Is there excessive linguistic passion in Tamil Nadu? Why don't common people in TN speak English/Hindi? Tamil is oldest language in India along with Sanskrit. Hindi tries to supersede miserably, why?
I think the question isn't clear. I think the intention is this: In other non-hindi speaking states like Maharashtra, Gujarat, Odisha, Karnataka, Andhra etc, most people are at least bilingual (hindi + mother tongue) and many are tri lingual (+ English). As a result of this, any Indian from outside TN speaker can go to these places and not have a language problem. In TN, however, a lot of normal people (not the educated folk, the auto-rickshaw drivers, fruit vendors etc) refuse to speak any other language than Tamil. This is annoying to the rest of us (not just Hindi speakers; I'm from AP). Thus, I think the question intends to ask: Tamil people are the best cultured people in India, still keeping their culture during globalization. Tamil and Sanskrit are the oldest languages in the world. Hindi which came later in history originating because invading people didn't know Sanskrit, is trying to force its way through the southern indian people miserably and failing, falling short. North Indians, coming to Tamil nadu instead of adapting blame tamilans because of their inept and inferior adaptation skills.
One language One India!!!!!!!! # India is not just world's largest democratic country but also officially multilingual country. (Refer: ) $ Few misconception about language homogeneity: China, Russia, UK are not countries with single official language they also have regional and local official languages. (Refer to the same link above) % When India is a heterogeneous country why long for homogeneity!!! Post-Independence we all agreed upon and accepted our diversity to form Union of India. Our leaders defined India as 'unity in diversity'. Our constitution defines the same then why we fight upon the non-existent and almost impossible homogeneity!!! People often argue for one language say look at China because of language homogeneity that is why they are well developed and united under one umbrella as all Chinese. This is absolutely wrong. (Refer: ) ^ People talk 'one language one nationâ; 'homogeneity means development' etc. should keep that in mind they were right only if homogeneity comes naturally. For example if TN goes under ocean due to Tsunami (natural disaster quite possible) India might naturally (forced to) become language homogeneous Country :P Jokes apart. Creating artificial homogeneity in a Country which has much diversity is not a wise idea; the act of uniting in such way indeed will create much more complexities than it unites. Either many ethnic group will divide from the union to get separate Statehood or the majority group will try to use force or destroy even go to extend of ethnic cleansing in the greed of power and land. & Bollywood doesn't represent entire India. No movie takes place in South or NE. No actors speaks other languages even for 5 minutes. No other culture than Hindi culture was projected. People in South do watch Hindi movies but they just enjoy it just as entertainment they won't accept it as their own culture which is very different and unique. Bollywood is another regional movie industry which targets Hindi speakers. Same goes to Hindi TV channels. Even English news channel never cover important news at least in important South Indian or NE cities. @ common misconception about National Language: There is no National language for India. ( ) * Official language: How many of us know 'The US has no official language'. I really request all to read the best answer given by some user to understand what is respecting diversities. (Refer: ) If you find those are alien to you I just want to add some more info to his fourth point about Civil war within the context of Indian sub-continent. Language wars of Indian sub-continent 1. West VS East Pakistan- Pak imposed Urdu only act. The racist government set up a conference inside their parliament house called East Pakistanis as subordinate citizens. Reason they are not Urdu speaking Muslims but they are Bengali Speaking Muslims. Civil war broke out and end up in genocide (1971), Deaths Estimated between 300,000 and 3,000,000. The most unpleasant incidents happen in Indian sub-continent. Though it's late nothing is too late India intervened East Pakistan and Bangladesh was born. 2. Lanka & Eelam- Sinhalese government intentionally imposed many laws against Tamil minorities. Their intention is not to give equality or human dignity. They claim Tamils are migrants but the ancient history shows links of their coexistence even from 2nd century BC [ Refer: ]. Out of many harsh laws 'Sinhalese only act' made sure that language minorities can never get good education or jobs. The political struggle and non-violence protest continued for 30 years. Many atrocities happen here and there. At one stage in 1981 they burnt Tamil library in Jafanna (Imagine Asia's biggest library at that time). The major incident which becomes the main reason for first genocide in Sri Lanka and the start of the brutal civil was when a Sinhalese police constable on duty was surrounded and killed by some small aggressive Tamil group in revenge of Jafanna incident. It resulted to 1983 'Black July genocide' ( 3000 people were killed. This incident gives birth to LTTE. Civil war broke out and continued for 25 years till the end of 2009. Many innocents of both groups lost their lives. The irony is genocide is the start of the civil war and ends with another horrible genocide. Around 40000 to 300000 people innocent civilians were killed. Today the target group was shifted from Tamils to Muslim minorities. It was alleged even many Sinhalese journalists were abducted and killed by Govt. ( ) 3. Third example is within India: The history of Khalistan movement starts with the denial of Punjabi as official language for (Punjab+Haryana). In the mid 50's when state recognition act was introduced states were formed on the basis of linguistic line and when everyone got their language as official lang except for Sikhs who were betrayed by Congress govt. Sikhs asked for separate Punjab for them and Punjabi as official language. But something happen behind door Congress asked Hindu's to register their mother tongue as Hindi and not as Punjabi (though Sikhs and Hindus were Punjabis). In separate Punjab Sikhs supposed to be the majority and Hindus supposed to be the minority. But in Punjab+Haryana they become minority group. When Punjab was not partitioned as they expected and Punjabi was rejected as official state language they got further frustrated with Congress. That seeded the idea of separatist movement. Later they wanted to carve out the Pakistan side of Punjab and form one big country United Punjab for Sikhs. The bigger Punjab was failed but the central later divided Punjab and Haryana as they wished. After 10 years of struggle Punjab was divided and Punjabi got official language status of Punjab. ( ) Note: Here the East-Pakistan Bengalis, Sri Lankan Tamils, Punjabi Sikhs are not immigrants at all I repeat it not immigrants. They are the owner of the land where they lived and they deserved equal rights like all the others in their respective countries. Justice delayed is justice denied. So many lives lost because of these conflicts why because majority took the path of injustice. When justice was ignored the concept of non-violence fails many times. The language issue like Urdu-only, Sinhalese only, Hindi-only is not really language issues as we see with naked eyes. Itâs a race and ethnic issue. If same race speaks different language/dialect we don't have any kind of superiority/inferiority complexes but with different race or ethnic group live in same country there will be much more conflicts found or discovered by honarable politicians for power, money, land,vote bank politics, etc. Ultimately letâs try to find the best possible solution for the most complicated problem: Undeniably there exist three race or ethnic or linguistic group in India 1. Indo-European language group 2. Dravidian language group 3. Indo-Tibetan language group. Let us find the best suitable candidates from all three language groups. So actually we all supposed to learn five languages totally to promote language and ethnic equality as well as to find a connective (foreign) language to communicate with the ouside world. Maybe if India was more language chauvinist like Pak or Lanka they could have rejected English upfront (as few think itâs a residue of colonial rule and shameful act to speak English. Patriots ah maam!! Good for them). But India was democratic country and consist of many linguist groups created a timeframe of 15 years to switch English with other regional langauge of India. So the English sustained its relevance. Now we supposed to learn three major languages (from different group) + Mother tongue (if your mother Tongue happen to be any one of 3 language you have some edge over others) + one foreign language if needed but without any options its by default English. Here English could be actually be the most hated language by any of these ethnic group but to avoid the burden of learning many languages 5 if not 22 or to avoid confusion of giving importance one over the other or avoid the conflict of finding the best among each group it will be very fair for all if we consider only English as common connecting language. Which would be more optimal and clever decision to avoid any kind of conflict and promote peace. Learning English is equal to sharing the burdern it gives equal opportunity for all, equal advantages and disadvantages. All we need is peaceful coexistence then why feel shame if an foreign language helps us to sustain peace and creates brotherhood!!! Hindi got exception and become one of the official language which is a edge for them but it will be injustice and unfair if make Hindi as the only language of Union of India. - Arjun Che, Long live (multilingual) Union of India
Arjun Che at Quora Visit the source
Other answers
It depends on the need. First of all , Who ever in need should learn the language he wants. What is the use of learning a language if it is not going to help me anyway. Should i need to spend my energy , time and money for the sake of talking to someone else inside TN ? No one is teaching hindi for free in TN. Money is involved. autowalas and other labours are being labours because they dont have money and they are not able to study. Then how come u expect them to speak hindi. And we decide to learn english rather hindi because ( as both are foreign to us ) english will help us globally and we can communicate to most part of the world. If hindi speaking states decided not to learn english then whose fault it is ? who have the broader mind set. We are being practical that all.If everyone study their mother tongue and english then english can very well serve as a communication language and it will also save our money time and energy.
Bharani KR
Because learning hindi for us is as difficult as learning tamil to you guys....I learnt hindi for 4 years everyday.... I wrote all 8 eight exams conducted by hindi prachar sabha and I know hell lot of stuffs about how hindi's lippi (letters) originates, grammar structures , sentence formations , works of great poets like kabir daas etc.....I passed all exams ...But I am not using hindi for the past 10 years, after learning it...the four years which i invested in for learning hindi is rarely used for watching movies at times....after moving to banglore, I could'nt strike conversation in hindi even though i know lot about hindi....i can barely talk hindi not because i couldnt but because i learnt likawat hindi...the hindi which i learnt is no way related to the hindi which is spoken by the people.....and in banglore i can very well survive without hindi.............Tamil-English combo is working good in all the places.....but in future if I stay in any north indian region, I will start interacting with the local people there in until needed you cant expect people to learn any language.... it is ridiculous to make local people (people who are not from big cities) invest their time in learning some language which they are not going to use in their life time at all....even if they visit north india for 10 days ,once in blue moon, they can manage with some translators or broken hindi....there is no need to think that -excessive language passion in TN is holding it from learning is the demand that is holding back....hindi is not needed for survival for a local man in tamil nadu....hence he is not going to invest his time for it....he can invest his time on any other thing he likes which also includes learning hindi.....since we are living in an independent nation it is not fair to force any one to do anything.....
Rathna Kumar
Language is Culture. Please refer this page : @ .. Every Language has its uniqueness. Its not easy to adopt others language(It means adopting others culture).
Mani Vaasagam
Tamils are proud of their language, which is ancient and has a rich heritage. They are simply against having Hindi imposed forcibly on them, and setting up Hindi as a language over Tamil. Why should one Indian language be given preference over another? And no Tamil is against learning Hindi, just against its imposition. How is this "chauvinism"?
Shrey Chengappa
It's quite challenging when you did not hear from one as you expect or one should be corresponding in this SO called one Nation and unity in diversity! This is not a radical behavior the the common man or not a political suppression here in TN. Today's response by the large number of people in Tamil Nadu is due to the lack of maturity displayed by the Central government and corresponding bodies in the past. Thus the people are unwilling to reciprocate now and thus, it will be om future too. Otherwise, people are sweeter..they value others, too less judge-mental, less selfish and caring. The central government and majority of people from others part of India should learn the history before they point someone irregularly. Out of curiosity: If you (one) abides the self and nature laws, accept the past and drive towards the future. Good luck!
Arun Narayanan
Firstly I am from Varanasi, U.P. and I agree with answer by Balaji Viswanathan that learning other languages is usually needed by the outsiders .... I have been to Chennai many times .... and have even gone to Chengalpeth ( a rural area south of Chennai) ..... and I have never felt unwelcome .... or even un-helped .... for a north Indian Female .... haven't even felt unsafe :) not knowing the language is never a boundary in this country unless you make it so ...
Ankhi Mun
You come to my place, you are expected to speak a language I understand or we both understand.why should I go out and learn a language just to speak to you ? Seriously, wont you guys be annoyed if a Tamilian goes to North and complains that Northies are just rude since they don't speak Tamil ? Worst part about this is that ,according to these people, the ones who force their language on others are NOT language chavunists, but the ones fighting against are the chavunists.
Who is chauvinistic? Did Tamilans ever said we are superior than others or try to impose their language on others? Ever in the history of India there was a language which is known throughout India. Even if all 7.5 crore Tamilans learn Hindi, it would only benefit some 5% of people who visit or work in other states. It is of no use to the rest of the people.
This is a good question. To my opinion the reasons are as under: 1. Political: All regional political parties are still ensuring that Hindi should be banned in Tamil Nadu for protecting their own vote Bank. DMK is the main culprit in succeeding to do so. The leader(owner) of that party don't know Hindi and hence Tamil people should not learn the language for ever. (means if Tamil people learn Hindi language, they will become more smart and will support the national parties instead of supporting the regional parties for the betterment of the state) 2. TV Channels: if you look into the TV channels, the number of channels are more than any Hindi channels. If you look in reality about 6+crore population has more channels than Hindi speaking population, Means there is business.... Means, people are watching... Means people are addicted..... 3. Tamil Language News papers and magazines: It is widely seen in Tamil news papers and magazines that, they always highlight any success/achievement in the national or international level done by a Tamil Nadu person as 'Achieved by Tamilian"... If you see their articles if any related to any political, government administrative issues, they always write negative/criticize , if the concerned person is from other state. (This kind of writings will pollute people mind and make them to believe that "Tamilians rights are denied") In all it because of the self centered people domination, Hindi is out of Tamil Nadu. 3. Self Initiative: The level of interest (lack of interest) should be developed in every individual. The present generation should start encouraging the next generation to learn the language. It is time for each and every next gen people from entire Tamil Nadu to think of their and the next generation future for growth. The thought process itself should change in them. They should not get caught in the web of political parties misguidance. Instead of remaining into a small well and believe it is the world. They should come out and start seeing the real world. 4. I am also a true tamilian and did my studies in Tamil medium school. Though now not living in Tamil Nadu and living in Maharashtra, for my children Tamil Language is one of the subject in their school. But people in this region strongly believe that they are FIRST INDIANS and then maharastrians.
Nidhikanth Desire
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