Which are the worst British kings and queens?

Why is it so hard for Americans to realize that many of the African queens and Kings were of Dark skin?

  • Growing up I reconize that many history books tend to show light to white skin of kings and queens of Africa like in Egypt . I know some of you will say the Barber are white ummmmmmmm you have to understand Africa is of many cultures the true Barber are not white they come in many different complexions; to me its only a scape goat to make children feel like African history consist of lighter skin to white skin is are the kings and queens and more develope society.Furthermore , history tend to show the darker Africans in huts wearing grass skirts or were slaves brought over to the America's . I mean African has a rich history but many historians tend to dillute the true facts well the ones in social studies books. Africans with dark skin where kings and queens of great Egypt . Africans traded goods and many other things other than dancing around in their skirts. Even in today's African society ,the media gives only a one sided view of African people. It kind of hurt my feelings when young American children are shock when they modernize African cities. One student asked me , were the Africans able to watch Obama Inguraton .. The reason he asked that because he thougtht peopel in Africans did not have tvs. Sad that he was only exposed to what the media shows our country of starving children , wars, and peopew with AIDS. Africa is more than that like all courntries they have their down falls However , the only Africans I ran into are very educated , can speak more than one language , and pretty. I KNOW A LOT OF MY SPELLING IS OFF BUT I WAS RUSHING .

  • Answer:

    PLEASE READ ALL OF IT well, above all else you have to understand the kind of world you live in, its a white supremacist world. plain and simple. the ones who control media are racist people, with an agenda. That is to keep blacks brainwashed, and it is real. when the knowledge of self is absent from a black person, and all the history a black person knows is not even beyond slavery, then what black person is going to have love and respect for self, there is nothing to take pride in, (for those who are ignorant). Egypt or Kemet was a great nation. it was populated and ruled by nubian people(black people), but guess what, did you know there are alot of artifacts that are not allowed into museums and alot of artifacts that are not revealed, because they make it too obvious that they were black once again, thats something this biased white supremacist world doesnt want you to take pride in. to remain a slave you must not know yourself your culture and your religion, that way you wont know where you stand so you are easily swayed. (not you, im just sayin) but dont always bank and lean on egypt when you want to refer to black history, all due respect to egypt, it was only your last great civilization, not your 1st not your only and not even the most advanced. black people have been on this earth much longer than any other race of people. YOU GOTTA READ THIS, lemme tell you just how racist this world is today, its no coincidence, when NASA can find man made structures on the moon that were hundreds of thousands of years old constructed by black people . but guess what, you most likely never heard of it, because that is not allowed to be publicized, you know why, because black people did it. theres a book called dead man's secrets that tells you thing that are not allowed to be publicized. Darwin's evolution that deals with humans comming from monkeys is false, because there is a 66 trilllion year old skull found in nubia. it was a black man's skull, not some ape/human variation. remember that is believable because that many years does sound like the beginning of time right, and remember it was the black man who began time. weve been in space we built this and that, everything you see here today that was by white people no offense, we,ve been there done that many times over we've been in space and everything many times over. so no egypt was not your best it was only your last great civilization. based off the things i told you, can you see what kind of people we are dealing with? another thing about egypt, saying that they were arabians are egyptian is like saying native americans are white because they live there now.alot of mixing between the blacks and arabs since then, time changes things, i wonder why none make these points when arguing. these people dont need to get it twisted, they were black and will always be black, it is written because it happened already. read the book called the science and politics of racial research. alot of scientific studies are biased in favor of white people. it was discovered that black people have better retainment and memory abilities, when this happened, scientists said it was because it was correlated with intellectual inferiority. when a white kids the same ages as the black ones tested, their memory capabilities were below, but when 1 of the many white were tested to have memory almost on part with the black children tested, then scientists said, that is related to intellectual superiority. when black people were discovered to have faster reflexes then whites, then they said it is an instinct that is closer to an animal, (inferiority). When a white person was finally tested to have similar reflex abilities it was deemed mental superiority. The book is by a forth comming white man who will tell the truth about blacks an whites even though its not in his favor, and because of his truthfulness he is an awesome white guy, look up the author his name is William H Tucker. AND you know something? the highest achievers in america are not white and believe it or not they are not asian either, it is african immagrants. so its not that blacks are not capable, their culture, false history and their lack of knowledge and lack of the love of self prohibit their success. that primarily applies to american blacks. american blacks are on the bottom along with hispanics, but african immigrants are kick ***. heres the link for african immagrants in america demographics. http://www.asian-nation.org/immigrant-st... so there is your reference for black people. enjoy YOU GOTTA READ THIS TOO! remember in the bible Genesis, where is says " and god said let US make man in OUR OWN image and after OUR likeness? notice it says our, own, and us? that plural is referring to a people, the adamites which is the black people. the man that was being made was other race and particularly the white man, which was done through a grafting process through a birth control law 6000 years ago on the island of patmos aka pelan in the black sea. the 1st two white people were adam and eve. their tribe of people were later exiled to the western most part of asia, Europe where they lived in the caves of the caucus mountains (Caucasian), they were already pale before then. but if you think about it, its true, weve been here on this earth that long, and we never turned into another race until 6000 years ago. something unnatural happened because climate change does not make people white or brown or yellow. why would other races occur naturally if our genes are dominant, white people indian and japanese ect have genes recessive to ours. our genes the black gene is literally called dominant. and above all else, living in other climates also do not make peoples recessive. any way obviously they were not the 1st, we were. its not hard and unreal to believe because people graft animals and plants and us black people made new tribes or races as well, the brown, the red, the yellow, and then the white. when white the 1st 2 white people (not the 1st people ever) came out, they were called adam and eve. i dont know what god named the 1st human after himself, but was a black woman, i dont know what god named her, but yes, the black woman is the mother of all mothers and is 2nd only to god, god made her black because that is what he though is beautiful, dont mind what white media wants to depict as beautiful you already know whos beautiful. read a book called message to the black man, it teaches black people who they are because to be honest, do we really know who we are if we been on this planet for 66 trillion years? what we've done, the richness in culture, the kings and queens the rulers ect. or religions and culture and connection with god. lets be real now, we really dont know who we are, but to give you an idea, blacks are a DIRECT descendant from god. god made himself from the blackness of nothingness and we came from him 1stly. we have alot to learn and of course we cannot depend on whites to get the job done, they are naturally insecure race of people, why else do they have the need to rule THE WAY they do? why do they have to lie? you see, we have to look and depend on self for the best of our people. people do not wanna believe in the truth because it is not in most people's favor. but it is in our favor. i can expect getting alot of thumbs down because alot of people particularly white dont like what i have to say. nothing i said here is false, its simply about the accomplishments and true history of blacks. if i said something that involves uplifting black people, its bad for them, but its good for all. white people do not want to hear that. nothing here that i say is to just make some1 feel better or answer this question, but its to reveal the Truth, not what i interpret but what i read, not what i feel, but what i know. god bless sister and dont waste your time trying to prove others wrong, because you are outnumbered for now, we have to look upon ourselves, we are very divided people 70 percent black women in america unmarried 75 percent of interacial marraiges are wth black men. im not ssure if that america too, but this is some statistic. we dont even love each other, who is going to fix these problems, no one is more qualified then us to fix our own problems. we need to unite. we are unstable, as of now, but we will get it together. your bro, Omseti. and im sorry if i offended anyone, if you cant deal with the truth not being in your favor then thats too D-AMN bad.

ashley w at Yahoo! Answers Visit the source

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I understand what you are saying. I feel people try too hard to seperate success from Nubia (ie Black). If you didn't own a map you would honestly think North Africa was somewhere in Europe or the Middle East instead of Africa, the way popular culture and movies talk about it. Africa is being erased from history. EXAMPLES: 1. Many people are unaware that Latino is a culture, not a race and that many Latinos are African descendants or mixed with African heritage. Heck many Latinos like to pretend they are straight out of Spain and there is a history of denying black contributions and heritage in Latino cultures like the Dominican Republic. 2. Anytime the black culture comes up with something it is instantly watered down and marketed as a white invention to a white audience. Dreadlocks are a good example as well as cetain musical genres. 3. Anytime a Disney movie about Africa comes out, it's invariably about animals. Madagascar, Lion King, etc. In Disney world Africa = the only continent run by animals. If you just watched Disney movies you would think there were no people in Africa. Even the upcoming Black princess is only a princess in the American South when all other princesses were royalty in their country of origin- Cinderella, Mulan, Pocahontas, Jasmine, Belle. Which is interesting, becuase apparently Walt Disney collected African artwork. The sad truth is that much of the world has been taught that nothing good comes from Africa and it's not surprising when successful countries like Egypt are mentally seperated from it's continent of Origin. In the end, the moral is--- the world is not going to educate Black people and help us to appreciate Africam cultures and countries, it's almost White people's job to pretend African countries and contributions don't exist. Most people are centric about their own race. White people are Eurocentric. Do NOT buy into the media brainwashing, there is not such thing as "Sub Saharan" Africa, not to the extent we have been led to believe. North Africa is often inseperable from Nubia. African countries and regions HAVE given us amazing culture and contributions. Never forget.


Middle Eastern is NOT white.... What makes you think that?

♫Scar Tissue♫

I thought the Egyptians were middle easterns...who are caucasian..then again what can I say....maybe some had darker skin tones. Can't deny that some didn't, cause on some walls of pyramids,etc. they don't look white. But I still doubt that the Egyptians were black, they were ARAB, well white. I wonder if any were Asian. Edit: HEY TARA's back. But bytch no they didn't. Africa was a wealthy continent before your ppl came along and jacked it all up!! Well when the slave trade started around the 1400s. It had tons of resources, gold,etc. Well Africa was prospering till European countries came and "colonized" it.

Ed the freshman (5 MoRe DaYs)

Young sister what you must understand is it is up to us to tell our own story. We must create a standard of our own and give ourselves credibility. That will only happen when we create our own institutions of higher learning as we once did and control our own information. We are caught up in the premise of belief. This means we would rather believe rather than know. Believing and knowing are not the same. There have been great Black historians and scholars that have dispelled the vicious and insidious lies that have been told about us. We must put a priority on becoming more informed and less entertained. Also even when we know these truths that are out there what does this mean to us and for us? Knowing is not enough. We must apply this knowledge. Sister stop trying to prove that they are wrong. What you will come to find out is many people don't want to know the truth. When someone knows not truth they become bound by it. It's like knowing ones destiny. There is no escaping destiny just as there is no escaping the truth. Do not be hurt sister. Those who offend you with their ignorance are the offspring of those who burned our great libraries and institutions of knowledge. They understood that in order the conquer us it was not enough to subdue us physically, they had to destroy our minds. You are witnessing the fruit of the campaign to destroy the Black mind. Again and as always it is up to us to be the keepers of our story.


i suspect that america tends to white wash all of history- you know the saying, the victor writes the history.... same problem with Germany, however- Americans have asked me some damn bloody questions, such as whether we have refrigerators in Germany, or if Hitler is still alive and "president" of Germany! the problem lies with the level of incompetence in American schools I would imagine, and that of course can be linked to the poor quality of the books used in lectures. Americans need to get out and travel more (outside of the U.S., that is)- many of you don't even realize that Hawaii is one of your states, and you never thought about it until all the hype surrounding Obama brought it to your attention.

firpo buschka

For a while the egyptian thrown was made up of dark skinned africans but the last ruling family was actually greek. Cleopatra's blood line was connected to the blood line of Alexander the great(king of the greek empire). So the most that cleopatra herself could of been was mixed( and that is only because the race of her grandmother was unknown even though the grandmother is suspected to have been a relative of the grandfather making Cleopatra Greek). Nobody really knows the true race of the egyptians. They portrayed themselves as a range of colors starting from pale as pale can be to jet black. And sometimes they would even paint themselves green. But scientist and historians assume that the ancient egyptians were a racially diverse group.

♥beauty in Hiding♥

African Kings and Queens were black. However, you must be thinking of Egyptian pharaohs who were black, middle eastern looking and Mediterranean (Cleopatra, the decedent of Ptolemy). I never deny the lower regions of Africa were ruled by the black, yet you are the one trying to say ALL of them were black. Apparently you have not really read history books. Also, the Nubian kingdom is completely different from the Egyptian kingdom. Too many people do not realize this and group them together. You must think the Nubian's were also the Egyptians, you are wrong.

You know you hate me

Ignorant people will be ignorant. We will all know the answers at the end of this life. Anyway, Africa is still the richest continent on earth as far as it's resources. Why do you think colonialization hit the continent so hard? There was no one in Africa but Africans for a while and now people want to act like they were some other race! You know some people are notorious for steering history to what they want it to be. Yes, to answer your question, many were dark Africans. Their statues were defaced around 1978. They had very ethnic features such as broad nose and thick lips. Denial is peoples way of concealing disappointment! http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://content.foto.mail.ru/mail/ainur_berkimbay/86/i-96.jpg&imgrefurl=http://foto.mail.ru/mail/ainur_berkimbay/86/96.html&usg=__Qshl_ro-fSJoIZbiLQy3PnpJWhQ=&h=450&w=600&sz=104&hl=en&start=4&um=1&tbnid=6ClMYwkC-UtVEM:&tbnh=101&tbnw=135&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dancient%2Begyptians%2Bdefaced%26hl%3Den%26um%3D1


Oh lord, this argument will never end...


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