How to stay positive in dating despite MANY confusing rejections?
It seems like there might be something wrong with me that has led guys to reject me, a hetero female, a dismal number of times over the past year or so. But I'm getting discouraged because I can't seem to figure out what it is. Feeling sad, lonely, weird. My friends don't seem to know the cause of all the rejections either. I'm pretty young, in good shape, think that I am good looking. I think that I'm an intelligent person, a good listener, and can have conversations about a wide range of topics. I'm upbeat, athletic, have a lot of interests and hobbies, good friends, and still have enough free time for someone in my life. I don't think I have bad breath... Here's a peek into what my dating life has been like for over a year. These guys most ranged from late 20s to early 30s with a couple minor outliers, and I fall in that age range too: 1. Dumped by my serious long-term boyfriend. Very upsetting blow. But I felt like at least I understood it - we were not sexually compatible and neither of us was sexually satisfied. After a few months, I had about 3 OKCupid 1st dates where neither of us called the other again. I felt that was pretty normal though. 2. A very good guy friend of mine started flirting with me. Then one night he kissed me. I was kind of surprised but totally into it! That same night, he told me we should probably not have sex because he didn't want anything serious with me. We are still good friends. That was really confusing... 3. Pretty much, a friend I'd know about a month pursued me hard and asked me out. I agreed and we started dating. As I got to know him more I liked him a lot and developed strong physical attraction to him, and thought we had great sex. He acted like he was crazy about me, but after about a month, he suddenly dumped me and refused to even talk to me anymore. He started dating an acquaintance of mine almost right away and has been with her ever since. She's pregnant now and they're moving to another country together next month. 4. Several months later. The new roommate of one of my good friends pursued me really hard, after a night where we hooked up. I was just lonely and wanted some physical affection, wasn't expecting anything to come of it. He texted and emailed me a lot, told me he just didn't want me to forget he existed, came up with complicated reasons to come to my city. Drove hours to see me on last minute notice. He was open about sleeping with other people since we weren't in a relationship, so I asked him to get an STD test before we got physical again because of some pretty risky behavior. For that and a few other random reasons it took a couple visits before we got really physical again, but when we did have sex it was fantastic for me. It's hard for me to think of better sex. As I got to know him more I found that I liked his personality more and more and thought he had a lot of great qualities, and we dated about two months until I felt him withdrawing. I asked him about it and he finally told me after some prodding that he didn't see us "on the path to a serious relationship." But he was open to continue having sex, or to just be friends. I said no to the no-strings sex. But we are still friendly, chat online occasionally... I know that in the past he had several relationships that lasted a few years each. 5. A couple months later, at an event, I met a guy who I was instantly very attracted to. He was clearly very attracted to me too. We went out and he started talking about his passions and things he would love to do with me in the future. All of them were things I do NOT relate to at all and do not enjoy. A lot of the activities he loves the most are activities I fear and dread the most. I decided not to keep dating him even though I was really into him, because I thought he would just reject me in the end for not being "that girl" who shares his passions. We did have sex and it was not good. He liked it because I went along with what he wanted even though I conveyed it was not my preference. It seemed pretty clear that he would have lost interest if I kept sleeping with him, but started declining to do the things he wanted in bed that I wasn't really into. 6. I went back on OKCupid. A guy contacted me with a very sweet message and I replied. He wrote me many more sweet messages and started talking almost immediately about how I was his dream girl and I was the one he had been looking for. We met and I was attracted to him, I thought we had physical chemistry. He started calling me honey and sweetheart very early on, wanted to text all day every day, more than I had time to, wanted to see me more than I could see him, even when I was sick, brought up moving in together. After a month, he suddenly said he thought he could handle a relationship but he could not and he didn't even want to be friends. I was shocked and tried to reach out and contacted him a few times. He wrote me back a very harsh message saying "Do not email, text or call, I'm not interested." That hurt a lot. 7. Another guy on a dating site wrote me a very nice message and I replied. He wrote to me again and I took a while to reply, so he followed up a second time. In his pictures he was not exactly my type but he seemed to have a great personality. We met up and had a great dinner and I thought he was really cute in person. He texted me the next day saying, "I have to be upfront, I don't think we have romantic chemistry." That was really surprising and it hurt. In his profile he wrote that if he messages you and you are not interested, he would be curious to know why. So I felt comfortable asking him what it was about me. I told him he could be honest and I would not be offended, but I'd be interested to know in case it was something I could change to have better results in the future. He wrote back and said it was just physical, that I was beautiful but not his type. I accepted that. I was still a bit confused, since I have MANY photos of myself on the dating site, it's clear what I look like and what "type" I am physically. I have no idea what's going wrong, but it's really discouraging to me. Especially when the guy seems really attracted or really interested in conversation with me at first, and then I just feel his interest seeping away. Does it seem normal to you folks that I am getting rejected this much, so early on, after a couple days, weeks or months? How can I keep trying despite getting rejected like this over and over? I was pretty chipper up until this last one but just the amount of rejections is starting to get to me. I get new messages on OkCupid, from people I'd be interested in dating, but I'm starting to feel like if I meet them they will just end up rejected me again to, and then I'll be even more discouraged.
...It's only been like this for you for a year? That's NOTHING. But it sounds like part of your problem with seeing these as "rejections" is that - you trust the guys who have the instantaneous-chemistry-omg thing too much. (I used to, too.) Because most of these sound like guys who just either wanted to get laid, or didn't know what they wanted: 2. the guy friend who kissed you and came on to you, but then said "I don't think we should have sex"? That's not "confusing". What happened was - he considered you as an option, and decided it wouldn't work. He just made a point of actually kissing you and seeing what that was like in the range of data he was using to make up his mind. 3. That guy just didn't know what he wanted and was flailing around all, "hmm, maybe you! No, that didn't work - maybe HER! No that didn't work, shit...oh, maybe HER!" 4. You say that YOU were just lonely and wanted some physical affection - that's what his situation was too. 5. It sounds like you were wanting to reject this guy but didn't; which is especially confusing since he was telling you he wanted to do things to you that you were AFRAID of. why are you including this in your question, since it sounded like you rejected him? (I'll come back to this guy in a minute.) 6. ...The guy said you were his "dream girl" based only writing a couple messages to you on OKCupid. It is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE for a guy to know that so soon. He may have happy excited thoughts about how maybe it is possible, but for him to believe those thoughts so strongly that he is articulating them TO you, it only means that either he is trying to pull one over on you, or he is the kind of person who gets really instantly-bonded in a super-creepy way. 7. Photos and text on a dating site do not convey the same information you get when you meet and talk to someone face-to-face. They don't carry the weird x-factor that you get from the chemistry when you're spending time in someone's actual presence. Whatever your photos and conversations may have had with this guy, the x-factor wasn't there for him. A lot of these times, it sounds like you're trusting that some of the things those guys were saying early-on were deeply-felt confessions and unshaken truth - when they were probably more like random lust-addled things that they blurted out off the cuff. It's possible you're more prone to taking them seriously because they were similar to the kinds of things your boyfriend was genuinely saying to you and you miss that - but these are guys who just met you. Try putting a reality check on yourself that you can't take these guys seriously when they've only just met you. As for Guy 5 - This is a bit of a different situation that isn't what you asked about, that worries me. You sound like you weren't really into this guy all along, but you only went with him out of a need for physical contact, even to the point of being willing to do physical things that you weren't into. It's okay to only sleep with a guy for the physical-contact side of things, but don't give up your own preferences just to get him. That ends up with you feeling oogy about it sooner or later. But at the heart of all of this - being willing to sacrifice your own comfort just to keep a guy sleeping with you, and being willing to trust some guys right off the bat - I sense that you still may just have a lot of healing to do after being broken up with, to the point that maybe dating people at all may not be such a great idea for you right now. Your perspective on whether to trust these guys, or whether sex is worth doing something that you actively dislike, may be a bit clouded right now because of your breakup - it may be time to get off OKCupid altogether for a while until your perspective clears a bit. Then you can get back out there better able to spot the "'re calling me your 'dream girl' after 2 emails? Yeah, right, whatever" moments easier. Good luck.
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Advice I have seen on here which I wish I had when I was dating. Stop worrying so much if they like you. What you should be asking yourself is if you like them. Seems like in most cases you had a gut feeling something was not right. Listen to that? Easier said than done I know. I really do not think that you are sending out any "vibe" that is getting you into these relationships, other than bad luck and maybe being, like a lot of us, not socialised to put your own emotions first.
That sounds like a fairly ordinary number of "rejections". You seem really focused on being "rejected" and how it happens. That you can make a list enumerating all of these times that includes 4 first dates from OkCupid, and a friend who kissed you and decided not to take things further, makes it seem like you are carefully tracking all this. Reframe this as having gone on a few first dates with people you weren't compatible with, and getting to know a few people better. There isn't going to be some sort of overlying reason why behind it all, and looking for one will only put you in a bad frame of mind for going on first dates. Does it seem normal to you folks that I am getting rejected this much, so early on, after a couple days, weeks or months? You've dated nine people in the past year or so, and four of those were first time meetings that didn't have mutual chemistry for whatever reason. That doesn't seem like many rejections actually. It's good that you or the other person was able to figure out quickly that there wasn't interest in a relationship. I've heard of people who have a rule to go on three dates with someone before deciding if they want to continue dating, and that sounds like a good way to have one meh date and two horrible dates. started talking almost immediately about how I was his dream girl Anyone who says this before you've met in person has fallen for what they imagine you to be rather than what you are. Anyone who wants to move in after less than a month either has put you on a pedestal, or desperately needs a place to live. That wasn't someone who wanted to get to know you, they wanted you to be the person they imagined in their dreams, and real flesh humans inevitably fall short. Someone who thinks you are their dream girl before you meet in person is absolutely right about not being able to handle a relationship. I count 9 dates since your breakup. It can take some time to meet someone you'd want to be in a longer relationship with, who is mature and compatible with you. You are way to invested in not being "rejected" if you feel dejected that someone you've never met before won't want to go on a second date. You need to get over this fear of being rejected. The easiest and quickest way to do this will be to go on far more first dates. Aim for a minimum of one a week. Browse for people you'd be interested in, and send out 6 or 8 messages a week -- don't keep close track of when you send them and if you've heard back. Go on dates. Focus on whether this is someone you want to see again.
I'm not quite sure how to put this, but the way your question is written is sort of ... passive? You seem willing to date or sleep with anyone that pursues you, even when you have reservations about them. And then they "reject you". I can't quite put my finger on it, but I get the feeling you don't really know what you want in a partner. That's okay, it's not a fault- however, I suggest you recast your dating experiences as "figuring out what I want" rather than "being rejected". Going on a few dates is a good way for people to figure out if they are compatible, and it's far better that people are being upfront, rather than stringing you along. I think you need to be in less of a hurry to be in a relationship with someone. I know it can be hard when you are lonely, but if you can do things to not be lonely that don't involve dating people, you're going to be in a stronger and more clear-headed place to date.
It sounds like these guys are picking up on a sexual vibe you may be unintentionally sending out. There seems to be a thread of FWB/casual openness that they're looking for and maybe you're reading sexy flirting as romantic interest. So when you decide to go out with them (and you describe a recurring "chase" before the first date too - you resist/they pursue/you relent) you think you're on the same page because the beginning of a casual relationship looks the same as the beginning of a romantic one. So you're surprised when the romance doesn't transpire, or they pull back when they realize that's what you want. It sounds like it's a miscommunication early on, I'd reexamine how I respond to flirting to see if maybe you're inadvertently agreeing to a different kind of relationship than you're looking for.
And no, it does not sound out of the ordinary range of rejections for online dating. I have unwritten internet novels about the unsuitable dates I went on. Online dating is weird. Happily married, to the 35th internet date, if it matters.
There are lots of awesome people who spend many years of their lives single, just because them's the odds sometimes. If you're an awesome person who is actively dating, and you're still single, that, by definition, means that none of your dates are turning into long-term relationships. And that means that one or both of you are deciding not to continue dating one another. Again, that's just what it means to be single. What you've described is 100% normal. The only difference between your situation and the situation of every other awesome person in the world who is actively dating is that you're interpreting your situation as constant rejection. And based on the facts you've given us, that's just empirically not what's happening. Sometimes, you're deciding not to go on second dates (#1, your follow up comment), and sometimes they are (#1, #7). Sometimes, you're flirting with someone and it doesn't work out (#2, #3). Sometimes, people have their own issues that cause them to act crazy and sort of mean (#5, #6). And yes, sometimes you get a crush on someone, and then it turns out that they don't feel the same way about you (#3, #4). And I'd bet that if you could somehow get inside the heads of everyone you know, you'd discover that there are people out there who had crushes on you and thought you were flirting with them and then they discovered that you didn't actually like them that way. I think you need to give some serious thought to why you're construing everything in your dating life in a way that makes it your fault, or makes it a rejection of you. Because based on the facts you've provided, that's not actually what's happening. And while I get that dating can sometimes be frustrating and sometimes demoralizing and sometimes not fun at all, it's also sometimes awesome and sometimes it turns into something good. And that's why we do it. But if it's not sometimes awesome and good for you, maybe you should stop doing it for a while until you're in a place where you can feel good about it.
I didn't reject anyone after going out with them or getting physical ...and then you discuss 2 people you rejected. Also, you didn't call back the first 3 OKcupid dates you mentioned, and you also said I said no to the no-strings sex. That's 6 people whose perspective might be that YOU rejected THEM.
A lot of good advice here, especially from EmpressCallipygos, decathecting and whimsicalnymph. I think you need to start listening more to yourself and how YOU feel and what you actually want and think about the actual man you are interacting with, outside of your desire to be with a man and have a boyfriend. I'm responding particularly to #5 - your description of what happened makes it sound like he was someone you may have been attracted to but were actually completely incompatible with. Even though he was wanting you to do things you dread, and the sex you had was awful because he insisted you do things you expressly told him you didn't want to, you framed it as: he will reject me when I refuse to do things I hate, NOT I should reject him because he wants me to do things I don't want to do and does not listen to or respect my feelings or wishes, which made the sex awful. That man was not a catch, and you were right to break it off, NOT because he might someday reject you when you ceased to cater to his desires or he discovered that you did not share his interests, but because you did not find him sufficiently compatible and exciting for yourself. It took me awhile to figure this out, through a lot of bad dates and confusing responses and what felt like a lot of rejection, but finally I realized that I needed to worry less about whether I was pleasing the guy I was with, and more about whether he was pleasing me; less about whether I was interesting enough for him, more whether he was interesting enough for me. I've been on a lot of dates where afterwards I was trying to analyze whether he was into me or not, wondering if he would call, and then realizing that even though he was handsome or I admired things about him, I'd actually found him boring or self-absorbed. I'd been trying so hard to make him excited about me that I wasn't paying any attention to what I was feeling. The yearning to meet someone, and the desire to make a good impression, especially when there is an attraction, can make us really blind to the actual interaction that is taking place. Think about what you are looking for in a partner. Be selective. I would also suggest approaching a relationship, especially with anyone off OKC, much more slowly. Although you can tell from a first meeting whether it's worth having a second, you really know almost nothing about this person. And they know almost nothing about you - be very wary of people like #6 (or #3) who come on super strong like that because it's too early for that to be based on a true knowledge of who you are. Let them prove themselves worthy of your interest and your time, and know that finding someone you truly get along with and can be partners with is a special thing. Sometimes it's easy, usually it takes a lot of looking. It sounds like you've been having a lot of success meeting people to date, which is great, but perhaps you should look at the first few dates as being more explorations of where you might be interested to go with this person (including: nowhere, friendship, one night stand, strictly casual dating, dating that might lead to something more serious...) rather than necessarily the start of a new romance. This can be hard to do, but lowering the stakes on these interactions will make it feel less like rejection if things don't work out, as they so often don't.
This sounds pretty standard, especially considering a good bit of the rejections are from people you meet online. I think online dating is a lot like shopping for clothes at target. There's a lot of options that are cheap and low-risk to buy. You don't have to really deliberate too hard about whether or not to get that $10 dress or $5 dollar shirt, because even though you like it, wearing it only once or twice gives you the return on its value and you can always go back and buy something new at any time. I think this is how it is dating online. It's very little effort and low-risk and you can like someone but you could easily just return and start again and that's appealing to a lot of people. I myself find that if I'm just 'not feeling it' after a few dates then I'm going to move on. It's rarely because of some fatal flaw of theirs. It sounds like these guys are actually doing you a favor by not leading you on or just using you for sex. They are ending things when they have decided they aren't interested in the long-term. That's a good thing! Just keep trying. I think there's a lot of truth to the numbers game thing.
greta simone
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