shalom/salamforum1.htm Neve Shalom/Wahat El Salaam Mixed Arab/Jewish village that hosts dialog groups. Recently graced by a visit from Hilary Clinton. Israelis who live in the Jerusalem corridor area can send their children to school there. http://www.nswas.com (beautiful website). Take a look at the Middle East & World Peace Links. ---- 62. Peace is possible (*) http://www.nswas.com/pip.htm Peace is possible – if the experience of Neve Shalom~Wahat al-Salam means anything. Even now, when each day brings further tragedies, the village continues to develop and conduct educational work that heightens understanding between the two peoples. ---- 63. Peace in the Middle East through Dialogue and Rapprochement Hosted by Ami Isseroff http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/5455/ Click on "View/Sign the Palestinian/Israeli Peace Declaration" for the full text of the declaration. ---- 64. Nadim Zarour, Arab-Jewish dialogue pioneer, dies at 49 ALEXANDRA J. WALL Bulletin Staff http://www.jewishsf.com/bk000922/obzarous.shtml When the 8-year-old Jewish Palestinian Living Room Dialogue Group has its 100th meeting soon, one of its most dedicated members will be absent. Nadim Zarour of San Francisco died on Sept. 10 of a heart attack, while representing the Palestinian American Congress in a panel discussion about the future of Jerusalem. He was 49. Len Traubman, one of the founders of the dialogue, said Zarour "was just like a brother to me." Traubman recalled how it all began. His wife, Libby, invited a Palestinian couple who owned a deli in their neighborhood to their home. The couple said they would come, but they never did. Libby was persistent, however, and kept asking. Finally one day, Traubman recalled, "Three beautiful couples walked in the door, and one of them was Nadim and Henriette Zarour." Since that night, the Zarours remained an integral part of the group, Traubman said. Born in Amman, Jordan, Zarour came to the United States when he was 14. He received a bachelor's degree in chemistry from San Jose State University. He served on the San Francisco Human Rights Commission from 1976 to 1981. He also ran an AIDS ambulance, a downtown market and most recently, his own real estate and insurance business. In addition, Zarour served as president of the West Coast branch of the Palestinian American Congress. "He really was ahead of his time," Traubman said, noting that he was one of the pioneers in establishing relationships with Jews. "He knew deep inside what Abraham knew, that people are interdependent and that we need each other," said Traubman. "He lived his life that way and he knew that this process of building relationships was required for a real peace process to go to completion and be authentic." Zarour is survived by his wife, Henriette; four children, John, Samer and Sawson Zarour, all of San Francisco, and Alice Katwan of Mountain View; a grandson, Sammy Katwan, Jr.; brothers Jack Zarour of San Jose and Fred Zarour of San Francisco; and sister Jaklien Karkar of Los Angeles. ---- 65. Religion Newswriters Association http://www.religionwriters.com/public/tips/041502a.html APRIL 15 , 2002 INTERNATIONAL Middle East: U.S. interfaith groups face tensions Many Jewish and Arab groups in the United States have worked together for years, often as an antidote to the escalating violence in the Middle East. ReligionLink offers resources for locating local and national groups involved in interfaith dialogue. How are such groups in your area and state reacting to the increased violence abroad? Has it added tensions or increased the resolve to find a peaceful solution for all? What role do Jews and Arabs feel their conversations here play in the peace process? The terrorist acts of Sept. 11 inspired a flurry of interfaith activity. How is the Middle East conflict affecting the conversations and relationships that were strengthened last fall? ---- 66. An Evaluation of Jewish-Arab Coexistence http://www.abrahamfund.org/?oid=747 Since its founding in 1989, The Abraham Fund has become a recognized leader in the field of coexistence. Our support of coexistence projects began in 1993, after research revealed that more than 250 organizations across Israel were engaged in bringing Jews and Arabs together with the goal of enhancing tolerance, mutual understanding and trust. We recognized a vital need to support these projects, to promote the values of coexistence and to expand the scope of coexistence work in Israel. Through our grant-making program, The Abraham Fund has awarded more than $6 million in grants to more than 500 different projects over the years. ---- 67. A message from the Chairman of The Abraham Fund Initiatives Alan B. Slifka http://www.abrahamfund.org/?oid=50 Play video <=========== NOTE When I first went to Israel in 1989 I discovered there was a major need for an organization focusing on enhancing Jewish-Arab coexistence. I was determined that with the support of many prominent Israelis and Americans it would be possible to create the first coexistence organization that would enhance coexistence between the Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel. The Abraham Fund Initiatives was formed and from the onset we discovered many wonderful things, the most wonderful was that Jews and Arabs actually wanted to coexist together, wanted to know more about each other; and, that is possible to help people learn about each other, spend time with each other and become educated about each other. The dream is to have Israel be a country where Jews and Arabs coexist -- as a model, as a statement for the region, as a statement for the world that people with differences can coexist together, and that is what The Abraham Fund Initiatives intends to do. ---- 68. Testimonials http://www.abrahamfund.org/?oid=58 Over the years, The Abraham Fund Initiatives has become known as experts in the field of coexistence and gained the respect of leaders in Israel, the U.S., and around the world. As a non-partisan organization, our supporters include people from across the political spectrum. Click on the names to read the testimonials: * The Hon. William Jefferson Clinton, 42nd President of the USA * Yitzhak Rabin, former Prime Minister of Israel * Kofi A. Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations * Chaim Herzog, former President of Israel * Ehud Barak, former Prime Minister of Israel * Richard C. Holbrooke, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations * Martin Indyk, former U.S. Ambassador to Israel * Bassam Jaber, Editor, Panorama * Matan Vilnai, Minister of Science, Sports and Culture * Rabbi Michael Melchior, Deputy Foreign Minister of Israel * Dan Meridor, Minister Without Portfolio * Elyakim Rubenstein, Attorney General of Israel ---- 69. Speaking Each Other's Language (*) ISRAEL MAGAZINE-ON-WEB: January 1999 http://www.mfa.gov.il/mfa/go.asp?MFAH0drb0 Ulpan Akiva For nearly 50 years Arabs have been learning Hebrew and Jews have been learning Arabic at Ulpan Akiva – which has won the UNESCO Peace Prize, to be awarded in Paris in December 1998. by Simon Griver Shulamit Katznelson, who founded the school in 1951, puts Ulpan Akiva's activities into modest perspective. "We are perhaps naive in trying to approach the problems of the region in this way," she observes. "But we believe that the firm foundations necessary to build and consolidate peace can only come about through person-to-person contacts and the ability of each side to speak the other's language." ---- 70. Middle East Peace Network (*) 12925 Riverside Drive, 3rd Floor Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 Tel: 818-325-8988 Fax: 818-325-8980 www.peacenetwork.org Middle East Peace Network Mission Statement The Middle East Peace Network (MEPN) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization to promote peace and democracy in the Middle East by encouraging understanding and mutual respect among all people. The MEPN acts as a resource network center for both organizations and individuals who are engaged in promoting these same goals educationally, culturally, socially, spiritually, and politically. The Middle East Peace Network is directed by an experienced, energetic board who are dedicated to a fair and equal peace for all people. The MEPN was originated as an umbrella organization to assist others who are actively working to improve relationships among Palestinians and Jews. The MEPN is most interested in cooperative projects that develop deeper understandings for cultural, national, and religious differences, including dialogue groups, people-to-people development projects, women's advancement programs and leadership training for youth. The MEPN focuses on raising public awareness, networking and fundraising both in the United States and in the Middle East. ---- 71. Kamran Eliahan http://www.peacenetwork.org/Peace%20Builders%20of%20the%20Month.htm "It wasn't much fun for Silicon Valley entrepreneur Kamran Eliahan when the pen-computing company he had founded, Momenta Corp., went belly up seven years ago. But is was a blessing for thousands of children who now have access to the internet. Kamran said the "total disaster" he experienced at Momenta ultimately led to his decision to spend his energy helping poor schoolchildren get online. That's when he formed Schools Online." Connect to the Middle East Peace Network see how Kamran has been connecting school children together from around the world. ---- 72. Arabs & Jews Related Postscript to the book on Ishmael by Robert Brow (www.brow.on.ca) http://www.brow.on.ca/Articles/ArabJew.htm EVIDENCE FROM GENETIC STUDIES It is fashionable among Old Testament scholars to dismiss the table of nations in Genesis 10 as an ignorant invention, and to view the stories of the patriarchs as mythical tales. Who could have expected the science of modern genetics to prove that a common origin for Arabs and Jews is totally plausible? ---- 73. DAY AFTER DAY 40th Internetional Thessaloniki Film Festival, November 1999 http://www.filmfestival.gr/1999/official/gitai/02_uk.html The film tells the story of an Arab-Jewish family in Haifa. Moshe, born to a Jewish mother and an Arab father, is a 40-year-old hypochondriac, who works in the family bakery. He is married to Didi and having an affair with Grisha, while nurturing secret fantasies about his doctor. He shares his innermost fears and desires with his childhood friend Jules, unaware that they are sharing the same woman. In this second part of the "City Trilogy", filmed in his hometown of Haifa, Gitai portrays the contradictory bourgeois landscape of Israel with a keen eye, irony and, above all, tenderness. ---- 74. Sami Shalom Chetrit http://www.unitedpoets.org/la_nov02.htm Sami Shalom Chetrit was born in Morocco and relocated to Israel with his Arab-Jewish family in 1963. He grew up in an immigrant working class neighborhood in the port city of Ashdod (former Palestinian village Asdud). He writes and publishes poetry, political essays and articles in many journals and papers. and is active in Mizrahi deprived communities on alternative equal education and empowerment. In 1993 he was among the founders of Kedma – the alternative educational organization for equality in education in Israel, and served as the school principle of Kedma high school in southern Tel-Aviv. In 1996 he was among the founders of the social movement Hakeshet Hademocratit Hamizrahit(The Mizrahi Democratic Rainbow Coalition), that has been struggling for economic and social justice in Israel. Last year I finished my Ph.D. study on the Mizrahi struggle in Israel. It will appear as a book in Hebrew in 2003. Today, I teach critical studies and work on new studies and publications. Sami Shalom Chetrit is the editor of the alternative web portal Kedma – Middle Eastern Gate to Israel. ---- 75. Oasis of Peace Community http://nswas.com/news/week_by_week/week_by_week_may30-Jun5-99.htm Visit of President of Rotary International, Mr. Glen Kinross On Tuesday June 1, 1999, the village was honored to receive Mr. Glen Kinross, the President of Rotary International. ... In his entry to the visitors' book, Mr. Kinross wrote: "It has been a very special pleasure to visit Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam and to see the integration of the Arab/Jewish children. The teaching of language, the understanding of other cultures and the search for common ground along the road to peace are all important to the peace process among the human family everywhere. The ultimate goal of Rotary International and the Foundation is world understanding and Peace. I admire and commend the work you are doing. Your goal and the goal of Rotary International are parallel. Best wishes for the future expansion of your work." ---- 76. The Haifa Foundation Giving Wisely: Directory of Israeli Nonprofit and Philanthropic Organizations http://www.givingwisely.org.il/cgi-bin/xGWexpandF.pl?language=E&amuta=91 Purpose: To assist in the advanc

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