Do you know free applications for universities?

Identification of specialized Physicists, their universities or national labs

  • I am preparing an overview of how physicists are exploring the topic of fusion as it relates to global energy resources. This project requires that I contact and interview thought leaders. Therefore, I need to first get my "playing field defined". I also need to highlight the national labs which have the most significant physics programs dedicated to energy applications. Whenever contact information can be provided either form the biograghy page of a professor, for example, or the main contact number at a National Laboratory, that is most helpful. My Research Request is also time sensitive as I am late on this project already! I am particularly interested in finding a researcher who is also enthusiastic about particle physics and energy applications as I have a large project with many different angles. If this is an area of interest for you, please let me know! Research Request Topic: 1. Identification of top scientists in North America with specialization in particle physics, from Universities and major national labs 2. Identification of conferences and committees for these topics: particle physics + energy application, experimental physics + energy application 3. Listing of National Labs and leaders of those programs within for: experiemental physics, particle physics, energy applications (specific to experimental physics) 4. List of publications since 2003 specifically focused on particle physics + energy applications (fusion is the core topic of interest to me)

  • Answer:

    Hello Sciencesurfing-ga, What a quest!! Well, I think the mission is pretty much accomplished, though the amount of data is so overwhelming that I don't think absolute completeness and perfect match to be possible. The scientific fields of your question have many branches that interact with each other, thus a clean selection becomes somewhat tricky. In any case, the information I am offering to you is, from the totality of what I could find through thorough research, the selection that to my best understanding would more accurately match your request. I wish I could have done it in a shorter time -given your explicit need for that- but the time it took was the fastest I could achieve. You were probably right about what an adequate compensation for this task would be and the system wouldn't let you set. However, once the question is answered, that can be adjusted as is explained at And now the choice to do so is at your consideration on whether the result deserves it. As to your interest in finding a researcher enthusiastic about the subject of your research, you can count on me. So, as far as you are satisfied with my work quality, whenever you need my help, just post a new question "for guillermo-ga" in the subject. Back to your request, I believe to have covered the four items of your interest. As to the organization of the data, the backbone had necessarily to be the labs, where the names and contact information for scientists were available, as well as information on conferences and publications. Below you'll find the information. As you preferred, this is reproduced in a MS Word file at My search strategy was: north-america "particle physics laboratories". Please feel free to ask for clarification if you need so, before rating the question. Thank you. Sincerely, Guillermo-ga Information on Particle Physics ~ Heavy-Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory ~ "The US Heavy-Ion Fusion program has the long-term goal of developing inertial-confinement fusion as an affordable and environmentally attractive source of electrical power. Toward this goal, the near-term HIF research at US National Laboratories uses reduced-scale experiments and state-of-the-art numerical simulations to understand the injection, transport, and focusing of the high-current beams needed for this approach to fusion energy. Since 1998, this research has been co-ordinated in the US by the Heavy-Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory." "The Virtual National Laboratory for Heavy-Ion Fusion (HIF-VNL) was established in 1999 to develop heavy-ion accelerators capable of igniting inertial-fusion targets for electric-power production. The collaboration, which presently involves Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), and Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, is funded through the Office of Fusion Energy at the US Department of Energy." (,10 ) Contact Information ( ) according to Organizational Chart ( ) B Grant Logan HIF-VNL Director Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1 Cyclotron Road MS/47-112 Berkeley, CA 94720 (510) 486-7206 [email protected] Ronald C Davidson HIF-VNL Deput Director Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory PO Box 451 Princeton, NJ 08543-0451 (609) 243-3552 [email protected] John J Barnard HIF-VNL Deputy Director Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory PO Box 808 L-645 Livermore, CA 94551-0808 (925) 423-0675 [email protected] and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1 Cyclotron Road MS/47-112 Berkeley, CA 94720 (510) 486-6124 [email protected] Edward P Lee HIF-VNL Chief Scientist Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1 Cyclotron Road MS/47-112 Berkeley, CA 94720 (510) 486-7345 [email protected] Christine M Celata Physicist - VNL Advanced Planning Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1 Cyclotron Road MS/47-112 Berkeley, CA 94720 (510) 486-7740 [email protected] Matthaeus Leitner Engineer - VNL Advanced Planning Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1 Cyclotron Road MS/47-112 Berkeley, CA 94720 (510) 495-4090 [email protected] ~ Los Alamos Fusion Energy Sciences ~ Dr. Glen A. Wurden OFES Program Manager (fusion physics topics) [email protected] 505-667-5633/665-3552-FAX Mailing address is: Mail Stop E-526 Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos, NM 87545 Dr. Scott Willms (fusion technology topics) [email protected] ~ Princeton University High-Intensity Particle Beam and Nonneutral Plasma Group ~ Contact information: Ronald C. Davidson (Division Head) Phone Number: 609-243-3552 Email: [email protected] Mail: MS17[, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory] P.O. Box 451 Princeton, NJ 08543-0451 Wei-li Lee Phone Number: 609-243-2647 Email: [email protected] Mail: MS27[, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory] P.O. Box 451 Princeton, NJ 08543-0451 Cynthia Phillips Phone Number: 609-243-2836 Email: [email protected] Mail: MS34[, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory] P.O. Box 451 Princeton, NJ 08543-0451 Philip Efthimion Phone Number: 609-243-3212 Email: [email protected] Mail: MS34[, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory] P.O. Box 451 Princeton, NJ 08543-0451 Dick Majeski Phone Number: 609-243-3112 Email: [email protected] Mail: MS17[, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory] P.O. Box 451 Princeton, NJ 08543-0451 Stephen F. Paul Phone Number: 609-243-3781 Email: [email protected] Mail: MS17[, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory] P.O. Box 451 Princeton, NJ 08543-0451 ~ Plasma Science & Fusion Center - Massachusetts Institute of Technology ~ Miklos Porkolab Professor of Physics, Director Plasma Science & Fusion Center Email: [email protected] Phone: (617) 253-8448 Address: 77 Massachusetts Avenue, NW16-288, Cambridge, MA 02139 Selected Publications "Plasma Instabilities Due to Ion Temperature Gradients", Miklos Porkolab, Nucl. Fusion 8, 29-36 (1968). "Instabilities and Induced Scattering due to Nonlinear Landau Damping of Longitudinal Plasma Waves in a Magnetic Field'', M. Porkolab and R.P.H. Chang, Phys. Fluids 15, 283-296 (1972). "Nonlinear Wave Effects in Laboratory Plasmas: A Comparison Between Theory and Experiment", M. Porkolab and R.P.H. Chang, Reviews of Modern Phys. 50, 745 (1978). "Observations of Lower-Hybrid Current Drive at High Densities in the Alcator C Tokamak", M. Porkolab, J.J. Schuss, B. Lloyd et al., Physical Review Letters 53, 450 (1984). "Ion Bernstein Wave Heating and Improved Confinement on the Alcator-C Tokamak,'' J.D. Moody, M. Porkolab, C.L. Fiore, F.S. McDermott, Y. Takase, J. Terry and S.M. Wolfe, Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 298 (1988). "Signature of Turbulent Zonal Flows Observed in the DIII D Tokamak," S. Coda, M. Porkolab, K.H. Burrell, Physical Review Letters 86, 4835 (2001). "Edge Ion Heating and Parametric Decay during Injection of Ion Cyclotron Resonance Frequency Power on the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak," J.C. Rost, M. Porkolab, R.L. Boivin, Phys. of Plasmas 9, 1262 (2002). ~ Argonne National Laboratory ~ Argonne's Research Programs: Programs related to this report: >>Fusion Power: Dr. R. F. Mattas Director of the Fusion Power Program Location in ANL: TD 362 B107 tel.: +1-(630)-252-8673 fax: +1-(630)-252-5287 e-mail: [email protected] >> Argonne Wakefield Accelerator: Group Leader's contact information: Wei Gai (PI) Advanced Accelerator R&D Group High Energy Physics Division/362 Argonne National Labs 9700 S. Cass Avenue Argonne, IL 60439 [email protected] Phone: 630-252-6560 Fax: 630-252-5076 >> ATLAS Project for Large Hadron Collider at CERN: Dr. Larry Price: High Energy Physics Division Building 362 9700 S. Cass Avenue Argonne - IL 60439 Tel: +1-630-252.62.95 Fax: +1-630-252.50.47 Email: [email protected] Secretary: Ms. S. Klepec Tel: +1-630-252.62.70 >> The Collider Detector at Fermilab: Physicists group Spokepersons: Larry Nodulman 630- 252-6228 Barry Wicklund 630- 252-6215 >> Argonne HEP Division Neutrino Group: Contact Information Argonne Neutrino Group, c/o Pam Malhotra, HEP362, Argonne IL 60439 USA Secretary: Pam Malhotra, 630-252-6213; Fax 630-252-5076 email [email protected] Fax: 630-252-5076 Physicists Group Leader: Dave Ayres; email: [email protected] ; Phone # 630-252-6216 Projects: MINOS (Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search) and SOUDAN 2 ( ) Recent papers: 1. "Search for neutron-antineutron oscillations using multiprong events in Soudan 2" Chung et. al., e-print hep-ex/0205093, Phys.Rev. D66 (2002) 032004 ; 2. "Horizontal Muons and a search for AGN Neutrinos in Soudan 2" Demuth et al., eprint hep-ex/0304016 , accepted for publication in Astroparticle Physics ; 3. Observation of Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations in Soudan 2 Sanchez et al., to be submitted to Physical Review; >> ANL HEP Theory Group ( ) 9700 South Cass Ave. HEP 362, Argonne National Laboratory Argonne, IL 60439-4815, USA Group Head: Carlos Wagner ( ) Office E137 Phone: (630) 252 3759 Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago Tel: (773) 702 7707 Email: [email protected] >> ARGONNE ZEUS GROUP Argonne National Laboratory: High Energy Physics Division 9700 South Cass Avenue Argonne, IL 60439 U.S.A. ZEUS is a large particle detector at the electron-proton collider HERA at the DESY laboratory in Hamburg, a sophisticated tool for studying the particle reactions provided by the high-energetic beams of the HERA accelerator. USA: Malcom Derrick [email protected] Tel: 630-252-6272 Steve Magill [email protected] Tel: 630-252-5845 Brian Musgrave [email protected] Tel: 630-252-6294 José Repond [email protected] Tel: 630-252-7554 Germany: Rik Yoshida [email protected] 0049-40-8998-4930 Sergei Chekanov (Germany) [email protected] Tel: 0049-40-8998- 3157 Secretary: Sandy Klepec [email protected] 630-252-6270 Support Staff: Gary Drake [email protected] 630-252-1568 >> Medium Energy Physics: Group Members: Moulay Ahmed El Alaoui John Arrington Kevin Bailey Xu Donald Geesaman Kawtar Hafidi Roy Holt Harold Jackson Zheng-Tian Lu Iain Moore Peter Mueller Thomas O'Connor David Potterveld Issam Qattan Paul Reimer Yuri Sanjiev Elaine Schulte Li-Bang Wang Benjamin Zeidman Xiaochao Zheng Secretaries: Donna Nelson, Debra Morrison phone 630-252-4100 FAX: 630-252-3903 e-mail: [email protected] (Donna) e-mail: [email protected] (Debbie) >> Theoretical Physics Group: Staff (In the Word file version, the names are hyperlinks to their webpages; however, these are partially reproduced here). Craig D. Roberts Group Leader, Theory Phone: 630/252-4095 Fax: 630/252-6008 Fax: 630/252-3903 EMail: [email protected] · Complete Curriculum Vitae available as PDF file Biographical sketch 2001-Present: Group Leader, Theory, Argonne National Laboratory 1996-Present: Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory 1991-96: Assistant Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory 1989-91: Research Associate, Argonne National Laboratory 1987-89: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 1988: Ph.D., Flinders University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia 2003, Recipient, Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation 2001, Fellow, American Physical Society 2001-2002: DFG Mercator Guest Professor, Universität Rostock, Rostock, Germany Two Semester Course in Quantum Field Theory for Hadron Physics 1996 (Nov/Dec): Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Science, University of Adelaide 1997-Present: Adjunct Research Professor, Kent State University 1991-95: Adjunct Research Scientist, Kent State University Member, Australian Institute of Physics Professional Activities 2002-Present: Field Editor (Elementary Particles and Fields) Few Body Systems 2005: Vice-Chair, Hadron Physics Topical Group, American Physical Society April 05 GHP Newsletter 2004: Member-at-Large, Hadron Physics Topical Group, American Physical Society 2003: Member-at-Large, Hadron Physics Topical Group, American Physical Society Recent Presentations 1. Dyson-Schwinger Equations and Observables in Hadron Physics "10th International Symposium on Meson-Nucleon Interactions and the Structure of the Nucleon, MENU04" IHEP, Beijing, China, 30/Aug.-4/Sept./04 2. Dyson-Schwinger Equations: A Tool for Hadron Physics "17th International IUPAP Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics" Durham, North Carolina, 5-10 June 2003 3. Quantum effects with an X-ray free electron laser University of New South Wales, 2/Feb./2003 Selected Recent Articles 1. Electromagnetic properties of ground and excited state pseudoscalar mesons A. Höll, A. Krassnigg, P. Maris, C.D. Roberts and S.V. Wright nucl-th/0503043, to appear in Phys. Rev. C 2. On Nucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors: A Précis A. Höll, R. Alkofer, M. Kloker, A. Krassnigg, C.D. Roberts and S.V. Wright, nucl-th/0501033 Contribution to the proceedings of the "10th International Conference on the Structure of Baryons (Baryons 04)" Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, 25-29/Oct./04 3. On Nucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors R. Alkofer, A. Höll, M. Kloker, A. Krassnigg and C.D. Roberts nucl-th/0412046, to appear in Few Body Systems 4. On the complexion of pseudoscalar mesons A. Höll, A. Krassnigg, C.D. Roberts and S.V. Wright, nucl-th/0411065 Contribution to the Proceedings of the "10th International Symposium on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon (MENU04)" IHEP, Beijing, China, 30/Aug.-4/Sept./04 5. Confinement, DCSB, Bound States, and the Quark-Gluon Vertex A. Höll, A. Krassnigg and C.D. Roberts, nucl-th/0408015 Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 141 (2005) pp. 47-52 Contribution to the Proceedings of "QCD Down Under" Special Research Centre for the Subatomic Structure of Matter, University of Adelaide, 10-19/March/2004 6. Pseudoscalar meson radial excitations A. Höll, A. Krassnigg and C.D. Roberts nucl-th/0406030, Phys. Rev. C 70 (2004) 042203(R) (5 pages) 7. Aspects and consequences of a dressed-quark-gluon vertex M.S. Bhagwat, A. Höll, A. Krassnigg, C.D. Roberts and P.C. Tandy nucl-th/0403012, Phys. Rev. C 70 (2004) 035205 (15 pages) 8. DSEs and pseudoscalar mesons: an aperçu A. Höll, A. Krassnigg and C.D. Roberts, nucl-th/0311033 Published in the Proceedings of "LC03: Light Cone Workshop - Hadrons and Beyond," Grey College, University of Durham, 5-9/August/2003 9. Dyson-Schwinger Equations: An Instrument for Hadron Physics A. Krassnigg and C.D. Roberts, nucl-th/0309025 Nucl. Phys. A 737 (2004) pp. 7-15 Contribution to the Proceedings of the "17th International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics," Duke University/TUNL, 5-10 June, 2003 10. DSEs, the pion, and related matters A. Krassnigg and C.D. Roberts, nucl-th/0308039 Fizika B 13 (2004) pp. 143-152 Contribution to the Proceedings of the "2nd International Conference on Nuclear and Particle Physics with CEBAF at JLab," Dubrovnik, Croatia, 26-31 May, 2003 11. Regarding proton form factors J.C.R. Bloch, A. Krassnigg and C.D. Roberts nucl-th/0306059, Few Body Syst. 33 (2003) pp. 219-232 12. Unifying aspects of light- and heavy-systems C.D. Roberts, nucl-th/0304050 Contribution to Proceedings of the "International School on Heavy-Quark Physics" Dubna, Moscow Region, 27/May - 1/June, 2002 13. Analysis of a quenched lattice-QCD dressed-quark propagator M.S. Bhagwat, M.A. Pichowsky, C.D. Roberts and P.C. Tandy nucl-th/0304003, Phys. Rev. C 68 (2003) 015203 14. Aspects of Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking C.D. Roberts, nucl-th/0301065 Contribution to Proceedings of the "5th International Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum," Gargnano, Italy, 10-14/Sept./02 15. Dyson-Schwinger equations: a tool for hadron physics P. Maris and C.D. Roberts nucl-th/0301049, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 12 (2003) pp. 297-365 16. Concerning the quark condensate K. Langfeld, R. Pullirsch, H. Markum, C.D. Roberts and S.M. Schmidt nucl-th/0301024, Phys. Rev. C 67 (2003) 065206 (7 pages) 17. Facets of confinement and dynamical chiral symmetry breaking P. Maris, A. Raya, C.D. Roberts and S.M. Schmidt, nucl-th/0208071 Eur. Phys. J. A 18 (2003) pp. 231-235 Contribution to the Proceedings of "Quark Nuclear Physics (QNP 2002)" Juelich, Germany, 9-14 Jun 2002 (pub. 22/10/03) 18. Quantum effects with an X-ray free electron laser C.D. Roberts, S.M. Schmidt and D.V. Vinnik nucl-th/0206004, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 (2002) 153901 Henning Esbensen phone: 630/252-4098 FAX: 630/252-6008 e-mail: [email protected] Biographical sketch: 1972 M.S., University of Aarhus, Denmark 1977 Ph.D., University of Aarhus, Denmark 1978-79 Fellowship, Danish Natural Science Research Council, Niels Bohr Institute 1979-81 NORDITA Fellow, Niels Bohr Institute 1982 Fellowship, Danish Natural Science Research Council, Niels Bohr Institute 1982 Consultant, Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1982-84 Research Associate, Michigan State University Cyclotron Laboratory 1984-85 Research Associate, University of Tennessee, Knoxville 1985-present Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory Member, American Physical Society Honors, Organizations, Committees, etc. 2004 Fellow, American Physical Society 2004- Editorial Board, Physical Review Letters Recent papers (in the Word file, the identification codes are hyperlinks to abstracts at the American Physical Society publications' online shoping; this goes for the other staff members bios too): 1. Multipole expansion for relativistic Coulomb excitation H. Esbensen and C. A. Bertulani Phys. Rev. C 65, 024605-1:7 (2002) 2. Higher-order effects in the two-body breakup of 17F H. Esbensen and G.F. Bertsch Nucl. Phys. A706, 383-399 (2002) 3. Elastic scattering and breakup of 17F at 10 MeV/nucleon J. F. Liang, J. R. Beene, H. Esbensen, A. Galindo-Uribarri, J. Gomez del Campo, C. J. Gross, M. L. Halbert, P. E. Mueller, D. Shapira, D. W. Stracener, I. J. Thompson, and R. L. Varner Phys. Rev. C 65, 051603(R)-1:5 (2002) 4. Unexpected Behavior of Heavy-Ion Fusion cross Sections at Extreme Sub-Barrier Energies C. L. Jiang, H. Esbensen, K. E. Rehm, B. B. Back, R. V. F. Janssens, J. A. Caggiano, P. Collon, J. Greene, A. M. Heinz, D. J. Henderson, I. Nishinaka, T. O. Pennington, and D. Seweryniak Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 052701-1:4 (2002) 5. Role of E1-E2 interplay in multiphonon Coulomb excitation Alexander Volya and Henning Esbensen Phys. Rev. C 66, 044604-1:10 (2002) 6. Dynamic polarization in the Coulomb dissociation of 8B H. Esbensen and G. F. Bertsch Phys. Rev. C 66, 044609-1:4 (2002) 7. Dynamic polarization effects in Coulomb dissociation Alexander Volya and Henning Esbensen Journal of Optics B 5, S407-S412 (2003) 8. Breakup of 17F on 208Pb near the Coulomb barrier J. F. Liang, J. R. Beene, A. Galindo-Uribarri, J. Gomez del Campo, C. J. Gross, P. A. Hausladen, P. E. Mueller, D. Shapira, D. W. Stracener, R. L. Varner, J. D. Bierman, H. Esbensen, and Y. Larochelle Phys. Rev. C 67, 044603 (2003) 9. Fusion reactions with germanium isotopes H. Esbensen Phys. Rev. C 68, 034604 (2003) 10. Jiang et al. Reply C. L. Jiang, H. Esbensen, K. E. Rehm, B. B. Back, R. V. F. Janssens, J. A. Caggiano, P. Collon, J. Greene, A. M. Heinz, D. J. Henderson, I. Nishinaka, T. O. Pennington, and D. Seweryniak Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 229202 (2003) 11. Analysis of heavy-ion fusion reactions at extreme sub-barrier energies C.-L. Jiang, H. Esbensen, K. E. Rehm, B.B. Back, and R.V.F. Janssens Phys. Rev. C 69, 014604 (2004) 12. Decay rate of triaxially deformed proton emitters Cary N. Davids and Henning Esbensen Phys. Rev. C 69, 034314 (2004) 13. Influence of Nuclear Structure on Sub-Barrier Hindrance in Ni + Ni Fusion C. L. Jiang, K. E. Rehm, R. V. F. Janssens, H. Esbensen, I. Ahmad, B. B. Back, P. Collon, C. N. Davids, J. P. Greene, D. J. Henderson, G. Mukherjee, R. C. Pardo, M. Paul, T. O. Pennington, D. Seweryniak, S. Sinha, and Z. Zhou Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 012701 (2004) 14. Constraints on the 7Be(p,gamma)8B radiative capture rate from charge symmetry Henning Esbensen Phys. Rev. C 70, 047603 (2004) 15. Reconciling Coulomb Dissociation and Radiative Capture Measurements H. Esbensen, G. F. Bertsch, and K. A. Snover Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 042502 (2005) Tsung-Shung Harry Lee phone: 630/252-4094 FAX: 630/252-6008 e-mail: [email protected] · Expanded Curriculum Vitae available as PDF file (hyperlink in the Word version) Biographical sketch 1965 B.A., Taiwan National University, Taiwan 1968 M.S., Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan 1973 Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh 1973-75 Research Associate, Bartol Research Foundation 1975-77 Research Associate, Argonne National Laboratory 1977-80 Assistant Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory 1981-93 Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory 1993-present Senior Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory Visiting appointments 1997 Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University, Japan 1992-1998 Adjunct Professor, University of Pittsburgh 1984-1987 Swiss Institute of Nuclear Physics, Switzerland 1981 Center of Theoretical Physics, MIT 1979 State University of New York at Stony Brook Honors, Organizations, Committees, etc. 2004 Chair, Organizing Committee, Fall Meeting, Division of Nuclear Physics, American Physical Soceity, 2002-2004 Program Committee, Division of Nuclear Physics, American Physical Society 2000-2002 Executive Committee, Division of Nuclear Physics, American Physical Society 1992-2003 International Advisory Committee of 13th -17th Internation Conference on Few-Body Problem 1990 Fellow, American Physical Society Recent papers 1. Nucleon resonances with double polarization observables of pion photoproduction D. Dutta, H. Gao, and T.-S. H. Lee Phys. Rev. C 65, 044619-1:6 (2002) 2. eta meson production in NN collisions K. Nakayama, J. Speth, and T.-S. H. Lee Phys. Rev. C 65, 045210-1:12 (2002) 3. Effective Lagrangian approach to the omega photoproduction near threshold Alexander I. Titovn and T.-S. H. Lee Phys. Rev. C 66, 015204-1:12 (2002) 4. Coherent phi and omega meson photoproduction from deuteron and nondiffractive channels A. I. Titov, M. Fujiwara, and T.-S. H. Lee Phys. Rev. C 66, 022202(R)-1:5 (2002) 5. One-loop corrections to photoproduction near threshold Yongseok Oh and T.-S. H. Lee Phys. Rev. C 66, 045201-1:9 (2002) 6. Pion-Nucleus Interactions T.-S. H. Lee and R. P. Redwine Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 52, 23-63 (2002) 7. Dynamical model of weak pion production reactions T. Sato, D. Uno, and T.-S. H. Lee Phys. Rev. C 67, 065201-1:13 (2003) 8. Spin effects and baryon resonance dynamics in phi-meson photoproduction at few GeV A. I. Titov1,2 and T.-S. H. Lee Phys. Rev. C 67, 065205-1:17 (2003) 9. Electromagnetic meson production in the nucleon resonance region V. D. Burkert and T.-S. H. Lee Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 13 1035-1111 (2004) 10. rho meson photoproduction at low energies Yongseok Oh and T.-S. H. Lee Phys. Rev. C 69, 025201-1:14 (2004) 11. Dynamical coupled-channel model of kaon-hyperon interactions Wen-Tai Chiang, B. Saghai, F. Tabakin, and T.-S. H. Lee Phys. Rev. C 69, 065208-1:13 (2004) 12. Pentaquark Theta+(1540) Production in gamma N -> K Kbar N Y. Oh, K. Nakayama and T.-S. H. Lee hep-ph/0412363 13. Quark-Hadron Duality and Parity Violating Asymmetry of Electroweak Reactions in the Delta Region M. Matsui, T. Sato and T.-S. H. Lee nucl-th/0504051 Kenneth M. Nollett phone: 630/252-8264 FAX: 630/252-6008 e-mail: [email protected] Complete Curriculum Vitae available as PDF file Biographical sketch 1995 S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2000 Ph.D., The University of Chicago 2000-02 Postdoctoral Scholar, California Institute of Technology 2002-03 Research Associate, Institute for Nuclear Theory 2003- Assistant Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory Papers 1. Nuclear reaction rates and primordial 6Li Kenneth M. Nollett, Martin Lemoine, and David N. Schramm Phys. Rev. C 56, 1144 (1997) 2. Sharpening the predictions of big-bang nucleosynthesis Scott Burles, Kenneth M. Nollett, James W. Truran, and Michael S. Turner Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 4176 (1999) 3. Estimating reaction rates and uncertainties for primordial nucleosynthesis Kenneth M. Nollett and Scott Burles Phys. Rev. D 61,123505 (2000) 4. Six-body calculation of the alpha-deuteron radiative capture cross section K. M. Nollett, R. B. Wiringa, and R. Schiavilla Phys. Rev. C 63, 024003 (2001) 5. What is the BBN prediction for the baryon density and how reliable is it? Scott Burles, Kenneth M. Nollett, and Michael S. Turner Phys. Rev. D63, 063512 (2001) 6. Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis Predictions for Precision Cosmology Scott Burles, Kenneth M. Nollett, and Michael S. Turner Astrophys. J. 552, L1 (2001) 7. Radiative alpha-capture cross sections from realistic nucleon-nucleon interactions and variational Monte Carlo wave functions Kenneth M. Nollett Phys. Rev. C 63, 054002 (2001) 8. Did Very Massive Stars Pre-enrich and Reionize the Universe? S. Peng Oh, Kenneth M. Nollett, Piero Madau, and G. J. Wasserburg Astrophys. J. 562, L1 (2001) 9. Primordial nucleosynthesis with a varying fine structure constant: An improved estimate Kenneth M. Nollett and Robert E. Lopez Phys. Rev. D 66, 063507 (2002) 10. Cool bottom processes on the thermally-pulsing AGB and the isotopic composition of circumstellar dust grains Kenneth M. Nollett, M. Busso, and G. J. Wasserburg Astrophys. J. 582, 1036 (2003) 11. Modern theories of low-energy astrophysical reactions L. E. Marcucci, Kenneth M. Nollett, R. Schiavilla, and R. B. Wiringa nucl-th/0402078, to be published in Nucl. Phys. A (2004). Steven C. Pieper phone: 630/252-4232 FAX: 630/252-6008 e-mail: [email protected] Biographical sketch 1965 B.S., University of Rochester 1970 Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1970-72 Research Associate, Case Western Reserve University 1972-74 Research Associate, Argonne National Laboratory 1974-78 Assistant Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory 1978-95 Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory 1996-present Senior Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory Visiting appointments 1988 Sabbatical, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1989 Sabbatical, University of Pisa, Italy Honors, Organizations, Committees, etc. 1987-1990 Chief, Theory Group, Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory 1994-1999 Executive Committee, Energy Research Supercomputer Users' Group 1996 Fellow, American Physical Society 2000 University of Chicago Medal for Distinguished Performance at Argonne National Laboratory Recent papers 1. Quantum Monte Carlo Calculations for Light Nuclei Steven C. Pieper Nucl. Phys. A 701, 357c-362c (2002) 2. Monte Carlo integration in Glauber model analysis of reactions of halo nuclei K. Varga, Steven C. Pieper, Y. Suzuki, and R. B. Wiringa Phys. Rev. C 66, 034611-1:8 (2002) 3. Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of A=9,10 nuclei Steven C. Pieper, K. Varga, and R. B. Wiringa Phys. Rev. C 66, 044310-1:14 (2002) 4. Evolution of Nuclear Spectra with Nuclear Forces R. B. Wiringa and Steven C. Pieper Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 182501-1:4 (2002) 5. Ab initio calculations of light nuclei Bruce Barrett, Bogdan Mihaila, Steven C. Pieper, and Robert B. Wiringa Nuclear Physics News 13, 17-23 (2003) 6. Can Modern Nuclear Hamiltonians Tolerate a Bound Tetraneutron? Steven C. Pieper Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 252501-1:4 (2003) 7. Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of excited states in A=6-8 nuclei Steven C. Pieper, R. B. Wiringa, and J. Carlson Phys. Rev. C 70, 054325-1:11 (2004) 8. Neutron Matter: A Superfluid Gas S.-Y. Chang, J. Morales, Jr., V. R. Pandharipande, D. G. Ravenhall, J. Carlson, Steven C. Pieper, R. B. Wiringa, and K. Schmidt Nucl. Phys. A 746, 215c-217c (2004) 9. Neutron spectroscopic factors in 9Li from 2H(8Li,p)9Li A. H. Wuosmaa, K. E. Rehm, J. P. Greene, D. J. Henderson, R. V. F. Janssens, C. L. Jiang, L. Jisonna, E. F. Moore, R. C. Pardo, M. Paul, D. Peterson, Steven C. Pieper, G. Savard, J. P. Schiffer, R. E. Segel, S. Sinha, X. Tang, and R. B. Wiringa Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 082502-1:4 (2005) 10. Search for excited states in 7He with the 2H(6He,p)7He reaction A. H. Wuosmaa, K. E. Rehm, J. P. Greene, D. J. Henderson, R. V. F. Janssens, C. L. Jiang, L. Jisonna, E. F. Moore, R. C. Pardo, M. Paul, D. Peterson, Steven C. Pieper, G. Savard, J. P. Schiffer, R. E. Segel, S. Sinha, X. Tang, and R. B. Wiringa submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (2005). James W. Truran, Joint with the University of Chicago Publications: Burles, S., Nollett, K.M., Truran, J.W., & Turner, M.S., ``Sharpening the Predictions of Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis,'' Physical Review Letters, 1999. Kercek, A., Hillebrandt, W., & Truran, J.W., ``Three Dimensional Simulations of Classical Novae,'' Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 345, P. 831, 1999. Starrfield, S., Sparks, W.M., Truran, J.W., & Wiescher, M.C., ``The Effects of New Nuclear Reaction Rates and Opacities on Hydrodynamic Models of the Nova Outburst,'' Astrophysical Journal, Supplement, in press, 1999. Starrfield, S., Schwarz, G.J., Truran, J.W., & Sparks, W.M., ``The Effects of Metallicity on Hydrodynamic Models of the Nova Outburst,'' Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 194, p. 611, 1999. Belle, K.E., ....., & Truran, J.W., ``NICMOS Imagery of Nova Shells,'' Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 194, p. 611, 1999. Starrfield, S., Truran, J.W., & Sparks, W.M., ``The Nova Outburst: Thermonuclear Runaways on Degenerate Dwarfs,'' in Proceedings of the Warner Symposium on Cataclysmic Variables, in press, 1999. Wanajo, S., Nomoto, K., & Truran, J.W., ``Nucleosynthesis in ONeMg Novae: Comparison with Observations,'' in Cosmic Chemical Evolution, in press, 1999. Truran, J.W., ``Abundances in the Cosmos,'' in Cosmic Chemical Evolution, in press, 1999. Niemeyer, J.C. & Truran, J.W. (Editors), ``Type Ia Supernovae: Theory and Cosmology,'' Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, in press, 1999. Truran, J.W., ``Nova Explosions: Abundances and Light Curves,'' in Nuclear Astrophysics, Eds. Hillebrandt, W. and Müller, E., Publications of the Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics, p. 107, 1998. Kercek, A., Hillebrandt, W., & Truran, J.W., ``Two and Three Dimensional Simulations of Thermonuclear Runaways in Accreted Atmospheres on White Dwarfs,'' in Nuclear Astrophysics, Eds. Hillebrandt, W. and Müller, E., Publications of the Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics, p. 56, 1998. Truran, J.W., ``The Early Stages of a Nova Outburst,'' in Proceedings of the Second Oak Ridge Symposium on Atomic and Nuclear Astrophysics, Ed. Mezzacappa, A., IOP Publishing Ltd, pp. 425-431, 1998. Cowan, J.J., Sneden, C., Truran, J.W., & Burris, D.L., ``Stellar Abundance Observations,'' in Proceedings of the Second Oak Ridge Symposium on Atomic and Nuclear Astrophysics, Ed. Mezzacappa, A., IOP Publishing Ltd, pp. 621-630, 1998. Cowan, J.J., Sneden, C., Truran, J.W., & Burris, D.L., ``GHRS Observations of Neutron-Capture Elements in Metal- Poor Stars,'' in The Scientific Impact of the Goddard High- Resolution Spectrograph, Eds. Brandt, J.C., Ake, T.B., & Peterson, C.C., ASP Conference Series, San Francisco, 1998. Starrfield, S., Truran, J.W., Sparks, W.M., Hauschildt, P., Shore, S.N., & Krautter, J., ``Observational and Theoretical Studies of the Nova Outburst,'' in Wild Stars in the Old West, Eds. Howell, S., Kuulkers, E., & Woodward, C., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 352-367, 1998. Truran, J.W., ``The Age of the Universe from Nuclear Chronometers,'' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 95, pp. 18-21, 1998. Gehrz, R., Truran, J.W., Williams, R.E., & Starrfield, S., ``Nucleosynthesis in Classical Novae and its Contributions to the Interstellar Medium,'' Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Vol. 110, pp. 3-26, 1998. Sneden, C., Cowan, J.J., Burris, D.L., & Truran, J.W., ``HUBBLE Space Telescope Observations of Neutron-Capture Elements in Very Metal Poor Stars,'' Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 496, pp. 235-245, 1998. Starrfield, S., Truran, J.W., Wiescher, M.C., & Sparks, W.M., ``New Evolutionary Sequences for ONeMg Novae,'' Monthly Notices Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 262, p. 502, 1998. Tuchman, Y. & Truran, J.W., ``The Influence of Composition on the Core Mass-Luminosity Relation for Degenerate Cores and its Relevance to the Extinction Timescales of the Classical Novae,'' Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 503, p. 381, 1998. Starrfield, S., Schwarz, G.J., Truran, J.W., & Sparks, W.M., ``Hydrodynamic Studies of the Evolution of the Extraordinary Nova LMC 1991,'' Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 193, p. 101, 1998. Kercek, A., Hillebrandt, W., & Truran, J.W., ``2D Simulations of Thermonuclear Runaways on White Dwarfs,'' Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 337, P. 379, 1998. Kercek, A., Hillebrandt, W., & Truran, J.W., ``Two and Three Dimensional Simulations of Classical Novae,'' Workshop on Fluid Dynamics, Bordeaux, France, p. 14, 1998. Robert B. Wiringa phone: 630/252-6134 FAX: 630/252-6008 e-mail: [email protected] Biographical sketch 1972 B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1974 M.S., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1978 Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1978-80 Research Associate, Los Alamos National Laboratory 1981-83 Research Associate, Argonne National Laboratory 1983-87 Assistant Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory 1987-99 Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory 2000- Senior Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory Visiting appointments 1993 Visiting Associate & Lecturer, California Institute of Technology Honors, Organizations, Committees, etc. 1994-2001 Chief, Theory Group, Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory 1997-2000 Webmaster, Division of Nuclear Physics, American Physical Society 1999 Fellow, American Physical Society 2000 University of Chicago Medal for Distinguished Performance at Argonne National Laboratory 2002-2004 Editorial Board, Physical Review C 2003- National Advisory Committee, Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle Recent papers 1. Weak transitions in A=6 and 7 nuclei R. Schiavilla and R. B. Wiringa Phys. Rev. C 65, 054302-1:13 (2002) 2. Monte Carlo integration in Glauber model analysis of reactions of halo nuclei K. Varga, Steven C. Pieper, Y. Suzuki, and R. B. Wiringa Phys. Rev. C 66, 034611-1:8 (2002) 3. Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of A=9,10 nuclei Steven C. Pieper, K. Varga, and R. B. Wiringa Phys. Rev. C 66, 044310-1:14 (2002) 4. Evolution of Nuclear Spectra with Nuclear Forces R. B. Wiringa and Steven C. Pieper Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 182501-1:4 (2002) 5. Quantum Monte Carlo Calculations of Light Nuclei R. B. Wiringa Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 146, 403-412 (2002) 6. Ab initio calculations of light nuclei Bruce Barrett, Bogdan Mihaila, Steven C. Pieper, and Robert B. Wiringa Nuclear Physics News 13, 17-23 (2003) 7. Quadratic momentum dependence in the nucleon-nucleon interaction R. B. Wiringa, A. Arriaga, and V. R. Pandharipande Phys. Rev. C 68, 054006-1:11 (2003) 8. Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of excited states in A=6-8 nuclei Steven C. Pieper, R. B. Wiringa, and J. Carlson Phys. Rev. C 70, 054325-1:11 (2004) 9. Neutron Matter: A Superfluid Gas S.-Y. Chang, J. Morales, Jr., V. R. Pandharipande, D. G. Ravenhall, J. Carlson, Steven C. Pieper, R. B. Wiringa, and K. Schmidt Nucl. Phys. A 746, 215c-217c (2004) 10. Neutron spectroscopic factors in 9Li from 2H(8Li,p)9Li A. H. Wuosmaa, K. E. Rehm, J. P. Greene, D. J. Henderson, R. V. F. Janssens, C. L. Jiang, L. Jisonna, E. F. Moore, R. C. Pardo, M. Paul, D. Peterson, Steven C. Pieper, G. Savard, J. P. Schiffer, R. E. Segel, S. Sinha, X. Tang, and R. B. Wiringa Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 082502-1:4 (2005) 11. Modern Theories of Low-Energy Astrophysical Reactions L. E. Marcucci, Kenneth M. Nollett, R. Schiavilla, and R. B. Wiringa nucl-th/0402078, to be published in Nucl. Phys. A (2005). 12. Search for excited states in 7He with the 2H(6He,p)7He reaction A. H. Wuosmaa, K. E. Rehm, J. P. Greene, D. J. Henderson, R. V. F. Janssens, C. L. Jiang, L. Jisonna, E. F. Moore, R. C. Pardo, M. Paul, D. Peterson, Steven C. Pieper, G. Savard, J. P. Schiffer, R. E. Segel, S. Sinha, X. Tang, and R. B. Wiringa submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (2005). Special Term Appointees Paul A. Benioff phone: 630/252-3218 FAX: 630/252-6008 e-mail: [email protected] Arnold R. Bodmer phone: 630/252-4093 FAX: 630/252-3903 e-mail: [email protected] Richard R. Chasman phone: 630/252-3614 FAX: 630/252-6008 e-mail: [email protected] Fritz Coester phone: 630/252-4089 FAX: 630/252-6008 e-mail: [email protected] Mitio Inokuti phone: 630/252-4186 FAX: 630/252-3903 e-mail: [email protected] Dieter Kurath phone: 630/252-4096 FAX: 630/252-3903 e-mail: [email protected] Robert D. Lawson phone: 630/252-4092 FAX: 630/252-3903 Murray Peshkin phone: 630/252-4061 FAX: 630/252-3903 e-mail: [email protected] Nonresident Special Term Appointees Malcolm H. Macfarlane (Indiana University) Professor Emeritus Nuclear Physics (Theoretical) Ph.D., Rochester, 1959. Phone: Swain West 227 (812)855-3709 | IUCF (812)855-5473 Email: [email protected] Vijay R. Pandharipande (University of Illinois) Office: 337A Loomis Campus Mail: Dept of Physics, MC-704 217-333-8079 (office) 217-333-9819 (fax) [email protected] Mailing Address: Department of Physics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1110 West Green Street Urbana, IL 61801-3080 USA ~ CONFERENCES AND MEETINGS: (in the Word version, each of the meeting's names are hyperlinks to the corresponding web pages) >>Forthcoming Neutrino Meetings ( · Florida · Pheno 2005 2-4 May, 2005, Madison Wisconsin · International Arena Workshop 17-19 May, 2005, DESY, Zeuthen Acoustic and Radio Eev Neutrino detection Activities. · 3rd Frontiers in Contemporary Physics 23-28 May, 2005, Nashville Tennesee · WIN2005 June 5-11, 2005 WIN05 Meeting, The workshop will take place in the European Cultural Center at Delphi Greece · 4th NUFACT Summer Institute June 12-20, 2005; 4th International School on Neutrino Factories and Superbeams June 12-20, 2005 Hotel Villa S. Michele, Capri, Napoli · MANDsim 2005 June 14-15, 2005 MeV AntiNeutrino Detector simulation workshop (MAND-sim 2005), June 14-15, 2005 A workshop to share knowledge and experience regarding simulations for reactor and other MeV-scale anti-neutrino experiments. · NANP05 June 20-25, 2005; V INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on NON-ACCELERATOR NEW PHYSICS Dubna, Russia, June 20--25, 2005 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna, Moscow Region, RUSSIA · NUFACT05 June 21-26, 2005; 7th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories and Superbeams, Laboratori, Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati (Rome) June 21-26, 2005. · Lepton Photon 2005 June 30 - July 5, 2005 Lepton Photon 2005, Sweden · NBI2005 July 7-11, 2005, 5th International Workshop on Neutrino Beams and Instrumentation, Fermilab, Batavia Illinois · 2005 HEP2005 July 21-27, 2005 HEP2005: Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Lisbon Portugal · ICRC 2005 August 3-11, 2005, 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Pune, India. · COSMO 05 August 28 to September 1st, 2005; The annual Cosmo International Conference on Particle Physics and Cosmology -- Cosmo05 -- will be hosted by Physikalisches Institute of the University of Bonn, Germany, · TAUP 2005 10-14 September 2005, 9th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics, Zaragoza Spain. · Neutrinos in Cosmology Course 16-24 September 2005, International School on Nuclear Physics; 27th Course: "Neutrinos in Cosmology, in Astro, Particle and Nuclear Physics" in Erice/Sicily/Italy; September 16 - 24, 2005 · PANIC 2005 24-28 October, 2005, Particles and Nuclei International Conference Santa Fe New Mexico · NUPPAC 05 19-23 November, 2005; 5th Conference on Nuclear and Particle Physics, Egypt >> High Energy Physics upcoming conferencies ( ): · HEPiX Spring 2005 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany May 9-13, 2005 · PAC 2005 - Particle Accelerator Conference Knoxville, Tennessee, USA May 16-20, 2005 · 12th Irish Quantum Field Theory Meeting Dublin, Ireland May 20 & 21, 2005 · 10th International Workshop On Advanced Computing And Analysis DESY, Zeuthen, Germany May 23-27, 2005 · The 2nd International ICFA Workshop on HEP Grids and Digital Divide: Networking, Grids and Digital Divide Issues for Global e-Science Daegu, Korea May 23-27, 2005 · Frontiers in Contemporary Physics - III Nashville, Tennessee, USA May 23-28, 2005 · Astrobiology and the Origin of Life Hamilton, Ontario, Canada May 24-28, 2005 · The Legacy of Supergravity Rome, Italy June 6-8, 2005 · 10th European Symposium on Semiconductor Detectors Wildbad Kreuth, Germany June 12-16, 2005 · Kaon 2005 - International Conference on Kaon Physics Evanston, Illinois, USA June 13-17, 2005 · Beaune 2005 - New Developments in Photodetection Beaune, France June 19-24, 2005 · BEAUTY 2005 - 10th International Conference on B-Physics at Hadron Machines Assisi (Perugia), Italy June 20-24, 2005 · Sixth International Conference "Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics" Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine June 20-26, 2005 · Lepton-Photon 2005 Uppsala, Sweden June 30 - July 5, 2005 · Hadron Collider Physics Symposium 2005 Les Diablerets, Switzerland July 4-9, 2005 · PIC 2005 - XXVth conference Physics in Collision Conference Prague, Czech Republic July 6-9, 2005 · LC2005 - Workshop on Light-Cone QCD and Nonperturbative Hadron Physics 2005 Cairns, Queensland, Australia July 7-15, 2005 · SUSY 2005 : The 13th International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions Durham, England July 18-23, 2005 · HEP2005 International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics Lisbon, Portugal July 21-27, 2005 · Lattice 2005 - The XXIII International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory Dublin, Ireland July 25-30, 2005 · Hadron 05 - XI International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy Rio de Janeiro, Brazil August 21-26, 2005 · XXVIII Spanish Relativity Meeting - A Century of Relativity Physics Oviedo (Asturias) Spain September 6-10, 2005 · PHYSTAT05 - Statistical Problems in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology Oxford, United Kingdom September 12-15, 2005 · Frontier Science 2005 - New Frontiers in Subnuclear Physics Milan, Italy September 12-17, 2005 · The 8th ICFA Seminar: Future Perspectives in High Energy Physics Daegu, Korea September 28 - October 1, 2005 · Jont Meeting of the 3rd IAEA Technical Meeting on Spherical Tori and the 11th International Workshop on Spherical Torus St. Petersburg, Russia October 3-6, 2005 · ICFP2005 - 3rd International Conference on Flavor Physics Jungli, Taiwan October 3-8, 2005 · 9th ICATPP Conference on Astroparticle, Particle, Space Physics, Detectors and Medical Physics Applications Villa Olmo, Italy October 17-21, 2005 · 2005 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference San Juan, Puerto Rico October 23-29, 2005 · PANIC 05 - XVII International Conference on Particles and Nuclei Santa Fe, New Mexico USA October 24-28, 2005 · CHEP06 - Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics Mumbai, India February 13-17, 2006 · XX Rencontres de Physique de La Vallée d'Aoste La Thuile (Aosta Valley), Italy March 5-12, 2006 >> Particles, Nuclei, and Gravitation ( ) · PHENO.05 (5.2-4) Phenomenology 2005 symposium: World year of phenomenology (Madison, Wisconsin, USA) · ICSSUR.05 (5.2-6) 9th intl conference on sqeezed states and uncertainty relations (Besancon, France) · SIR.05 (5.8-20) Intl workshop on semi-inclusive reactions and 3D-parton distributions (Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia, USA) · NLC.05 (5.9-12) Nonlinear cosmology: turbulence and fields (ICTP, Trieste, Italy) · ATI.05 (5.9-13) Argonne National Laboratory Theory Institute 2005: supersymmetry, extra dimensions, and higgs bosons (Argonne, Illinois, USA) · DARKSIDE.05 (5.12-14) The dark side of extra dimensions (Banff, Alberta, Canada) · BHOLES.05 (5.14-18) Black holes V (Banff, Alberta, Canada) · EDS.05 (5.15-20) 11th intl conference on elastic and diffractive scattering (Blois, France) · NPA2.05 (5.16-20) Nuclear physics in astrophysics II (Debrecen, Hungary) · EDS.05 (5.15-20) 11th intl conference on elastic and diffractive scattering (Blois, France) · DM.05 (5.18-20) Solvay workshop on dark matters (Brussels, Belgium) · BW.05 (5.19-23) BW2005 workshop, 2nd southeastern European workshop, challenges beyond the standard model (Nis, Serbia and Montenegro) · QFTM.05 (5.20-21) 12th Irish quantum field theory meeting (Dublin, Ireland) · SMMS.05 (5.22-25) Simulation of multiphysics multiscale systems, 2nd intl workshop in conjunction with the intl conference on computational science (Atlanta, USA) · FCP.05 (5.23-28) Frontiers in contemporary physics-III (Nashville, TN, USA) · GRIDS.05 (5.23-27) 2nd intl ICFA workshop on HEP grids and digital divide: networking, grids and digital divide issues for global e-science (Daegu, Korea) · RT.05 (6.4-10) IEEE real time (Stockholm, Sweden) · CAP.05 (6.5-8) Canadian Association of Physicists' 60th annual congress (Vancouver, Canada) · QED.05 (6.5-9) QED, quantum vacuum and the search for new forces (Les Houches, France) · QTRF.05 (6.6-11) Quantum theory: reconsideration of foundations (Vaxjo, Sweden) · EINZUR.05 (6.7-11) Physics in the 21st Century -- 100 Years after Einstein's "Annus Mirabilis" (Zurich, Switzerland) · SP.05 (6.13-18) String phenomenology 2005 (Munich, Germany) · STRINGPH.05 (6.13-18) String phenomenology (Munich, Germany) · GAS.05 (6.13-20) 3rd advanced research workshop "gravity, astrophysics, and strings at the Black Sea (Kiten, Bulgaria) · QCDW.05 (6.16-20) 3rd intl workshop on quantum chromodynamics - theory and experiment (Bari, Italy) · BEAUTY.05 (6.20-24) 10th intl conference on B-physics at hadron machines (Assisi, Umbria, Italy) · ENS.05 (6.20-25) Symposium on exotic nuclear systems (Debrecen, Hungary) · USPAS.05 (6.20-7.1) USPAS and Cornell University (Ithaca, NY, USA) · SUMMER.05 (6.20-7.8) Summer school on strings, gravity and cosmology (Waterloo, Canada) · VJS.05 (6.21-25) Vortices in Josephson structures (Kiten, Bulgaria) · NUFACT.05 (6.21-26) 7th intl workshop on neutrino factories and superbeams (Frascati, Italy) · VOLGA.05 (6.22-7.3) 17th intl summer school on recent problems in theoretical and mathematical physics: 17th Petrov school (Volga Camp, Kazan, Russia) ·"> CCC.05 (6.23-25) First crisis in csomology conference (CCC-I), (Moncedilatilde, Portugal) · CRETE.05 (6.23-7.2) 3rd Crete regional meeting in string theory (Crete, Greece) · FRONT.05 (6.28-7.1) 55th intl meeting on nuclear spectroscopy and nuclear structure "frontiers in the physics of nucleus" (Peterhof, St. Petersburg, Russia) · CHALONGE.05 (6.30-7.2) 9th Paris cosmology colloquium:"physics of the early universe confronts" (Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France) · PIC.05 (7.6-9) 24th conference on physics in collision (Prague, Czech Republic) · LC.05 (7.7-15) Workshop on light-cone QCD and nonperturbative hadron physics 2005 (Cairns, Queensland, Australia) · EPS13.05 (7.11-15) Beyond Einstein: physics for the 21st century (Bern, Switzerland) · WIGNER.05 (7.18-22) 9th Wigner symposium, in commemoration of 100 years of Einstein's E = mc^2 (Poznan, Poland) · EMA.05 (7.18-23) 4th Mexican school of astrophysics "EMA05" (Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico) · SUSY.05 (7.18-23) 13th intl conference on supersymmetry and unification of fundamental interactions (Durham, England) · OMGTP.05 (7.21-24) 14th Oporto meeting on geometry, topology and physics, "mathematical theory of quantum field theory" (Oporto, Portugal) · QUASIM.05 (7.25-28) Quantum simulations via analogues (Dresden, Germany) · SIMONS.05 (7.25-8.26) Simons workshop in mathematics and physics 2005 (Stony Brook, USA) · RCCP.05 (7.25-28) Relativistic channeling and coherent phenomena in strong fields (Frascati, Italy) · APFB.05 (7.26-30) 3rd Asia-Pacific conference on few-body problems in physics (Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand) · XQCD.05 (8.2-5) Extreme QCD (Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom) · FMTSCOPY.05 (8.6-9) Workshop on particle correlations and femtoscopy (Kromeriz, Czech Republic) · MULTIPA.05 (8.9-15) 36th intl symposium on multiparticle dynamics (Kromeriz, Czech Republic) · QGPTH.05 (8.10-12) Workshop on quark-gluon-plasma thermalization (Vienna, Austria) · 100REL.05 (8.22-24) 100 years of relativity (Sao Paulo, Brazil) · LOMCON.05 (8.25-31) 12th Lomonosov conference on elementary particle physics (Moscow, Russia) · COSMO.05 (8.28-9.1) Cosmo intl conference on particle physics and cosmology (Bonn, Germany) · COEASTR.05 (9.1-3) 3rd 21COE symposium: Astrophysics as interdisciplinary science (Tokyo, Japan) · COSMOFUN.05 (9.1-6) Pomeranian workshop in fundamental cosmology (Pobierowo, Poland) · QFEXT.05 (9.5-9) Quantum field theory under the influence of external conditions (Barcelona, Spain) · ERE.05 (9.6-10) 28th Spanish relativity meeting "a century of relativity physics" (Oviedo, Asturies, Spain) · DEEPEST.05 (9.8-14) Matter to the deepest: recent developments in physics of fundamental interactions (Ustron, Poland) · TAUP.05 (9.10-14) Topics in astroparticle and underground physics (Zaragoza, Spain) · CRIMEA.05 (9.10-17) New trends in high-energy physics (Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine) · PHYSTAT.05 (9.12-15) Statistical problems in particle Physics, astrophysics and cosmology (Oxford, UK) · EUCLID.05 (9.12-16) Integrable models and applications: from strings to condensed matter. 3rd annual meeting of the EU network EUCLID (Santiago de Compostela, Spain) · QG.05 (9.12-16) 4th meeting on constrained dynamics and quantum gravity (Cala Gonone, Sardinia, Italy) · FS.05 (9.12-17) Frontier science 2005 (Milano, Italy) · ERICENUC.05 (9.16-24) Erice school/workshop on nulear physics "neutrinos in cosmology, in astro, particle and nuclear physics" (Erice, Sicily, Italy) · HSQCD.05 (9.20-24) Hadron structure and QCD: from low to high energies (St. Petersburg, Russia) · DARK.05 (9.26-10.1) 3rd Aegean summer school "the invisible universe: dark matter and dark energy (Karfas, Island of Chios, Greece) · SPIN.05 (9.27-10.1) 11th workshop on high energy spin physics (Dubna, Russia) · ICFP.05 (10.3-8) 3rd intl conference on flavor physics (Jungli, Taiwan) · HIEHIC.05 (10.10-15) High and intermediate energy heavy ion collisions (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) · ICFA.05 (10.11-14) 8th ICFA seminar: future perspectives in high energy physics (Daegu, Korea) · VIENNA.05 (11.25-27) 2nd Vienna Central European seminar on particle physics and quantum field theory "frontiers in astroparticle physics" (Vienna, Austria) · EINST.05 (12.15-22) Einstein's legacy in the new millenium (Puri, India) · NIC.06 (6.25-30) Nuclei in the cosmos (CERN, Switzerland) Post-conference Information · SSM.05 (3.7-12) Winter school on modern trends in supersymmetric mechanics (Frascati, Italy) · NPGD.05 (3.10-12) Workshop on nonperturbative gauge dynamics (Trieste, Italy) · RENRG.05 (3.14-27) Renaissance in renormalisation group methods (Les Houches, France) · THEP.05 (3.16-20) Theoretical high energy physics-I (Roorkee, India) · TOMSK.05 (3.20-26) Quantum field theory, supersymmetry, high spin fields and gravity (Tomsk, Russia) · NUSPE.05 (3.21-24) Intl workshop on nuclear structure physics at the extremes: new directions (Shimla, India) · PRIMORD.05 (3.22-24) The origin of the primordial density perturbation - a workshop on the theory and observation of primordial density perturbations (Lancaster, UK) · STAC.05 (3.29-4.2) Spacetime in action: 100 years of relativity (Pavia, Italy) · LLWI.05 (2.20-26) Lake Louise winter institute: fundamental interactions (Lake Louise, Canada) · EXA.05 (2.21-25) Intl conference on exotic atoms and related topics (Vienna, Austria) · IMSP.05 (2.22-3.2) 8th intl Moscow school of physics (33rd ITEP winter school of physics) (Moscow, Russia) · ACHLAD.05 (2.26-3.4) 43rd winterschool Schladming: spin Physics, spintronics, and spin-offs (Schladming, Styria, Austria) · THUILE.05 (2.27-3.5) 19th encontres de physique de La Vallée d'Aoste (La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy) · ISS.05 (1.5-14) IPM string school and workshop (Qeshm Island, Iran) · USPAS.05 (1.10-21) U.S. particle accelerator school and UC- Berkeley (San Francisco, California, USA) · ICR.05 (1.11-14) Intl conference on relativity (Maravati, Maharastra, India) · IPMSC.05 (1.16-24) IPM school on cosmology 2005 (the high Z-universe and weak lensing) (Qeshm Island, Iran) · MINIQBH.05 (1.23-25) Mini school on quantum black holes (Haifa and Tel-Aviv, Israel) · PNW.05 (1.29-30) Pacific Northwest string seminar (Vancouver, BC, Canada) · RTN.05 (1.31-2.4) RTN winter school on "strings, supergravity and gauge theories (Trieste, Italy) · CHALONGE.04 (12.9-10) WMAP and the early universe (Paris, France) · CLUSTER.04 (12.9-11) Fundamental physics from clusters of galaxies (Fermilab, USA) · MIAMI.04 (12.15-19) Miami conference on particle physics, celebrating 40 years of quarks, cosmology, cp-violation, and physics conference in greater Miami (Miami, Florida, USA) · ISM.04 (12.15-23) Intl workshop in string theory (Khajuraho, India) · ILC.04 (11.13-15) Workshop towards an intl design of a linear collider (KEK, Japan) · VIENNA.04 (11.26-28) Vienna Central European seminar on particle physics and quantum field theory: advances in quantum field theory (Vienna, Austria) · RICH.04 (11.30-12.5) 5th intl workshop on ring imaging cherenkov detectors (Playa del Carmen, Mexico) · DARK.04 (10.3-9) 5th Intl Heidelberg conference on dark matter in astro and particle physics (College Station, TX, USA) · NEU.04 (10.4-8) Workshop on neutrinos and the early universe (Rrento, Italy) · FPCP.04 (10.5-10) Flavor physics & CP violation (Daegu, South Korea) · PDF.04 (10.6-9) Proton driver at Fermilab · POINC.04 (10.8-9) Symposium Henri Poincare (Brussels, Belgium) · QWGS.04 (10.8-11) Topical QWG seminar school on heavy quarkonia at accelerators: new theoretical tools and experimental techniques (Beijing, China) · SPIN.04 (10.10-16) 16th intl spin physics symposium (Trieste, Italy) · NDFI.04 (10.11-16) NATO advanced research workshop "nonlinear dynamics and fundamental interactions" (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) · QWG.04 (10.12-15) 3rd intl workshop on heavy quarkonium (Beijing, China) · NUCMESO.04 (10.23-26) Workshop on nuclei and mesoscopic physics (East Lansing, Michigan, USA) · GHPM.04 (10.24-26) First meeting of the APS topical group on hadronic physics (FNAL, Chicago, IL, USA)

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