How to plot geo-data using matplotlib/python?

How to plot geo-data using matplotlib/python

  • I am trying to plot a polygone on python, using different libararies, but no one of these worked with me. I tried , , .. and now matplotlib. I don't wanna use softwares like I used this example: from matplotlib import pyplot from descartes import PolygonPatch import math import urllib2 import simplejson data = [] with open('file.json') as f: for line in f: data.append(json.loads(line)) def plotFeature(coordlist, myplot): #create a polygon geojson-like feature poly = {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": coordlist} patch = PolygonPatch(poly, fc='#6699cc', ec='#6699cc', alpha=0.5, zorder=2) #plot it on the graph myplot.add_patch(patch) for coordlist in data['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates']: plotFeature(coordlist, myplot) fig = pyplot.figure(1, figsize=(10, 4), dpi=180) ax = fig.add_subplot(121) ax.savefig('myplot.png') External file "file.json" var states = [{ "type": "Feature", "properties": {"party": "Republican"}, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -84.32281494140625, 34.9895035675793 ], [ -84.29122924804688, 35.21981940793435 ], [ -84.24041748046875, 35.25459097465022 ], [ -84.22531127929688, 35.266925688950074 ], [ -84.20745849609375, 35.26580442886754 ], [ -84.19921875, 35.24674063355999 ], [ -84.16213989257812, 35.24113278166642 ], [ -84.12368774414062, 35.24898366572645 ], [ -84.09072875976562, 35.24898366572645 ], [ -84.08798217773438, 35.264683153268116 ], [ -84.04266357421875, 35.27701633139884 ], [ -84.03030395507812, 35.291589484566124 ], [ -84.0234375, 35.306160014550784 ], [ -84.03305053710936, 35.32745068492882 ], [ -84.03579711914062, 35.34313496028189 ], [ -84.03579711914062, 35.348735749472546 ], [ -84.01657104492188, 35.35545618392078 ], [ -84.01107788085938, 35.37337460834958 ], [ -84.00970458984374, 35.39128905521763 ], [ -84.01931762695312, 35.41479572901859 ], [ -84.00283813476562, 35.429344044107154 ], [ -83.93692016601562, 35.47409160773029 ], [ -83.91220092773438, 35.47632833265728 ], [ -83.88885498046875, 35.504282143299655 ], [ -83.88473510742186, 35.516578738902936 ], [ -83.8751220703125, 35.52104976129943 ], [ -83.85314941406249, 35.52104976129943 ], [ -83.82843017578125, 35.52104976129943 ], [ -83.8092041015625, 35.53446133418443 ], [ -83.80233764648438, 35.54116627999813 ], [ -83.76800537109374, 35.56239491058853 ], [ -83.7432861328125, 35.56239491058853 ], [ -83.71994018554688, 35.56239491058853 ], [ -83.67050170898438, 35.569097520776054 ], [ -83.6334228515625, 35.570214567965984 ], [ -83.61007690429688, 35.576916524038616 ], [ -83.59634399414061, 35.574682600980914 ], [ -83.5894775390625, 35.55904339525896 ], [ -83.55239868164062, 35.56574628576276 ], [ -83.49746704101562, 35.563512051219696 ], [ -83.47000122070312, 35.586968406786475 ], [ -83.4466552734375, 35.60818490437746 ], [ -83.37936401367188, 35.63609277863135 ], [ -83.35739135742188, 35.65618041632016 ], [ -83.32305908203124, 35.66622234103479 ], [ -83.3148193359375, 35.65394870599763 ], [ -83.29971313476561, 35.660643649881614 ], [ -83.28598022460938, 35.67180064238771 ], [ -83.26126098632811, 35.6907639509368 ], [ -83.25714111328125, 35.69968630125201 ], [ -83.25576782226562, 35.715298012125295 ], [ -83.23516845703125, 35.72310272092263 ], [ -83.19808959960936, 35.72756221127198 ], [ -83.16238403320312, 35.753199435570316 ], [ -83.15826416015625, 35.76322914549896 ], [ -83.10333251953125, 35.76991491635478 ], [ -83.08685302734375, 35.7843988251953 ], [ -83.0511474609375, 35.787740890986576 ], [ -83.01681518554688, 35.78328477203738 ], [ -83.001708984375, 35.77882840327371 ], [ -82.96737670898438, 35.793310688351724 ], [ -82.94540405273438, 35.820040281161 ], [ -82.9193115234375, 35.85121343450061 ], [ -82.9083251953125, 35.86902116501695 ], [ -82.90557861328125, 35.87792352995116 ], [ -82.91244506835938, 35.92353244718235 ], [ -82.88360595703125, 35.94688293218141 ], [ -82.85614013671875, 35.951329861522666 ], [ -82.8424072265625, 35.94243575255426 ], [ -82.825927734375, 35.92464453144099 ], [ -82.80670166015625, 35.927980690382704 ], [ -82.80532836914062, 35.94243575255426 ], [ -82.77923583984375, 35.97356075349624 ], [ -82.78060913085938, 35.99245209055831 ], [ -82.76138305664062, 36.00356252895066 ], [ -82.69546508789062, 36.04465753921525 ], [ -82.64465332031249, 36.060201412392914 ], [ -82.61306762695312, 36.060201412392914 ], [ -82.60620117187499, 36.033552893400376 ], [ -82.60620117187499, 35.991340960635405 ], [ -82.60620117187499, 35.97911749857497 ], [ -82.5787353515625, 35.96133453736691 ], [ -82.5677490234375, 35.951329861522666 ], [ -82.53067016601562, 35.97244935753683 ], [ -82.46475219726562, 36.006895355244666 ], [ -82.41668701171875, 36.070192281208456 ], [ -82.37960815429686, 36.10126686921446 ], [ -82.35488891601562, 36.117908916563685 ], [ -82.34115600585936, 36.113471382052175 ], [ -82.29583740234375, 36.13343831245866 ], [ -82.26287841796874, 36.13565654678543 ], [ -82.23403930664062, 36.13565654678543 ], [ -82.2216796875, 36.154509006695 ], [ -82.20382690429688, 36.15561783381855 ], [ -82.19009399414062, 36.144528857027744 ], [ -82.15438842773438, 36.15007354140755 ], [ -82.14065551757812, 36.134547437460064 ], [ -82.1337890625, 36.116799556445024 ], [ -82.12142944335938, 36.10570509327921 ], [ -82.08984375, 36.10792411128649 ], [ -82.05276489257811, 36.12678323326429 ], [ -82.03628540039062, 36.12900165569652 ], [ -81.91268920898438, 36.29409768373033 ], [ -81.89071655273438, 36.30959215409138 ], [ -81.86325073242188, 36.33504067209607 ], [ -81.83029174804688, 36.34499652561904 ], [ -81.80145263671875, 36.35605709240176 ], [ -81.77947998046874, 36.34610265300638 ], [ -81.76162719726562, 36.33835943134047 ], [ -81.73690795898438, 36.33835943134047 ], [ -81.71905517578125, 36.33835943134047 ], [ -81.70669555664062, 36.33504067209607 ], [ -81.70669555664062, 36.342784223707234 ], [ -81.72317504882812, 36.357163062654365 ], [ -81.73278808593749, 36.379279167407965 ], [ -81.73690795898438, 36.40028364332352 ], [ -81.73690795898438, 36.41354670392876 ], [ -81.72454833984374, 36.423492513472326 ], [ -81.71768188476562, 36.445589751779174 ], [ -81.69845581054688, 36.47541104282962 ], [ -81.69845581054688, 36.51073994146672 ], [ -81.705322265625, 36.53060536411363 ], [ -81.69158935546875, 36.55929085774001 ], [ -81.68060302734375, 36.56480607840351 ], [ -81.68197631835938, 36.58686302344181 ], [ -81.04202270507812, 36.56370306576917 ], [ -80.74264526367186, 36.561496993252575 ], [ -79.89120483398438, 36.54053616262899 ], [ -78.68408203124999, 36.53943280355122 ], [ -77.88345336914062, 36.54053616262899 ], [ -76.91665649414062, 36.54163950596125 ], [ -76.91665649414062, 36.55046568575947 ], [ -76.31103515625, 36.551568887374 ], [ -75.79605102539062, 36.54936246839778 ], [ -75.6298828125, 36.07574221562703 ], [ -75.4925537109375, 35.82226734114509 ], [ -75.3936767578125, 35.639441068973916 ], [ -75.41015624999999, 35.43829554739668 ], [ -75.43212890625, 35.263561862152095 ], [ -75.487060546875, 35.18727767598896 ], [ -75.5914306640625, 35.17380831799959 ], [ -75.9210205078125, 35.04798673426734 ], [ -76.17919921875, 34.867904962568744 ], [ -76.41540527343749, 34.62868797377061 ], [ -76.4593505859375, 34.57442951865274 ], [ -76.53076171875, 34.53371242139567 ], [ -76.5911865234375, 34.551811369170494 ], [ -76.651611328125, 34.615126683462194 ], [ -76.761474609375, 34.63320791137959 ], [ -77.069091796875, 34.59704151614417 ], [ -77.376708984375, 34.45674800347809 ], [ -77.5909423828125, 34.3207552752374 ], [ -77.8326416015625, 33.97980872872457 ], [ -77.9150390625, 33.80197351806589 ], [ -77.9754638671875, 33.73804486328907 ], [ -78.11279296875, 33.8521697014074 ], [ -78.2830810546875, 33.8521697014074 ], [ -78.4808349609375, 33.815666308702774 ], [ -79.6728515625, 34.8047829195724 ], [ -80.782470703125, 34.836349990763864 ], [ -80.782470703125, 34.91746688928252 ], [ -80.9307861328125, 35.092945313732635 ], [ -81.0516357421875, 35.02999636902566 ], [ -81.0516357421875, 35.05248370662468 ], [ -81.0516357421875, 35.137879119634185 ], [ -82.3150634765625, 35.19625600786368 ], [ -82.3590087890625, 35.19625600786368 ], [ -82.40295410156249, 35.22318504970181 ], [ -82.4688720703125, 35.16931803601131 ], [ -82.6885986328125, 35.1154153142536 ], [ -82.781982421875, 35.06147690849717 ], [ -83.1060791015625, 35.003003395276714 ], [ -83.616943359375, 34.99850370014629 ], [ -84.05639648437499, 34.985003130171066 ], [ -84.22119140625, 34.985003130171066 ], [ -84.32281494140625, 34.9895035675793 ] ], [ [ -75.69030761718749, 35.74205383068037 ], [ -75.5914306640625, 35.74205383068037 ], [ -75.5419921875, 35.585851593232356 ], [ -75.56396484375, 35.32633026307483 ], [ -75.69030761718749, 35.285984736065735 ], [ -75.970458984375, 35.16482750605027 ], [ -76.2066650390625, 34.994003757575776 ], [ -76.300048828125, 35.02999636902566 ], [ -76.409912109375, 35.07946034047981 ], [ -76.5252685546875, 35.10642805736423 ], [ -76.4208984375, 35.25907654252574 ], [ -76.3385009765625, 35.294952147406576 ], [ -76.0858154296875, 35.29943548054543 ], [ -75.948486328125, 35.44277092585766 ], [ -75.8660888671875, 35.53669637839501 ], [ -75.772705078125, 35.567980458012094 ], [ -75.706787109375, 35.634976650677295 ], [ -75.706787109375, 35.74205383068037 ], [ -75.69030761718749, 35.74205383068037 ] ] ] } } ] But it doesn't seem to work out. I need to plot these coordinates with a map on background. Any example, library, tutorial to recommend ?

  • Answer:

    You cannot apply this particular example without understanding the JSON format: your external file "file.json" is not an .json file A correct format would be (without var states = [:) { "type": "Feature", "properties": {"party": "Republican"}, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -84.32281494140625, 34.9895035675793 .... } } To process this file, you can use the standard module or directly the module instead of the module, deprecated since Python 2.6 (for Python versions < 2.6) Read and parse the file: import json # or import geojson with open("file.json") as json_file: json_data = json.load(json_file) # or geojson.load(json_file) The result is a classic Python dictionary with the keys: print json_data.keys() [u'geometry', u'type', u'properties'] The geometry is : poly = json_data['geometry'] print poly {u'type': u'Polygon', u'coordinates': [[[-84.32281494140625, 34.989503567579298], [-84.291229248046875, 35.219819407934352], ..., [-75.690307617187486, 35.742053830680369]]]} This result is directly usable with and you don't need poly = {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": coordlist} import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from descartes import PolygonPatch BLUE = '#6699cc' fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca() ax.add_patch(PolygonPatch(poly, fc=BLUE, ec=BLUE, alpha=0.5, zorder=2 )) ax.axis('scaled') But you can also use the coordinates to plot the outer ring of the polygon coords = json_data['geometry']['coordinates'] print coords [[[-84.32281494140625, 34.989503567579298], [-84.291229248046875, 35.219819407934352],....[-75.690307617187486, 35.742053830680369]]] x = [i for i,j in coords[0]] y = [j for i,j in coords[0]] ax = fig.gca() ax.plot(x,y) ax.axis('scaled')

user3378649 at Geographic Information Systems Visit the source

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The code looks good, but Your file.json file isn't JSON, it's Javascript, and that's not the same thing. There is no "features" object in the data, so data['features'] will fail even if the JSON was parsed. Once you fix the data and your access to it, you should get a plot.


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