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Why do Indian historians refer to AKBAR as AKBAR THE GREAT?

  • This article is also available in Hindi athttp://agniveer.com/3209/akbar-great-hi/ Very chosen few legends in Indian history had the privilege of being honored with the suffix ‘the Great’ or ‘Mahaan’ after their name. I recall only three – Alexander, Ashoka and Akbar. This great title does not come easily. One has to indeed display exemplary greatness to be called ‘great’. This great land has produced one legend after another – Ram, Krishna, Vikramaditya, Prithviraj, Rana Pratap, Shivaji – to name a few. But none qualified to be called ‘the Great’ by our noble historians. This is because the criteria for being called ‘the Great’ are very tough. You have to be simply the best killer for times to come to be called ‘the Great’. And you must be a basher of mainstream Hinduism in some way or the other. Alexander was the first such terrorist who killed innumerable to quench his thirst for global conquest, got a nasty defeat in hands of Porus and went back shamefully after having his life spared. But our glorious historians, who seem to take more passion as poets and creative writers, consider this to be defeat of Porus. Incidentally Greek historians are more candid to admit this defeat of Alexander! But that is besides the point. The fact remains that since he attacked and killed innumerable people, he is ‘Great’! Next came Ashoka, who got a sudden remorse after conducting the greatest bloodshed of his era. Again a favorite of our creative historians who even made a film out of his romantic affairs with one of his innumerable wives. But bottomline is that since he broke all records of bloodshed even before the remorse and drifted away from mainstream Hinduism, he earned the title of ‘the Great’! And after him, for centuries no one could repeat that feat. Came the era of barbaric looters from west Asia who broke all records of terrorism carrying the flag of ‘Islam’ thereby making mockery of Muhammad’s claim as Prophet of Peace! And for centuries there was dispute with regards to who should get the coveted title of ‘the Great’. And then came the great Mughal – the noble descendant of Timur and Genghis Khan from father and mother side respectively. He carried the glorious lineage of the greatest rapist, looter, murderer, homosexual child molester – http://agniveer.com/?p=1817 who has the rare honor of being on cover page of history books for school students in India. This grandson of the first gay activist known in annals of history surpassed all imaginations of barbarism and terrorism to earn the coveted ‘the Great’! And no one, not even Osama Bin Laden has been able to repeat that feat since then. Agniveer is honored to be part of the great legacy which has produced such eminent historians who have referred to the most unreliable sources to portray the greatest butchers as greatest legends for sake of secularism. With traitors like such who needs enemies. This great nation has produced greatest of tejasvi patriots but also traitors. And these days, traitors seem to be predominating. And History seems to be an area almost totally infested with traitors. Second comes ‘Art, Culture & Entertainment’. Or are the both same? All that Agniveer is trying to attempt is to wipe off such honor from his forehead and join ranks of the detractors of these great butchers – the likes of Maharana Pratap and Shivaji. In this post we shall provide summary points from Akbar’s life to understand what motivated Hrithik Roshan to feel so honored to portray his noble character and our spineless populace to be so enchanted with the fictitious Jodha-Akbar stories. We base our assertions not on works on any ‘rightist’ historian (being right is always considered wrong in secular history!), but on works of greatest admirers of Akbar: Vincent Smith whose ‘Akbar – the Great Mogul’ is considered most authoritative book on Akbar and of course Abul Fazl – the sycophant who wrote Ain-e-Akbari and Akbarnama. All that we would do is to review what even the sycophants could not hide. Readers are requested to read originals of these themselves. We shall simply provide snippets here (Note: language may differ but essence remains same): Foundations of Akbar the Great1. Vincent Smith starts his book with “Akbar was a foreigner in India. He had not a drop of Indian blood in his veins…Akbar was more of a Turk than Mogul.” And we proclaim him as an out-and-out Indian. His father, grandfather and in fact entire lineage represented the topmost terrorists of their eras (7th generation of Timur  from father and Genghis Khan from mother) whose sole goal was to loot and plunder. And we claim him to be pride of India! Beauty and Noble Habits of Akbar the Great2. Babur was a drunkard. Humayun became dumb due to use of opium. Akbar imbibed both these great qualities. Two children of Akbar died due to excessive consumption of narcotics. And we have Muslims taking pride in him! 3. On why Hrithik was excited to play the role of Akbar and why historians call him the most handsome person on earth. Here is his beauty as per VS: “Akbar was of average height and walked with a limp in left leg. His head was tilted on right shoulder. His nose was small with protruding bone. His nostrils looked as if he is in anger. A wart of size of half a pea joined his lip to nostril. He was dark.” 4. Jahangir writes that Akbar used to call him Shekh regardless of he being intoxicated or alert. It implies that Akbar was usually intoxicated. 5. Akbar’s courtier Aquaviva writes that Akbar had started drinking so much that he used to fall asleep talking to guests. He used to drink Taadi sometimes and Post other times. He used to start behaving like insane when drunk beyond limit. Education of Akbat the Great6. Jahangir writes that Akbar used to behave as if he was a scholar despite the fact that he could not read or write. Respect for motherly force (women) in Akbar the Great7. Abul Fazl states that Akbar remained behind the ‘curtain’ (purdah) in his initial years as king. It is obvious what is meant by this. 8. Abul Fazl describes Harem of Akbar: “It had 5000 women and each woman had a separate home.” This is apart from more than 36 wives that he had. 9. To describe the glory of his prince charming, Abul Fazl writes in Ain-e-Akbari: “Close to home of Shahanshah Akbar, a bar has been set up. So many prostitutes aggregated there that it became difficult to keep a count. Courtiers used to take the dancers home. But if someone wanted to take home a virgin, he had to take permission from Akbar. Sometimes violence would happen among youth. Once Akbar himself called several prostitutes and asked who broke their virginity.” Now how could so many prostitutes aggregate at the same time? Obviously they were women from Hindu families who were made captive or rendered homeless after their families were looted and butchered on ongoing basis. Because Muslim women are supposed to be behind the veil and Akbar was constantly at war killing  men and abducting women throughout his glorious career. 10. In Akbarnama, Abul Fazl writes: “Whenever a Beghum, or wives of courtiers or virgins wanted to be enjoyed, they were supposed to send an application to Harem in-charge. Then their application would reach the palace authorities. After that they were allowed to enter and stay in Harem for up to even one month.” Its obvious that even wives of his courtiers were forced to be enjoyed by Jodha’s adorable Akbar for up to a month! Note that we are referring to works of his own sycophant and not any detractor. 11. The first condition in treaty of Ranathambhor was that Rajputs should dispatch Dolis of women to Royal Harem in return of freeing of soldiers. No wonder, why Jauhar and death were so preferred by those upholding virtues of self-dignity. 12. Akbar had his mentor Bairam Khan killed and then he married his wife who became his favorite queen. Historians claim that Bairam Khan was curiously attacked by a group of old enemies on his way to Mecca after he was forced to go there due to differences with Akbar. Thus her son Abdur 13. Akbar used to distribute his sex-slaves among his courtiers as per Griman. Thus women were nothing but inert objects of pleasure in gang of Akbar and his notorious courtiers. 14. Meena Bazar of Akbar’s era was famed where on New Year eve, women from different families were either coaxed, duped or forced to be displayed in front of Jahanpanah for his choice. The Kind hearted Akbar the Great15. Considered to be the most benevolent ruler to have ruled India, Akbar displayed his first symptom of kindness, in lines of his forefathers and progeny, when he was merely 14 year old. On 6 November, 1556, he was in war with Hemu in battle of Panipat. The Mughal forces were facing huge defeats when Hemu was suddenly hit by an arrow in his eye. He became unconscious and his soldiers scattered away assuming defeat. The unconscious Hemu was brought in front of our kind Akbar. Bairam Khan ordered Akbar to slay him so that he earns the title of ‘Ghazi’. (Ghazi is the most noble title for a fanatic Muslim that he gets only after he has murdered a Kafir/ non-believer. He is supposed to get highest quality Paradise with the most beautiful virgins.) Thus to please Allah and offer his gratitude to icon of peace – Muhammad – Akbar cut the neck of his unconscious victim. His ranks followed the suit and butchered the corpse of Hemu. The head of Hemu was sent to Kabul and his body was hanged on Delhi gate for public demo of Akbar’s kindness. 16. Immediately after that his army marched to Delhi. Then a pillar of cut-heads was erected by Akbar as per his http://agniveer.com/?p=1817 to celebrate victory. 17. To put an appropriate climax to the holy mission, the old helpless father of Hemu was also butchered. Needless to say what happened with women. Akbar already had plans of a mega-capacity Harem! 18. As reported by Abul Fazl, to counter the rebellion of Khan Zaman, his loyal Mohammad Mirak was handcuffed and brought in front of an elephant. The elephant took him in his trunk and threw away. This process happened for 5 continuous days after which he was executed. Abul Fazl describes this with pride without a word of condemnation. 19. After capturing Chittod, Akbar ordered a massacre in which 30,000 people were killed. 20. Akbar innovated with new ways of killing and torture. Muzaffar Shah was trampled by an elephant. Humzaban’s tongue was cut-off. Masud Hussain Mirza’s eyes were sewed close. His 300 supporters were brought in front of him after putting hides of donkeys, sheep and dogs over their faces and then butchered. Smith lists more ways like hanging, cutting heads, cutting organs of body, caning. There used to be no written records of such decisions and judges used to simply follow the peaceful verses of Quran. 21. On 2nd September, 1573, he had a pillar of more than 2000 cut-heads erected in Ahmedabad. This perhaps broke the record of highest pillar of cut-heads to be erected ever. http://agniveer.com/?p=1817 22. As per Akbarnama, when Dawud Khan of Bengal was defeated, enough heads were cut to erect 8 tall pillars. This set a new record. When Dawud Khan in dying stage asked for water, he was given water in shoes. The upright Akbar the Great24. In Thaneshwar, there was a dispute over ownership of the place of worship between two sects Kuru and Puri. Akbar ordered that they should fight and the victorious shall have the claim. The foolish sectarians fought with weapons to kill each other. When Puri group started dominating, Akbar ordered his soldiers to join ranks with Kuru group. Finally both the groups were killed by his soldiers. Akbar then had a great laugh. 25. During battle of Haldighati, Akbar ensured that Rajputs fight against Rajputs. Badayuni asked Akbar’s general during an intense war that how would he segregate Pratap’s men. He was replied that this is unnecessary because in either case, Rajputs will die and Islam will be benefited. 26. Col Todd recounts that Akbar had the idol of Eklinga destroyed and put platform to offer Namaz. What could be greater example of religious tolerance! 27. Once Akbar woke early in afternoon and saw a servant sleeping near his bed. He was angered by this and had him thrown away from top of a tower. 28. In August of 1600, Akbar’s army surrounded the Asirgarh fort but both sides were in stalemate. As per Smith, Akbar thought of a ‘novel’ idea to break the jinx. He invited Miran Bahadur – the king for negotiations and swore by his own head that he would be safely allowed to return back. Thus Miran came out with a scarf of peace and submission. Miran bowed to Akbar thrice but was suddenly pushed to ground to offer complete Sijdah or bow flat to Akbar. Akbar was accustomed to having only Sijdah performed for him by the world. He was then captured and forced to order his general to surrender. The general refused to comply and sent his son to discuss with Akbar why he broke his word. The young son was asked by Akbar whether his father was eager to surrender? The youth replied that his father  would not surrender and even if the king is killed, they would have another successor made the king. Hearing this Akbar ordered butchering of the youth. Eventually through more of deceit and fraud, Akbar was able to win the fort. Note that this is just 5 years before his death showcasing that even possible arguments of change of his heart sometime in his life is an infeasible hypothesis. 29. Similarly, in lust of power and dominance, he fought with the noble Rani Durgavati of Bundelkhand and butchered the people there. Akbar the Great vs Maharana Pratap30. Historians who bootlick Akbar fail to explain how and why both Maharana and Akbar could be great persons at the same time when they were most bitter enemies. 31. Even Smith agrees that there was no valid reason why Akbar attacked Chittod except lust for conquest. Maharana was fighting for his nation and went to extent of uniting as many Rajputs as possible to stop having treaty or gifting their girls to foreign invaders. Akbar was a self-obsessed terrorist bent on conquering as much and as far as he could. 32. Nowadays intellectuals inspired by traitor genes have started shouting that legends like Pratap and Shivaji were fighting for their own petty territories and butchers like Akbar and Aurangzeb were working for unification of the country! However the truth is that in that dark age of rampant butchering, rapes and impotency of several prominent warriors, legends like Shivaji and Pratap kept the flag of saffron (symbol of nationalism and not dogmatism as wrong projected) high and ensured that the tyranny of these criminals is never absolute and soon heads for a decay. Akbar and Islam33. Muslims are fooled to believe that Akbar represented the goodness of Islam. But in lines of his terrorist forefathers, there was nothing Islamic about this butcher apart from using Islam for his own political gains. 34. For example, he was a drunkard, drug-addict and had more than 3 dozen wives – all that blatantly defy the most basic Islamic norms. 35. Akbar started a new propaganda that he himself was divine. He forced people to greet each other by Allah-o-Akbar. Ignorant Muslims believe that he was glorifying Allah while he wanted to claim that Akbar is Allah! Because Allah-o-Akbar has never been used as greeting in Islam. He used to present himself as the omniscient as per Abul Fazl. 36. Akbar started his own faith – Deen-e-Ilahi – which basically aimed at glorifying him and his stupidly vague ideologies. No wonder his sycophants accepted it gracefully but this divinity of an illiterate died with his death. 37. The reason why Akbar has been glorified is pretty obvious. Since he made mockery of both Hinduism and Islam in his self-obsession, none was better suited to be put to high echelons of glory by those willing to inject Biblical order. In fact, Akbar was among the politically smart ones of Muslim rulers who played Hindu, Muslim and even Christian card to have himself proclaimed as the divine one. You can get more details from Vincent Smith’s book. 38. Akbar was very smart in his language. Vincent Smith admires that despite his ornamental language, the level of brutalities he has shown in life in most contrasting. Perfect traits for a self-proclaimed prophet! 39. Akbar even had this propagated that he is divinely gifted to provide healing powers to the water that is used to clean his feet (Charanamrit). This was in lines of some of the Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim Hadiths regarding similar claim for Muhammad. Thus people were encouraged to make queues to obtain the Charanamrit. However to keep Islam on his ‘right’ side, he ensured that only foolish Hindus are allowed to do so. His courtiers had to drink his Charanamrit to keep him pleased. Illiterate women would put their children on his feet, and he would pretend as a Fakir to bless them. In fact these antics were the genesis of his proclamation of a new religion. Akbar the Great and Jazia tax40. Islamic Shariat has the glorious practice of collecting Jazia tax from non-Muslims to offer them protection from loot, rape and murder in same manner as Gabbar Singh used to collect food and money from Ramgarh. Akbar is stated to have abolished this Jazia. However there is no single evidence of this.This concession was offered only to Ranthambhor as part of the pact where they would be gifting their women in Akbar’s harem instead! 41. It is true that people used to keep requesting Akbar of repealing Jazia. And he might have offered exceptions to select few for political reasons, but never dare he abolish it to ensure that Islam is also on his ‘right’ side. Akbar and his great son42. There has been a largely unbroken tradition of son rebelling against father among the Muslim rulers who ruled India. Babur was fed up of Humayun and Akbar was fed up of Jahangir who was fed up with Shahjahan who was fed up with Aurangzeb. Jahangir alias Salim claimed himself to be the ruler in 1602 and had his own court in Allahabad. 43. Incidentally Prayagraj was renamed Allahabad by Akbar few years ago as part of his Jihadi campaign to trample Hindus and fool Muslims. 44. Jahangir prayed for his father’s death and even started his own coinage system. Smith says that had Jahangir’s rebellion become successful, he would have definitely killed Akbar. He missed the golden opportunity to kill his father which was fulfilled by his grandson Aurangzeb in times to come. However some historians believe that it was Jahangir who poisoned Akbar to death. Akbar and the great fate of people he doubted45. Akbar had appointed one person solely for giving poison to those people whom Akbar disliked. Some historians state that Akbar died of eating the same by mistake. 46. Akbar had a whole line of his own trusted and less trusted people killed in suspicious manners: Bairam Khan, Zaman, Aasaf Khan (His finance minister), Shah Mansur, Mansingh, Son of Kamran, Makhdume Mulk, Shekh Abdurnabi, Fargundi, Muizul Mulk, Hazi Ibrahim and all those Mullahs whom he disliked. This list has been given in Smith’s book. And then Jaimal whose wife he captured for his harem after killing him and then propagated that he saved her when she was committing Sati! The charity-lover Akbar47. In Akbar’s rule, the property of the dead used to be confiscated by the Badshah and the family had no rights over it. At times he may allow the family to start some new business to showcase his kindness! 48. When his mother died a year before he himself finally lightened the weight on earth, he confiscated her entire property despite her will that her property may be distributed among the entire family. Akbar and his Nava-Ratna (9 Gems)49. In lines with famed stories of Vikramaditya, fiction regarding highly competent Nava Ratna courtiers of Akbar has been created. However the fact remains that Akbar considered his courtiers completely idiot. He stated that he is thankful to God that he did not get a deserving courtier or else people would think that he works through their brains and not his own intellect. 50. Much hyped Todarmal used to be his collection agent. The modus operandi was simple – either pay or get whipped and sell wife and children. 51. Abul Fazl was sycophant number 1 who wrote incredible fictions praising Akbar to win his favor. He was ultimately murdered by Jahangir. 52. Faizi was an ordinary poet who learned the art of keeping his maalik pleased through sycophancy. Many historians claim that he was the best poet in India in his times. All I can say is that the level of poets in court of Akbar must have been extremely poor standard in lines with his own education level and preoccupations. 53. Birbal died in most ignominious manner in a battle. The Birbal-Akbar jokes are a work of fiction in his false name. We find similar tales in South India in name of Tenalirama. 54. Shah Mansur was murdered by Abul Fazl under instructions of Akbar himself. 55. Man Singh is among the greatest traitors that nation ever produced. He gave his sister to Jahnagir.And then Jahangir even forced Man Singh’s grand-daughter into his harem! Akbar decided to poison Man Singh and Bhagwan Das (father of Man Singh) committed suicide. 56. And of course, courtiers of Akbar had to gift their women, children and family members to Akbar to continue having his blessing! Apart from drinking his Charanamrit (water from cleaning of legs). 57. Todarmal managed Akbar’s finances in most brutal manner to have his blessings. However the idols that Todarmal used to worship were also destroyed by Akbar. This made Todarmal upset and he resigned to seek Varanasi! Akbar and love for slaves 58.Akbar gifted a family of Russian to the Christian Priest Akvaveeva as parting gift. This shows that he used to keep slaves from various international locations. 59. In Kandahar, Akbar had converted a large number of people into slaves because they opposed some new policies in 1581-82. Later horses were bought by selling them. 60. When the royal cavalcade would travel, the women in his harem would be put in golden prisons like animals. 61. Needless to say, as per holy islamic traditions, prisoners of wars were considered as slaves. 62. Akbar devised a new innovation to create slaves. His henchmen would put a flower on head of any horse that they would find. Now the owner of the horse had a Hobson’s choice – either to forget the horse and let go of sole source of travel and mobility in those days when the nation was worse than Somalia’s capital. Or accept financial slavery of Akbar. Miscellaneous63. When Akbar died, he had more than 2o million Stirling only in Agra fort. Similar amounts would have been there in other 6 cities. However he did not spend a pie to help the country during the worst famine of 1595-1599. Obviously, it can be expected what he would have contributed during earlier famines of 1573-74 and 1583-84. 64. Akbar had butchered the entire population living on banks of Prayagraj (renamed Allahabad by the butcher) and demolished all structures because the people hid inside their homes when he conquered the city. That is why we find no old buildings in Prayagraj banks today. 65. Its a myth without any credible evidence that Akbar built Fatehpur Sikri. In lines with other fraud rulers claiming allegiance to Islam, he simply captured it and claimed ownership. Later the same ploy was adopted by his grandson, the terrorist called Shahjahan who is claimed to have built a Taj Mahal in memory of his 4th wife! A country that prides in worshipping such criminals is bound to be destroyed. Panchatantra aptly says that where the undeserving are worshipped and the deserving ones are sidelined, three threats always loom – death, anarchy and fear. It is high time that we Indians start breaking all idols of these false heroes from every corner of our hearts and country and start showering our due respect to innumerable true heroes whose names also we do not remember today. Hindus should work to bring society to a level where even the names of these barbaric looters are not remembered. And Muslims should jettison these terrorists into garbage who have been nothing except shameless mockery on name of Islam. We hope lessons of history would teach us important lessons by bringing us closer to our original roots disregarding the villains of interim period, and teach us why rogues should be dealt in most firm manner without leaving any scope for future nuisance. We should learn why worshipping false heroes would lead only to worsened status and compromise in matters of dignity and truth would only lead to mass level impotency. Muslims should remember that their ancestors had suffered tremendous ignominy and tortures and then were forcefully converted to Islam by these terrorists whose only trip in life was to erect pillars of cut-heads and rape women wherever they went. We hope that right-minded Muslim brothers and sisters would be motivated to reject these humiliations of intermediate period and join back the original roots of their foundations – the Vedic Dharma. And may my country and countrymen get their potency back. This is a must for true spiritualism. Note: Millions of dollars have been collected and spent to create fictions to glorify rascals like Akbar, Jahangir, Shahjahan, Alexander, Tipu Sultan through bollywood trash, novels, poems, ghazals etc and our traitors countrymen – read actors, actresses, producers, directors, writers, singers, politicians, historians, intellectuals etc – take tremendous pride in this shameless act. And on other side, we hardly see any focus being put to glorify the true legends of our great nation like Maharana Pratap, Chhatrapati Shivaji, Guru Govind Singh, Chhatrasaal, Gaj Singh, Durga Das, Rana Sanga, Rana Kumbha etc. If you do a google search, you find hundreds of sources, videos etc on the rascals but hardly a few on these greatest role models. The situation is really most humiliating. However, Agniveer offers humble homage to one true hero here: For more, please review: 1. Akbar – the Great Mogul by Vincent Smith 2. Akbarnama by Abul Fazl 3. Ain-e-Akbari by Abul Fazl 4. Who says Akbar is Great by PN Oak 5.http://www.hindunet.org/hindu_history/modern/akbar_vs.html 6. http://www.hindunet.org/hindu_history/modern/akbar_ppg.html This article is also available in Hindi at http://agniveer.com/3209/akbar-great-hi/

  • Answer:

    I must say that you have done a great job in bringing light to the otherwise hidden truth. Very deep research with evidence. A very nice read it was. It totally changed the way I thought about Indian history. I didn't see the point in asking the question, you have explained everything yourself. It should rather have been a blog. Answer is simple, he was called Akbar, because he forced everyone to call him so. All said and done, I have a few questions 1. the tyrant was often refereed to as jalaluddin mohammad, when did he start calling himself Akbar? I read a point in your work - that he started a greeting as allah-o-akbar, you have mentioned that he started this saying that he is equal to allah. What I know is - Akbar means "the great", "almighty" and allah-o-akbar means Allah is great. This is used even now in many muslim nations. Even though I find your article (Blog) very interesting and though provoking, through my past experiences I have learnt that history is vastly flawed. What we read is not exactly what had happened. For example - We all know Hitler as a crazy tyrant, who gassed the Jews, why did he do so, is not explained. The historical texts are from the winners, we never got to see the other side of the wall. 2. How and why to believe the historic texts, they may be deeply flawed, just like the story of Taj Mahal. Taj Mahal was actually Tejo Mahalaya (house of Lord Shiva) which was pulverised and Taj Mahal was created. The artisans lost their hands after the monument was ready. It was brutal, yet we know it through a beautiful love story. One day you are living with a perception in mind, next day the whole paradigm changes, after a couple of such incident the mind really question - what to believe and what not to? 3. If the counter argument (as of yours) is to be believed, what is the main reason that these stayed away from limelight, politics? politics of votes? 4. Muslims are very strong follower of their religion, I have lived in Indonesia and have seen that. Not that they don't do wrong, but there is always a sect which believes in purity. That is the reason the wrongdoers do it discreetly. So how it is to be believed that the whole muslim sect was fooled by him? P.S. I am a deep rooted follower of Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism).

Vivek Sharma at Quora Visit the source

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As per history books I came across  I opine that Akbar was really a  great ruler. In comparison to his predecessors  the lodhis, khilajis and Turks , he was more tolerant to religion, secular, providential and well wisher of his subjects.  He established an effective administration,  postal and communication system, effective revenue system and complete control on judiciary etc. His military was well organized and he almost win every enemy either by force or by his tolerant religious approach towards other faiths.He himself was a skilled soldier and fought many battle and supervised his army. He himself was instrumental in victory of Chittor fort. After winning Chittor , it was never rehabilitated even after settlement with Ranas of Udaipur.  He had good spy system. He possessed political acumen. He had developed good relationship with neighboring nations and his relationship with Persia was of great importance. He captured Kandhar from Persia. He annexed Kashmir from Chak rulers in 1587 .He had constructed mughal road to kashmir. He had won Ahmadnagar in deccan from existing muslim rulers and gujrat in view of trade importance with arab nations and for holy haj. He also removed zajiya from hindus. It was a tax imposed by muslim rulers on hindu pilgrims while they visited place of worship. It was an old practice. He had promoted eligible hindus for administrative decisions of empire. He had nominated 5 hindus among 9 jewels who were responsible for major decision and its implementation.  He reversed the policies of empire and had given relief to POWs. Brutalities were minimized.The killing of cow and other animals was banned. He had respect for women who possess virtue.He possessed a large harem of approximately 3000 women as per prevalent practices to express his power and magnanimity. He was a truant but extremely intelligent and ahead of times. He was able to defeat all major hindu kings and made matrimonial alliances with them with their will , to strengthen mughal empire. His policy of relationship with hindu rajputs had resulted in expansion of empire. He captured gujrat from muslims. He helped Rahim khan e khana to devlop as a good warrior and krishna devotee. He respected the feelings of jodhabai as hindu begum and not imposed any restrictions on krishna worship in his palace even against the will and wish of islamic clerics. Tulsidas the great poet who wrote Ramcharitmanas and many other books in praise of God Rama & Saint Haridas of Brindavan also greeted by him.He donated grants  generously from treasury for construction of hindu temples in Brindavan .He was fond of music and Mian Tansen was best in his court. He had great will to learn from foreigners. Portuguese and Britishes ie the English had approached him and tried to influence him.He had not developed navy and had given naval matters to Portguese and made them responsible for defending the pilgrims on haz. He started Din e ilahi a new religion comprising all good things from all religions. He called joint meetings of all learned people from all religions to reach on a common, better and tolerant faith.

Chaudhary Alha Singh

Ok, this isnt a question, it seems more of a rant !! The research is well done but fairly coloured with the author's own prejudice. Let's address some of the points mentioned here. 1. Paurava lost the battle - That has been recorded in both Indian and Greek history. Alexander's army realized that Paurava was just 1 King who fought so bravely and they decided they did not want to fight their way across India. No historian anywhere says that Alexander lost the war. Alexander also left a governor Seluccid who  later became famous becuase of Chandra gupta Maurya. 2. The 'Great' appears to be a title for size of kingdom conquered / impact or reach of influence, not number of people killed. 3. I really am lost with what the author is saying here...are you saying Akbar was a tyrant? Sure, let's assume that is the point of this tirade...it does not change the size of his kingdom 4. You dont need to be a 'basher of mainstream Hinduism' to be called Great. Peter the Great, Catherine the Great and Alfred the Great ( From Russia and  England) had not even heard of Hinduism at the time. 5. In case there is still some confusion, 'the great is a derivative of the roman word 'magnus' used for conquering generals eg Gaius Julis Magnus, Pompeii Magnus etc. 6. Final point, since I do need to get back to work...Rana Pratap, Shivaji etc were great warriors and very brave...Indian history is full of such heroes, that does not make them great...that make them brave! Changing history textbooks to call Rana pratap the great, instead of Akbar does not change history. Hope this answer helps!! I strongly urge the author of this question to not let his own bias influence what he is saying...there seems to be an incredible amount of effort put into writing a detailed essay but it sounds petulant  and like a sulky child who is judging a king based on his religion rather than wondering why, despite all his faults would Akbar still be called the great.

Rohan Monteiro

As has been rightly pointed, the research is brilliant, and the article pretty enlightening. However, I have one issue with your article here - why on earth should people change back their religions? They had been converted centuries ago, and have been accustomed to that way of life ever since. If at all, the fault lies with such tyrants as Akbar. Why should the present crop be condemned to disregard their earlier lifestyle, all of a sudden? Isn't it tyranny on our part as well? Also, what's done is done; why dig graves? Look what happened after the demolition of Babri Masjid. Supposing there was a destroyed temple there, what good did you get out of demolishing the Masjid? You certainly didn't get the temple back, and not surprisingly, an era of barbarism, hatred and murder followed. The repercussions of which, we are facing till today! Facts should enlighten us, they shouldn't be the propagators of hatred. Your article was well and good until the end, where you ask people to convert back to Hinduism. For once, that is not what our religion signifies, at all. And secondly, it is sheer stupidity to ask for more hatred in the barbaric times we live in. Let's try not to let hateful history repeat itself, please.

Muktikant Garimella

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