What is the official web site to check the PMR result?

Why does Wal Mart Stores, Inc not follow their own guidelines and procedures?

  • Bill Lang wants to transfer to a Sam's Club in Colorado as soon as possible. Mr Lang used to be trusted by Max Rafael Waller who made the mistake of telling him everything before the Termination on Monday, 23 April 2007. Team Lead Ambrosio Galvan also knows a lot of dirty secrets at Sam's Club 6625, but is nervous about losing his job if he sides with Max Rafael Waller Sam's Club PD-57 was NOT adhere to by Club Manager Fidel Jacobo and Membership Manager Esperanza Lopez. No documentation of any complaints and the San Fernando Police Department or the Los Angeles Police Department ever showed for a "Work Place Violence." Please show proof since one complaint and one video tape does NOT establish a workplace violence. Neither Mr Jacobo or Ms Lopez wanted to sign the papers of any meeting between two managers and Max Rafael Waller for Legal Documentation. No meetings to address any potentail problems at the Tire and Battery Center were brought up by the Team Lead or Management. Max Rafael Waller formerly Assoc ID 0035 and Operator 007 proudly served from Tuesday, 13 November 1990 - Monday, 23 April 2007 and only needed about nine years to do a minimal of twenty-five years to retire from Wal Mart Stores, Inc. He was one hundred percent vested in Profit Sharing and had a one month vacation allocated per year. Max Rafael Waller 11261 Sproule Avenue Pacoima CA 91331-155118 http://www.myspace.com/max_rafael_waller Naval Junior Reserve Officer's Training Corps, N.J.R.O.T.C., and alumn of Les Prestigians ~ Class of 1983. San Fernando Senior High School 11333 O'Melveny Avenue San Fernando CA 91340 Telephone:1-818-365-1121 US Army Active Duty: 1984 - 1988 and Individual Ready Reserve, IRR: 1988-1993 Type of Discharge: Honorable RE-1, which is the highest. One Station Unit Training, OSUT 1st Platoon, 4th Squad Echo Company "Outlaws" 7th Infantry Battalion 1st Infantry Training Brigade "Relentless in Training and Unyielding in Battle" Fort Benning Georgia 31905 Continental United States (CONUS) 2nd Platoon Charlie Company "Hard Core Charlie" 3rd Battalion "Battleforce" 327th Infantry (Air Assault) 1st Infantry Brigade "Always First" (Air Assault) 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) "Screaming Eagles" Fort Campbell Kentucky 42223 United States Army Europe (USAEUR) 3rd Platoon Delta Company "Dogs of War" 1st Battalion "Regulars by God" 6th Infantry (Mechanized) 1st Armored Brigade "Forerunners" 1st Armored Division "Old Ironsides" APO NY NY 09140 Storck Barracks at Illesheim West Germany Sam's Club 6625 12920 Foothill Blvd San Fernando CA 91340 Telephone:1-818-365-7710 Facsimile:1-818-365-0690 Sam's Club Awards Division A, now Region A 3rd Quarter Award for Member Service The award was received at Home office in November 2003 Region 54, now District 55 2nd Quarter Award for Member Service The Awards was received at Sam's Club 6625 in October 2003 Sam's Club 6625 September 2003 Associate of the Month The Awards was received at Sam's Club 6625 in October 2003 Wal Mart Today, now Wal Mart World Member Service Legend How it life started to really go down hill December 2006 Mehmet Ekinci {A Hatchet Man and sent to "clean House" is no longer there but in Fresno according to Mr Jason Fastner} said that he was replacing everyone in the tire shop or its proper title: Tire and Battery Center according to Jeff Lopez{no longer works there} and Mark Castro{has recanted}and Bill Lang heard indirectly but will deny it. Max Rafael Waller studied all of Wal-Mart policies and found that if that his remark {INTIMIDATION} could be verified then he would get a coaching for making such a remark. The others are scared to tell the truth. Fidel Jacobo and Enrique Velarde had possibly everybody at Sam's Club gathering information given out by Max Rafael Waller and will reward them by promotion and/or a payraise along with illegal surveillance that GROSSLY violates the Global Ethics Compliance that Wal-Mart Stores, Inc claims to uphold. Fidel Jacobo might had given misinformation through the tire shop boss, Bill Lang. Fidel Jacobo has received a lot of Anti-Union training Bill told Max if the associates did not follow rules let that be the problem of management. Bill Lang is a Team Lead and so he is required to enforce all rules even IF he disagrees. Sam's Club 6625 did the following tactic as of Wednesday, 4 April 2007 with the participation of members. One African-American tried to talk about the union, but Max's reply "You started inserting the talk about the union and so you want to find out what is going on in my head. You wearing clothes so raggedy that your testicles are showing. If you were FBI you would be in trouble for indecent exposure." He left. TACTICS USED BY SAM'S CLUB 6625 / WAL MART STORES, INC Others Associates and one Caucasian-American named Jarrod tried to be his friend. Jarrod in the past ignore him while his friend that came along with him came from another Sam's Club and they enjoy Good Cop and Bad Cop. Their plan was to have enough approaches to seek "friendship" but they were to seek information and what he was up to since some web sites about Sam's Club 6625 are on the internet. Another tactic used by Sam's Club 6625 / Wal Mart Stores, Inc Wal-Mart Stores, Inc will protect their Public Relations and Image AT ANY COST INCLUDING MAKING A PACT Loyal Customers, "grateful" associates, and their vendors and suppliers. Members where to complain to get Max Rafael Waller and Sam's Club 6625 management would had an easy time had him fired for inferior member service. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc WILL improve and better their ways of operating, but it will NOT be easy. They are NOT as horrible as people claim. To give the Appearance that Max Rafael Waller was causing great harm to Wal-Mart Stores, Inc and Sam's Club they had labeled Interview Questions and "Privileged & Confidential" and its Sam's Club University title is More Than A Gut Feeling Participant's Guide A list of interview questions should be deemed Innocuous that would not be Injurious to Wal-Mart Stores, Inc and Sam's Club. The so called witnesses would had been Mr. Fastener and Mr. Lang of Sam's Club 6625. A print out of this document conveniently did not have a date printed to give an appearance that is so sensitive that it is disruptive. These document bring no harm and it shows how Disingenuous and Duplicitous Samuel Robson Walton and the Legal Division of Wal-Mart Stores really are. Mr. Fastener and Mr. Lang were also giving the amount of money lost on the Profit and Loss so the if their conversation would be on the internet. They were hoping for the amount to have been stated, but the fact that the conversation was written was enough to know that he wrote at MySpace. Around Wednesday, 21 March 2007 he dragged the rotting carcass of a dog so children would not touch it. It was in front on the Pepsi Bottling Plant in San Fernando California 91340 and its entrance is on Dronfield Ave. He might have breathed some Bacteria, Germs or other Biological Agents and maybe some Botulism. Esther Topete on Saturday, 24 March 2007 was watering the front lawn at 11261 Sproule Ave, Pacoima California 91331 and was scared. Max picked up a headless Squirrel that had a foul stench and maggots and placed in the garbage bin. INTIAL ATTEMPT TO DISCREDIT WITH A PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION A possible misdiagnosis {two EKG readings, Blood tests, Urine Tests, and Lung X-rays}but no medicine was initiated by Scott Wang MD from Providence Holy Cross Medical Center 15301 Rinaldi St Mission Hills CA 91345 Telephone: 1-818-365-8051 Max was scared because he had a high heart rate and cloudy vision, but it turned out that it could have been a result of MEGADOSING on vitamins and minerals a one result is VITAMIN INTOXICATION. Dr Scott Wang's name could not be found at their website http://www.providence.org/losangeles/facilities/providence_holy_cross/default.htm An old white man claiming to be from a PET {Positive Emitting Tomography} Psychiatric team from Kaiser Permanente never left a business card or a phone number for communication. With a PET scan something called RFID can be planted and placed strategically at vital part of the body to electronically kill Max by devious people and this method of killing American Dissenters is from the FBI and the US Military. It is in the Black Operations of the US Federal Government. They also do Electromagnetic Harassment so please visit http://www.mdspec.com The old white man looked like an actor from Law and Order portraying a Psychiatrist and this IS ILLEGAL. Kaiser Permanente's Behavioral Health Care Member Help Line and their telephone: 1-800-900-3277 On Sunday, 1 April 2007 Dr Paul R Hladon Kaiser Permanente 13652 Cantara St Panorama City CA 91402 Telephone: 1-818-375-2377 A possible misdiagnosis since Max had a burning sensation of his Bronchial tubes and Dr Hladon reluctantly gave the medicine. At first he said it was a possible Acid Reflux BUT HE MIGHT HAVE MISDIAGNOSED OR RUSHED TO MAX OUT OF THE WAY! Someone at Kaiser Permanente placed a magazine despicting death possibly the Filipino Nurses. They claimed that they do NOT have a Physician Desk Reference{http://www.pdrhealth.com/ } which can tell about Dessicant Bacteria and its Incubation Period. The Nursing staff was Disigenous and Duplicitous and COULD NOT BE TRUSTED FOR A HONEST ANSWER ! Dr Paul R Hladon gave RELUCTANTLY Max two prescriptions: Azithromycin Tablet 250MG{Take two tablets daily for seven days} and Ciprofloxacin HCL Tablet 500MG{Take one tablet orally two times a day for fourteen days}. Dr. Hladon had two X-Rays so how did he know to give WHAT medicine{prescription} without blood work and being tested for anything out of the ordinary ? Misdiagnosis kills almost 100,000 Americans yearly! The secret for Wal-Mart not getting caught using tactics, fear and intimidation, is simple: a lot of unwritten rules so there is no evidence. A lot of non-managers associates will respond by saying they see or know nothing of improper treatment. They will also have selective memory. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc has a persistent Legal Divsion that rivals the US Federal Government and has many victories on its belt. It can be verified just ask the New York Times for confirmation. Wal Mart Stores, Inc violate their own Global Ethics policies. Their Global Ethics Office have stated that they only handle Age Discrimination. Read the United Nations Global Compact http://www.unglobalcompact.org/AboutTheGC/TheTenPrinciples/principle10.html http://www.unglobalcompact.org/Issues/transparency_anticorruption/index.html http://www.iccwbo.org/policy/anticorruption/iccfccd/index.html?cookies=no Institute for Global Ethics http://www.globalethics.org/ The FBI will discredit American Dissenters by all necessary means like Biological and Psychological war along with Electronic from their world famous Behavioral Science Unit or BSU The FBI protect multi-national conglomerates Group Stalking and Electromagnetic Harassment are some their tactics. COVERT ELECTROMAGNETIC HARASSMENT The heart has a frequncy and cycle and the EKG also looks for a rythm Two EKG's were done at Holy Cross Hospital by Dr. Scott Wang and with the frequncy the FBI {every day and night}are sending just barely audible to inaudible Electromagnetic pulses and signals PLEASE visit to understand to dark side of the US Federal Government http://www.mdspec.com http://www.homeland-security-join.com http://www.secretangel.tv Use use the Freedom of Information Act and expect the FBI to stone walled and cite National Security and National Interest More on the FBI and US Homeland Security Surveillance, Psychotronics and (Gang)Stalking Operations The Xiandos web site is http://xiandos.info/Surveillance,_Psychotronics_and_(Gang-)Stalking_Operations To verify the FBI's LACK OF COOPERATION Please call 1-310-477-6565 and if they respond only with FBI keep on pressing with the question "May I please have your name." Ask if they were investigating Max Rafael Waller The FBI{twice} were given via e-mail, [email protected], the following pertaining to Max Rafael Waller; Social Security Account Number, Driver's License Number with expiration date, Home and Work Address with their telephone numbers. Misinformation has been used succesfully by the LAPD, SFPD, FBI, and etcetera. Bureau of Security and Investigative Services of the State of California http://www2.dca.ca.gov/pls/wllpub/WLLQRYNA%24LCEV2.QueryView?P_LICENSE_NUMBER=15863&P_LTE_ID=651 Lincesee Name: Weinhold Investigations License Type: Private Investigator License Number: 15863 License Status: CLEAR Definition (Status Definition: The License/Registration/Permit is current and valid. ) Expiration Date: September 30, 2008 Issue Date: September 29, 1992 City: PINON HILLS County: SAN BERNARDINO Actions: No Business Owners: Weinhold, Peter Herman Related Licenses/Registrations/Permits: No records returned Disciplinary Actions: No records returned This information is updated Monday through Friday - Last updated: APR-24-2007 Disclaimer All information provided by the Department of Consumer Affairs on this web page, and on its other web pages and internet sites, is made available to provide immediate access for the convenience of interested persons. While the Department believes the information to be reliable, human or mechanical error remains a possibility, as does delay in the posting or updating of information. Therefore, the Department makes no guarantee as to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, currency, or correct sequencing of the information. Neither the Department, nor any of the sources of the information, shall be responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the use or results obtained from the use of this information. Other specific cautionary notices may be included on other web pages maintained by the Department. All access to and use of this web page and any other web page or internet site of the Department is governed by the Disclaimers and Conditions for Access and Use as set forth at California Department of Consumer Affairs' Information and Use of Information(http://www.dca.ca.gov/disclaim.htm). Another headache for Max Rafael Waller Everyone, Managers and Non-Managers, at Sam's Club 6625 willingly volunteered. In December 2006 Pete Weinhold, unkown to Max Rafael Waller, was trying to save a Private Security contract with Sam's Club 6625 and Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Pete Weinhold might be working at the Sam's Club in Santa Clarita Sam's Club and in possible contact with Bill Lang who is in denial. Pete Weinhold owns a Private Security firm and is a Private Investigator licensed in the State of California. Mr. Weinhold's Private Security firm employed retired and active Peace Officers. Peace Officers have Police Powers but NOT regular Private Security firms and thus Pete Weinhold can charge extra for this. Mr. Pete Weinhold was desperate to save his contract at Sam's Club 6625 and he found an angle; Max Rafael Waller might be an Internet Predator and Pedophile. Mr Weinhold might be at the Sam's Club in Santa Clarita California. Los Angeles Police Officer Julian Almaraz used to work for Pete Weinhold. Three Questions to Mr Pete Weinhold Why does Mr Pete Weinhold not explain his investigation to make peace ? Is it possible that he broke a lot of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties along with Los Angeles Police Department and San Fernando Police Department ? Will Internal Affairs of the Los Angeles Police Department and San Fernando Police Department get involved or has it becomed a Political Hot Potato ? A failed Sting Operation around February 2007 Undercover Police, two white on the inside and two hispanic waiting outside, were setting up Max Rafael Waller at the MacDonalds in the shopping Center were Sam's Club 6625 is at. The bait was a hispanic looking girl at the register who was possibly under eighteen years old. Max Rafael Waller wanted to show proof that some strangers can be trusted so he showed his id with his home address. The one Undercover asked the other do we spring the trap ? The other said not yet. The reason is that showing were someone lives is NOT illegal and reason enough, BUT what would had sprung the trap was that she would be asked to come to his home and the trap FAILED MISERABLY due to the fact that the girl was NOT invited or given a suggestion for a future contact ! A male manager from MacDonalds who looked middle eastern was nervous HAD confirmed it. No evidence has been found to justify surveillance and justify tactics used by the US Homeland Security and local Law Enforcement. PLEASE show all of the information gathered ! Who are involved: the Los Angeles Police Department, the San Fernando Police Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and a lot of associates from Sam's Club 6625 and Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. The following have been written around the middle of April 2007 and never responded even though a mailing address was given, except Barbara Boxer. US Senators Barbara Boxer (D-CA) http://boxer.senate.gov/ Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) http://feinstein.senate.gov/public/ Harry Reid (D-NV) http://reid.senate.gov/ Hillary Clinton (D-NY) http://clinton.senate.gov/ Chuck Schumer (D-NY) http://www.senate.gov/~schumer/ Arlen Specter (R-PA) http://specter.senate.gov/ Russ Feingold (D-WI) http://feingold.senate.gov/ Patrick Leahy (D-VT) http://leahy.senate.gov/ US Congress Howard Berman (D) 28th District of California http://www.house.gov/berman/ Nancy Pelosi (D) the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives 8th Congressional District of California http://speaker.house.gov/ Max Rafael Waller has plenty of "Dirty Laundry" or to simply write: acts that are questionable. Sam's Club 6625 Associates are possibly spreading misinformation in the San Fernando Valley especially in Pacoima. One of the is possibly a Check Out Supervisor, COS, Jay with a woman at a cell phone store in Pacoima on Foothill Blvd between Pierce St and Terra Bella St. and this came from a relative of Max.

  • Answer:

    May 9, 2007 7:13 AM . . . look maybe you got a raw deal maybe you didn't but I am not going to be able to help you in your cause, I no longer am employed by Sam's Club (Sam's Club 6625 San Fernando, Ca US Cashier, Electronics Associate Front end, Electronics) AND HAVE NO PLANS OF EVER WORKING THERE AGAIN. Shane "Don't Ever Back Down" Male 27 years old S.F. Valley, California United States http://www.myspace.com/kg6gin May 9, 2007 10:54 AM Please help me Hi there! My friend sent me your page because we both used to work at Sam’s Club. She still works there as a cashier but I was wrongfully terminated Monday night May 7, 2007. I have been a faithful employee for over a year there. I worked in the Optical center. I worked there part time, go to school full time and intern as well. Wednesday, May 2, 2007 I clocked in earlier, at 4:00, wasn’t secluded until 4:30 so as I was on my way down I got distracted and didn’t end up going down there till 4:24. All night long I didn’t have one member it felt like so when I went to take my break I lost track of time. I was called back to Optical because there was a member waiting, although I didn’t get the page because I was upstairs in the break room. One of the managers Robert came up to tell me and asked me how long I had. I said 2 minutes because at that time I realized that I had lost track. So I went down there a minute later and they were gone. Later on Robert comes in optical leaning on my desk, right in my face (too close for comfort) and asked me if I was on my lunch. I said “On my lunch, I was on break.” He asked me if I knew if breaks were only supposed to be 15 min? I said yes, then he asked me how long was I up there, I said like 20. I knew that I had messed up. That night I clocked out at 8:20 instead of 8:30 because I didn’t want to get in trouble again for having clocked in early. My next day back to work was Monday. My manager was acting weird so I knew something was up but had no idea what. About 8:00 I was called up to the manager’s office and the manager from the front end (she’s new I don’t know her name) terminated me. All the time that I worked at Sam’s I have never got a member’s complaint, never written up, never couched, not a D-day, nothing. I don’t understand how they can just fire me like that. They said that I stold company hours which makes sense but I don’t think that it’s fair that other people get all these warnings and I just jet canned. Now my friend is saying that Robert (Robert C?) told everyone that I lied to him, which I didn’t. I don’t think that it’s fair. I feel that they were just making an example out of me. I not looking for my job back or anything. Funny thing is that day I got fired I was going to put my 2 weeks in but couldn’t because, Debbie (the lady that does that) wasn’t there that day. I just feel like it wasn’t fair to me at all and I know when I’m mistreated. I’m asking for advice, is there anything that I would be able to do? I really don’t know what to do. Like I said I don’t want my job back, I just want justice. Lacy "I got this on lock down!" Female 23 years old California United States http://www.myspace.com/lacystine83

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With all due respect...... Sometimes life sends you a loud message. "GET ON WITH IT SOMEWHERE ELSE" "MOVE ON". Find a new job. Let go of the past it is gone. C'mon we're talking Sam's Club/Walmart in PACOIMA no less! There's soooo much more to life.

Music man

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