What is the relationship between Pakistan and Bangladesh?

Can Pakistan and Bangladesh be friends in future?

  • I find it so strange that Pakistan and Bangladesh were a single nation before 1971. You can easily distinguish between a Pakistani and a Bangladeshi by looking at face. 99% Bangladeshis are dark looking people while most of the Pakistanis are pale white looking. Bengali culture is also very different from Pakistani culture. Language is also different. It seems like everything is different. There are very mixed feelings about Pakistan among Bangladeshis. As a Bangladeshi I can say that most Bangladeshis dislike Pakistan since Pakistani army killed and raped so many Bangladeshi civilians in 1971.Bangladeshi people are very emotional about the liberation war. The relationship between these two nations is very cold. What should be done to improve the relation between these two nations? I don't think Bangladesh can have good relation with Pakistan until Pakistani govt. officially apologize for the inhumane crime the army did to civilians during liberation war. India and Bangladesh have very warm relationship. Can we expect Pakistan and Bangladesh also having same warm relation? Will Pakistan govt. apologize for 1971 war crimes? Its not good to see two Muslim nations have bad relation with each other.

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    No way! I and a lot lot people around me hate pakistan ( even a lot... You must be signed in to read this answer.Connected to GoogleConnected to FacebookBy continuing you indicate that you have read and agree to the .  Loading account...Complete Your ProfileFull NameChecking...EmailChecking...PasswordChecking...By creating an account you indicate that you have read and agree to the .

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In the United States, Bangladeshis and Pakistanis are not only friends but also have created families and have children...it is the Pakistanis Bangladeshis and even Indians coming from their homeland bringing negative point of views, hatred and racism with them.  I have grown up with Bengalis and am an American Pakistan. u cannot choose who u will have lunch with or who u will pray with in the mosques here in usa. here we are fighting a new war which we have since the time of our prophet pbuh which is the hatred ppl have against muslims and mistrusting them for being terrorists. so even though what Pakistan did was mean, not all Pakistanis hate Bengalis, there are towns in Karachi Pakistan where ppl speak Bengali. and trust me most Bengali is a mix of hindi and Urdu. their food is similar to us. their women wear hijab, wear shalwar kameez and saaris very  much like Pakistan. their brides look a lot like us so even though there are some cultural differnces there arnot many. so what if Bengalis have a diff. language than us, the saraikis, Punjabis and pathans who speak their language in Pakistan also have ways of living which are different from the typical Pakistan. Pakistanis and Bengalis are good friends and help each other although Bengalis ingeneral help eachother more than Pakistanis help one another. there are dark skinned Bengalis and some are brown some are light. their features are the same as us. there are Bengalis who hate Pakistanis and Pakistanis who still hate Bengalis. Another obstacle in the way of peace is that Bangladesh demands assets from Pakistan. Pakistani must apologize but it cannot be that they have to give up assets. I guess the politicans want something out of this conflict. I think we ave to make an effort. the common ppl. ppl who were hurt need an apology not the politicians or media. the truth is the ppl who were killed and hurt --their families need an apology by the Pakistani govt. from there friendship can happen but adding assets money etc to this will mean that politicians will have their own agenda.   I am glad I don't live in Pakistan or Bangladesh otherwise I would hate others too. trust me I feel bad and sorry for the women who were raped and shocked most Pakistanis do not talk about this and are hurt about what Indians did--but I am sure if Pakistan recognizes they have hurt those poor innocents in Bangladesh then things can get better. also the bangledeshis who hate Pakistanis as a whole are also putting obstacles in the way of peace. u cannot blame a whole race. its just like ppl blaming all muslims for 9/11. so wake up and smell the coffee, times have change ALOT. most Bengalis Indians even and Pakistanis live in peace but some still have that racist thinking and mindset. but then just like there are still white ppl who hate blacks even though blacks are not slaves in the usa--this will continue to happen. also there are ppl in Bangladesh who claim to be Pakistani who are a minority and are not treated well. I think some are biharis. same way the women who were raped and went to Bangladesh and Pakistan--were not treated well. I have done my research and have seen everything from a third point of view. I am glad I can do this because I have grown up eat with, prayed with played with and shared much with muslims whether they were indian or Bangladeshi muslims. our parents were struggling here in the usa and we were born here and grew up here to create a better future for ourselves. so think outside the box and give that Bengali or Pakistani a chance. u will learn things u never have before and ur mind will open up and u have will become wise and u will see life for what it really is. life is too short to hate ppl because of their race. life is complex, ppl are complex. trust in allah and build relationships with a clean heart until someone is proven guilty. May Allah bless u all. Ameen.

Saira Jabbar

I think we should at least start diplomatic process. I think world hardly cares if two third world countries hate each other. Europeans fought huge wars over these issues for years and they remained in the dark ages. Finally, they have had to form a union in order to progress. I think the economic condition of both countries is not very different. Bangladeshis still have the same standard of living as Pakistanis. But for now, the diplomatic process doesn't seem possible. It is certainly not in the keen interest of India. Secondly, the Bangladeshi government is too much pro Indian considering flags issue in the recent T20 world cup in Bangladesh and Haseena Wajid refused to award Pakistan in previous Asia Cup final.

Qasim Zeeshan

Bangladesh and Pakistan have a lot in common apart from their faiths. East Pakistan was the main responsible state that made Pakistan and were  ideologically muslim nationalists and still are. Post 1971, Bangladesh media have built a sick nationalist mythology treating Pakistan as imperialist which is incorrect and distorted. They have erased alot of history from 1947 to 1971. Like the winning of Jugto front muslim league losing 200+ seats in East Pakistan in 56. Mujib Rehman laying 6 points in Lahore 1966, and his filling the vaccuum after Suhrwardy, revered in both Pak and Bangladesh till now Moulvi Fazlul Haq. Sheikh Mujib Jan 25 ending speech joy bangla joy Pakistan. All of it and more has been erased from the history. There will always be a Bangladeshi talking about 3 million dead cos of Pakistan but this is also not accepted by human rights organizations like Amnesty which sided with them when military campaign started in March. The Bangladeshi hide the mass killings, rapes, arson of non-bengali, bengali muslims in name of revenge attacks in 1972 by muktijoddha terrorists with the no.s going in thousands also blamed on Pak army which surrendered back in 71. Hindu terrorist Modi admitted the anti-muslim RSS role in supporting muktijodhha terrorists. Pak army only targeted Bangladeshi hindus which is also wrong but they are also blamed for killing renowned muslims figures of literature, which was also done by muktijoddhas to grow hate against Pakistan. There is a pro-indian govt. right now and hindu and secular muslim Bangladeshis doing the needful. Creating more hatred for Pakistan. Trying to reap fruits from the propaganda to hide their corruption and eliminating opposition with support from their master India and to extent USA.With years of hate and propaganda, unusually Pakistani & Bangladeshi get along well, which many pro-indian bangladeshis don't like. Pakistani cricketers are liked, Pakistan as a state and ppl are sympathized in case of any untoward incident. In Pakistani film, drama there are remnants of work by Bengali musicians. In Bangladeshi music, and clothes I see a lot of Pakistani origin. There is a state-elite- imposed hate and sympathy & brotherhood from the Bangladeshi public around Dhaka. Pakistan govt. needs to do something about this. Instead of running away from Sheikh Haseena govt. and these elite secular minority. Pakistanis need to reconcile and address. We also can't disengage from them which i was able to witness after the motijheel massacre. Pakistanis don't like it but they still feel for Bengali when they are targeted. Covering ones ears & forgetting about them will not solve the problem. Reconciling will.

Ranjem Fedas

Who told you that 99% of Bengalis are dark skinned, are you stupid bro, i have seen many light skinned Bengali people and dark skinned Pakistanis, they are more darker Bengalis but your Numbers are out of whack. I think Bangladesh and Pakistan can become friends only if Pakistan acknowledges and apologizes for the genocide it committed against Bengali people in 1971.

Mehadi Hasan

Bangladeshi woman dont dress same as Pakistan. Our woman wear saree's while Pakistanis wear salwae Punjabi OK. I dont about friendship but maybe it can happen. But its not true we dress sane as Pakistanis at all. h

Akibo Kinto

People bond less by what they mutually love and bond way stronger for a common mutual hatred. The only thing that can bring the Bangladeshis and Pakistanis closer is a common hatred for "Hindu" India. The day Bangladesh starts seriously hating Hindus and Indians, it shall promptly become great friends with Pakistan.

Vijay Kumar

This is a very vague question but as far as some points highlighted in the question are concerned, first thing to say, whether or not bengalis like it, is that Bangladesh owes its very creation to Pakistan and Pakistani founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Without him there would have been no Pakistan and hence no existence of Bangladesh whatsoever. Therefore, Bengalis owe their very name and identity to Pakistan since it was part of Pakistan and where they might have the grudges left, Pakistan has largely moved on. I will explain why later. Whether or not Bangladesh wants to be part of india is up to them now if they consider themselves "like indians". In the current scenario of the world geopolitics and events, Pakistan is placed in a very critical and important phase and position and there really is not any time for Pakistanis to fret or look upon the creation of Bangladesh or bengalis. Bangladesh, it is a fact too, is a country no more in importance on world stage than burma, nepal, or bhutan. Whereas Pakistan has critical importance for emerging world powers despite all its problems. It is without doubt that for China, Pakistan is THE most important country in the entire world. Russia needs Pakistan more than it did a decade ago. US has critical stake in Pakistan and so does India and Israel- even if this is on the negative end but its country to reckon with. This is due to the participation of Pakistan in a very short time in some of the most critical events of the world, for example, Soviet war, War after 9/11, numerous events with India, and to this day its utmost important engagements with Saudia and the arab world. It is the only nuclear power nation and with the finest military ever produced in muslim world. I do not think Pakistan has time to waste on petty issues to think and would actually like to be friends with Bangladesh even if it is on political fronts only. The question should be asked from Bengalis as to what they want and if they would like to be friends with Pakistan. I am sure everyone would know where the problem lies then. Pakistan is ready to move on but probably bengalis are not. Since it was mentioned in the question, we should also not forget that when Pakistan was formed, it was not formed on basis on races and sects but on basis of muslim population. So questioning the very existence of why bangladesh was part of pakistan is somewhat confused by bengalis. The idea was that mulsim population areas will form a muslim land called Pakistan and hindu majority areas will form India or hindustan. It does not matter what bengalis have to say today, the fact is they were part of creating Pakistan and wanting to be part of it under leadership of Pakistani founder Jinnah. Denying the facts is another story. Coming to 1971, it is often asked Pakistan did atrocities and what not, however, the atrocities committed by India in kashmir are forgotten by india and Bangladesh both for their own reasons. Pakistan would still be more likely to create friendly relations with bangladesh and if it matters apologizing them but one should not forget that when a war occurs, everything happens. Do we not remember how many people were killed in World War 1 and 2? In crores. And what US did on Japan? This is a filthy propaganda against Pakistan whereas the fact is India is also doing the same killing in Kashmir and Human Rights Watch has done documentaries and reports on this but that is turned a blind eye. I would say again that For pakistan bangalis are still brothers, but for Bengalis what pakistan is, is another matter. Pakistan has no time to think about a country that wants a petty apology. Rather the destiny and strategic importance history has placed Pakistan in, is of way more importance. Bangaldesh would be wise to understand it.

Shumayel Liton

That sentiment towards liberation war is almost gone among Bangladeshis. Common people of Bangladesh just blindly hate India (religious reason) and love Pakistan (again religious reason) even after knowing the history of 1971. Bangladeshis always support Pakistan against India in cricket match also. The intellectuals of Bangladesh are anti-Pakistan but common people are pro-Pakistan. Bangladeshi culture is mixed culture of Bengali and Arabic culture. Had Pakistan not been racist towards Bengalis it would have still been a part of Pakistan.

Rabbi Mahmud

First of all that is just generalising that Most Pakistanis are pale and Bangladeshis are Dark. Not true. But there is nothing wrong with it but the fact that Pakistani Government at the time of West Pakistan and East Pakistan, Bengalis were used as the term"Dark Skinned" by people like Ayub Khan and others. That did not mean literally all are they even called Balochi people "Dark Skinned" people when their racially and Ethnically Iranians(Race). In Addition, Not all Pakistanis are pale, I have seen dark Pakistanis same as what we see in Bangladesh. Also Pale Bangladeshis. Relating to the question, Yes we can be friends casually but if politically might cause problems to the public as it had the memories of the past. It is kind of like When you marry someone who had dated other guys/girls before and when experience some things he/she might have that memories she/he had had in the past which may lead you to a depressing point. This issue can relate to friendship between Bangladesh and Pakistan. Even though both countries are a predominantly Muslim country, both cultures were different as Pakistani culture from Pashtuns, Punjabi(Pakistani), Sindhi(Pakistani) and others have the culture a bit closer to Islamic ties. Eg. Pashtunwali Code: Hospitality, Relationships and etc. They are almost similar but not fully. That is because Islam had spread over all Pakistan 800 years where as in Bengal region, 600 years ago. With the Bengali culture is a bit more secular which has conflict with religion. The government of Pakistan thought their culture is too "Hindu" with the closely sanskritic script, clothing and customs. These were very different and when Mohammad Ali Jinnah said that "Urdu" will only be the state language of Pakistan the Bengali speaking people reacted very sensitive because when they were talking in Bengali, the soldiers killed them and raped a lot of women for that. That was the order from the government of "Bhuttos" which Pakistanis I have spoke to, disliked that group. So, "Don't blame Pakistanis" But it is really the Politics. Before all the language movement, in the Bengal region, it was very diverse through the language spoken. Schools taught other languages. In the Islamic Dynasties, Persian was widely spoken beside that Arabic, Pashto, Urdu, Turkic languages, Sanskrit was spoken. In fact the school that one of my ancestors made in about 17th-18th century(Muslim Munshi Family) made had lessons for learning their native/spoken languages were Persian, Urdu and Arabic. But now that school was taken over by the government after Independence. In my opinion I would say those would be the good times as it was really diverse. But I think the fact that Pakistan government said Urdu as only the official language made Bengalis take it very seriously and now mostly Bengali and English is spoken.(you can add Hindi/Urdu because of entertainment) But few Madrassas(Islamic Faith Schools) do teach 4 languages and in fact one of the person I relate to owns that madrassa. The 4 languages are Bengali, Urdu, Arabic and Persian. Bengali for the country, Urdu and Persian because of Literature, and Arabic for Religion. In conclusion, Bangladesh might have few concerns about being friends with Pakistan but they can most certainly be friends casually by each individuals. In the end we are all humans and we are the same colour when we our body is decayed. (I am not an Expert but I can say through experience and research)

Mohammed Rahim

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