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Is The Dark Knight Rises most overrated over-praised movie ever?

  • 1.Pacing of the story  was horrible. It felt like watching a 3-hour long trailer where dialogue  is delivered at a snap pace and given no time to sink in. 2. Despite this fast pace to get all this story crammed in there are  at least a good 5-10 minutes of time wasted showing Batman on top of a  building overlooking the city. 3. Even the Batman/Selina kiss at the end felt "loveless" and thrown in "just because" 4. I believe studio script writers who had to review the film were  too scared to tell Christopher Nolan he has to "show" rather than  "tell". The film contained far too much junk that just simply tells us  what is going on rather than let us actually experience. We are told the  villains motivations are to build up hope of the people then bring it  crashing down yet we never see this occur. We are told how fast, brutal,  and ferocious Bane is yet the fight scene choreography was rather slow  and dull. One last example comes in the clues that Bruce is still alive  then we see Bruce in the cafe, the shot of him in the cafe went far too  long and should have only had Alfred get a passing glimpse of Bruce and  the result would have been more ambiguous and more Christopher Nolan. 5. Both villain deaths were pathetic and anti-climactic. Bane was  blown to smithereens by Catwoman and Miranda/Talia is killed in a car  crash. Batman doesn't actually/directly defeat either villain in the  film. Hell, technically Batman just sets the jet to auto-pilot and The  Bat vehicle takes care of the bomb. Maybe Bruce should have retired  earlier and let Robin do all the work because he was a bum throughout  most of the film. By far the most un-heroic hero of all superhero movies  of late. 6. The explanation for the villains motivations is to build up the  hope of the people and then crush it. They take over the city and make  the place hell for months. By this time people would have lost all hope  with the way things were in the city. This bomb should have been  detonated within a week of activation. At around this time people would  begin to lose any hope. 7. The count-down for the bomb was 5 months. The exact time Batman  needed to recover and get back to Gotham. This plot is from a  "visionary" director. 8. A device that can completely erase someone's identity is a  ridiculous concept like unobtanium from Avatar. No way the device works  considering the size of the file that Blake shows to Selina at the  airport. Can't erase a paper file too. 9. The dialog in the script is overly dramatic and filled with far  too much exposition. Nobody talks like that in real life and for a movie  grounded in realism the amount of exposition took me out of the  narrative in several scenes. 10. For a movie grounded in realism (remember all the bruises from  the first film) we see Batman shrug off an awful lot of punishment in  this film. First the no cartilage in the knee, the ass beating/broken  back from Bane, a stab to the gut from Talia. Batman shrugs all of this  off and doesn't lose a single step. As a matter of fact, the more  punishment he receives it appears the stronger he gets through the film. 11. Too much repetition in the script. Did we really need to hear  JGL called a hot-head so many times? Did we really need to see the  wheels on the Bat Pod flip 15 times? Did we really need to be constantly  reminded that Bane was a member of the League of Shadows about 80 times  by every character in the film practically? 12. The movie should have been titled Bruce Wayne Rises because  Batman only has a very few scenes in the actual movie. As a matter of  fact, a few of the minor characters probably share just as much screen  time as the caped crusader. 13. Several scenes involving the dark knight and the thick black  makeup he wears around his eyes are noticeable. Particularly one scene  where he is in the bat suit with the helmet off and no makeup is present  or when he is captured by Bane who besides stripping him of his  equipment felt the need to wash his face for him as well. We see this  makeup present in almost every close-up face shot of Batman. 14. The change in shooting location from Chicago to Pittsburgh/New  York made a very large difference in the feel of Gotham. In Batman  Begins and TDK Gotham felt very dark and crime ridden as well as  smaller. The scene change to New York/Pitt made it almost seem that  Gotham was an entirely different city from the previous two films. 15. The reveal of Bane/Talia underscores Bane's entire character  reducing him almost to henchman status and Talia gives us absolutely  nothing to fear or show us that she is an evil bad guy since she dies  five minutes later. 16. Despite the prison being constantly told how much of a hell hole  it was when Batman was trapped in it the prison seemed fairly relaxed.  You didn't see anyone trying to make a crippled Bruce Wayne their bitch,  they had a prisoner with some medical training helping to take care of  Bruce, they even had TV in the prison. Christopher Nolan should have  consulted with the makers of Prison Break if he wanted to make a prison a  hell hole because they did a better job of that in the season 3 Panama  Prison. 17. The CIA allows three unidentified and hooded people who were  captured onto their plane that is transporting a scientist at the  beginning of the film because they supposedly have knowledge of the  masked man named Bane and his group. They allow this without checking  who these hooded people are. It was no surprise to anyone to find out  one of these people was, in fact, Bane himself. 18. A CIA plane transporting an important scientist they have  captured seemingly has no radar support to realize another plan is  hovering directly above them. 19. Without doing any hard math on it. There is no way that the  plane hijacking in the beginning was even remotely possible/believable.  Everything from the plane that continues to fly needed some tremendous  power/stability to stay in the air despite pulling another plane to the  strength of the cables and joints holding the cables in being strong  enough to the way the plane drags through the air (perpendicular to the  ground) all defied logic and physics. 20. Bane seems to have A LOT of suicidal followers throughout the  film. It can be explained away as them being League of Shadows members.  The only problem with this is The League of Shadows took a huge hit to  their ranks in the first film. Even assuming that after Raz's death  Talia took over and rebuilt their army was far too large and filled with  far too many suicidal members. 21. One of Banes suicidal followers is given a blood transfusion  from a doctor on a plane Bane is trying to kidnap to fake this guys  death. This wouldn't fool any forensics team into ID-ing the dead body  from a plane crash. 22. Gordon gets captured and taken to Bane and he escaped by jumping  into flowing water in the sewer. The prisoner exclaims there is no way  to know which water way he will wash up through and end up at. However,  Officer Blake who has no idea he even jumped into the water seemingly  acts on a hunch and knows exactly where to find Gordon. 23. After Gordon is at the hospital he is adamant about searching  the sewers to hunt down Bane exclaiming there is an army in the sewers.  The problem with this is he was mostly unconscious until he reached Bane  in the sewers. All he saw was a couple guys and a masked man, hardly  Bane and an Army in the sewers. 24. Also, how does someone like Commissioner Gordon even know who  Bane is? He seems as he is portrayed as a terrorist probably in the  Africa/Asia/Middle East areas. Not someone who a half-unconscious police  commissioner would know. 25. While researching Cat woman Christian Bale comes across a news  paper article that incorrectly spells the word heist as "hiest" this is a  spelling mistake that a visionary writer/director shouldn't have  trouble with. 26. Due to issues with his body, Wayne gets "robo-legs" that look  like a simple knee brace and then proceeds to smash a brick out of a  wall with a kick. His foot however remains unharmed. 27. Wayne and Alfred have a scene together where he doesn't want him  to go after Bane because of his skill and ability. He mentions Bane and  The League of Shadows. How does he or Batman know that Bane is a member  of The League of Shadows at this point? It didn't even seem like the  CIA knew about The League of Shadows or that Bane was a member at the  beginning of the film. 28. During this scene he also tells us Bane was born in a pit prison  and was the only one who ever escaped. We later know that this is false  information. This dialogue was redundant to the story because we have  these facts drilled to use multiple times throughout the film. It still  doesn't change the fact, where does Alfred get his information from and  how does he seem to know so much about this? This point and the previous  point completely undercut the reveal during the fight scene with Bane  in the sewer. So much for "visionary" director. He completely negates  the drama of the reveal thanks to excess useless exposition. Did he just  graduate from film school? 29. They need a few minutes to hack the stock exchange in the Wall  Street scene. They decide to take hostages, get on some dirt bikes and  go on a chase through the city. Somehow Bane managed to smuggle several  dirt bikes into the lobby of this Wall Street place all by himself. The  other terrorists it is shown had already been present inside the  building, where did they stash the dirt bikes and how did they get them?  Magic! 30. Speaking of the Stock Exchange scene. The stock exchange closes  at what, 4pm, 5pm? They apparently need only a few minutes to hack into  the stock exchange. When they enter it is day time and a lot of trading  is going on. When they decide they need to get out of there because the  fiber and satellite is being cut (still day time as the officer is  giving the order) they get on their magical dirt bikes it is suddenly  pitch black way past sundown at night, perfect for Batman to navigate  all the shadows and hide the bat plane in the alley! Keep in mind, this  is supposed to be a summer/early fall scene. The sun wouldn't set until  eight o'clock at least. 31. After the Wall Street scene all of the cops begin chasing Batman  and letting the terrorists go. This wouldn't be the case and makes the  police "dumb" just so Bane can escape. They showed close to a hundred  cop cars filling the streets coming from both sides to trap him in. It  is ridiculous to believe that they couldn't spare 2-3 to track down the  other terrorists. 32. After Bruce/Miranda sleep together he runs his hand over the  league of shadows mark on her. He seemingly forgets the fact that it  appeared he noticed it until she betrays him at the very end of the  film. 33. How does Miranda and Bane know that Bruce and Batman are the  same person? I guess you could say that Raz decided to randomly tell his  daughter about Bruce/Batman but what point would that have served? In  Batman Begins we can assume that Talia disowned her father before he  trains Batman and doesn't have much contact with her. That's why he  tells Bruce that his wife and daughter were taken from him. So then  Bruce is in Gotham trying to save it when Raz drops in to crash his  party. At what point did he feel the need to tell his daughter about  Bruce/Batman? Did he expect to fail, something that would have been  wildly out of place for his character? 34. During the fight scene with Bane he uses some crappy firework  crap on Bane and then turns out the lights. Later in the movie he uses a  mini batarang laced with some sort of knockout agent. Why didn't he use  something on his belt a little more powerful during the fight scene  with Bane like that? If he has more powerful objects on his utility bet  why not try and use them? 35. Also during this fight scene, Bane gives lines that is  misdirection to lead the audience to think Bane is the child born in the  pit despite the fact that he isn't He has no reason to lie to Batman at  this point regardless he says to Batman after Batman makes the lights  go out, "I didn't see the sunlight until I was a man." We know this  isn't true because he wasn't born in the pit prison. Talia was born in  the pit prison. It almost makes it feel like they got halfway through  filming before deciding that Marion Cotillard was going to be a bad guy  in a sudden twist ending. 36. Where did Bane/Talia get the knowledge regarding the secret  R&D facility that Lucius ran? We see a scene of Lucius taking Talia  to the reactor at one point in the film so it is plausible that they  knew where to find the reactor but the knowledge of the secret applied  sciences division and all the weaponry it contains is something that  seems like Talia and Bane "magically" knew. 37. Gotham sending in 90%+ of the police force down into the sewers leaving the city unprotected. 38. Commissioner Gordon near death in a hospital bed can barely get  out of bed manages to ambush not one but two members of the League of  Shadows, killing them both, with little effort. From this point on in  the film he suffers no effects from his injuries. 39. Gotham is a major city, some other major cities... Chicago,  Pittsburgh, New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Dallas. All these teams  regularly sell out their seats. The only possible explanation is the  football game was a pre-season game but I doubt Hines Ward would be  charged with a kick-off return in a pre-season game. 40. The doctor weaponizing the reactor was only a theory he had  suggest. He had never actually worked with reactor itself. Despite this  it took him less than 30-seconds to weaponize the reactor. 41. The doctor who turned the reactor into a bomb is implied to be  the only person to stop it and really know how it's going to work. He  tells Bane, in the presence of Lucius Fox and Miranda, that the bomb  could decay over time and be non-operational. Despite this Fox and  Miranda later in the film magically know that the bomb is going to decay  and explode without studying the bomb which is kept on transports and  constantly on the move. 42. The cops of Gotham are stuck underground in the sewers for  months. The city engineers really need to rethink their city design  after this and add more manholes to Gotham. 43. Bane suddenly gets a hold of the letter regarding Dent that  Gordon had been holding onto to reveal the truth about what happened the  last night before Batman disappeared. This wasn't something that was  handed to Bane when Gordon's pockets were being searched and up to this  point that had been the only time Bane and Gordon actually met. How did  Bane get this letter? 44. Batman is stuck in a prison located at the bottom of a deep well  in the middle east yet they seem to get better reception than some  people in the United States. 45. Speaking of prison amenities. The only apparent way in or out is  to be lowered by ropes. How are basic needs of something like prisoners  handled in a prison such as this? It would seem like a hell of a lot of  work for them to once a day constantly lowering down buckets of food  and water then hauling up buckets of human waste. It would just be  better to have an actual above ground prison at that point. 46. Also, this prison was unguarded. It had a lot of prisoners. In  this entire time Bruce is down there not one other prisoner has someone  on the outside who wants to rescue them and just throws a rope down the  well for all prisoners to escape? This rope is sitting right on the edge  of said prison too because after Bruce makes it out he throws it down  for everyone else to climb out! The prison is about as dumb and idiotic  as a prison in space. 47. Bruce Wayne could barely walk without his robo-legs in the  beginning of the movie from cartilage wearing out. This isn't something  that heals all by itself. After he is stripped of his gear and thrown  into the prison he seemingly has no troubles walking after a couple  months of recovery. We are shown his robo-legs were taken when he is  doing the exercises in shorts later in the prison scenes. 48. A Karate Chop to the back will not fix a broken back/protruding vertebrae/bulging disc 49. Several attempts to leave the pit result in Bruce Wayne falling a  significant distance with a rope tied around him so he doesn't fall to  his death. When the rope reaches its maximum length on the way down and  snaps him to a stop before the ground it would cause significant  internal damage and/or broken ribs. 50. Speaking of which, even if the child who escapes the prison had  the fear of death when making this jump, it took Bruce Wayne, someone  who is incredibly fit and athletic, all his strength/ability to make a  jump. This isn't something we should see a child around the age of 10-12  being able to do. Do you really think a child at that age can compete  in a competition like the long jump in the Olympics? It was too  farfetched that this child could make this jump regardless of the  motivation. 51. Also, his final attempt to leap out of the prison a swarm of  bats apparently fly out of a hole somewhere right behind the ledge Bruce  Wayne is standing on. This whole doesn't exist in any of the shots they  show of the pit and is an impossible event added simply for dramatics. 52. Batman escapes from a prison in the middle east. His estate had  been totally wiped out in a previous point in the film and his car is  even repossessed yet somehow he makes it from the middle east back to  America without any ID or money within a few days despite most of his  contacts stuck in Gotham under siege. 53. All bridges except one into the city were destroyed and it is  the middle of winter yet somehow Bruce Wayne is able to slip back into  Gotham seemingly undetected. 54. As seen earlier in the film, gas is scarce and some of it is  siphoned by Blake for a bus in case they need to escape the city.  Despite this, three trucks have been driving around the city for months,  one of which carrying the bomb, and they don't need to worry about the  supply of gas to a city that has had every entrance cut off except one. 55. Shortly after slipping back into the city Bruce knows exactly  where to find Selina Kyle and is waiting for her on the street. 56. Batman's blind trust for a woman who stole his mothers pearls,  stole his car, tricked him into a trap that resulted in his back broken,  ending up in a prison in the middle east, and almost killed. 57. The police are given the knowledge that the bomb will decay and  explode on its own eventually. They are given this information courtesy  of Miranda/Talia and Lucius Fox. This is in direct opposition to  Miranda/Talia's goals and results in the ultimate failure of those  goals. The only possible way they could have gotten this information is  directly from Miranda/Talia since she would have been the only one to  have access to the bomb to study it but regardless, both she and Lucius  shouldn't have had the knowledge to determine that this would happen. 58. After Gordon is exiled to death along with other police officers  and Miranda is held aside Bruce Wayne returns to Gotham and enlists the  help of Catwoman. Bruce allows himself to be captured and then Catwoman  and Batman overpower the guards guarding Miranda and Lucius. Then  Batman goes and gets some stuff from a secret facility him and Lucius  have setup and he saves Gordon who THEN exclaims that Bane has Miranda.  Why didn't Miranda also escape and go into hiding when her and Lucius  should have been rescued? 59. Gordon and a few other people exiled to death to walk across the  river but Batman wearing a 50 lb bat suit has no problem walking on the  ice. 60. Despite the fact this bomb is a weaponized fusion bomb, it is  tracked via radiation sensors. A fusion reactor wouldn't give off  anything more than background levels of radiation. 61. Batman trying to save a city from a nuclear device and his  friends from imminent death has time to scale a bridge and paint the  symbol of a bat with some sort of flammable material to announce he is  back in town for everyone to see. 62. Oh, and while he was so busy drawing that symbol he got John  Blake's partner as well as a few other officers killed by Christopher  Judge and almost got John executed himself. 63. Knowing Batman was back in town and Miranda/Talia wanted to see  Batman fail and suffer, why didn't she set off the nuke the moment he  lights up the big giant bat symbol on the bridge? The whole city would  have seen the bat symbol and it would have been the greatest point in  months of their hopeful release, it would have been the highest point  for Batman's hope since he got out of the pit. This should have been the  point that Talia/Bane set off the bomb the absolute highest point of  everyone's hope was at this moment ready for them to crush. 64. Convicts armed with assault rifles decide to charge head first  into groups of policeman with only pistols and billy clubs. A lot more  cops should have been killed on the initial charge. 65. Oh yeah, and despite these cops being trapped down in the sewers  for months, they were surprisingly clean shaven. Like Batman they must  have had a lot of time between their escape and their next move and  stopped at home to freshen up before the final battle. 66. Also about the cops, after spending several months in the sewer  not seeing their families or really having the chance/nutrients to keep  physically fit they are more than ready to go charging head first into  the convicts who are armed better than they are. 67. Another thing about the cops. Bane and his crew were hunting  down cops on the surface like dogs. We are given this information  several times. If their goal is to hunt down and eradicate the cops and  exile them to death to walk across the ice then why the hell or they  feeding and giving the cops down in the sewers supplies for MONTHS!?! 68. What was the point of the second fight scene between Batman and  Bane? To find the trigger? ?? Why not just have Batman be the one to put  the transmitter on the transport with the nuke, then take care of the  nuke? Why did he need to go fight Bane in hand-to-hand combat? Batman's  actions are nonsensical at this point in the film. Lets fly the Bat  Plane to destroy the Tumblers so the police can charge Braveheart style  into the prisoners with machine guns while we park the Bat Plane and go  fight Bane on the steps of city hall in hand-to-hand combat scene that  doesn't matter because we need to get back to the Bat Plane and chase  down the bomb anyways? 69. Also, why the hell did he only destroy the one tumbler with the  Bat Plane before the Braveheart charge? Because it was the only one that  was pointing a canon at the police? That was a dumb cop out considering  that Talia then uses it to flee the scene and protect the bomb with  one. Also, why the hell was only just one of the Tumblers threatening to  blow up the police? 70. How did Selina get into the doorway of city hall with the Bat  Pod just in time to shoot Bane? In the previous scene there were  hundreds of people brawling just outside city hall. Did she just mow  through the crowd with the bat pod? 71. The weaponized reactor came equipped with a time device that was  greater than 99% accurate in determining the exact time it would take  before the weapon would decay to the point that it would explode despite  the fact the doctor who weaponized the reactor was unsure it would blow  after that point anyways. 72. Speaking of which, how did seemingly every character know the  precise time this bomb was going to detonate when nobody had even seen  the bomb for months except when Gordon got into the back of the truck? 73. Also, the timer on the bomb constantly changes the time it  reads. Some shots it reads 10 minutes, other shots it reads 17 minutes.  All this coming from a visionary writer/director that boasts he has the  entire movie blocked out in his head and knows the run time and budget  long before actual filming starts. 74. Snow appearing then disappearing. We see several scenes where it  is winter and the streets aren't being plowed etc because Gotham is in  the middle of chaos. Despite this fact, both during the March to the  steps of city hall as well as the final chase scenes the grounds are  fairly devoid of snow accumulation that should be present if the plows  aren't operating. 75. Gordon manages to survive riding in the back of the truck with  the bomb after the truck crashes but Talia doesn't. Gordon would have  been flung hard enough around in the back of that truck to have  sustained serious injury. 76. Despite the bomb being labeled as "unstable", which is why it  was going to explode, the bat plane senselessly knocks it around  buildings and light poles as the bat plane flies out of the city. 77. Batman is alive at the end despite the fact the show him in the  cockpit of the plane a few seconds before it explodes. We are treated to  a scene showing the plane flying out of sight (during this scene it  doesn't yet appear as anyone ejects) then a shot of John Blake, then the  explosion. Batman should have been within range to be incinerated by  the bomb which was given as a six mile radius earlier in the film. 80. Despite constant contact with Batman AND Bruce Wayne, Selina  Kyle and Commissioner Gordon take until the VERY end of the film to  figure out who Batman is despite Rookie Officer Blake figuring out the  truth within the first fifteen minutes of the film after only having  contact with him once or twice. 81. Bane requires a large, noticeable mask on his face or he suffers  excruciating pain. Despite this he appears able to travel from country  to country with relative ease. This is particularly noticeable after  beating Wayne to a pulp in the sewer the very next scene takes place in  the middle east when Bane is putting Bruce into the prison and Bruce is  still semi-unconscious. 82. Another note about Bane's mask. When it starts to get knocked  off by Batman towards the end Bane is essentially debilitated. Despite  this debilitating pain Bane manages to stay incredibly fit looking like  someone who needs to consume 5,000+ calories per day to keep his form  with no apparent way for his body to get a sustainable amount of  nutrients. 83. Final note on Bane's mask. It is supposed to deliver some sort  of medicine to reduce/eliminate pain do to suffering from the pit prison  and his beating there yet the mask requires no sort of canister to  actually store the medicine. 84. Despite the lack of cartilage and other issues with Bruce  Wayne's body he has no problem moving around and doing acrobatics. Even  with the robo-legs we see him putting on he would still have  considerable pain moving around and doing acrobatics since the pain is  caused by movement and not weakness within the legs. Robo-legs would  help if he were having some sort of muscle issue but not a cartilage  issue. 85. Talia/Miranda character issue. Miranda, Lucius Fox, and one  other member of Wayne Enterprises are taken to turn on the reactor so it  can be weaponized. At this point the audience doesn't know Miranda is  Talia and Miranda doesn't tip her hand for story purposes. As  genius/calculating as Bane and Talia are they should have killed Lucius  at this point. They know who Wayne/Batman is and it should be obvious to  them that Lucius gives Batman a lot of support/help. Lucius is also one  of two people (the other being Talia) who knows that the bomb will  decay and blow by itself eventually anyways. 86. Talia/Miranda's death scene was overly dramatic. You've got a  ticking nuclear device that is mere minutes from exploding and you want  to listen to some dying twits reasoning behind her madness? Also, Marion  Cotillard showed some severe problems with her acting skills in this  scene. Future directors should make note she cannot act out a person who  is dying from a severe car crash. 87. Talia/Bane character issue. Bane had been protecting Talia since  she was a child trapped within the pit prison. Bane is at least  20-years old at this point (he looks closer to mid-20s when he is  unmasked which is closer to Tom Hardy's actual age). Talia grows up,  finds her father, joins the league of shadows, trains with the league of  shadows, rescues Bane from the well, Bane gets exiled, and in The Dark  Knight Rises she looks closer to the age of 30 being a member of the  board of Wayne Enterprises. This would put Bane's age pushing 50 and  that is being generous. Tom Hardy, a 35-year old actor playing someone  50 or older was a serious miss-cast since Bane/Miranda look like they  are probably a similar age. Also it would be exceedingly difficult for a  person to achieve the physical fitness of Bane at that age, especially  since the movie didn't introduce his venom. 88. Miranda/Talia character flaw - What was the point of her  sleeping with Bruce? In the comics there was a developed romance but in  the movie she almost seems like she doesn't care for Bruce the first  time the two meet then only a few scenes later she decides to bang him?  The scene served absolutely no purpose and provided a plot hole with her  LoS scar. This scene also comes merely moments in the movie (a day or  so for Bruce) after Bruce and Alfred get into a yelling match about his  love for Rachel Dawes. The only explanation I can think of is  Christopher Nolan has an infatuation with Marion Cotillard and wanted to  see her get naked on set. 89. Bane character issue - The entire film Bane is devoted to making  people suffer, specifically he wants to make Batman/Wayne suffer as  well. Yet at the very end of the film he wants to take the easy way out  and blow off Batman's head with a shotgun. This leaves him wide open for  Catwoman to come in and blow him away with a rocket from the batpod. 90. Who was Catwoman's female accomplice? She is thrown in during  multiple scenes, not even given a name, then just disappears towards the  end of the film. Multiple scenes give the impression of a lesbian  relationship between Catwoman and this accomplice as well. 91. Detective ROBIN John Blake. Sort of a ridiculous way to include  "Robin" into the trilogy. It would have been better to leave him as just  John Blake, the successor who takes over the mantle of Batman. 92. Matthew Modine's character was the most paper thin, unnecessary  character in the movie. Random Cop X who makes fun of John Blake for  being a "hot-head" who then cowers in his house until he decides to lead  the charge of police officers towards the end and then dies? If they  had taken the 5-10 minutes they spent on his character for a good  character like, I don't know, Batman, he might have been in the movie  for more than 5 minutes. 93. Batman doesn't like guns or killing, we have this driven into  our heads in TDK. Despite this he spends the last ten minutes of the  film flying around shooting everything in sight including missile after  missile to kill the driver and Talia in the nuke transport. Also, what  was the point with the bow and arrow other than to scare Selina? 94. Batman, despite having no sort of programming/software knowledge  manages to reprogram and patch the auto-pilot software in the bat plane  by himself. 95. Bruce Wayne character issue - Bruce seems to be developing  chemistry with Selina and seems somewhat infatuated with her. Despite  this he bangs Miranda Tate just because. 96. Cat woman character issues - In the Christopher Nolan world of  batman her character felt incredibly out of place in the series. In TDK a  lot of people prior to the film felt The Joker was going to be far too  non-serious of a character to properly fit into Nolan's world but he did  it. While the cat woman scenes were enjoyable to me, they had some of  the cheesiest, cringe-worthy dialog of any part of the movie. "My mother  told me never to get into cars with strangers" "Don't steal from anyone  you can't outrun" "Nobody ever called me dumb before". She is the  Jar-Jar Binks of Christopher Nolan series. A hot Jar-Jar Binks but still  a Jar-Jar Binks. 97. Character Issue with Selina Kyle and resources - We are treated  with several scenes of Selina where she looks to be someone who isn't  very rich but her burglaries allow her to live beyond her means for  short periods of time. We also know she doesn't need any high tech safe  cracking gear since she breaks into Bruce's safe seemingly without any  tools. So where in the hell does she get the high tech goggles that are a  part of her cat suit when she is riding the bat pod? It seems out of  place and unnecessary for her character to have such a high tech piece  of equipment. 98. Character Issue - Bane's Motivations - When he was in the pit  Bane protected Talia because she was innocent and born into a world she  didn't belong. When he goes to Gotham this same logic should apply.  There are many children, orphans, and babies scattered throughout the  city and he doesn't have a single care for any of them. 99. Character Issue - Bane - It surprises me that so many Spider-Man  fans jumped all over Raimi for the liberties he took with the  Spider-Man mythos and changing even simpler aspects such as Spider-Man  shooting the webs form his body as opposed to a device he created. Yet  Bane gets to completely change from being super human thanks to a  chemical process to being just some buff dude who needs constant pain  killers. Source: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/batman_movies/news/?a=64971#XBG3ueR6OSHzTQxM.99

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    You make a strong case, but Gravity won a baj...

Alex Kuttel at Quora Visit the source

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No, it's not the most overrated or over-praised movie ever. Many of the 99 complaints listed in the question details are inaccurate representations of things in the film or contain mistaken beliefs about the reality surrounding some of the situations (example: the complaint about the CIA plane not having radar -- it's a simple cargo plane being used for a covert kidnapping mission; planes don't have "radar" on them, contrary to apparent popular belief, and certainly not an older model simple cargo plane contracted to fly a CIA operative; the CIA typically uses contractors like that, who own their own planes, and in foreign countries the contractors are often just smugglers). I considered writing up a direct response to all 99 "points" in the question, but decided that it would be pointless. The questioner probably clearly feels the film wasn't good etc, and many of the complaints are basic personal opinions that can't be proven "wrong" and can only be answered with the counter-point "well I didn't think that sucked/was lame/whatever." Instead, I'll focus quickly on the assumption that the film is overly praised, or that it's more overly praised/rated than other films. First of all, while TDKR did get mostly positive reviews, the film actually faced a lot of mixed reaction and criticisms even among the positive reviews. Few reviews called it a total masterpiece or perfect, and most did claim it was too long or too packed with characters/story or didn't quite live up to expectations etc. The "praise," then, is conditional on a lot of critique from most reviewers. Fans, too, were mixed in their reactions to the film, to the extent that even the praise from fans usually has many complaints about certain elements of the movie. Even my own otherwise high praise for the film includes a complaint that it didn't really present much of an arc for the citizenry overall in Gotham. We didn't get to see the slow progression of reactions and life under occupation etc that would've been so valuable to the movie's themes, and in the end sequence we should've seen the citizens coming out of their homes into the streets to join the cops in fighting back against Bane. Aside from the football stadium, most of the film seemed to suggest the entire population of Gotham is cops, mercenaries, orphans, and people who work at Wayne Enterprises. So I think including more scenes of citizens living at different stages of the occupation and finally rising up behind Batman as their symbol of standing up against evil and tyranny would've elevated the film and probably changed a lot of reviewers' negative reactions. So I think the film's praise is mitigated somewhat, and it certainly got mixed reactions (while it's RT score is 87% overall -- which includes "good" reviews that are still pretty critical -- it's score among the main critics is 76%, still very high but not really "universal praise" and about equivalent to a B or B- grade), so calling it the MOST overly praised film EVER is simply gross hyperbole. Lastly, since this is all subjective regarding judging film quality and only slightly "objective" in assessing if praise for a particular film is very high, I'd note that there are plenty of films that enjoyed much higher praise overall that could be considered in excess of what the film might deserve. Here are lists of 100 films that all have perfect or near-perfect scores from reviewers: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/top/bestofrt/top_100_drama_movies/?category=9 http://www.rottentomatoes.com/top/bestofrt/top_100_art_house__international_movies/?category=4 http://www.rottentomatoes.com/top/bestofrt/top_100_classics_movies/?category=5 There are a few hundred movies there, mostly with scores of 100% or 99%. Do you think all of those films were really perfect or so close to perfect that they deserve such scores? Look at the third list, classics that get typically treated by most folks as "the good ol' days" and so great to be nearly unquestionable and widely praised. Even people who might not enjoy or watch many classic films tend to be wary of criticizing them, and will often still talk about them with reverence and accept the claim that they are near-perfect. If any of them are less than perfect and have flaws that could be criticized, that would seem to suggest that they are more deserving of being called more overrated than TDRK, since saying an imperfect thing is perfect and universally praised is a lot more than saying a flawed film is pretty good. Since there are so many films to consider that might be more widely praised and to much higher degrees of praise than TDKR, and since among those films there are bound to be some that are flawed and could be reasonably argued to fall short of actual perfection, then I'd say these are two very big strikes against the claim that TDKR is the MOST overrated film EVER.

Mark Hughes

"If you're having film problems I feel bad for you son, You've got 99 reasons but let me share one" I have to confess I didn't read all your 99 points but my answer to the question is "No" I'm actually really bored with superhero origin movies. I'm sick of stories about people coming to terms with their abilities and working out what colour their costume should be. I'm bored with people venturing out to try and save the world and then failing badly but bouncing back just as the real villain comes along. I've seen far too many superhero origin stories but I've never seen a Superhero conclusion before. I really liked the fact that Nolan took on the idea of how a superhero goes about hanging up his cape and moving on, both physically and emotionally. Nolan gave me that story in a way that had me interested throughout. He populated his world with excellent actors and made me care about all of them.

David Stewart

I admire you. Period. I thought I admired Chris and loved his movies but that was before I found your question – and passion (rhyme points!!). After reading your points (sadly not all. I stopped at 32.), I realized how let down you must’ve felt after watching TDKR for the twenty seventh time. But even if we like to think otherwise, Chris isn’t a prefect director. He does try and of course achieves it to some extent but he isn’t perfect. And in his defense, I read somewhere probably just after TDKR came out that he actually didn’t want to make this film, especially because of Heath’s death. He wasn’t fully into it. That probably explains why the script wasn’t remotely good as its predecessor(s) and why the movie’s production time was the shortest of all three in the trilogy. But that, and also the film’s many flaws, don’t cloud the fact that TDKR was awesome. I think even you would agree that.

Aung San Win

I got to 30 of the 99 problems with the film. And then it dawned on me... its a movie! Im surprised you didn't go up 999. Its a superhero movie based in reality. What you are suggesting is reality based in cinema which is the flaw in your logic. How about this to make it an even hundred. How come you never see Bane take a dump? To be that huge he has too consume 4000 calories a day. But wait he can't eat because of the mask! But who cares? Bane is the villain in a summer blockbuster made by the most talented people working in the film industry. Technically and creatively. If you love movies and Batman, this trilogy is the best in the superhero genre. Nothing comes close and nothing ever will. Was that too much praise for you? Remember Its a movie about an orphaned billionaire boy that becomes a masked vigilante. What makes the film a masterpiece is that we are still talking about all of these points. Its fun to find little gems and talk about how the hell he could have done this or that! Its Batman and he is human, but his will is superhuman. He can do anything he puts his mind too so hell yes he can show up at the exact moment to save the day and ignite a fifty foot flaming bat symbol! Remember that this is all fake? Its all pretend my friend. You do have a very keen eye and revealed things I never would have caught so thank you. Now I'm giving you too much praise.

Ahmad Ismail

Are you looking for someone to lend credibility to your personal tastes? I've yet to see the movie. It could be really good, but even if that's the case, it would be my own opinion. Speaking of my personal opinion, I think "Citizen Kane" is the most overrated movie ever made.

Anthony Ferreri

No,it is not like what you think. You can come up with 99 points like these for any damn movie. First of all it was just a movie. So chill. I can comment on some of the acquisitions you have made. 1. There is something called "Character Building" in the movie. When they say "look at his speed,his ferocity....." ,this is an attempt to show that here is a man in his primes and so well trained with a motive in head.On the other hand, Batman is old now, he has not been in the picture since 8 years. So as an audience, you wonder will the batman be able to face this daemon ? Storytelling is a very essential part of the movie. 2. if you were not impressed with the deaths of the two villains  then let me tell you that Batman DOESN'T kill. Even in the first movie Batman didnt kill the villain  he simply didnt save him. Even in the second one he didnt kill joker himself. That is what the Batman is all about. Killing the two villains wasn't the main idea but detonating the nuke was. 3.When u say that Bane should have cared about the babies of Gotham too, then let me tell you that Bane was now a memeber of the "League of Shadows".Their primary aim was Gotham's destruction.Remember how in the first movie, Bruce Wayne was told about compassion being your biggest weakness.Similarly now Bane too had lost all compassion.

Amogh Agarwal

Of course not. Last Harry Potter movie is. It was made solely for financial reasons (people will want to see how everything ends right - so why don't we make the movie JUST about the ending) Whereas last Dark Knight had a genuine story which finished of by killing the main character (as ultimate fight should) If you want to summarise the last movie (and it is A SEPARATE MOVIE unlike last Harry Potter) It is when Catwoman says: "Come on lets go away you have given everything to this City" and Batman replies: "No - not everything" This alone is enough to call it a separate movie. Sheer dedication to protect the city with everything he has including his own life and he WILL loose everything but he will save his city. At least Nolan made a right ending and the girl FINALLY made a correct choice (i.e. she saw how awesome Bruce is, because he sacrificed so much to save his city). Big movies and computer games tend to completely fuck up endings and I am glad this one was an exception. Nolan once again shows us how awesome and clean his movies are.

Mark Savchuk

You have already written so many points to justify your "question". I dont think you are looking for an answer here. Its just a movie!! Watch it.. If you like it, that is good. If you dont, let it be. There is no need to insult every little thing about the movie just to justify your question.

Jai Pathade

mo, i dont think so check the best quotes from dark knight trilogy

Naveen Jaiswal

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