What are the most useful data mining / analysis / science tools?
I saw a video recently of Hilary Mason, Chief Scientist at Bitly, talking about tools they use on her team. She mentioned that they use a lot of Python, i.e. NumPy, SciPy, Scikit-learn, as well as Hadoop HDFS, Redis, D3.js.. What tools do you find most useful? Does anyone use Gephi, Panda, the Julia Language, Tableau Public? Do you use R, Matlab, or Octave? What about Python, what other Python tools are there? Is MongoDB useful, or other forms of NoSQL? Please list the tools and what you use them for. Thank you.
Still waiting on the "big data stack" to really flesh out - at Recorded Future we have a pretty mixed bag of tools. For data collection (a big part of our business) our pipeline is written primarily in Java/Scala/Python and data is stored with a number of backends (MongoDB and MySQL - and more recently Dynamo), with RabbitMQ controlling messaging. We index with Sphinx and are getting going with ElasticSearch/Lucene. For analysis, we're mostly an R shop, and use Hadoop (with java/python/R) as necessary to do large scale data filtering, aggregation and clustering. Day to day, I make heavy use of Python, R, and good old UNIX to get my data into shape and do modeling and exploratory data analysis. Spotfire is also a popular tool here for data visualization and analysis - though we've also baked interactive D3 visualizations into our product. I rarely go a day without producing a ggplot2 plot. Once we put our models into production, those generally run in Java or Python on realtime data. To Sean's point - I don't think that "data science" == "machine learning" - while ML techniques should be in a data scientist's toolbox, I think there are a lot of basic descriptive statistics, traditional statistical modeling, data manipulation, and data visualization techniques that should be in there, too.
Evan Sparks at Quora Visit the source
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We maintain a github repo with lots of resources and links to people about datascience. You can follow further updates from: https://bitly.com/awesomedatascience Awesome Data Science An open source Data Science repository to learn and apply towards solving real world problems. 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Just follow the steps to answer the questions, "What is Data Science and what should I study to learn Data Science?" First of all, Data Science is one of the hottest topics on the Computer and Internet farmland nowadays. People have gathered data from applications and systems until today and now is the time to analyze them. The next steps are producing suggestions from the data and creating predictions about the future. you can find the biggest question for Data Science and hundreds of answers from experts. Our favorite data scientist is https://twitter.com/clarecorthell. She is an expert in data-related systems and a hacker, and has been working on a company as a data scientist. http://datasciencemasters.org/. This web site helps you to understand the exact way to study as a professional data scientist. Secondly, Our favorite programming language is Python nowadays for #DataScience. Python's -http://pandas.pydata.org/ library has full functionality for collecting and analyzing data. We use https://store.continuum.io/cshop/anaconda/ to play with data and to create applications. This is the https://github.com/okulbilisim/awesome-datascience/blob/master/DataScience-Life-Cycle.md to begin a Data Science project. InfographicPreviewDescriptionA visual guide to Becoming a Data Scientist in 8 Steps by https://www.datacamp.com/http://i.imgur.com/AfFMkHe.jpgMindmap on required skills (http://i.imgur.com/FxsL3b8.png)Swami Chandrasekaran made a http://nirvacana.com/thoughts/becoming-a-data-scientist/.by https://twitter.com/kzawadz via https://twitter.com/MktngDistillery/status/538671811991715840, http://www.marketingdistillery.com/2014/11/29/is-data-science-a-buzzword-modern-data-scientist-defined/What is Data Science? https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/what-is-data-science http://hbr.org/2012/10/data-scientist-the-sexiest-job-of-the-21st-century/ar/1 http://www.datascientists.net/what-is-data-science http://www.becomingadatascientist.com/2014/02/14/what-is-a-data-scientist/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_science http://www.forbes.com/sites/gilpress/2013/05/28/a-very-short-history-of-data-science/ https://ischool.syr.edu/media/documents/2012/3/DataScienceBook1_1.pdf. COLLEGES https://github.com/ryanswanstrom/awesome-datascience-colleges https://github.com/okulbilisim/awesome-datascience/blob/master/datascience.berkeley.edu https://dsi.virginia.edu/ http://datasciencedegree.wisconsin.edu/ MOOC's https://datasense.withgoogle.com/course https://www.coursera.org/course/datasci https://www.coursera.org/specialization/jhudatascience/1?utm_medium=listingPage https://www.coursera.org/specialization/datamining http://cs109.org/ http://schoolofdata.org/ http://www.openintro.org/ http://datascience.sg/categories/MOOC/ http://www.cs171.org/#!index.md https://www.coursera.org/course/procmin http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/projects/DeepLearn/ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE6Wd9FR--EfW8dtjAuPoTuPcqmOV53Fu http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/activities/machinelearning/ http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~nando/540-2013/lectures.html https://github.com/DataScienceSpecialization/courses Data Sets http://academictorrents.com/ http://hadoopilluminated.com/hadoop_illuminated/Public_Bigdata_Sets.html http://catalog.data.gov/dataset - The home of the U.S. Government's open data http://www.census.gov/ https://www.freebase.com/ http://usgovxml.com/ http://enigma.io/ - Navigate the world of public data - Quickly search and analyze billions of public records published by governments, companies and organizations. http://datahub.io/ http://aws.amazon.com/datasets http://databib.org/ http://www.datacite.org/ https://www.quandl.com/ - Get the data you need in the form you want; instant download, API or direct to your app. http://figshare.com/ http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/legacy/geolite/ http://hadoopilluminated.com/hadoop_illuminated/Public_Bigdata_Sets.html http://data.ohouston.org/ https://www.kaggle.com/wiki/DataSources http://www.1000genomes.org/data https://www.freebase.com/ http://www.google.com/publicdata/directory http://data.worldbank.org/ http://nyctaxi.herokuapp.com/ http://www.opendataphilly.org/ Connecting people with data for Philadelphia http://ahmetkurnaz.net/en/statistical-data-sources/ A blog post includes many data set databases http://grouplens.org/datasets/ Sample movie (with ratings), book and wiki datasets http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/ - contains data sets good for machine learning https://bitly.com/bundles/hmason/1 by https://bitly.com/u/hmason/bundles http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/ http://www.climatedata.us/ (related: http://toolkit.climate.gov/) http://www.reddit.com/r/datasets http://maplight.org/data - provides a variety of data free of charge for uses that are freely available to the general public. 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Bloggers http://blog.wesmckinney.com/ - Wes McKinney Blog. http://miningthesocialweb.com/ - Mining The Social Web. http://www.gregreda.com/ - Greg Reda Personal Blog http://kldavenport.com/ - Kevin Davenport Personal Blog http://jvns.ca/ - Recurse Center alumna http://www.cse.unr.edu/~hkardes/ - Personal Web Page http://seanjtaylor.com/ - Personal Web Page http://drewconway.com/ - Personal Web Page http://www.hilarymason.com/ - Personal Web Page http://complexdiagrams.com/ - Personal Blog http://hairysun.com/ - Personal Blog http://www.becomingadatascientist.com/ Documenting my path from "SQL Data Analyst pursuing an Engineering Master's Degree" to "Data Scientist" http://allthingsds.wordpress.com/ - AllThings Data Sciene http://www.mdmgeek.com/ - Tech Blog on Master Data Management And Every Buzz Surrounding It http://datasciencemasters.org/ - The Open Source Data Science Masters http://cloudofdata.com/ Based in the UK and working globally, Cloud of Data's consultancy services help clients understand the implications of taking data and more to the Cloud. http://datasciencelondon.org/ Data Science London is a non-profit organization dedicated to the free, open, dissemination of data science. We are the largest data science community in Europe. We are more than 3,190 data scientists and data geeks in our community. http://datawrangling.com/ by Peter Skomoroch. MACHINE LEARNING, DATA MINING, AND MORE http://www.johnmyleswhite.com/ Personal Blog - Data Science Questions and Answers from experts http://openresearch.wordpress.com/ a PhD student at Berkeley http://blog.starbridgepartners.com/ MDS, Inc. 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Huseyin Mert
I use Apache Mahout (http://mahout.apache.org) and Myrrix (http://myrrix.com), but then I would because I'm involved with these. Whether it is useful depends on what you're doing. Many things you've listed are languages or environments (R, Matlab, Octave). Those are more for prototyping ML algorithms on your "workbench" and not any part of a production system's operation. I suppose I put NumPy in the same bucket; it's more of a library, sure, but for speed I'm not sure I'd base a production ML system on something in Python. For prototyping, for non-critical stuff -- sure, if you're a Python person. Mongo has nothing to do with ML per se, nor does Redis, HDFS, NoSQL DBs. Hadoop doesn't either but if you're trying to do ML on Hadoop (or, Java in general) I think Mahout is kind of the main starting point for any such adventures right now. If that's you -- yes, recommend Mahout, and by extension Myrrix. Otherwise, I don't think they'd be useful.
Sean Owen
In terms of analysis, R and Python have already been mentioned as well as SAS and other statistical software. When it comes to data collection, though, Kimono (http://kimonolabs.com) can be an extremely useful tool. With Kimono, you can scrape almost any website and get your data in a structured format, ready for analysis. This makes it incredibly easy to pair with Python or R for further processing, and you can even do some simple but powerful analyzing with the new modify results feature (http://blog.kimonolabs.com/2015/01/26/write-javascript-functions-to-transform-your-api-results/) What makes Kimono awesome is how easy it is to use. You just grab data you want from almost any site by clicking, and soon youâve got your API. People use Kimono for all kinds of data analysis, from sentiment analysis (http://blog.kimonolabs.com/2014/12/17/guest-blog-sentiment-analysis-on-web-scraped-data-with-kimono-and-monkeylearn/) to graphing beer descriptors: (http://scottjanish.com/consensus-review-heady-topper/). Full disclosure, I do work for Kimono, but I have to say itâs an amazing tool.
Katie Lundsgaard
I'll try to round off some of the Python mentions. * Classic Python numerical/scientific combo - NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib, a bunch of the scikit stuff ( scikit.learn for machine learning stuff, scikit-image for image processing ) are great, no brainer for R&D (matlab-like conventions most of the time which can help esp. if you have people coming from academia that are more at home with that) * From there depends what you're doing: - as so far as datasets - Before hitting the DFS/NoSQL (e.g HDFS, Mongo etc.) highway, you can for example use HDF5 data format for pretty fast serialization / random access to fairly large datasets in a local / development environment. h5py is a nice library for working with this format esp. in conjunction with numpy, check out their quick start guide. not sure how well maintained this format is but for prototyping etc., you wont need to deal with operational hassle of setting up clusters / daemons etc. - if you're dealing with image processing / vision, OpenCV is obviously a good start, their latest releases (2.4.x) have the cv2 python library which works natively with numpy arrays as well. Lots of functionality inbuilt. - NLP and text mining - nltk is very actively developed and already has alot of great functionality and easy to use datasets. - one thing that wasn't mentioned has to do with working with graphs / graph algorithms - this is oviously a huge issue for most 'big data' applications where its alot about mining for relationships / correlations between different variables. NetworkX is a very complete Python package for most classic graph data structures and algorithms. Was also recently featured in a Pycon talk (google for 'pycon 2012 graph processing' ). My experience has been that its great for prototyping but not geared so much for bigger data sets (hundreds of thousands of nodes/edges at most, you might get abit farther with sparse graphs though). - distributed processing - If you do end up finding yourself with most code in Python and wanting to move towards Hadoop / Map Reduce , There's a couple of python frameworks that will let you write MapReduce jobs and use hadoop streaming to run these on a hadoop cluster. Have a look at Dumbo, and more recently Hadoopy (never tried hadoopy myself but sounds promising, dumbo is great and has good documentation, but takes some tinkering to try and get a handle on w.r.t performance, 'whats under the hood'.. ) - In general, Once performance becomes an issue: * have a look at Cython (lets you mix C strong typing inside python code and optimizes certain operations by compiling into low level Python C API code, can get huge speed gains in numerical context, looping etc.), * SWIG for wrapping small C/C++ modules in Python. * One more pretty amazing project with respect to numpy and performance that I recently found out about is numexpr - http://code.google.com/p/numexpr/ . Have just played with it following their examples but seems like a huge win already.. My experience has been that with these technologies you can certainly run production-grade code in a timely manner (whatever the meaning for that might be in your case - be it real-time processing of some sort or an analytics backend..)
Adam Ever-Hadani
There are different reasons why you would choose each of those packages. They are largely means to the same end, but the tools are used in different contexts. Become a master of one first -- don't obsess over the specific tool, rather consider how you're using it to most efficiently handle data and communicate your "data story" through graphs and models. SAS has been around for a long time (1960s I believe), and is still used in many business and enterprise applications. It runs on it's own programming language and is completely closed-source through the company Excel, although basic compared to the rest, is a nice one-size-fits-all tool for graphing and modeling spreadsheet data. There is a lot less overhead to Excel for accomplishing many things R and Python are becoming equally popular now -- however Python has many uses outside of just data analysis. The open source tools and datasets are driving a lot of this popularity. RStudio for R is a very robust tool for organizing your workspace and data, for which I haven't found a direct Python alternative. Python can potentially be translated into production code, whereas R is far too slow for that. Matlab is used extensively in academia and supports many high-quality mathematical and graphing functions. Although now Python and R are catching up, this used to be exclusive to Matlab for a long time.
Kaushik Kasi
If you'd like to use Python (NumPy, SciPy, etc.) on Hadoop, ping us at http://mortardata.com â our PaaS is built for exactly this sort of work. Other tools that people love include Pandas [1] and IPython [2]. [1] http://pandas.pydata.org/ [2]: http://ipython.org/
K. Young
I guess a lot of enterprise users still prefer to use SAS - it is easy to deploy, has a large existing knowledge base, and is a solid enterprise product. It is not very friendly when it comes to defining own functions/procedures, and here is where R and Python come in. These are what I use the most.
Aneesh Oberoi
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