How can I support my husband while he sets boundaries with his family?
How do I best support my partner when he sets boundaries with his passive-aggressive family, particularly when the boundaries are about how they've been treating me? Wall of text, with bonus holiday drama, inside! My husband and I are both in our late twenties, and we've been married for five years and together for almost ten. We are foster parents of a twelve-month-old and I'm four months pregnant. HISTORY. My husband and I are both middle children, raised in Catholic families, and we've both had guilt used against us to get us to comply. My relationship with my parents is very healthy now. My husband's family, on the other hand, still expects him to be "the good one" and capitulate to make it easier on everyone else. Now that we have a family of our own, we've been setting boundaries and are in that very difficult time where his family is pushing back. They've been pushing back at me, never at him, and it's when he's not around and with subtle digs or comments. The boundaries boil down to us choosing to spend our time in the way that works best for us. His family has never been tightly scheduled, but we're insisting that we will arrive at X time, stay for Y amount of time, and leave by Z time. This is seen as rude and pushy and is blamed on me. My husband's parents live five minutes from us, and his mom's a heavy smoker who smokes indoors. When our foster daughter arrived last January, we went from going there for dinner almost every week to deciding that it was not healthy for the baby to be in that house, so now we only go there on holidays. The few times we've seen them in neutral places, like a restaurant for dinner, his mom has spoken directly to me about how she wishes they could see us more. When my husband steps in and reminds her that the smoke is unhealthy for us and the baby, so WE'VE decided not to come to their house much, she gets very defensive and starts listing other places we've been in our lives that allow or have allowed smoking. Any time we've seen her since our decision not to go to their house has been at our instigation. This is very hard on my husband, who used to be very close with his mom. My husband has two sisters, both of whom live at least four hours away. We have only seen them at holidays for years, and there have been comments for years about my husband and me choosing to leave "early" when, in their opinion, the party's not over yet. My husband's older sister has been the topic of several never-posted AskMe questions: she is very dramatic and is very immature; she finds it funny to do things like stand directly in your way when you're carrying something "just to mess with you". She likes to acknowledge boundaries in an exaggerated way, in a way that suggests she thinks I'm being ridiculous. (Example: she LOVES Facebook, and our county's regulations prohibit pictures of foster kids being shared on social media. I reminded her of this twice when we first got the kid, and now any time she takes a picture of the baby she turns to me and says, "I KNOW, no Facebook. I know." I haven't mentioned that rule in about eight months.) His younger sister is much easier for me to deal with, as she has grown up quite a bit in the last few years. She used to be the source of a lot of conflict but about a year and a half ago, due to a chronic health condition, she spent several days alone in the hospital in her new city and I sent her a care package and texted her a lot to help keep her spirits up, and her attitude towards me seems to have really turned around. I do not think she sticks up for me to her mom and sister, but she treats me with respect most of the time. However, this sister's fiance and last boyfriend were both allergic to cats (the parents have two) and smoke, but the sister insists they stay with the parents when they come into town, putting her mom's feelings above the boyfriends' health and misery. CURRENT DRAMA. The past year, since we've stuck to the boundaries we've set, has involved WAY more comments and digs than ever before. This all came to a head yesterday, when we were over for Christmas. My husband told his mom that to get the baby in bed on time, we'd be out the door by six at the latest. At 5:50, we started packing up, and the older sister decided it was a good time to have a toast for the recently engaged younger sister and her fiance, and she pressured me to stay "for an extra minute." His older sister was having a blast being mysterious about what she was up to, even though I had overheard her talking to her mom an hour before about doing the toast, so she didn't give any explanation about why she wanted us to stay. I told her that we'd stay if it really was only a minute, and my husband's mom, without turning to look at me, sighed deeply and said, "SeedStitch, please give a little." It was very clear from her tone that she thought I was being totally out of line. My husband saw the exchange and saw my face but didn't hear what was said, so he came over to put his arm around me and we continued packing up. We did the very rushed toast and then left. I explained what had happened, with plenty of tears (thanks, hormones!). After we got home, my husband sat down and composed a letter to his mom and both sisters and had me read it. It was very firm, and we worked together to make sure it accurately represented how his mom and sisters, in the past year especially, have seemed to get the idea that I am the reason behind our choices as a family. He explained that any decision we make is fully made by both of us and that it is unfair for his family to act as if I am pulling him away in any form. While we love his family very much, we will continue to make choices, as a team, in the best interest of our family. He sent the email through Facebook, which he knows they all check frequently. We have gotten no response from his mom or sisters. At his best guess, they're all sitting around talking about what they could have possibly done to provoke this and how my hormones are making me crazy and how could I possibly think they don't like me and wasn't that totally uncalled for and why did he have to ruin Christmas, first by leaving so early and then with that totally awful email. We will be seeing his mother and sisters at his younger sister's wedding on New Year's Eve. (She has been engaged for less than a month; we have been enthusiastic and supportive, and I offered to do any paperwork stuff that needed to be done before they got into town.) We have a plan if the older sister tries to corner me and cry about how I could possibly have thought those things about her; I expect the mother and younger sister to be distant but not downright unpleasant. My husband and I will be side by side for as much of the event as we can, to prevent any triangulation attempts. ACTUAL QUESTION. So. My husband is struggling a lot with guilt and apprehension about this. He sent the email to make things better for me, and I appreciate that. Besides talking to him about how much it meant to me (which I've done and continue to do) and continuing to remind myself and him that what he did was healthy and reasonable and that their responses are not our responsibility, how can I support my husband here? He is very hard on himself and will feel shitty about this for days, and I'm certain the younger sister's wedding will involve more push-back. What can I do to make it easier for him, however slightly?
In general when I know I have to leave someplace early, I prepare for even earlier than that, since I know not everyone is so scheduled. So if you want to leave at 6 on the dot, I would recommend telling people you have to leave at 5:30, and allow for some time to say goodbye. Also, it sounds like you told your husband's mother, not his sister, that you had to leave at 6, so I'm not sure how his sister did anything wrong this time. It was good of your husband to be supportive of you! To support him, if I were you, I'd make a conscious effort to be polite and unhurried at his younger sister's wedding.
SeedStitch at Ask.Metafilter.Com Visit the source
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I mean this as nicely as humanly possible - you are being very rigid. You wanted everyone out the door by 6:45 and they left half an hour later - jeez, for most people that turns into 2 hours, not half an hour. You're entitled to stand your ground, but really, pick your battles. The smoke thing is a battle worth fighting, the Facebook thing is also one - when you or they leave is not so much a big deal (and you and your children will cope; in life, shit happens that you can't control). Flip it around - they want to see you and spend time with you and you're saying, frak off, we've got more important stuff to do - we'll give you x amount of time but that's it. The older sister being immature has really nothing to do with you - she's probably like that with everyone. What can I do to make it easier for him, however slightly? Relax the rules a little. Give a little to his family. Just a little. Stand your ground on major issues (MIL, you have to go outside to smoke or we won't come over), but let go of the smaller ones like needing to leave at a precise, exact time.
I dunno, Seedstitch. Please don't take this the wrong way, but I think you're the one being incredibly rude. Your husband is uncomfortable because he is being put in a position where he has to write long drama-filled Facebook messages to his family, where a sweet gesture like a Christmas toast to AN ENGAGEMENT for a wedding in less than a week is being cut short, and where when you leave at 7:15 instead of 6:45, you pitch a fit. I really, really think you need to let this go. Go when you need to, but allow 30 minutes leeway on either side. If you need to leave at 6, tell them you need to leave at 5:30, and be mentally prepared to leave at 6:30. Stop sending long messages about your boundaries and blah blah. All of these people love each other, want to see each other, and care about you and your husband. Don't let the little things get in the way of that. /opinionated rant
I think a lot of the responses here take into account of the posters' own family histories or a lack of experience with anyone passive aggressive, and those are being taken with plenty of salt. This people-who-criticize-me-must-have-their-own-personal-problems attitude you have adopted will not help your husband handle his family and certainly will not help you handle his family. One way of being supportive to your husband is to relax about minor variances in your schedule. You mention that one of the things that led to your husband writing his family the Facebook message is your reaction to your MIL and seeing your face. I understand that you are seeking advice as to how to help your husband through these problems, but your question is really inextricable from the fact that your responses to these family issues impact how your husband feels about his family.
His family has never been tightly scheduled, but we're insisting that we will arrive at X time, stay for Y amount of time, and leave by Z time. This is seen as rude and pushy and is blamed on me. I can see how this approach could come across as rude. Maybe arrival and departure times give you some sense of control but I think you feel out of control here. This seems like classic MIL, daughter-in-law weirdness. This is most likely about jealousy, control, and insecurity. Reading between the lines, it seems like maybe you are whipping yourself into a frenzy over perceived or very minor slights. You're trying to control too much. You probably have some anxiety that has nothing to do with your in-laws. You're feeling very insecure for whatever reason. I think you might be on high alert to find any evidence that these people are against you: His older sister was having a blast being mysterious about what she was up to, even though I had overheard her talking to her mom an hour before about doing the toast, so she didn't give any explanation about why she wanted us to stay. I told her that we'd stay if it really was only a minute, and my husband's mom, without turning to look at me, sighed deeply and said, "SeedStitch, please give a little." It was very clear from her tone that she thought I was being totally out of line. Maybe the sister wan't being mysterious. Maybe you have no idea what she was thinking or doing. Maybe, probably, there is no conspiracy. The MIL should have held her tongue but maybe you do need to give a little. Relax a bit. If the kid isn't screaming, why not stay for the toast? Stay for the toast, be gracious, and say your goodbyes without giving them a time limit? There is a much easier, and loving, way to go about things. I would advise to give your in-laws the benefit of the doubt. Approach them with as much love as possible and take it easy and try to go with the flow. I understand that the smoke is a dealbreaker. (Does MIL smoke outdoors?) As for the rest of the stuff, why not come to terms that some events (like Thanksgiving) are going to be longer days? The fact that they stayed until 11 had probably everything to do with having fun and enjoying family than trying to overstep your boundaries or trying to control you. In the future, I would never, NEVER, send a Facebook message or email about this sort of thing. What's done is done. Maybe the Facebook message will help you in some way but these kinds of things rarely do. They probably had no idea you were so upset. Your MIL's sins are smoking and wanting to spend time with her family. I would caution you to stop trying to look too much into things (Catholic guilt, "the good son" etc.) and stop trying to control every encounter. Stop viewing them as the enemy. You are a grown woman and can leave whenever you want and accept or decline any invitation that comes your way. You don't have to feel controlled if you don't want to. I would suggest on working on your own anxieties and vent about your in-laws to your friends and leave your husband out of this kind of stuff. Your husband sounds like a lovely person, who completely has your back, but this is the kind of stuff that can destroy a marriage. It is in your best interest (and your unborn child, and your foster child) to stop complaining about your in-laws to your husband. They sound like good people with normal flaws. When you complain about them to your husband it stresses him out, makes you look petty and immature, and weakens your relationship. He wants you to be happy because he loves you. He loves his family, too and wants y'all to get along. This is a perfect time to understand your issues surrounding his family, your issues of jealousy, insecurity, and control. You're going to have a long life with these people. It's best for you to get a handle on it now before your baby is born. I know it's not easy. When we get married we think we are going to be in our own little worlds and our parents won't have much influence over our lives. They are a part of your life, they are your family, and you'll have a much happier life if you can calm down and get along. Good luck.
I'm of the opinion that you do what you want to do, and fuck them if they can't take a joke. Who CARES if his family is pissed off and blames you? You're still getting your way and they can think what they want to think. You can't have it both ways. You can't set boundaries for a very intrusive family, AND expect them to like it. Your husband's guilt isn't your responsibility. He'll learn to deal with it. He's still new at this. If you live close by, why not drive two cars to his Mom's. You leave with the kids, and he can stay and please them with his presence if that's an issue. So they huff and roll their eyes. Make a joke of it. "I know, it seems weird to you, but if I don't keep to my schedule, this shit unravels faster than a Wal-Mart Sweater." Then do what you want to do. I think the email was a mistake. There's no reason for it. So your feelings got hurt. Why not address it at the time? MIL: "Just give a little" You: "That's how they get you. Give 'em an inch and they take a mile" Flash shit-eating grin. Be yourself. If you and your husband are happy in the way that you've decided to run your family, then that's how it is. His family can all go jump in a lake. Be assertive, be a bit of an asshole if you want. It feels good sometimes. When your SIL stands in front of you to mess with you, dump the soup down her pants. As for your SIL and her fiance and the cats. That's on them. Not your problem. Now, let's talk about flexibility. Sweetie, I think you'll feel a lot better about things if you're flexible. Stay an extra 15 minutes, hell, plan for that. Don't let your family know that you're arriving at X, staying for Y hours and leaving at Z. Just show up and leave. You're not the president, you don't need a minute-by-minute secret service schedule. If you need to bug out and everyone makes complaining noises, just say, "I wish we could, but BabySeedStich will be howling all night if we don't get her to bed." If you can be a hair more flexible, it will be much easier for everyone when it really is important for you go pack up and ease on down the road.
Ruthless Bunny
This seems like you and your husband are looking for support or validation that these people don't want to give. Stop seeking their support or approval (and co-operation!) and the problem dies from lack of fuel. Stop taking the bait each time they chum the waters. Do what you want to do, but drop the guilt, drama, and self-importance. Who cares if anyone makes snide comments or tries to make stuff inconvenient? Ignore them and proceed with whatever you and husband are doing. The letter you sent over FB was ill-conceived, a drama bomb. Your husband and you owe his engaged sister and his entire family who received that FB communication a huge apology. Shit timing on your parts. I hope you can smooth this over before the wedding.
From dinner almost every week to holidays only is a big switch. You have the right to do whatever you want, especially regarding health concerns, but I am not surprised that they are acting (for want of a better word) huffy. Holidays firm time limits on those occasions when you do come around...would put a bad taste a lot of people's mouths, rightly or wrongly. I second the restaurant idea. But for some families this just isn't the same. It sounds like to them you've become That Person, the First Baby Oh NO We Couldn't Possibly person. Now, in reality, you may be the most mellow person in the whole world, except for these few things. But to THEM you may be That Person. Do you want to be? Is it worth it?
What can I do to make it easier for him, however slightly? Besides stopping complaining about them and creating drama where there is none? I would call the family member who you feel most comfortable with and discuss it and apologize for the letter. And stop trying to convince him that this is in this best interest of your family and what you did was "reasonable and healthy". I'm not sure it is healthy at all. These people are family. Their feelings do matter.
Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Why must more be done? You're fine. Keep doing what you're doing. But, also, no more letters and formal ultimatums. Remember, everyone is responsible for their own relationships. If they don't think their eye-rolling and harrumphing will affect the relationship that they have with you then they are just plain wrong and will need to live with things being frosty. Also, acknowledge that people don't change easily or quickly. You two are changing, not them. It's sad that they're not making a better effort to roll with it but I think you're taking things way too personally. I think you should have responded to the "no Facebook" thing with a big, exaggerated smile and said, "that's right! Thank you for remembering." And then turn away. They don't like that brother is suddenly all special with kids and a wife and special accommodations. Well, tough titty. Y'all need to rise above it. Let some of this shit roll and start turning some of your closer friends into supportive family. Short answer: stop engaging.
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