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I need tips for surviving a really hard breakup. With children.

  • Summary: I still love my children's father. We had a lot of problems in the four years we were together, but the last year or so I truly thought everything was getting better and we were happy. Then he suddenly broke up with me. And last night, he pocket-dialed me from a new girlfriend's house where I got to hear all the gushy giggly happy voices that used to be mine, as well as some x-rated stuff I am now trying to burn out of my memory. How am I supposed to cope with this? The only way I've ever gotten over an ex is to go no-contact, and rid my home/environment/live of everything that could possibly remind me of them; but, we have two small children together. I am going to have to look at his face three times a week for the next eighteen years, let alone the daily reminder of the children themselves, and I don't know how I'm going to cope. I'm in a horrible mental place right now and have no resources. Please help me. Longer version: My children's father is 28, I'm 30. He has a history of abuse and drug use, which I didn't know about when I met him, and our first couple years together were very rough. However, we went to a couple counselors and he went to a psychiatrist, and as of early last year, he had finally got on a collection of meds (mood stabilizers and antidepressants) that seemed to be working well for him; we were communicating better, our sex life was better, and I had genuine hope for our relationship and our little growing family. He bought me an engagement ring. He was a deeply involved and loving father who put our kids to bed every night, bathed them, cooked dinner several nights a week and was at my side being wonderfully encouraging and loving throughout my labor and birth of my son last fall. Around the beginning of this year things took a massive down turn. Stress from his work, stress from a new baby, and financial problems had both of us at our worst; I was exhausted, irritable and demanding, and he started to withdraw again into computer games and secretly spending too much money on junk food and various odds and ends we couldn't afford with our strained budget. At one point he decided he "didn't need" one of his meds and quit taking it without telling me... when I found out (because he was suddenly angry and losing his temper constantly and I confronted him on it) we had a large argument, in which I told him if he couldn't keep his temper in check and resolve his issues on his own, either by taking his meds responsibly or coming up with better coping mechanisms and sticking to them, he needed to take his drama elsewhere. He packed up an overnight bag and went to his mom's house. He ended up staying there for a week. My two year old, who was a complete Daddy's girl, had 3 hour hysterical sobbing fits every night at bedtime shrieking for dada; he didn't answer his phone and didn't check in. At the end of the week, he messaged me and said he wanted to come home. I said I wanted him to, but we needed to talk first. He then lashed out passive-aggressively and said he didn't want to come home after all. He moved all his stuff out of the house to live with his mother. At one point, in May, we tried to get back together; we started going to an excellent therapist together, who challenged both of us (him on his lying, issue avoidance, and temper, me on my judgmental attitude and unwillingness to back down from an argument without reaching a complete conclusion). We went to the therapist twice, spent a wonderful intimate weekend together during which we both seemed more comfortable and open with each other than we ever had before - and then two days later, out of the blue and without warning, he announced he was done. He didn't want to go to counseling, he didn't want to talk to me, he didn't want a relationship whatsoever. He was over it. My bewildered pleas of "what the heck was last weekend? what about what we just said in counseling?!" were met with stonewalling "I don't want to talk to you" and "stop violating my boundaries of not wanting to talk to you." Ultimately he framed me as the crazy psycho ex girlfriend who won't let it go, and I was left completely stunned, unemployed in (what used to be) our mutual apartment, broke and alone with two children aged two and under. Every weekend he would take my daughter for one day - the baby he refused to see because he was still breastfeeding and he said it was "too nerve wracking" for him to visit him at my home or pick him up for just a few hours. I still have no idea what caused him to suddenly change his mind and do a 180. Perhaps he was torn between making it work and giving up, and suddenly decided that he didn't really want it. I don't know. Now. Fast forward a few months. I found a job, we went to court, he has a child support order that he resents bitterly because he thinks it too high and likes to say thinks like how I hate his guts, and am a bitter and mean hearted person who only wants to bleed him dry from spite, etc etc. Every time he says something like this it completely knocks me breathless because if there's one thing he never was, it was cruel - his temper was more along the lines of being sulky and petulant and irritable; and ever since he left, while yes - I am obviously bitter and furious and brokenhearted - I have done my God-honest best to be the "bigger person" and stay a good parent and be civil with him for the kids even when I feel like screaming and crying. I truly still love him, and I truly can't understand how after four years of my being a completely devoted, involved, affectionate girlfriend who would do anything for him and has always held myself to the highest of ethical standards, he can possibly accuse me of being a bad person. I feel like it must just be him trying to justify his decision for himself so that he feels ok with leaving... but either way, it's insanely hurtful, on top of the leaving itself. Anyway. Last night he butt-dialed (?) me apparently from a new girlfriend's house. He had told me he wasn't seeing anyone, a couple months ago when we talked about it, and that he had no intent to. I'm not sure I believed it, but the denial was a slight comfort. Now that I know without a doubt that he's dating - and sleeping with this girl - I truly feel like I'm losing my mind. I spend most of the night sobbing and dry-heaving and reeling, and yes, sending the crazy-ex-girlfriend stream of embarrassing text messages. In the cold light of morning-after-meltdown, I have a throbbing headache and feel completely numb, and my kids are with him for the weekend (the baby will be gone overnight for the first time EVER), and I am in absolutely no mental state to be sitting alone in a house - the one friend I talked to said "get some wine and watch movies" but I don't feel like any movie is appealing right now and I'm afraid wine might cause me to do something ridiculous again. So I'm turning to you guys. What do you do when you still love someone, but you need to get yourself out of it, and you can't go 100% "no contact" because they are STUCK IN YOUR LIFE pretty much forever by virtue of your mutual offspring? What are some strategies I can use to get myself through the day, to keep myself from breaking down in tears at work (my job is stressful and high pressure, no downtime) and to deal with constantly being pulled in a million directions and exhausted? What can I tell myself about the future besides "I am going to have to think about this person every day for years and years, and somehow come to terms with the fact that I will never have the happy little family life I got so attached to this past year or so"? Right now I seriously feel like burning everything in my apartment, because we picked out all the furniture and decor at thrift shops and craigslist and goodwill last summer and decorated together and it all reminds me of him. I don't want to spend the next 6 months crying like I have the last 6. I tried online dating for a couple months, and made it as far as kissing one guy before I wanted to puke because I still missed my ex. I gave up. I'm not ready. Obviously, he is. Help me out guys. Oh, and I know I should probably go to therapy, but until the support order starts actually coming through I'm really broke, and my insurance coverage doesn't start until November. So if anyone knows any low-cost or single-mom options in Phoenix, Arizona, that would be great as well.

  • Answer:

    And last night, he pocket-dialed me from a new girlfriend's house where I got to hear all the gushy giggly happy voices that used to be mine, as well as some x-rated stuff I am now trying to burn out of my memory. I would bet cash money that this was not an accidental pocket dial.

celtalitha at Ask.Metafilter.Com Visit the source

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What can I tell myself about the future besides "I am going to have to think about this person every day for years and years, and somehow come to terms with the fact that I will never have the happy little family life I got so attached to this past year or so"? One day, not super soon but not endlessly far into the future either, you're going to stop caring about him and what he does. I know that's hard to believe now, and I know that it really, REALLY hurts. I think this is one of those situations where you are just going to have to feel the pain until it ends, but it WILL end. Every chunk of time makes it better after a sudden shock - a night, a week, a month, three months, six months, a year. You JUST got that phone call last night. It is excruciatingly painful to find out someone you love is involved with someone else. It's only been one night since you found out about that. Tomorrow will be just the slightest bit better. Next week will be just the slightest bit better than that. Don't panic. You won't feel this bad forever.


First, you have a bitter ex-boyfriend who feels wronged and has developed a penchant for cruelty. And his phone just happened to pocket dial you right as he and his girlfriend were getting giggly and sexy, right? I'm sure he in no way meant for that to happen. Second, given the abrupt change in personality it is quite likely he is using and/or totally off his meds. Why do you need him to have a happy family life? Would you really want this guy to be your kids' main male influence anyway? The future you envisioned is one that never existed. Instead of regretting not having him in your life, perhaps spin it around and think about how thankful you are that you never got married and you're now free to find a good partner who gives you the respect and love you deserve.


Last thought: it might help if YOU break up with HIM in your own mind. Like instead of this position where he broke up with you and you still have these dreams of being happy together, and maybe he will change his mind if you are perfect enough, YOU end it in your own mind. You decide this is no longer something you want. Put it away and start on new hopes.


P.S. Now that this guy is out of your life, you have the option of having the perfect family with the right partner. With this guy, the perfect family was never possible. He's done you a HUGE favor by exiting the relationship. Now, your dreams can come true. Before with him in the picture? No. It was never going to happen. You are very very fortunate right now. Breathe. Breathe.


I'm really sorry too. I think you should definitely give one of the places above a call. Since I have nothing else to offer by way of help, I suggest that you just focus on the fact that it's very clear, from your writing, that despite whatever glimmers of goodness are in him he is simply not a candidate for having a long-term, stable relationship with, and the best you can hope for is probably an amicable father relationship for your kids. That is not your fault, that is all about him. You tried, and it did not work, not because of you, but because of him. You never had control over this, so don't feel like you've suddenly lost control. His problems predated you. Even if there is a new girlfriend, she is not a person to envy because she is likely in a naive and hopeful place with him, which you have good reason to expect will ultimately be disappointing. You will find a lot more happiness than this in life. Try to count yourself lucky that you had the courage to set a boundary and not let things get much,much worse for you and your kids. I'm very sorry you have someone like this to deal with, but I think that with support and counseling through one of the services above - and also for whatever you can line up for November when your insurance kicks in -you will be able to do very well. See if you can make an appointment now for November. Sometimes just knowing you have that lifeline in the future - and it's only 6 weeks or so - can really help deal with the day to day.


Counselors are great, but I think you need that plus a social worker. Someone who knows what the resources are and how to access them efficiently. In Florida we have programs that will bring social workers into homes to teach parenting skills to families with kids of all ages. They can help you address all of your questions. The key words you want (like a secret handshake) are Family Preservation. When you talk to people you want to be honest and use phrases "persistent stress" "low income" "concerned about my baby's development" "father has a history of drug and alcohol abuse" "father has a documented psychological condition and has been prescribed medication." This is not the time to downplay what is going on. If he stops taking his meds, tell people. These links won't guarantee to get your husband back involved in your kids lives at a level you are hoping for. But they will get you pointed in a direction. Some of these services may require you be referred in from CPS (I avoided giving you information about Human Resources Team, because they're for families whose kids are at imminent risk of removal from the home.) Some services may allow self referral. Call them all and find out. Some of these services will help you apply for SNAP (food stamps) benefits and other assistance. Some will provide counseling with a specific parenting focus. Some are affiliated with religious institutions but can't discriminate in who they help. http://www.azdhs.gov/phs/owch/women/healthstart.htm is for pregnant and post-partum women with a child under three. In Florida they allow self referral. Your child's pediatrician can refer you as well. Children age out of this program at 3 years. A list of http://pipertrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Maricopa-Family-Support-Agency-Description-Contact-Info-3-13-13.pdf Agencies. This list appears to have been updated in March. Some of the resources I list below may be duplicated on this PDF. This is the website for http://www.mycommunitypt.com/arizona/index.php?option=com_cpx&task=search.query&geo_county=Maricopa&code=PH-2360.2350. It has a lot of drug treatment stuff on it, don't let that discourage you. I found the http://www.mycommunitypt.com/arizona/index.php/component/cpx/?task=resource.view&id=420707&search_history_id=21742180, it is unclear whether CPS has to refer to the them. Either way, they won't care if you're not Jewish. Here's . has at least one program that might be helpful. http://azpartnershipforchildren.org/parentsAsTeachers.htm looks like Health Start but goes until 5 years old instead of three. Getting into both programs might give you some overlap, but also some additional resources. Think of the overlap as reinforcement. Because you are receiving support, it is likely that you went through the "Domestic Relations Education on Children's Issues" http://www.superiorcourt.maricopa.gov/SuperiorCourt/FamilyCourt/Services/ConciliationServices/ParentInformationProgram/index.asp already, so maybe someone there can offer you some advice or point you in the direction of additional resources. In the event that your ex ever becomes physically violent toward you or the kids, I give you this list. http://www.azdps.gov/Services/Crime_Victims/servicesByCounties/maricopa.asp Crime Victim Services. If you are in another county, you can google that plus Crime Victim Services and probably find a similar list. I've had to search for all of this information in Maricopa County before, for someone else. If you have any other questions about what might be available in Arizona, drop me a memail and I'll see what I can find.


One last thing... NEVER EVER EVER EVER WRITE ANYTHING YOU WOULD NOT WANT A JUDGE IN COURT TO READ. I'm referring to text messages and emails. But do keep in mind that your ex (and you) can use your smart phone to record every conversation. So maybe don't say anything you wouldn't want a judge to hear, too? Yes. I think it is good policy for you to be very careful from here on out. Frankly. I think your ex is manipulative and he has an agenda on some level. I think you need to depersonalize this whole situation ASAP. The sooner you are immune to his button pushing, the better for you and your children. Don't beat yourself up over your reaction last night! Just next time he pulls something, see through it and don't get upset, don't take the bait. Best to you.


Also -- somehow come to terms with the fact that I will never have the happy little family life I got so attached to this past year or so"? It sounds like a portion of what you are grieving is not HIM but having a happy stable family life. Like not only is he gone but the chance of you having that is up in smoke. I think once you get your feet under you more, and you slowly build that for yourself, you won't need to grieve that anymore because you will have it. That will take away part of your burden. To be perfectly honest, he doesn't sound like he had that in him to give, anyway. He was able to keep it up for, what, less than a year? It's easy to build a lot of hope on potential and hard to give up on hope when it feels like a lot was riding on it. It's hard but you can replace it gradually with other things. About the furnishings, if there's anything you don't need-need - like decorations, knick-knacks, etc, I'd say go ahead and get rid of it.


Block them both on FB. Give yourself time and space to grieve without fresh new wounds. Remember you can always unblock later, if that helps make the decision to block them now. They won't get any notification that you've blocked them; they won't see you any more, so may guess at it, but right now it's your emotional health that matters. It will also be a bonus since they wouldn't be able to use anything gleaned from FB against you in court. Take care, and see if you can make that therapy appointment in November. Ask if you can negotiate rates, you don't need to qualify for public assistance to ask.


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