12 month old baby - dietary, sleep and exercise requirements
Our son is now 12 months old. We want to make sure that he is getting all the food, rest and exercise that he needs. Please get as much "expert" detail as you can on the 3 topics. I need to get links to examples of daily feeding and sleeping requirements for his age, as well as exercises and physical regimes that are recommended. Thanks,
Greetings Drclintonjones, I have gathered information for you on the topics of food, rest and exercise for your year old son. Food ==== ?To begin planning your toddler's diet, it can help to begin with the idea that toddlers need a lot less to eat than you think. Remember that children aren't growing as fast as they were during their first year of life and so have lower energy needs (the amount of calories per kg of their body weight) and smaller appetites. So if your child is active, healthy, and growing and developing normally, then he is likely getting plenty to eat. It can also help to avoid common mistakes, such as: · drinking more than 16-24 ounces of milk each day. · drinking more than 4-6 ounces of juice each day. · letting your child fill up on sweets and snacks. · forcing your child to eat when he isn't hungry. · giving servings that are too big. The average toddler serving is going to be about 1/4 of an adult serving size. Don't go by the serving size listed on nutrition labels, as these are mainly for older children and adults. ?The average toddler needs about 1300 calories each day. Bigger kids will need a little more and smaller kids a little less. A good rule of thumb is that your toddler will need 40 calories each day for each inch of his height.? A Sample Diet ------------- ?A sample breakfast, with 1/2 cup (4 ouces) of cereal, 1/4 cup of milk and 4 ounces of orange juice would give about 230 calories. If you instead gave a slice of bread with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and jelly and 4 ouces of orange juice, your toddler would get over 250 calories. For lunch, consider a 1/2 sandwich (one slice of bread), with 1 slice of lean luncheon meat (90 calories) and cheese (45 calories) . Or a tuna fish sandwich (add 1/2 tablespoon of mayo to the tuna to get 50 extra calories). Or a sliced and quartered hot dog. And water, juice or milk. Dinner might include 1-2 ounces of chicken (75-100 calories) or beef (120-165 calories), 2-3 tablespoons of vegetables (50-75 calories), some whole wheat bread (40 calories) and 1/2 cup of milk (76 calories). Plus, your child will likely need a couple of small snacks mid-morning and in the early afternoon. These might include 1/2 cup of milk (76 calories) or juice (60 calories), 2-3 tablespoons of fruit (50-75 calories), or a slice of cheese (45 calories). Alternatives might include some jello, pudding, or yogurt.? http://www.keepkidshealthy.com/toddler/feeding_your_toddler.html ?Feeding toddlers and preschoolers can sometimes be a problem for parents. Food and eating is often something toddlers want to be in control of. Toddlers? appetites naturally decrease during the second year of life. They are not growing as much and they don?t need as much to eat. At the same time they are learning to try different foods, some of which they might not like. Toddlers can be worried by too many changes and like to keep to the few things they know well. It is important for them to show that they are starting to learn to think for themselves by saying ?No?. The world is becoming a very exciting place and there are lots more interesting things to do than eat! Getting into battles with toddlers about food and eating can only make life miserable for everyone.? ?It is important that toddlers see parents eating and enjoying healthy food - are you a good role model for your child? It is normal for young children to be wary about eating a food they have not met before and these are ways to help them. · Offer the food in a happy environment. Children tend to like foods that they associate with fun. (This is why fast food outlets can become so popular.) · Keep offering the food on several occasions. It can take 8 to 15 tries before the food becomes familiar and a child accepts it. · Children are more likely to try a food when they see the rest of the family or other children enjoy it. · Don?t insist that the food is eaten and don?t offer a reward for eating it. Both of these measures have been shown to make children dislike that food. · Children are more likely to want a food if they are told they can?t have it or if it is used as a reward. Children have the natural ability to know how much food they need and they do not usually overeat. However they can easily lose this skill. If children are pushed to eat more than they want or encouraged to finish everything on the plate, they may learn not to stop when they have had enough. This can lead to weight problems later.? http://www.cyh.com/HealthTopics/HealthTopicDetails.aspx?p=114&np=302&id=1756#2 ?If there are rules ? and rules are made to be broken ? they are to aim for: Fresh food Low sugar Low animal fat Low salt (no salt before one year). A baby in the home is an opportunity to look at the dietary rules for the whole family. Some of these recipes are so delicious I serve them when entertaining! Babies' nutrition in their first year probably has a greater influence than at any other time of life. This reinforces the need to start early with a good balanced diet. When your child opts for the raw fruits and vegetables (which adults imagine kids hate) over sugary sweets, you will recognise your success.? http://www.mypharmacy.co.uk/health_books/books/n/new_complete_baby_and_toddler_meal_planner.htm ?How Much Table Food Should My Baby Be Eating? ---------------------------------------------- When introducing table foods, don't worry too much about the amount or variety your baby accepts, or how much gets into her mouth. She'll still be getting most of her nutrition from breast milk, formula, or whole milk now. Once your baby is adept at eating finger foods or using a spoon, offer small portions (about one fourth of an adult's portion) and add more if she's interesterd. Watch for cues that your baby is finished: if she's disinterested, turning her head away, or pushing food away, don't force her to eat more. Expect your toddler to go through periods when she wants only a "favored food of the moment." It's not uncommon for a child this age to want peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for every meal or insist on the same breakfast for a month. Toddlers may also change their minds about what's good to eat in an instant: one day your child loves applesauce, and the next day she views it as poison. Remain relaxed, continue to offer other healthful choices, and remember that these behaviors will one day come to an end. Again, your toddler might not eat what you would call a balanced meal at each sitting, but over the course of time she should get what she needs for good health.? ?Your toddler's caloric requirement is beginning to slow down. About 1,000 calories a day, broken down between three meals and two snacks, should be sufficient to ensure proper nutrition. Most babies this age are switched from formula to cow's milk, and many (but not all) nursing babies are weaned from the breast. This means it's even more important to offer your toddler a variety of healthy foods at this stage. Not only is regular table food forming the basis of his diet now, he is learning eating habits that will stay with him a lifetime. Good choices now will increase the odds he'll make better choices for himself later on.? http://kidshealth.org/parent/nutrition_fit/nutrition/feed12yr_prt.htm ?Toddlers are notorious for not wanting to eat and giving their parents endless headaches by suddenly refusing their favourite food or demanding only one type of food all the time. Let?s first consider loss of appetite. It's important to remember that toddlers have very small stomachs and, unlike adults, they are physically unable to eat large quantities of food as main meals. Refusal to eat what adults may regard as a ?normal portion? may just be that the portions are too big and that the meals are spaced too far apart for a small child.? ?An emotionally upset toddler will generally not eat. So always explore reasons such as fear or anger when your child refuses to eat. In serious cases you might have to get help from a child psychologist to pinpoint the factors at play.? http://www.health24.com/dietnfood/Eating_throughout_life/15-50-660,24473.asp ?You'll probably notice a sharp drop in your toddler's appetite after his first birthday. Suddenly he's picky about what he eats, turns his head away after just a few bites, or resists coming to the table at mealtimes. It may seem as if he should be eating more now that he's so active, but there's a good reason for the change. His growth rate has slowed, and he really doesn't require as much food now. Your toddler needs about 1,000 calories a day to meet his needs for growth, energy, and good nutrition. If you've ever been on a 1,000-calorie diet, you know it's not a lot of food. But your child will do just fine with it, divided among three small meals and two snacks a day. Don't count on his always eating it that way; however, because the eating habits of toddlers are erratic and unpredictable from one day to the next. He may eat everything in sight at breakfast but almost nothing else for the rest of the day. Or he may eat only his favorite food for three days in a row, then reject it entirely.? ?When planning your child's menu, remember that cholesterol and other fats are very important for his normal growth and development, so they should not be restricted during this period. By his first birthday, your child should be able to handle most of the foods you serve the rest of the family but with a few precautions. Be sure the food is cool enough so that it won't burn his mouth. Test the temperature yourself, because he'll dig in without considering the heat. Try to avoid foods that are heavily spiced, salted, buttered, or sweetened. These additions prevent your child from experiencing the natural taste of foods, and they may be harmful to his long-term good health. Young children seem to be more sensitive than adults to these flavorings, and may reject heavily spiced foods.? Another Sample Menu -------------------- Sample One Day Menu This menu is planned for a one-year-old child who weighs approximately 21 pounds. 1 tablespoon = 1/2 ounce (15 cc) 1 teaspoon = 1/3 tablespoon (5 cc) 1 cup = 8 ounces (240 cc) BREAKFAST 1/2 cup iron-fortified breakfast cereal or 1 cooked egg (not more than 3 eggs per week) 1/4 cup whole milk (with cereal) 1/2 cup juice Add to cereal one of the following: 1/2 banana, sliced 2-3 large sliced strawberries SNACK 1 slice toast or whole wheat muffin 1-2 tablespoons cream cheese or peanut butter (spread) 1 cup whole milk LUNCH 1/2 sandwich-tuna, egg salad, peanut butter, or cold cuts 1/2 cup cooked green vegetables 1/2 cup juice SNACK 1-2 ounces cubed cheese, or 2-3 tablespoons pitted and diced dates 1 cup whole milk DINNER 2-3 ounces cooked meat, ground or diced 1/2 cup cooked yellow or orange vegetables 1/2 cup pasta, rice, or potato 1/2 cup whole milk http://www.medem.com/medlb/article_detaillb.cfm?article_ID=ZZZ61B4NH4C&sub_cat=110 ?Try to balance your child's request for a snack with the family's need to enjoy a regular meal together. If the meal is several hours away, you can offer a bigger snack. If the meal is in the next hour, you may want to offer a small snack. If you give your child only a small snack, explain to your child that the family will be eating soon. If your child doesn't eat at one mealtime, you can offer a nutritious snack, such as fresh fruit, vegetables or whole-grain crackers, a few hours later. If your child doesn't eat the snack, offer food again at the next mealtime. A child will usually eat at the second meal. With this approach, you can be sure that your child won't starve or have other problems that come from a poor diet.? http://familydoctor.org/224.xml ?A 1 yr-old can eat at the table with the rest of the family and join in. Take whatever you're eating and mash it or mince it. Avoid foods that are salty or very spicy. As they get older you can introduce finger foods and more texture and by the age of two they can eat the same type of food as you.? To get the nutrients he needs, a toddler should have a diet that contains all the main food groups - protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. If you eat a mixed diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, and your child eats the same, you'll have no need to worry. Avoid cutting out any whole category of foodstuffs - fat-free diets aren't good for toddlers. It's hard to make a toddler plump He needs plenty of food to fuel his growth. Don't ever restrict his diet for fear of making him fat. Let him eat what he wants and that way he'll keep in touch with his appetite. When he's had enough, don't force him to eat more or say 'just one extra spoonful'. If he's energetic and lively, he's getting enough nutrition, even if he seems to eat very little.? ?Avoid sweetened drinks. They're bad for your baby's teeth and give her a taste for overly sweet things. Even those labelled 'no added sugar' contain enough fruit-sugar to harm the teeth. If she's thirsty, boiled cooled water is best. If she's hungry between meals, she can still have a bottle of milk.? http://www.raisingkids.co.uk/1_4/tod_eat01.asp ?The recommended level for children ages 1 to 3 is 500 mg of calcium daily and, for 4 to 6-year-olds, it is 800 mg daily. The best sources of calcium include milk, yogurt and cheese. But you can boost daily calcium with calcium-fortified juices, broccoli and dark leafy vegetables. Children ages 1 to 6 need 10 mg of iron each day.? ?The recommended intake level for children ages 1 to 6 is 10 mg of zinc each day. Zinc is hard to find in many commonly eaten foods there's no single good source of zinc that parents can give their child every day. Many common kid foods (including fruits and vegetables and many refined grain foods) contain virtually no zinc. Even children's multivitamin/mineral supplements for age two and under usually don't contain zinc.? http://www.meadjohnson.com/about/pressreleas/nutritiontips1-5-00.html ?Your child should want to feed himself with his fingers and a spoon or fork and should be able to drink out of a cup. He should have given up the bottle by now. Remember that your baby's appetite may decrease and become pickier over the next few years as his growth rate slows. Your baby should also have given up middle of the night feedings by this age. To avoid having to supplement with fluoride, use fluorinated tap water. If you are using bottled or filtered water only, then your child may need fluoride supplements (check with the manufacturer for your water's fluoride levels). Feeding practices to avoid are giving large amounts of sweet desserts, soft drinks, fruit-flavored drinks, sugarcoated cereals, chips or candy, as they have little nutritional value. Also avoid giving foods that your child can choke on, such as raw carrots, peanuts, whole grapes, tough meats, popcorn, chewing gum or hard candy.? http://www.keepkidshealthy.com/toddler/toddlernutrition.html Fussy Eaters http://au.health.yahoo.com/041101/25/1uff.html?r=967624712 Rest ===== ?Charts that list the hours of sleep likely to be required by an infant or a 2-year-old may cause concern when individual differences aren't considered. These numbers are simply averages reported by large groups of children of particular ages. There's no magical number of hours required by all kids in a certain age group. Two-year-old Sarah might sleep from 8:00 PM to 8:00 AM, whereas 2-year-old Johnny is just as alert the next day after sleeping from 10:00 PM to 5:00 AM. However, having said that, sleep is very important to a child's well-being. Kids' behaviors can directly reflect their lack of sleep in a way that may not be immediately obvious. When adults are tired, they can either be grumpy or have low energy. But a child can become hyper, disagreeable, and have extremes in behavior.? ?From ages 1 to 3, most toddlers sleep about 10 to 13 hours. Separation anxiety, or just the desire to be up with Mom and Dad (and not miss anything), can motivate a child to stay awake. So can simple toddler-style contrariness. Note the time of night when your toddler begins to show signs of sleepiness, and try establishing this as his or her regular bedtime. And you don't have to force a 2- or 3-year-old child to nap during the day, unless your little one gets cranky and overly tired. Parents can also sometimes make the mistake of thinking that if they keep their child up, he or she will be sleepier for bedtime. In fact, though, children can have a more difficult time sleeping if they're overtired. Establishing a bedtime routine helps a child relax and get ready for sleep. For a toddler, the routine may be from 15 to 30 minutes long and include calming activities such as reading a story, bathing, and listening to soft music.? http://kidshealth.org/parent/general/sleep/sleep.html ?If your toddler is still taking two naps a day but having trouble getting to sleep or not sleeping very long for one of them, he's probably ready to give up his morning nap and move to one nap a day. Keep in mind that this doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing change. During the transition, your toddler may still need two naps on some days to help him catch up on his sleep. When you switch to one nap, start a routine of putting him down right after lunch. If for some reason he's very tired earlier than usual, simply bump up his lunch and nap time. If your toddler is waking up from his nap cranky and clearly needing more sleep, you may want to think about how he's going to sleep. If he's being rocked to sleep or assisted by you in another way, he may simply be having a brief arousal from his nap and be unable to get back to sleep on his own. If this is the case, work on getting your toddler to fall asleep by himself rather than depending on you to help him, so he can stay asleep and get the rest he needs. If your toddler also needs your assistance to fall asleep at bedtime or to get back to sleep during the night, it's often best to make changes at bedtime before making changes at nap time. Also, be sure that your toddler's napping place is cool, quiet, and comfortable.? http://www.babycenter.com/expert/toddler/toddlersleep/1293501.html ?Now your baby is officially a toddler ? but she still needs as much sleep as she did when she was younger. Until her second birthday, your child should get between 13 and 14 hours of sleep a day, 11 of those hours at night. The rest she'll get in naps. She'll probably still need two naps at 12 months, but by the time she's 18 months old, she may be ready for a single hour-and-a-half to two-hour nap in the afternoon ? a pattern she may follow until she's four or five. The transition from two naps to one can be difficult; some experts recommend alternating one-nap and two-nap days, depending on how much sleep your toddler got the night before. You can also try putting your child to bed a little earlier on one-nap days.? http://www.babycentre.co.uk/refcap/7682.html ?Most toddlers rest during part of the day. Naps help keep children from feeling overly tired and actually help them sleep better at night. Toddlers usually go to bed about 8 p.m., depending on the length of their naps. Some call the caregiver back to their rooms several times to be given drinks, kisses, or a favorite stuffed animal. Toddlers often go to sleep faster, however, for a caregiver than for their own mothers and fathers.? http://www.nncc.org/Series/good.time.bed.html ?The first step to helping your baby sleep longer is to determine the difference between sleeping noises and awake noises. When she makes a noise: Stop. Listen. Wait. Peek. As you listen attentively to her noises, and watch her, you will learn the difference between sleeping snorts and ?I'm waking up and I need you now? noises. When I learned this eye-opening piece of information, I started ?playing asleep? when Coleton made a nighttime noise. I would just listen and watch ? not moving a single muscle ? until he began to make actual wakeful noises. Some of the time, he never did; he just went back to sleep! The idea, then, is to learn when you should pick your baby up for a night feeding and when you can let her go back to sleep on her own. This is a time when you need to really focus your instincts and intuition. This is when you should try very hard to learn how to read your baby's signals. You need to listen and watch your baby carefully. Learn to differentiate between these sleeping sounds and awake and hungry sounds. If she is really awake and hungry, you'll want to feed her as quickly as possible. If you do respond immediately when she is hungry, she will most likely go back to sleep quickly. So, the key here is to listen carefully when your baby makes night noises: If she is making ?sleeping noises? ? let her sleep. If she really is waking up ? tend to her quickly.? http://babyparenting.about.com/od/sleeping/a/sleepingbaby.htm ?Most toddlers still need two naps at 12 months, but by the time they?re 18 months old, may be ready for a single one- or two-hour nap in the afternoon - a pattern that may last until the age of four.? http://hcd2.bupa.co.uk/fact_sheets/html/toddler_sleep.html ?Most toddlers under age 1 still take two naps a day, usually one in the morning and another in the afternoon. Between ages 1 and 2, most give up the morning nap but still need to sleep during the afternoon to see them through the day. Between ages 3 and 4, many kids stop sleeping during the day altogether. That said, children's nap requirements differ from one child to another. Much depends on how many hours your child sleeps at night. Toddlers need approximately 12 to 14 hours of sleep in each 24-hour period.? http://www.babycenter.com/expert/toddler/toddlersleep/7646.html Berkeley Parent?s Network sleep tips and advice http://parents.berkeley.edu/advice/sleep/toddler.html Exercise ========= ?The first ever, physical activity guidelines for infants and toddlers has been developed by the National Association of Sports and Physical Education (NASPE). The guidelines were not only developed out of concern for childhood obesity, but also for the concern of correct physical and cognitive development of our infants, toddlers and preschoolers. Many professionals believe that sedentary activities can delay developmental milestones such as rolling over, climbing, and hand-eye coordination, just to name a few. Therefore, infants should be encouraged to be physically active from the beginning of life.? ?Toddler & Preschooler Guidelines: 1. Toddlers should accumulate at least 30 minutes daily of structured physical activity; preschoolers at least 60 minutes. 2. Toddlers and preschoolers should engage in at least 60 minutes and up to several hours per day of daily, unstructured physical activity and should not be sedentary for more than 60 minutes at a time except when sleeping. 3. Toddlers should develop movement skills that are building blocks for more complex movement tasks; preschoolers should develop competence in movement skills that are building blocks for more complex movement tasks. 4. Toddlers and preschoolers should have indoor and outdoor areas that meet or exceed recommended safety standards for performing large muscle activities. 5. Individuals responsible for the well being of toddlers and preschoolers should be aware of the importance of physical activity and facilitate the child's movement skills.? ?So go ahead start playing with your infant, toddler or preschooler today. You are the biggest influence in your baby?s/child?s life and what you do with them now will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Help with their physical, emotional and intellectual development now while they are young. Remember it is never too late to form good habits.? http://www.thenewparentsguide.com/article-play-is-exercise-lisadejesus.htm http://www.aahperd.org/naspe/template.cfm?template=toddlers.html ?You need to go with the flow. Children develop unique strategies for play based on many things. The techniques they choose to imitate and adopt and their own individual personalities are two factors at play (no pun intended). My daughter has recently entered a phase where her concept of play is based largely around clothing and her ability to master the art of dressing. I admit, using several articles of clothing a day can cause parental frustration (not to mention a lot of laundry) and there have been many occasions where I have wanted to put a lock on my daughter?s bureau drawers. But this is her idea of play. And if you look at the notion closely, you can see a little girl becoming many things - independent, imaginative and thought seeking above all. In a world where child development often seems to pass in the blink of an eye, it is important to allow children to be children and encourage them to develop their own ideas and concepts regarding play. Through the guidance and imitation of their caregivers, children can develop approaches to playtime that will satisfy their needs and allow them to develop individuality. Fun, exploration, education and play ? it?s what childhood is all about!? http://www.thenewparentsguide.com/article-children-and-play-debduggan.htm ?But you probably don't need to take extra steps to make sure your toddler exercises. Kids this age are so active ? what with all the running, jumping, playing, reading, twirling, climbing onto and off of furniture, and dancing they do ? that they get all the exercise they need just from going about their normal routine. Your child probably burns more calories in one day than you do in a whole week at the gym. The better question is, how long can you keep up with her? If you are worried that your toddler is chubby, don't be; toddlers come in all shapes and sizes and it's not time yet to worry about her weight. If you feel she's too sedentary, try to replace quieter activities such as playing with dolls and watching TV with more energetic ones.? http://www.babycenter.com/expert/toddler/toddlerdevelopment/6871.html ?Get the baby out of the bouncy seat and let him roll around on the floor. Play patty-cake. Toss soft balls with toddlers. Challenge 3-year-olds to walk on a safe curb while keeping their balance. Exercise for babies, toddlers and preschoolers is not rocket science. But they do need simple activities every day that are crucial building blocks in learning to walk, run and eventually swing a tennis racket, according to the first physical education guidelines for children so young. Too many youngsters are confined in strollers, baby seats or playpens for long periods, according to the National Association for Sport and Physical Education. The group issued the guidelines Wednesday for parents, day care centers and preschools. Instead, the goal is common-sense fun activities - and making physical activity part of normal, everyday life in hopes that the children will not grow up to be among the 60% of Americans who are overweight couch potatoes. Many parents assume that skills such as rolling, sitting and walking will just come naturally as babies grow, said Jane Clark of the University of Maryland, who led the panel of movement and pediatric specialists who wrote the "Active Start" guidelines. But "you have to provide that environment that hooks the brain up to the muscles," she said.? http://www.jsonline.com/alive/family/feb02/18276.asp ?Exploration, that will count as exercise for your toddler. There are many other exercises you could do with your toddler as well. So I have listed some references below for you to turn to. You may wish to check with your toddler's doctor before starting an exercise program. It is very important to do the exercises safely and correctly. Carefully read the instructions in the book you choose to refer to and you will have an enjoyable time with your little one. If you are concerned, remember that toddlers are full of energy and will get exercise just by toddling around! Provide lots of active play opportunities and limit the TV. You toddler will be just fine!? http://www.letteroftheweek.com/exercise_age_1.html ?Activity levels do have an impact on excess weight and even young children can eat too much and exercise too little. Keeping children fit and active, along with a balanced diet, can put in place a healthier foundation for good habits and good health. Common sense says that children who are active have a lower chance of becoming overweight, have increased self-esteem and reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety. However, some children do not have a chance to be active at home; some live in unsafe neighborhoods. Some children do not have a chance to be active away from home either because of harsh weather, safety issues, or lack of encouragement.? ?Children also need to master movement concepts. These include learning about where and how in space the body moves; the effort it takes to move the body (time, force, etc.); and the relationship of the body to what is around it. It is important that caregivers include the opportunity for developing motor skills every day, and more than once a day in full day programs. This includes identifying appropriate activities, obtaining needed materials, determining a time in the daily schedule, and designating a place either indoors or outside. When children feel comfortable with their body, know they can control their movements, and experience fun, being physically active will become something they will want to keep doing. And the more active they are, the more fit they become, and thus, the healthier they are!? This site goes on to give some activities: http://www.healthychild.net/articles/na41fitness.html ?Offer toys that encourage toddlers to use their muscles. Provide building toys, riding toys, balls and beanbags, and climbers. Provide plenty of time for active free play. Experts say toddlers need more than 60 minutes of unstructured physical play in a safe place every day. Morning, afternoon, and evening?let them set their own pace! They can walk, run, roll, climb, slide, pull, push, throw, and jump until they're tired. Turn off the TV, VCR, and computer. Toddlers should not sit in one place or lie down for more than an hour at a time except when sleeping. Find ways to make exercise fun. Up to 60 minutes a day of structured physical activities can be good for toddlers: · Lead them in creative movement. They can pretend to be animals, workers, or machines. Teach them group games like "Follow the Leader" or "Ring around the Rosie." They can practice their skills and learn new ways to move. · Make an obstacle course. Indoors or out, toddlers can take turns going over, under, around, and through furniture, boxes, and climbing equipment. · Move to music! Bounce, sway, clap, march, dance, or play rhythm instruments. · Exercise together. Make it a part of your routine. Do stretches before lunch. Play in the park or take a walk before the sun goes down (but not too close to bedtime!). Set a good example. Let toddlers see you walk, run, bike, build, dance, climb, or play ball.? http://www.illinoisearlylearning.org/tipsheets/fitness.htm ?The American Heart Association recommends that toddlers get at least 30 minutes of structured physical activity each day and that preschoolers get at least 60. In addition, all children should get between 60 minutes and several hours per day of unstructured activity. Toddlers and preschoolers shouldn't (except, of course, while sleeping) be inactive for more than 60 minutes at a time.? This page also has exercises. http://www.healthatoz.com/healthatoz/Atoz/hc/chi/fitn/alert04072005.jsp Activities from 12-36 months ?As walking skills progress, toddlers have a seemingly unending supply of energy. Encourage them to use it all! Toddlers should accumulate at least 30 minutes of structured physical activity each day. Do not keep toddlers in baby seats or otherwise inactive for long periods of time. Try the following: · Bounce, throw, and chase balls to develop hand-eye coordination (use soft balls that won't break anything) · Dance to music and follow-along songs (think: Hokey-Pokey) to promote body awareness and balance · Play Simon Says and Follow the Leader · Provide safe, sturdy objects to ride, push, pull, balance on, and climb · Make chores into games that kids can help with, for example: o During dinner preparation, have him carry something that won't break or spill to the table o On laundry day, have her throw her dirty clothes into the laundry basket · Encourage stair climbing, which develops leg muscles and coordination, but do so only on carpeted steps with an adult right behind to prevent falls? http://www.thirdage.com/healthgate/files/22786.html ?The benefits of infant yoga classes to your baby include increased immunity; better sleep, digestion and circulation; neuromuscular development; and better regulated emotions and relaxation. According to Helen Garabedian of Baby-Yoga, infants as young as three weeks old are participating. She uses music, dimmed lights, and colorful fleece blankets to create a comforting atmosphere. At the end of each session she rings Tibetan bells, inviting her class to chant Om, which she says babies love. Garabedian describes these yoga classes as "beautiful and sweet, amazingly powerful," adding that parents "learn how their baby's body works and how to be in tune with their baby from a quiet space." Whether you choose a structured class or some special time at home, keep in mind the benefits of exercise for you and your child.? http://www.itsybitsyyoga.com/todaysparent2000.htm Toddler Exercise ?Most toddlers are full of energy and have an overwhelmingly intense desire to move around and explore their environment. It is your job to provide your toddler with a variety of interesting opportunities for exercising, remembering to always keep safety in mind. Elaborate equipment isn't necessary, just arrange for the space and opportunity and your youngster will do the rest.? http://www.tnpc.com/parentalk/toddlers/todd26.html Toddler Games ?? These toddler games may be simple but your child will enjoy them tremendously as they build their basic coordination skills as well as learning to identify things along the way.? http://www.parentingtoddlers.com/toddlergames.html There you go! The information I was finding began to repeat in content ? I decided this was it! Enjoy feeding and playing with your son! If this is not the answer you were seeking, please request an Answer Clarification, before rating. Sincerely, Crabcakes Search Terms ============= Feeding toddlers sleep + toddlers toddlers + exercise toddlers + diet exercises for toddlers
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- How do you get the domain & range?Best solution by ChaCha
- How do you open pop up blockers?Best solution by Yahoo! Answers
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